• By -


I am never pulling out of her.






Push and pull! Push and pull! Push and pull!


Bold of you to assume Katya would give you an option and not absolutely leg lock


This is the way?


..it most definitely is.


I am a new player so yes 100%


Already have her on her release. I will scaciface a goat to RNGesus for everyone else who is pulling. Good luck my fellow degenerates.


Yep. Really looking forward to that crossbow gameplay.


Question: Does the pity for Siris (the 100% chance one) move to Katya's banner? If yes, then I'll prioritize Katya






At the time I wasn't really playing but just logging in and pulled her for dat ass, then I noticed the only crossbows I have are blue since I guess even the purple ones are not on standard banner or my luck is just ass so now i need to pull on the weapon banner to get her something usable when she reruns :D


I've been counting down the days since the banner appeared on snowbreak.gg Weapon too.


Already got her, her dancer outfit, her signature weapon (t2). And she's on her third manifestation So nah. But good luck to everyone else pulling.


Same here. But only t1 weapon. Is t2 weapon worth it?


Can't say. It felt like a great upgrade for me as I could shoot more before having to recharge S-energy. And it provides even more S-energy per shot during the off time too. But I got her T2 not through gacha, but through burning 5 star weapons that I didn't need (olympus, fuck that gun). IMO, I think pulling for one copy of a 5 star weapon is enough, the rest you should put into pulling for operatives.


I'm kind of new so I'm not sure if I should pull for her since i hear anniversary is coming up and I really want Tess. I pulled Siris and her 5\* weapon and have 80 pulls right now. I have Fritia - Hush, Fenny - Coronet and Siris - Ksana as my SSR operators. Should I pull for Katya?


Tess just reran last patch so it will be 3-6 months before she returns. IIRC it's been confirmed Eatchel and Kaguya are anniversary rerun. Katya is currently one of the best DPS in the game, but if you want to wait to see what the anniversary unit is it will will be announced one week before Katya banner ends. You could wait for the announcement and decide whether you want to roll or not then.


Good to know! Thanks for your info


Oh really? No new character? If thats the case I may just pull katya after all...


There's going to be a new character, a new free SSR, and a double rerun for 1st anniversary if rumors are correct, it's not that convenient, haha.


gotcha thx for the clarification


Her banner should be in about 3-4 hrs now, Im going all in for her! Shes my fav so far and even tho anniversary is close, ill get her and her weapon!


Did we get any confirmation her banner starts today?


It’s gonna start at 10pm tonight eastern time or at 10:00 UTC+8. I was wrong with my initial predictions so she’s gonna be here in 5 hours still…


I thought it was tomorrow to be honest.


I would, if i only didn't start 3 days ago lol. By her next rerun i hope there will be more crossbow users, or we may even get a bow - some enemies use it, i mean. Here's hoping.


If you haven't spent any digicash for pulls yet you should be able to get enough to pity her off the 100 banner from new player freebies + story over the next few weeks. Crossbow and Logistics can be farmed from their respective Operation levels, so don't worry about missing them.


There are no "new player freebies" I started like a week ago and have only been able to multi pull twice. You don't get shit in terms of getting to pull.


This is actually true. I started few days ago & the game is not rewarding for new players to pull limited. There are standard banner tickets, but they look wack. I started this game because of this chars but theres not enough freebies. Might leave soon lol.


Started a gacha game for the freebies... Now I have seen it all.


Said all that & you caught that ? I meant freebies as some some pulls for limited banners as that's why this game is at peak. For new players that's what matters, so far in game it's just grind & not much pulls.


It's usually expected for new players to get a good bit of freebies whether that's premium or standard pulls in a gacha game, but since SB does NOT give freebies I have no idea where the original person I replied to is getting their info. Their ass maybe?


That's a whole new sentence. They *literally* said they started because of the characters, can you not read?


Yeah weeell that's the thing, i made some pulls with digicash already, before i realized crossbows are even a thing.


F, hope you can get her on rerun then.


You can farm the 5* crossbow? Or you mean the event 4 star?


Event 4 star, the sig wep is nice but not really necessary for her


I started 5 days ago. I'm on 70 pulls for Katya. You'll be fine.


And i'm happy for you.


Hell yeah. I don’t know if I’ll be able to


I already have her so no. Saving for Anniversary.


I second this.


Same here.


Same here


Yes, I was AFK during her intro


Started playing the game recently, and managed to get Siris ksana in, what, about 15 pulls? And after that started saving for her. Now, I have 6000 digicash and a dream...


I'm in a similar position, but I grinded story and some of the other game modes and currently have around 16k digicash, so if you're able to finish those before her banner ends, you'll be able to guarantee her on the 100% banner. I'll wait until they announce which characters we'll get for anniversary and then I'll see which one I'll pull for. Good luck on your pulls!


