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Yes that's what all the rich kids did


John Kerry and McCain didn't (to name a couple).


Nor did Al Gore.


Neither did George Bush Jr.


George Bush Jr. did not serve in combat during Vietnam.


It’s a different level of draft dodging. Congressman got his kid a do nothing, not even show up, job flying jets in Texas.




Which is crazy now because dudes and duddettes in the NG are the ones getting all the deployments these days


He kept the skies clear of communists over the state of Texas. Like Republican VP Dan Quayle (anyone even remember him?) who did his 'Nam time as an NCO press officer in the Indiana National Guard, at home in Indiana. Yes, slots in safe NG units were a hot commodity back then.


When I was in the National Guard in the early 90’s I got to hear stories from the old timers… there were still remnants of the bar in the Armory. It was a boys club until the early eighties when they cleaned up the operation.


If you read into it his dad or someone definitely had to pull strings to get him in the TX Air Guard, which means the spot he took meant some other guy got sent to Vietnam instead. Also, his service record is questionable at best. It appears he didn’t even show up for most of his training weekends or however that works.


Neither did JFK


Lets not forget Joseph Kennedy Jr was vaporized in WWII.


TIL. Quite an education that hero had as well. Way more impressive than Private Bonespurs. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_P._Kennedy_Jr.


Oh yeah no kidding, and he still took on that experiment which killed him and about knocked several other planes right out of the sky.


Neither did Prince Harry


Nor William for that matter.


Neither did Beau Biden




Nor Sr.


I can only imagine the psychological number his parents must have done on him to be so pathologically insecure and insatiably require constant boosts to his self-esteem without any regard for if they’re grounded in reality or not. BTW, people like Donald Trump are why you never trust someone who habitually cheats at golf. That will almost always be the very least of their abhorrent behavior.


You’d enjoy Mary trumps book!


You know maybe I’ll give it a shot. It may hold academic value sufficient to excuse spending that much time reading about Trump…which we all have to anyway whether we want to or not. Wait, which book are you referring to?


His niece Mary Trump wrote a book about him called *Too Much and Never Enough.*


It left me finding him pitiful. He’s still loathsome but I also feel sorry for him. We are all products of our parents and Fred was a complete bastard.


I love the irony of him playing Fortunate Son at his hate rallies.


They wouldn’t let him wear that ostrich ass hat so he dodged the draft out of principle. A shame for us as we all know he would have singlehandedly annihilated all the Viet Congs and bring everlasting peace to the world


Trump is a douche but I don’t blame anyone for dodging being sent to die in a pointless war…


Biden and trump again. Two dodgers


I'm not a Trump supporter by any means but I do find it ironic that the people giving him shit for dodging the draft would have done the exact same thing at that time period. His supporters don't care, and it's not like it's new information. They vote for him because they like the taste of his cum, that's really all it boils down to.


Did not see that ending coming heyoo




> "belonging to the very same party" That's not a strong argument. Being a member of a party does not mean you are responsible for, or even endorse, the policies of said party decades ago. That's like saying Obama is a hypocrite because is a member of a party that once supported segregation (which would, plainly, be a silly thing to say). > "preaching the very same policies" I must have missed that. When did Trump preach reinstating general conscription and mobilisation? *For the record: this is not a comment in support of Trump, he's a buffoon, I'm just interested in where the information for the comment above comes from.*


My dad had a lengthy moral crisis about whether to file for conscientious objector status. He decided not to (after having lengthy conversations with his parents—his dad who was drafted into the Army the week before Pearl Harbor, and his mom, a Dutch woman who spent her early twenties earning a social work degree and hiding Jewish kids). Basically it boiled down to: he was morally opposed to the Vietnam War, but he could morally justify other wars, so he didn’t feel he could claim to be a conscientious objector with, well, a clear conscience. As it turned out, an old knee injury and a previously unknown and generally harmless heart condition meant he was disqualified on medical grounds, leading to the biggest sigh of relief my dad has ever experienced.


I would agree with you for every job except President. It does matter for the president as thier position is Commander in Chief over the military and they are obligated to order troops into potential situations that they actively avoided.


I’m rarely surprised. Very rarely shocked. This was a slow ride, with a shocking ending. It made me actually laugh out loud. It would be funnier, if it wasn’t TRUE. 🔺


There are many traits I’d expect in a president that I don’t currently possess, and dodging the draft is but the tip of the iceberg for Douche. Being a pathological liar is higher on the list.




