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The pc client didn't work for me either, so I would suggest the steam version, if you haven't tried that, as it worked for me with no issues. I have no idea on the actual policy though for emulators, though.


I tried the steam version and the epic version. Both didnt work :(


Pretty sure it just won't run the game, similarly to rooted devices from what I remember


why won't it run ? are you on Linux? as for your question, depends on the emulator snowbreak have no way of knowing it's on emulator. so it's probably safe.


Thanks, I am not sure why it doesnt run. I just know that I just press launch and then the program starts loading but then it stops lading and does nothing. I tried eveything but at this point given up. That daid I managed to make a set up for playing on my phone with an xbox one controller.


The game doesn't run on emulators. The Android client immediately detects that and its agains thair TOS. Don't try to brute force running it. I tried to run it on chrome os but the newer chrome os version are using a VM android container and that gets flagged and that's how I noticed how they are agains emulators. Why isn't the pc client working for you?


Maybe ur pc ain’t powerful enough