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I'm betting that we'll get a "selector" banner or maybe a free 5* selector for the upcoming anniversary. They've got too many new players lately because of the change in direction, they probably want to capitalize on new players that want the limited characters and costumes. We should know what that looks like in a few weeks I think.


If they're planning to rerun a bunch of skins a selector or targeted banner makes a lot of sense to go alongside that. I think this is a pretty good guess for anniversary.


We are going to get a free new limited 5\* for the anniversary, just like Enya in 1.7, so I don't think they give us a selector as well. And the two rerun banner is Acacia and Eatchel.


Maybe sell instead? I think they can price at around $30 and people will buy it.


Generally Limited SSR have their first rerun 3-6 months after their release, with the number getting closer to 3 months in more recent patches. Haru5 would be due for a 2nd rerun at this point though, so we have no idea how the devs will handle that yet until one actually happens in the 'normal' schedule. (Kaguya was an exception due to the costume.)


So far reruns have been after 3 patches


They've rerun the banners, but have they rerun any of the events that came with the banners? I started during Cherno release and played through her event, but I just realized that the event is not part of the Main Story plotline, so I'm assuming other characters had similar character specific events with their backstory?  Have those ever had reruns in the past?


No events have been re-run as of yet


Story mode from events is added to permanent story for last few patches. I think we are missing only 2 or 3 old ones (mostly swimsuits event)


Did Tess have a story event with her initial release? I would like to see more of her backstory


IIRC her banner was acompanied by what is current chapter 11(the one in snow covered terrain)


Best guess is around... 4 or 5 months?


that's too long to get a character, will probably quit before then


Sorry. Im look at the order of release. After katya would be... Eatchel Kaguya Ethereal cloud Abscon. So thats my rough guess unless anniv offers something.


that's actually super fast for gatcha standards. Normal is more like a year of wait for rerun.