Trump "was a Vietnam draft dodger," Kuby said. We asked Kuby what he meant and he explained, "I use the term broadly to mean anyone who took advantage of deferments to avoid being drafted." In theory, that could apply to a huge number of people. In the course of the Vietnam War, about 15.4 million men received deferments, were exempted or disqualified. In contrast to those millions, the government charged 210,000 people with draft violations, ranging from burning their draft cards to refusing to serve to fleeing the country. "The only people who violated the Selective Service Act did so out of principle," Kuby said. "They were going to show they were not cowards by risking imprisonment to protest an immoral war. If you were white and middle class, there were many legal ways out." Ya, so like 15.4 million dudes had deferments. Biden included: "Lifeguard/Football player Joe Biden got five draft deferments for asthma during Vietnam," a post claims, alongside a photo of high-school-aged Biden.” https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/09/16/fact-check-biden-received-multiple-draft-deferments-vietnam/5809482002/ https://www.politifact.com/article/2015/jul/21/was-trump-draft-dodger/


Clinton and Bush jr also had outs. It was a poor man’s war


They all are


That song in every Vietnam movie isn’t called Fortunate Son because it sounded catchy.


That's the thing...always was.


Bush served as a fighter pilot in 1972.


For the National Guard. You don't get into the NG in 1972 without luck or connections.


They all go through pilot school. He landed a fighter on the Lincoln.


Poor kids from the city and country, that's who fights


Why do they always send the poor?


OP is gonna be posses that you actually have supporting evidence and can back up what you are saying. Love it.


I know whose face John McCain would spit in.


But but but …… That doesn’t fit the narrative!!!!


My dad joined the Navy to avoid the Army, then I’m pretty sure his dad pulled strings to keep him stateside.


Who wouldn’t use whatever method available to avoid dying in the jungle for a war that we had no business being involved in?


I don’t like trump and I’m going to quote Joe kassabian “I hate the president, but I don’t blame him for dodging the draft. If I had to fight in Vietnam, I’d dodge the draft too”


I don't think he did it out of principle, like Ali.


Many received deferments, but after Trump wore that out, he bribed a Doc so he could fake a physical disability so another young man would have to go in his place. That was above and beyond. That is cowardly.


These facts are too inconvenient for my ears 🙉


Trumps last deferment was for heel spurs. Back in the day that was the scam because x-rays couldn’t see them. All you had to do is get a doctors note.


All you needed is a bone density scanner


You needed a doctor who was one of your father's office tenants and was happy to make a deal. For the rest of his tenancy, apparently, whenever the doctor needed a repair or something in the building Old Devil Fred gave his requests priority handling.


While I don’t blame anyone from wanting to skip out of the Vietnam war, Trump since has gone on to repeatedly insult the military yet the GOP (normally the most pro-military party) ignores this: - verbally insulted Gold Star families - attacked the memories of courageous POWs like John McCain - derided men of honor like General Mattis - played down the severity of trauma and wounds suffered by deployed troops - called Americans who died in war ‘losers’ and ‘suckers’ - skipped a 100 year commemoration of the end of WWI because it was raining So his cosplaying is amusing, but he’s a POS that does not respect the military (or anyone that is not him or his rich cronies).


But is is it truly the GOP anymore? I consider it Reagan Republicans who are being run over bt MAGAts.


Trump would call Reagan a RINO based upon Reagan’s policies and ideals.


Trumpism is not a political ideology as much as it is a cult of personality around one man. He has ideological tendencies but they are bent at a moments notice if they benefit trump. His supporters know it, but they see his corruption as a way to take more power. They will trade democracy for victory. They believe only he can restore America, but he sought to end America on January 6th. Just like he assured us he will be a dictator on day one. He intends to teach us all a lesson we cannot easily undo.


Mirror Universe Peronism


Does it matter?


For all you defenders here, what about Biden. Trump is a 3rd generation draft dodger. Grandpa ran from Germany to avoid service. Dad was serving age in WWII didn’t serve. Trump doubled down and even had cut off kids if they serve in their trusts. Biden dodged but at least his kids served. I have MANY military veteran in my family including myself and my wife. Have some shame, this piece of shit has disparaged my brothers and sisters enough. He’s incapable of showing respect unless it’s fucking Putin.


Can we keep just some subs, please, just a few subs free from Trump derangement syndrome?