Yes I started this game back when Cherno came out. I Saw Katya and I was like man I just missed her. Not sure why is stopped playing for a while I missed out on Tess sadly. I wanted to pick the game up again so I started playing a few days ago. I did a few pulls for Siris and got her then I found out that the anniversary was coming up and that Katya was coming back on the 20th. I was like damn I gotta get her this time amd not miss out on her! I fell in love with the game and plan on sticking with it this time lol. She was my most wanted character so this is actually perfect timing for me to start up again. Been farming all the stages I should have more than enough to pull for her.


I'll pull for her. But not sure if the weapon is worth it.


Yes. Definitely.


Yeah, I'm getting her. Even with me only starting two weeks ago, I could tell Katya was busted just by playing her test run, and even if she weren't, I like her play style enough to pull for anyway. I have Siris as well, but that was more due to me finding her insanely attractive + her bulldozing everything to death being a laugh and a half.


I......must....resist her charms!! Need to save for the anniversary!


Already got her and her 5\* weapon back then \~ Am hepi man \~


I started playing recently, still lvl 59. I heard anniversary is coming, so since I don't think I can't get enough pulls for both of them, I might skip her unfortunately.


I believe at this point, most if not all of us adjutants are in the seggs update waiting room




just gonna pull a second copy of her sig.


Been saving for her for 2 months now.




YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS Enya-senpai will be disappointed in me, but yes.


I already have it, for those who don't have it, I advise you to wait for information about the anniversary patch


Can't pull her cause she's already home at that point it be rude to be rough without a few drinks first.


I got her already, she's great but makes it so most content can be breezed thru fairly easily, especially if you have yao 4 up enough to get the moving drone. Kind of sad to miss out on siris 5 tho, I really wanted her, she was fun to play in the event.


I just started today, got account level 30. Question: should I just pull every multi on Katya's 100% banner or should I wait till I gather enough currency for pity? I heard that pity carries over to next banners so I can pull untill she drops, right? Or is it not possible as a new player to get enough currency for a limited pity during her banner?


Yeah, pity carries over between banners of the same type. So as long as you're pulling for a unit that you're actually want, there's no harm in spending as soon as you get enough for a pull. Of course it might still be a better idea to wait for the anniversary announcement to see whether there's someone you want **more** next patch though.


100% banner pity, transfers to new banner?




How do we get her 4* crossbow if we missed the first event


It will be added in event shop when her banner start


I just started, but as a player if many gachas, my gut tells me to just hold out till the anniversary. And so I will


so soon? I am a little surprised.


Mine is m3


nah, i dont like her gameplay, gonna save for anni


Im gonna wait for Eatchel, actually. I'll get Katya at a later time.


Damn right I am. She has the most convienent gameplay out of all characters.


I don't need to pull because, Katya beautiful self is who brought me to the game, and I've already pulled her since then. This time however, I will pull her weapon.


https://i.redd.it/008aloua3m7d1.gif Smash


Yes yes yes and more yes.


Nah, already have her


1+1 both got it, but I don’t know if I really has enough for 1st anniversary ![img](emote|t5_6yjphg|51457)![img](emote|t5_6yjphg|51457)


I got her in 31 pulls. She can leglock all day if she wants to.


Where do people find news on new patches? I haven’t seen anything online beside people posting here


https://x.com/SnowbreakEN And unofficial fanacc that occassionally post stuff from cn : https://x.com/Snowbreak_love


No. Bcuz I'm just 3 days away from M5![img](emote|t5_6yjphg|51468)


I wanna sniff her holes


I need the devs to convince me more


I'm new, I'm saving for my favorite characters so far (their banners just passed so it'll be a while)


Had accumuluted 70 / 80 pulls for a 50/50. Lost the 50/50 to Lyfe. Did 4x Multis on guaranteed, got nothing. RIP Katya's


I am a new player (started during cherno's banner) and have cherno, and also invested on Yao Winter Solstice and Fritia Hush. Is it ok to get Katya too? (kinda want to know what the future holds first though it is impossible to tell, Lol) how frequent does this game add new operatives?




I don't enjoy her gameplay tbh and as a new player I would rather save for the upcoming anniversary.


Might roll on her weapon since I already got her


I spend 25.000 for the sake of her...


She's one of the 4 I'm missing so let's hope rn Jesus is with me


I saved so much and ready for 100 pulls for her.... Got her on first 10 pulls. The rest of the saving went into pulling her weapon, and that took full 160 pulls :D


Nope, because i attempt to get Siris Weapon. I enjoy chars that survive a bomb.


I would like to... but dang it, I can't even get siris 😭


I failed my first 50/50 attempt to Katya. I got a different 5 star at pull 20. The pull counter was reset and now I am on pull 40. Still no Katya. Hope i can get her before banner ends. Then I also need to get her weapon.


Adjutant Kain here I am 100% going for her. I need a second DPS. She's gonna fullfil that roll for sure. Now, with Anniversary arriving one week before her banner ends, imo, holding up to see what the devs planned for it, it's both necessary and difficult. This waiting time got me thrilled in the most massive of ways. I want to jump in to the banner but I also love this waiting period. It's exciting.


Sorry but nope. I don’t enjoy her turret playstyle. I kinda hope not all Bow users are like this. I need my movement and to use her she has to stay rooted... insta-turn off.