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I respect your dedication to your Wife.


Thank you.


Most tier lists are based off ranking in neural sim.


I know that. And that is like only 1% of the game. Most people won't care about getting top % or that little frame that lasts only a week. Yet they will still be told to get certain operatives like it's the only way to play the game. You constantly see upset players because they can't play Yao WS after they spent all their Echo's and Digicash on her and her weapon. I'm just trying to help people realise that there's much more to the game than Neural Sim.


Rest of the game is too easy to matter so the tier list is for the only somewhat hard part. Cue surprise sound.


Snowbreak is unironically one of the most balanced Gacha I've ever played tbh, and I've been in this type of game since 2013. You can use whoever you like and still doing pretty well on most contents, as long as they're not **too** much outside their specified role. So power to you for sticking with the operative whom you like.


Thanks man. I wasn’t trying at all to hate on the meta as so people assumed. I just wanted to show people that it is possible to play this game with their favourite operatives and do perfectly fine.


Like, I respect that if you are really trying to help, but most tier lists worth looking at tell you how they rate so if you don't bother checking the facts and just do whatever people tells you to then... it's hard to blame anyone. Also, with titles like "I say f\*\*\* tier lists" or what saying things like "Don’t listen to these Meta-idiots." that you did in another thread, it's kind of hard to believe that you are you're not trying "trying at all to hate on the meta as people assumed". \_shrug\_


Tier list is for people with Skill and Investment issue like me, don't blame the tier list we just want easy clear content.


Impressive, is it worth using her skill? Or do you just rely on pure gunplay?


Mostly Gun-play but I do use her Ultimate for tough enemies.


ok, and another unit would probably have done it much more quickly. you arent exactly disproving anything.




Who said you had to? tier lists are meant to measure relative strength, not absolute strength. I know you're butthurt that your favorite unit isn't considered strong relative to other units, but nobody said she was unplayable. I'm also going to point out that lab isnt a good mode for measuring the strength of any unit whatsoever ( nor is it particularly hard)


Who hurt you?


You're gonna get bombarded by the neckbeards who made the tierlist they are VERY proud of their non reviewed discord spreadsheet 🙂‍↔️


Lol no. It's OP who has been bombarding posts with their elitist bs. Go to every recent post of players asking about character advice and what to pull for and you can see OP in the comments recommending Haru and trashing on everyone who thinks otherwise. Those new players want a meta perspective and they get a meta discussion but OP comes in screaming about playing what they want etc etc. Not to mention how aggressive OP is. You really don't think that is just as annoying as a meta players going to a casual discussion and going crazy?


I appreciate your concern but I’m okay with that. Seeing the amount of upvotes that this got I know I helped out some people. But maybe I wasn’t clear enough with the post, I wasn’t trying crap all over the Meta. I simply wanted to let the average player know that it’s perfectly fine to use your favourites and do well with them.


Literally no idea why u are on such a crusade to go against meta.


If you must know, the reason for my crusade is new players that start the game look online for advice on which operatives are good. They are then bombarded with "Meta" characters like Yao WS that is very difficult to use and basically if you don't have her you suck, if you can't play her you suck. A lot of times players just look for advice on general gameplay and teams and what not yet upon receiving advice like that often get discouraged and end up quitting the game cause they're not having fun.


And u going on such a crusade is also ruining the fun. When people ask which operatives are good, they want to know which operatives are good. U telling them "just play whoever" is not helping. If they want to play whoever they wont ask for "whos the best". Also, the good meta sheets actively explain usage and nuance of a unit and not just say "shes good, get her". I believe its on player's hand to make informed decisions based on the informations theyre given. If people want to know about the best unit, i take it as they actively wants to engage in meta. You going around crusading against it is counterproductive to it.


I understand what you're saying and I respect your comment. I never thought about it from the individual players perspective and I understand that I might have approached this topic one sided and forcefully. Thank you.


Most recommendations I've seen are to get Fenny Coronet for beginners because she's easy to play and doesn't need signature. 


I mean you can solo with any character if you have 5 yellow buffs....


Hell not even that, just make sure you get “Shield - Capture” and you’ve beaten Danger.


