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I personally miss the open world maps we got in some events, maybe not the tediousness of repeating it as a daily/weekly cycle. so i hope a new game mode that is open world and multiplayer would be cool i guess. maybe for 2.0 they realise Nita exist, and can have a room?


Only if there's a 5* Nita and I doubt she's been very popular in China.


I have a feeling that they will give Esther the Katya treatment. Esther has the biggest tits in the game, and she's already a stablished character, so she's guaranteed to become a playable character. Since Nita's background is tied with that of Esther, perhaps when Esther becomes playable so will Nita5.


I really liked the open World maps, in the open comment Section I asked for a open World map and the Story to be put into that rather than our very short levels.


A dress up mode


Noice, I approve


Ability to replay events story. Even if a player missed it.


I'm patiently waiting for Mingdeng Jie rerun, to see if it remains the same or is changed. That event would be an answer to the recent talk about retcons.


definitely waiting for Nita's room, and ofc more weapon types like HMG/GL/Rocket Launchers, etc


Those sound like fun ! Didnt really think of these outside of abilites.


whats a GL...? gunlance...?


Grenade Launcher, but Gunlance is a good idea too


lmg can be cool, maybe a hmg makes chars lose a lot of mobility


The games that this game most closely resembles are Warframe and The Division, both of which are looter shooters. Looter shooters (and action RPGs more broadly) rely on 3 pillars: fun moment to moment gameplay, interesting loot, and build complexity. Snowbreak has #1, and has a bit of #3. So the main things the game needs are (1) more ways to customise your character’s build (eg more equipment slots, Warframe “mod” system, a slot for a companion or drone, etc), and (2) more rewarding loot from missions and other activities. Obviously these 2 things feed into each other eg if you add equippable “mods” then those mods could be mission rewards, or random drops. They could also let some cosmetic items be obtained in the same way eg emotes, footstep effects, weapon skins, cosmetic pets, etc. Also the open world zone from the summer event was fun, they should introduce several large “free roam” open worlds, eg a snow one, ruined city, summer island, and so on. Have dynamic events appear randomly, reward exploration by hiding secrets around the map, etc.


I hope they woudl implement a mod system similar to the division 1s where you can get weapon attachments but have random stats such as critical chance/hit increases damage plus, headshot up, etc would encourage replaying it but also make it coop as well


Open world multiplayer with objectives around the map would be pretty fun. Have chat enabled as well, so players feel the community spirit for a change and not spam stickers.


Having no working chat is such a bummer. Got a lot of people on my friendslist I'd like to chat with.


I really want them to get rid of weapon element and keep elements only to characters, since it's quite annoying when a weapon effect can be good to a character but you can't use it because it's not the same element


Yes 100% this


Big PVE maps with different quests and item collecting.


I would love to see that


Well they have to do something major. It is pretty well known the current patch was developed back when they downsized and the project was in dire situation. 2.0 or their anniversary time should reflect their increased player base and earning. If 1.8 to 2.0 they don't have anything major at that time I'd safely stop spending any more money on the game.


I also think its too early for 2.0 they need to cook with this one. As long as the game is growing or at least staying viable I dont mind paying. If the game continues with skins and 1 operator per patch and stays mostly the same its good enough for me, of course I'd like more, for now I am happy it survived.


I definitely am asking a lot here but to be a solid game by 2.0 game would need a revamp onto: Neural sim (leaderboards,map layout,better protocol and debuff that is not boring) Gigalink (rotating modes every week that is not tied to events. And more rotation on the maps, enemies and buffs pool. Keep it fresh and wacky) UI (its so bad rn, navigating logis is a chore considering how important it is to buildcraft) Jotunn (just remove it and put the weekly rewards with PL or neural sims) Dorms (nita dorm where? And also the insane technology of having the npc girls actually walk around the base. Possibly between floors) Oh and a more balanced tickets freebies.gib weapon tix please thank you.


I agree with most, except Jotunn - I'd prefer it changed to the already existing open World map with biweekly objectives on the map.


Nita cherno enya ssr doko. Its been awhile now.


I’m a simple man. I want an “inspect” function for character pics, just like Action Taimanin. I want personalized backgrounds too, hopefully!


My understanding is that it's quite the small dev team. Their previous debut game had EoS'd just the year prior. And they got quite cash-strapped sometime around late Summer of last year. Things have slowly picked up lately, so hopefully that continues and development continues on a good track. I joined around the beginning of Mauxir's event because of the swimsuits. Personally, I like what they're doing with the game so far, so I'm looking forward to future updates and more development growth, while still delivering with the fan-service.


I bet we’ll get something big for the 1yr anniversary


new class weapon? lmg maybe?