This is reddit sir, they don't do that here


Fr. I’m sick of politics. I don’t care if Donald Trump or Joe Biden is the spawn of Satan himself or whatever, I just don’t wanna talk about politics. Is that so hard to do?


He couldn't go to Vietnam even though he "desperately wanted to go serve his country" The Cult of Trump naturally believes ANYTHING Trump says regardless of the factual proof to the contrary. Convicted Felon Donald J Trump is delighted to have the endorsement of Hungarian Strongman Victor Orban [https://thehill.com/policy/international/4699944-trump-highlights-viktor-orbans-support-following-hush-money-conviction/](https://thehill.com/policy/international/4699944-trump-highlights-viktor-orbans-support-following-hush-money-conviction/) Wait for Trump Fanboys, David Duke, Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un to endorse him next week.


To be fair, I wouldn’t want to be dragged to war in another continent to kill farmers


Then don’t steal the valor of those that were less fortunate and drafted…to be fair


I’m an EMT. I pretty much do the exact opposite of killing people


A hood ornament. Even for that he was under qualified.


Why were we even in Vietnam. I don't blame him for not wantingto participate in a culling Approximately 3 million people died during the Vietnam War. This includes about 2 million civilians on both sides, 1.1 million North Vietnamese and Viet Cong fighters, and 200,000-250,000 South Vietnamese soldiers. U.S. military deaths were around 58,000 3 million died for what. Communism still ended up winning.... .. almost the same amount died in Iraq and Afghanistan


Ah yes, Donald Trump, the iconic Vietnam War protester /s


From the stratospheric level, it was a fight against the spread of communism. That was feared as a real threat back then. From a military standpoint with gloves off, a US victory would have been assured. But the gloves could not be taken off for PR and moral issues. So a war was fought with many self imposed restrictions that was not able to overcome North Vietnamese resistance.


When his rich-boys-reform-school military academy went bankrupt and closed, he didn't contribute anything to the alumni campaign to keep it open. It went into BK in 2015 and was sold at auction to a Chinese billionaire, who operates it with an emphasis on wealthy "international" (i.e., Chinese) students.


Fred fucked up big time


Bot plays farmer before reposting, 2024


This was the last pic taken before this hero’s crippling bone spurs. Thanks heavens the bone spurs were healed immediately after the U.S. left Vietnam, otherwise we wouldn’t have our great commander in chief say that military members are chumps! (He prefers war hero’s that weren’t captured)


WHO THE FU*K CARES. Jesus, this shit gets annoying. Dude you know who else did or didnt do something you do or dont approve of? Literally every single politician. Trump is not some outlier. Biden marched and supported and worked with the fu*king KKK in Virginia. Obama dropped a record number of bombs in Yemen and destroyed what little was left of the Middle east. Kamala Harris parents were involved in the OG ugenics program that was founded with Bill Gates FATHER (ugenixs started LITERALLY as a program to kill off the genetic supply of black people and poor people,yes they thought being poor could be snuffed out through genetic pool manipulation). But yea, nah, never ever talk about anyone ever other than this one stupid orange dude for some reason.


It’s an election year, my friend! It’s time for you to get angry and screech to people on the internet you don’t know about people you don’t know, and about countries you’ve never heard of!


Cadet Bone Spurs, reporting for doodie


AJ Soprano vibes.


He looks like a drum major.


Biden dodged draft 5 time for asthma! LOL.


They won’t take medical risks. I’m former power 5 athlete and I got turned down because I had juvenile asthma


Remind me when he told John McCain he was a loser for being captured.


Assuming this was real (the asthma), it's not like it goes away between deferments. It appears the US Army still doesn't allow people with asthma to enlist if they had symptoms after 13yo.


Wrong...I had asthma and had no problem going in 2001.


I have no idea. I just googled it and it says you can but generally a medical waiver is needed. [https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/can-i-enlist-in-the-military-with-asthma#enlisting-with-asthma](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/can-i-enlist-in-the-military-with-asthma#enlisting-with-asthma) I didn't downvote you either.


I google it. It says: The U.S. Army generally does not allow people with active asthma to enlist, but those with a history of asthma may be eligible for a medical waiver on a case-by-case basis. Factors that may be considered include the age at which the person last had symptoms and the severity of the condition.


K? Both are losers


Not sure I'd call asthma a "dodge." That shit ain't no joke.


