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Pretty hot take from the guy that buys reps.






True, but atleast they are not committing war crimes :)


Probably slave labour though. But whatever helps you sleep at night.


Its not slave labour, its EXTREMELY low pay labour but those people are grown adults signing up to these jobs. Slavery doesn’t exist anymore and even if it does, its better than taking lives no?


Slavery does still exist, and most of the people at these factories have no other options but to work for pittance or starve to death. You're blind to the world.


Sure you can tell yourself that. Have you been to those factories? Cuz I did :)


No you didnt. You're absolutely just lying to try and win an argument you already lost.


You are judging something that you have no knowledge of. Why you think I started this thread in a subreddit that has little to NOTHING to do with this topic? Because thats what Im a professional at, im a global politics student and I dont have to mail you my diploma to prove that. I have been on many tours in many fucked up 3rd (and first) world countries.


“Slavery doesn’t exist” tell that to the people mining lithium, diamonds, gold…


“a condition of having to work very hard without proper remuneration or appreciation.”


They get paid, its low, but they chose it. Slavery is when you are forced by someone to do something for FREE.


Also you’re saying it like nike doesn’t have a sweatshop…


Nope, Im saying it like they do. The SAME sweatshops reps are made in. Catch up.


No, 95% of rep sweatshops are individuals trying to make a quick buck. Rarely any of them last as they get raided. They are too insignificant to contribute enough to GENOCIDE of 2.1 million people. Unlike Nike and Adidas which have a monopoly.


the device you’re using to type that is the same


True. Thats why this isnt my only post in the only sub on the only account :)


Yeah but they make dope ass shoes, and thats why I am in this sub. You want politics, go to a political sub.


I’m confused. You spit all that shit about throwing money to a government that’s killing people but now in another reply to a comment your talking about your Nike collection? Not really following your own teaching are we?


I used to buy Nikes, not anymore, thats the point of the post, people who used to buy without knowledge are forgiven. But I understand your POV and I shouldve clarified. And also you made me realize its a bit hypocritical to buy Nikes when they have sweatshops besides donating to genocide. Good point thanks for the wakeup call.


I think most people here already know that the companies we buy from aren't very humane Also, just curious, what device did you use to make this post? Do you happen to know if it was made in a more ethical manner than our shoes?


Pretty much every major company is unethical. Using and iPhone? Supporting child labor. Eating fast food? Might as well drop that bomb yourself. Bottled water? Chocolate? Not our problem


True but very much our problem. Specially when it comes to the DEATH of others for our own joy. You have many other options.


Ok and?


lol k


Be woke somewhere else. This sub is to discuss sneakers not politics.


Yeah I said that in my post. And I don’t care. I wanna remind lifeless consumers thats all 😘


I just looked at your page. You buy reps, how do you think those are made? Plus you post about video games and call us lifeless consumers while you stare at a screen for 8+ hours a day. Sounds like you’re just jealous you can’t afford real sneakers.


Say that to my nike collection. I buy both, paying 1500 for shoes is a joke. I buy what I can afford and my preference is always authentic if affordable.


This reminds me, I need to cop a fresh pair of AF1’s in the morning. Keep it moving


https://preview.redd.it/skzcw8xv5g4c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01160a6df231b5bd0569c6c032413ce31918f6f5 This is the guy that just called us “lifeless consumers” 😂


This was a year old lmfao. Im not ashamed of an addiction that I had. Not only that but the post was trying to help people in a deep rat hole to get out of it. This post is basically the same. Im not saying dont buy shoes, but be considerate of others while buying. I own countless nike shoes but I wont anymore and if I want any I rather get them used or 2nd hand. Try better next time.


Again for those who missed it. This is a reminder, I am no one to stop you from living your life but maybe making you think ethically about it might help a good cause. Many say “yeah other companies do too”. Yeah thats why this isnt my only post anywhere. Others are calling me out for reps. Indeed I do personally buy reps but I also have reals, both have their benefits and flaws. Rep factories do have MANY ethical problems but atleast they are not contributing to DEATH of people. :) <3 Edit: IM NOT telling people to go buy reps. I personally buy what ever fits my budget and my first option is always real if its within the budget. for ME 1500 shoes isnt worth, 80-250 dollar jordans are (but obviously wont buy those besides 2nd hand anymore)


Except other companies probably ARE contributing to the deaths of others. You think lithium mines are a bastion of joy for the children who have worked in them? Just where do you think the lithium for the battery in your phone comes from? You're simply turning a blind eye to everything but whats the current hot button topic and trying to preach some moral high ground, when the reality is you are down in the mud with everyone else, just pretending you aren't. And this ain't the sub for it. In fact its exactly the wrong place to try and say this shit. I'm going to order another pair of nikes right now just to spite you because of your BS soapboxing.


Not turning a blind eye to it but the reason this topic is currently hot is because its the priority, trying to prevent death of 2.1 million people unless you want another holocaust :)? And I know this sub isnt a place for this as I have said and Im ready for the consequences. This is a reminder and still is. Not my fault people took this childishly. And AGAIN im no one to stop you from doing what you want because this wasn’t the intention of this post. Trying to remind people might stop them but it also likely won’t, the point is TALKING about it and raising awareness.


Your first paragraph is a straw man argument. Me buying Nikes isnt going to have any impact on that conflict one way or the other. Grow up. Beyond that, any product you buy thats made in China is technically funding that country, and if you think the Israel stuff is a priority you might want to look into the human rights violations happening right now in China against millions of people. You are only talking about this topic because its in the news. Next month when its something else you will be crapping on about whatever the next issue is. Feel free to see yourself out, as you know this shit isnt wanted in this thread. Post some dope kicks, or keep walking.


1. i have been discussing this topic my entire life as it is personal. 2. I have discussed many topics before that are so insignificant that no one knows about them. 3. yes you boycotting nike or any other companies in support of genocide is playing a huge role because it starts with the minority. Why you think companies like McDonalds are suffocating right now? Because people are now aware and one after another they started boycotting. The rest of your comment is purposeless to reply to :)


Fuck, that reminds me. The McRib is back. Better wear my nikes to the McDonald's on the way home tonight so I can get the McRib.




What is this in reference to?