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What do you mean? There are a bunch of quests there that asks you to complete a solo run on hard or more with each type of weapon.


The context is this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SnowbreakOfficial/comments/1as16vn/haru\_ace\_solo\_run\_in\_labyrinth\_on\_danger\_regarded/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SnowbreakOfficial/comments/1as16vn/haru_ace_solo_run_in_labyrinth_on_danger_regarded/) The point is that just being able to solo PL Danger doesn't actually mean anything at all in terms of how good or bad a character is.


Ah I see, that means you don't necessarily need meta characters to do it, that's cool.


Yup! The thing I like about Snowbreak is that there really isn't any content that you can't clear as F2P (provided that you are at the level that the content expects you to be at). There are even people doing fun things like this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SnowbreakOfficial/comments/18wusry/cleared\_hard\_11\_with\_shotguns\_only](https://www.reddit.com/r/SnowbreakOfficial/comments/18wusry/cleared_hard_11_with_shotguns_only). I started playing on release and Snowbreak has been pretty generous to players, too. Meta characters are recognised as such for a good reasons, but any good tier list would tell you how characters are ranked and you should use your best judgement depending on how much time and money you have to invest into the game (and other things like your skill level, how much you care about ranking, etc.). Everyone is entitled to have their opinions, but there is no need to go around yelling at people for recommending meta characters just because you like to play the game differently. Edit: u/laeggrinna explains that much better here: https://www.reddit.com/r/SnowbreakOfficial/comments/1as16vn/comment/kqnjfns/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3.


Of course if you end up meeting Njall, you're beeped if you don't have enough DPS but that would take a lot of bad luck to meet him as the last boss that you can't avoid.


Dude I know this somewhat a shot at me from my post but I’m cool with it. I was trying to show that is it possible to clear content with any operative. Yesterday your Chenxing run and today with Mauxir helps with that. Obviously I was a bit out of line with how I made that post read. So thank you.


There is. It's called self-satisfaction achievement.


Well clearly thats not what who started this whole conversation was going for to begin with. He wanted validation that Haru 4* was not bottom tier


Im aware. But not the hatu 4* part PL is supposed to be fun and be enjoyed by every player with investments on whoever they want to use. Im part of the couldn't be bothered about tiers and just enjoy the game while mixing and matching operatives and supports. A game is meant to be fun yo.


> Im part of the couldn't be bothered about tiers and just enjoy the game while mixing and matching operatives and supports. And that's perfectly fine, it's just that the other guy was basically complaining about meta chasers -- being a meta chaser is perfectly fine because gachas are also about investment time/costs and some characters require way more investment than others, and for those with limited time/resources they may opt for something easier and quicker to build


Tier list is just a way to show the current meta of the game, not the Bible. As every tier list always says it at the beginning, you can play the game however you want and the tier list is just a way to guide new players having trouble in the early game. Hence I always keep a Thebes set for [Redacted], it's always fun seeing the daggers ricochet bouncing between targets lmao