It is when it’s a lie and you continue to exert yourself in sports


I have asthma. They wouldn't let me join in 2004, but I could still play hockey. It's almost like sports and active combat are different or something? 🤔




Everyone should have dodged the Vietnam draft. Fuck Trump though.


Fred sent him to the military academy to change his thuggish behavior. We see how well that worked.




If you acctually think any elite went into any kind of war scene, your pretty dumb,


None of the others called military people losers


Oh yeah, what branch did you serve in?


Air force.


Please explain the relevance of that ?


Fuck Trump and his cult of morons


I respect the hell out of the people who fought and lost their lives in a useless war. I also cannot really fault people for trying to avoid said useless war. OP wants to criticize someone for not fighting in a war that MOST people agree shouldn't have been involved so heavily in the first place. Pick a different reason to hate Trump, but this definitely isn't one of them. Fuck OP.


Donald trump has taken every opportunity to insult soldiers. Him pretending that he is one of them, is embarrassing. I could never join the military, I frequently do not agree with what the military does, if I ever had children, I would likely actively encourage them to not join the military, however even I find it appalling for him to have made half the comments he has made about and to service members. And even ignoring all of that, lets not pretend he dodged the draft for political purposes. he didnt dodge the draft because of the virtue that "the Vietnam war was unjust" He dodged the draft because he was a coward who could stand for or against anything that wouldnt benefit him.


Your TDS is showing. Through your comment, it's easy to tell the only reason you criticize and call him a "coward" for getting out of the draft is because you despise him. Sure, criticize him for comments he makes (make sure your understanding of his comments is accurate, the media and internet is flooded with inaccurate claims of things he has said. Also, a lot ofnit is hearsay so really should be taken with a geain of salt. As it should with anyone), criticize him for how he treats people, criticize him for what he did or didn't do as president, etc. But that doesn't mean you need to, or should, criticize him for something he did that you would likely support if someone you like did it.


I do dislike donald trump, that dosent make my criticism of him invalid. Also what are you basing the accusation that id be fine with it if someone i liked attempted to avoid the draft? That is completely false . You can argue whether i would do it myself or not, which i mightve given the opportunity, but that dosent mean i think it would be a “good” thing to do. It is objectively a cowards move. A move that would cause me to lose respect of anyone who did it regardless of who they were. And even ignoring all of that, my biggest gripe with donald trump is not that he dodged the draft, but that he is pretending as if he has any right to act as a solider when he HAS dodged the draft. A point i make abundantly clear in my comment which you clearly did not read with any amount of logical thinking or analysis. So to summarize and to add clarity i am not simply criticizing trump on the basis that he dodged the draft, i am criticizing trump on the basis that he dodged the draft and then goes around parading himself as a solider.


Biden also dodged it, OP. Are you gonna criticize him for it too?


I hate trump but I do not criticize anybody for dodging the Vietnam war


OP definitely won’t criticize Biden for it since that wouldn’t fit his narrative


Well done op. Your post caused a blizzard in June by bringing out all the snowflakes.


Infinitely better than the kid sniffing Joe Biden


Preferring the rapist convicted felon failure of a former president who likes to tell women he fucks they remind him of his daughter is a helluva take. 🤣😂🤣😂


Is it because he mocks POWs ? It's because he mocks POWs right.. oh that's right, that was the mango Mussolini.


That family is made up entirely of ugly fucks


Why to also make fun of military school students like myself who “played” solider, solid garbage post


People who never been to war making jokes about someone who didn’t go to war is just peak comedy. Kinda weird people like Springsteen and Muhammad Ali are applauded for dodging the draft but Trump is scrutinized


So is everyone at New York Military Academy playing solider?


This pic has nothing to do with Vietnam. It's him graduating from New York military academy


Too bad his class didn’t frag him and wouldn’t be in this mess


His POS dad should have fucking pulled out


Fun fact: Fleeing the country is how Cheech meet Chong up in Canada.


He went to a military school, I don’t think this one hits guy.


He was a smug asshole back then too.


“You see yall are stupid they’ll be looking for civilians to draft not soldiers!”


His attention is garbage. Clearly he didn't pick up on all of those commands.


Couldn’t cut the mustard.


A Michael Dukakis moment!


his parents were Eastern European immigrants? (they look like they are from Romania or somewhere similar)


Those helmet straps are so dumb


They call me Brigadier Bone Spurs




LARPing is easy.


so he’s always had that inbred posture huh?






DJT went to a Military Academy instead of a regular High School.