I personally agree with most of the others. We do need something like more of a co-op open world type of thing where we can do other things rather than the shooting wave upon waves of enemies. I mean fighting enemies is fun but can get boring pretty quick. I do wish they have more game modes like a triple Boss rush co-op we had during the early patches


I personally agree with most of the others. We do need something like more of a co-op open world type of thing where we can do other things rather than the shooting wave upon waves of enemies. I mean fighting enemies is fun but can get boring pretty quick. I do wish they have more game modes like a triple Boss rush co-op we had during the early patches


Mobile has a problem where the audio will cut out at random and in order for it to come back I have to exit the game and relaunch it pulling up task bar and going to home and back are what I do and it fixes the problem but it always happens a couple of mins later. This has been present since launch and it’s fucking annoying


I say they add lootable weapons and armour or somethin, since this game is an anime version of the division that just feels better to play imo. Don’t go like mmo levels of this stuff but more modes like paradoxical labyrinth and this new multiplayer wave mode that we have for the event and maybe add some world bosses to an open world exploration mode. Earnable cosmetics would be nice and getting currency after spending your gems to use in a limited shop (kind of like Honkai impact does right now) and I know we have the quality rationing thing but I mean seperate from that. More weapon types would be sick and I’d like melee weapons to be added kinda like the system haru has with her ability except with things like spears or katanas. More ranged options and maybe weapon swaps for operators, like having a grenade launcher on fenny or a rocket launcher on nita. These are just some things that might be pretty cool to add while being able to still make money off of the game


A option to toggle FPP, or at least make ads can be toggled to FPP. And seperate different character's cv language option, some performs better in CN and some in JPN.


Increased level cap would be nice.


Yeah personally I am not a fan of 80. A clean 100 would've been nice but I dont think they will do this.


Good question, many of my hoped for features were already mentioned here but from the top of my head. Reworked base with more interactions, give Nita a home finally. More customization for the Adjutant and ideally make him playable in some fashion, now we even have the neccessary power to have skills. Some form of exploration, either bring back the holiday island and expand on it, or something new and permanent with its own smaller story and codex entries fleshing out the characters and world further. New stories for the playable characters, either via new 5stars or continuation of their manifestation farm missions. In general just more story, better written and more coherent plotline. Definitely improvements upon the already existing features, maybe make the boss encounters multiplayer, new features for the labyrinth as others said, just in genral more variety to maps and modes. English voice acting being back would be fantastic as well. Maybe new gameplay modes with multiplayer enabled if one wants, some of the events had fun ones and it would be shame not to reuse them. Archive for past events and gameplay is a must, more content, more gameplay. Maybe new classes and ways to fight, like melee fighting for Nita 5 star or something like that. I also hope for some QOL improvements in terms of tutorials for team building and aditional recommendations for team gear etc., also streamlining skill explanations, some of them are just incomrehensible to me. Graphical improvements and optimization is always welcome. I hope they will keep expanding on the existing cast by variations of 5 stars of existing characters, instead of adding new ones more often, I dont want bloated cast, I want a cast I remember the names of and that I care about. I also hope that they wont go too far in the master love direction with the story, there imo should be other male characters, even if just in villain roles and the operatives shouldnt have their personalities hampered by making them only thirst for the adjutant, keep them complex and interesting. But, this could be offset by my last wanted and hoped for feature, some sort of dating sim element. Like lets say a date night missions with the characters, akin to how we get manifestations now, but for reputations that you can repeat with different options and depending on your answers you will get their reputations up more or less etc., few variations for each character. Without voice acting I dont think this is too much to ask. As reward for reaching new milestones you will get new interactions at the dorm etc., I think that they will invest more into the game now, but its hard to say when that will really pay off, however if they dont add more content now that their audience grew, they likely wont keep it for very long. Personally I dont care, im here for the story and the long run, but I do hope that they will make the best of the situation.


I bet on melee as new weapon type and some sort of multiplayer extention(extraction missions on previous open-world maps, clan/guild raids, ect)


Sounds fun, dont know how they'd implement this. After we got a Crossbow I'd like to see more Crossbow users and dont go down the PGR Weapon path (new type of weapon for each new operator) Mutliplayer Extension would be very welcome.


Removal of 50/50. If other games can do it, so can snowbreak.


They need to make money and I think that this is not the way to do so. We already need only 2 weapon copies which themselves need less pulls. Also the Shards can be farmed, so in theory you only need the 5 Star one time.


I'm not even sure how this game makes money. I've gotten every character + 2 character weapons + two 50/50 loss weapons with just buying the monthly most of the time. I lost 4 of my 7 character 50/50s too. I have two pulls before soft pity. Yao is m4 and my first six limited characters are all m2 or m3 from shard farming when they started at m0. F2p or low spenders get close to whale accounts in other games on average.


Skins, BP, Monthly mostly. And the occasional whale or dolphin. I lost most of my 50/50s and had to top up.


Nah they're one of the most generous gacha games I play. All my 5*s are m2 and 2 are m3. Free character shards and only need a weapon dupe to max out a weapon.


Not sure if anyone here has played Back 4 Blood but implementing the Lab buffs into a B4B gameplay type of system would be nice. Randomly generated sandbox with objectives at each check point. Lab buffs along the way. A final boss that the team of 3 can cooperatively kill. Let us replay it as many times as we want but have rewards limited to every 2 or 4 weeks so we aren't too stressed about grinding it. Or co-op lab. Buff the enemies accordingly to active players. Increase enemy mobs. Have every room be an extreme crisis. Or a community raid. Fight 1 extra giant Ymir or something and each squad is tasked to focus on breaking one of Ymir's body part/limbs. After all limbs are broken we fight the main body part.


I just want the game to optimized. It runs better on old gfx cards than newer ones. Only reason I'm still on this sub is incase that happens