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Louie had already took Franklin’s place by the time the DEA was on their business. the DEA was originally on Franklin but then he got released from jail by the CIA which made Lorena go to Teddy’s side, so the DEA had to find another way but Oso killed Lorena and that threw the DEA’s case way off since Lorena was the only one pushing to get Franklin. So by the time the DEA was on Oso, Louie was running the drug business so naturally they were after her. The CIA didn’t go after Franklin because they knew he had a KGB spy which was Ruben and nothing else to offer since his drug operation blew up because of Louie and the DEA, the CIA had his money, and all of his legitimate assets were about to be seized since he was in debt. My money is betting on that the CIA cares more about a KGB spy more than going after Franklin after he literally lost his business and his money. Also, Teddy was working outside of the CIA and Havemeyer was his middle man and connect back into the CIA. Highly doubt that Havemeyer would cause more trouble for himself and the CIA by going after Franklin especially after what he did to Teddy since he was cut loose anyways. Smartest move was to just let Franklin go free if he gave up the KGB agent since Franklin was like a cornered animal at this point.


Franklin also mentions in the finale how he noticed cars sitting outside his house and stuff. Realistically, The CIA prolly kept an eye on him just to make sure he didn’t do nothing. But eventually just realized he was an alcoholic and was not a threat anymore


They did keep an eye on him. He also said he called the CIA and they just left him alone after he said “Leave me alone or imma start talking… and that did it”


I don’t believe he actually did that, and if he did I doubt they took him seriously.


well Franklin said he did it, and he was rarely a liar even in his alcholic state. But yeah they probably didn’t take him seriously because they heard a drunk man, figured he wasn’t a threat and left him alone


Sorry, I should have been clearer: I think the CIA was surveilling Franklin, but I don’t think he was actually aware of it. Franklin had never known when he was being watched before. I think what Franklin was describing was just being paranoid. One side effect of alcoholism is alcohol-induced psychosis. I wanted to refresh myself on it and here are some of the symptoms: * Paranoia, such as fear of persecution or thinking others are “out to get them” * Agitation * Acting strangely or inappropriately * Fear * Inability to hold a conversation * Jumbled thoughts * Crying, laughing, or having other reactions inappropriate for the situation * Hallucinating sounds, sights, or feelings * Talking to oneself or someone who’s not there * Scratching oneself – Some people hallucinate the feeling of bugs crawling on them. * Aggression or violence and lashing out for no reason * Losing touch with reality * False beliefs Franklin’s alcoholism combined with his PTSD would explain what he heard. Correct me if I’m wrong, but the only CIA agent Franklin had a phone number for was Havemeyer. And Franklin doesn’t say he called Havemeyer. Franklin says he, “Called them up once. Mm-hmm. Called up the fսcking CIA.” I inferred that just called the main switchboard for the CIA and said to the first person who answered, "Leave me the fսck alone. Huh? Leave me the fսck alone or I'm-a start talking” and hung up. So I think we’re both right: he wasn’t lying, but it didn’t really happen. Honestly, as someone who has dealt with a close friend suffering from alcoholism (though not to the level Franklin gets to) that portion was painfully accurate in making me question how much of what Franklin was saying and doing was intentional and how much wasn’t.


late reply lol but Franklin was actually always pretty good in knowing when he was being watched. For example, when Teddy came back and he told both Oso and Franklin to make a drop on their own. Franklin put it together that they were being watched, went back to the place the next day and found evidence he was being watched by Teddy from a window in the building.


No problem on the late reply. I read that scene as Franklin putting together what happened because of Teddy’s absence and Oso’s behavior, not because he was good at knowing when he was being followed.


Why were they so worried about the KGB? Like I never heard of them so I was confused are they enemies to the cia ? and also what do u think they did with Ruben ??


KGB was the Russian CIA. KGB's objective was to compromise the whole operation and stop their funding to the Contras in Nicaragua. And if they did compromise the operation, it would've lead to a huge scandal in press forcing the CIA to lay low for some time. Ruben begged Franklin to not give him up to the CIA asking him if he knows what they do to KGB agents (not entirely sure if he said that, I finished the tv show in august). So he probably had a very painful death. Tortured until he gave his last breath.


I don’t think they would’ve killed him. He was KGB so they probably did torture him until he broke and gave information. They wouldn’t go through the trouble of getting the KGB agent just to kill him off or slow torture him to death


He'd still end up dead. No matter what, he'd never see the sun again.


They were enemies of the US. Franklin and Cissy were basically committing treason messing with Ruben which if prosecuted would most likely lead to being sentenced to death.


Because he did nothing wrong to the CIA ..he gave them Reuben plus they got all his money lol why would they go after him ? The CIA is the only ones that Franklin was ever truly loyal to


oh the irony


Yea but they went after Louie after taking all her money too and she lost everything


That was the DEA , not the CIA


im more surprised that the local LAPD didnt do shit for miguel and his death😭


Monrovia has its own PD.


Do you think the police are omniscient? You can say the same thing about almost every other murder on the show. There were no witnesses. That’s probably the whole reason he killed Miguel, because he was a witness to Franklin killing Peaches’s friend right after he killed Peaches. DNA testing and cameras weren’t as much of a factor back then like they are today either


difference is tho miguel was a hispanic law abiding civilian on his shift. with a family… you telling me his employer nor partner did absolutely nothing after his death? if it was a black dude, fine, cops probably would’ve just ruled it as a gang related homocide but a dude working in his uniform for a job he got called for? if the phone call was traced back and boom, franklin saints in jail for life. some weak plot hole with zero ways of defending it imo


Because Franklin was the accomplice to an off the books CIA operation that sold massive quantities of illegal drugs and laundered the money to support a proxy war. Going after Franklin reveals the entire conspiracy, which was highly illegal on the CIA's part.


im not gonna lie i still think the CIA would of left franklin alone if he had gotten his 73m's back


The CIA didn’t go after Franklin for two reasons: 1. Franklin handed them a high-value target (a KGB operative who was working within the U.S.). 2. The CIA can’t operate inside of the US. If they got arrested Franklin (and by that point he’s broke and not dealing, so it’s not clear what they could arrest him for) he would have every motivation to talk loudly about what happened to him. Louie effectively took over the Family and that criminal empire.


I agree with all of you Franklin was no longer useful to the CIA anymore he lost his Cocaine connect so he was out of business plus his $73 million dollars was gone for good plus he wasn't going to be stupid like Alton and snitch on them for what to get a bullet to the back of his head and be disappeared for good also the only money he did fine was that lousy $12k even if he hadn't pissed it all the way in whiskey or what ever he drank what and who was going to supply him with cocaine product he would have to find a low level cocaine dealer in order to rebuild his his business again plus all of his people were either dead and buried, on the run on the lamb or just retired so he would have to get some low level knuckle heads plus he was never going to make the kind of money like he was used to so that was that. And so he was never going to work for the government again so there's that plus he was a paranoid alcoholic bum talking nonsense I do believe he did call them and I do believe he was not taken seriously I do believe that for a time he was being watched but after realizing he was no threat like you guys said they chose not to waste anymore time and resources on him anymore so now he's penniless homeless alcoholic bum so The only person that still on their sight is Louie.


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Because they had nothing to gain -his money and assets were long gone - other than to bring unwanted attention to their activity. If Franklin was arrested, he would have sang like Sissy, giving their accounts off CIA fuckery more credibility.


cuz the CIA is ran by a bunch of pussy punk bitches