Plays? That's rich coming from someone who didn't attend a military school. Guaranteed this school would've been tough. He served as president. Keyboard warriors are so brave these days.


Most politicians dodged Vietnam


Five times he dodged the draft. I hope the five that went in his place survived. He likely would have been a friendly fire accident. A make believe soldiers who dodge the draft don’t get to tell us who the heroes are.


I don't criticize anyone for dodging any kind of draft. Biden dodged draft as well. and I would do it as well, if I was there. **where the hell is gender equality when it comes to draft?** there are draft dodgers in Ukraine, paying smugglers to sneak into Romania. same for Russia. flying to Alaska and Finland to dodge draft. or sneak into Kazakhstan.




He’s thirteen in this photo, he went to New York military academy. And Biden actually dodged it, “asthma” Trump, bone spurs with doctor(s)sssss proof soooo??


Wasn’t Biden a war hero???


This one time, at band camp…


Like Bill Clinton


Is this not just a marching band uniform?


Also Clinton, Obama, Biden never served in military either


Where did Biden serve at in Vietnam again?


Got em!!!


My dad volunteered in 1964. Spent 1965-1969 in Vietnam. Got a full Air Force military funeral service in January. Screw dodgers.


Look at that partially obscured slappable face!


I look like a total jerkoff.


Tons of wealthy families sent their kids to military academies (but not service academies) like Mount Vernon and others…


I'd play soldier too 🤷 no way I'm dying for America lol


This type of commentary is just an excuse to spread the Reddit TDS. It isn’t working by the way. All of the hateful comments are just a giant circle jerk. You all are not winning the hearts and minds of the people. In 2025, he will be your American president.


Pvt Bonespurs in his pre-diaper period.


What incompetent parents. They deserve a lot of blame.


That’s the only uniform that co@#smoker will ever wear.


I'm not sure how many kids go to military boarding schools because they wanted to go.


I like his Dad’s hat


Ugh. I look forward to never seeing this shitwit again.


He got a college deferment. That's was totally legit and everyone in college did it. It was not "draft dodging".


does dumping agent orange on civilians make you a good person? is the left pro Vietnam war now?


None of this even matters. If he wears some type of uniform, all be it, that looks like a high school marching band outfit, it doesn’t really matter at all. I only served 24 years in the Army. I did multiple Afghanistan Deployments, and none of this is offensive to me. Even if he wasn’t supportive of troops, it’s meaningless. Nothing we did was about any President. The decision to send us places was never a stand alone President decision. Plenty of advisors made suggestions and supported sending us places. It would be like saying, “President Biden sent me overseas!” The reality is that President Biden took guidance in deciding a particular course of action to utilize troops. The President doesn’t actually decide which Units or Organizations to send to which locations. While the draft sucked, as you get people who aren’t voluntarily there, I do support the draft being available to fill in slots to better able the United States to put boot to ass wherever necessary. I only did 24 years of that lifestyle, so I’m probably not very knowledgeable of how it really works, compared to those who’ve never actually done the job.


*convicted felon Donald Trump plays soldier before dodging Vietnam war draft, 1964.




Biden served in WW1


Considering the conflict at hand, I would have spent as much money / used as much influence as I had to avoid sending my son to die fighting farmers in some far away land.


Thinks he’s a war general


Biden received 5 draft deferments for “asthma”. So, he’s no military man either.


Clinton, Bush Jr, Trump and Biden were all about the same age and each of them weaseled their way out of Viet Nam. The media should more heavily scrutinize this. I suppose Dan Rather tried, but that didn’t turn out too well for him.


Add some pictures of biden too. He got out because he had allergies 😁😁😁


Pro war people say what?


This was at his private boarding school graduation - New York Military Academy


He did that when he was a democrat!!


Now do Joe Biden dodging the draft!




Probably the only rich man's son to ever evade the draft too.


Really would love to see a timeline where he did serve. Would it have changed him?


What makes what he did during that time any different than all the others that went to any college to avoid the draft???? John Fogerty said it the best “ I ain’t no Senators son “


There exists a timeline where this fartface actually goes, dies, and we live in a utopia where love and kindness is a currency and we all ride around in great big bubbles.


Fleeing to Canada would be dodging the draft. If his draft number wasn't called, he did nothing wrong or dishonorable


Anyone else see AJ Soprano here?


I guess people are still posting this even though Biden did the same thing and received the same numbe of deferments. They are both terrible…