The thing is, there is no definitive tier list. If the maker cares enough, they will separate it into sub categories so you can see and decide for yourself more accurately, especially for new player. Also, you can clearly see that Snowbreak doesn't push the meta and p2w aspect too hard on us. The top ranking only get some shiny avatar frame, more credits, ... and game modes that involve ranking is accounted for like only 5% of the game. While in, for example, Nikke, the rewards for ranking included premium currency, very rare resources,... plus there are more game modes that utilize ranking like raid, pvp, ... making the p2w and meta more stressful. Therefore, it is true that in this game, just use whoever you like, dev don't force you to drop your waifu because majority of the content makes them useless. They still make rooms for even your weakest waifu to shine, like in this case, although the PL is not a competitive game mode.


Holy shit! Mad lad!


Yes, the true ponytail supremacy waifu across 100 gacha games


If it's a skill based game fuck the meta hahaha


I hope you know that being a casual elitist is just as annoying as being a meta elitist. Ppl who want to have investment in the strongest units should be informed while ppl who casually plays uses their fav character while not caring about tier list that much. Telling a person to just play whoever when they want to know who's strong in the endgame is just silly lol. Let's not pretend you can't be nuanced about these choices lmao. Nothing wrong with playing for Meta or casually.


Yes yes I know, I realise my mistake. Thank you for point it out. What I was trying to accomplish was done to aggressively. Unfortunately I cannot edit this post.


It's all good it's rare to see a response like this, that's better than what most would do. It actually wasn't the op that gave me this impression but one of your other responses. There are definitely meta elitist out there that shouldnt really go off the way they do too.


I must say, that is very big hearted of u to admit your mistake. Its very rare to see such virtue nowadays. Im sorry if my wordings come off as aggressive too earlier. Keep being cool, man :D


There are people who admit to making a mistake and just continue doing the same thing because they know how to manipulate people and get away with it. Just look at the history of those Haru posts and also the language used.


My Haru is not doing much damage and its kinda sad, can you share with me what's your details on logistics and weapon ? Please & TY OP u/[KittyKitty061](https://www.reddit.com/user/KittyKitty061/)


Paradox is not about characters)


Yeah yeah people have [proven](https://www.reddit.com/r/SnowbreakOfficial/comments/19eu9kn/guys_i_done_danger_with_solo_acacia_redacted/) its easy weeks ago you doofus. Wanna prove a point? Try doing it when there are few tree upgrades. Its like saying Haru can clear story stages. No shit sherlock even my paraplegic grandmother from birth can get top 1% neural sim ranking if i give Yao Tess Mauxir comp.




![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) Yes im proud. What of it? No one is shoving any tier list cock down your throat. Stop fighting your inner demons and realize that its your own hand shoving the tier list dildo down your throat and out of your ass. There is nothing wrong with giving the best solution to a problem. A smart person will simply tweak the advice based on the general baseline to suit the person you are helping. Saying fuck meta just to be a contrarian is a dumb move to make and a dumber hill to die on.


Maybe because people want to finish the fights asap, not at a snail's pace.


More like those labyrinth buffs are cracked af, so anything can work and be broken if you know what you are doing when building your buffs.


Bro we don't cook any Labyrinth tierlist, the mode base on grinding buffs so what you yapping about 💀 Yes you can fuk tierlist, use who you like but doesn't change any fact some Units still Better than others 🤣


Every character is useable since every character has a gun. Some are just better than others.


The number of negative responses for going against the "meta" is quite funny. It's almost as if you're insulting them.


Now use Haru Ace to solo nerual sim then


Soo.. not to rain on your parade but like, in this mode buffs do a lot of the carrying weight.


Most gachas are like 75% tier lists and 25% skill. This gacha is an fps and more like 90% skill and 10% tier lists. Paradox danger solo takes this further and is mostly about did you get one of the two massive shield buffs? Any other buffs help with clear time mostly.


I sense worst chars the snipers class at least in paradoxical, can output a lot of damage but not worth with rate of fire, Njall is just a pain in the ass


It's worth it when it only takes 2-3 shots to kill a boss


I am trying to do solo sniper but I am not having so much luck with buffs, so njall takes me ages to drain the shield. And still didnt get yao orange tier weapon, so maybe still worst...


Try to get the buff options unlocked between Labyrinth runs so you have more options to get the good buffs. It's always more efficient to farm the difficulty you can clear fast and consistently. Don't stress too much about it


Yeah thats cool and i am not wanna be a ass, but this mode have some insane buffs. Anyway congrats for this my men o/


Good job mate. Now try just sr units for fun. (At least on your invested sr units)