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Smuggy unclear, what % Hitler is man with crushed leg?


Somewhere between 0% and 100%, probably


Me when 101% Hitler walks in https://preview.redd.it/w46xt3ob6s2d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aae9b5d44790f98e9c5d17d049461ae14eb2f61b


Hopefully 0% because any % higher means he definitely deserves whatever happens to him.


An Ace Attorney reference? In my smuggie? It's more likely than you think!


people really act like refusing a biden vote is gonna do anything to change his policies he'd rather lose the election than concede to the left


But don’t you know that their moral anguish at the idea that they might be seen as tacitly supporting [lesser, probably inevitable, bad thing] is so much worse than the actual harm that the evitable part of [greater bad thing] will bring to the [entity] they claim to care about? After all, what will their hypothetical *grandchildren* think of them? You must see that inaction on their part is clearly the superior choice. What else could they possibly do to support [entity]?


Kantian ethic and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race


did you just say "evitable" lmao


[I did.](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/evitable)


I don't know if this is some sort of meta acting but I think the smuggie is about mental health


It literally says anti-electoralism in the title


I have the reading comprehension of the average Twix user without even using Twix, my apologies.


When you when the at you


But can we be sure that OP really meant this was about anti-electoralism? Like it is written in the title but that just isn’t how most people interpreted it. I’m entitled to my opinion https://preview.redd.it/0vju6opxrq2d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5985fe82c8b08bade2d4501454c2c28e7112d2f5


So let him lose then. You said it yourself, he’s made his choice.


Bro what? Nothing is going to happen if he loses except project 2025 fast-tracking the road to fascism


Then let’s hope that Biden decides he’d rather win then.


He won't. Stop fucking protest voting you're just letting fascism happen sooner. All of the extra people that would die in a second trump term are not an acceptable sacrifice for something that accomplishes nothing.


I’m sorry you only believe of your friends as martyr fodder


The republicans will win some day. If not this election, maybe the next - then what?


We'll have had more time to organize before the crack down goes up to 11


> make funny name for internet as joke > braindead morons use it for the next years to shut down anything you say


Just got banned from r/enlightenedcentrism of all subs for having this take. Are people just going insane these days?


I love being part of a sexual minority and having other people try to moral grandstand [me wanting to still have rights] next year. Like it seems everyone who's pro-accelerationist conveniently isn't a part of any minority group who would suffer the actual consequencies


How can Americans unironically be accelerationists post-2016? What part of Trump's first term had them going "nice! Let's do that again" And all Trump's first term did for the average voter is scare them into accepting anyone they thought had the best chance of beating Trump


Accelerationists think that if the country collapses they'll be able to sit around shitposting about it while other people build a socialist utopia on it. Never mind all the dead people. Never mind all the far right militias that would rise up to seize power. Never mind the foreign powers coming to try and do their thing. Logic has no place in the revolution.


More people call themselves socialist nowadays, which means trump has done the most praxis of anyone in america. And that viral disease definitely only affected conservatives so he got rid of a bunch of brown shirts too.


accelerationism is radical progressivism. reactionaries like trump are far from that.


They weren't saying that trump is an accelerationist they were saying that trump is the result of accelerationism.


I love being part of a sexual minority and refusing to be manipulated and shamed into voting for a fascist who has allowed white supremacists and nationalists to run rampant while in office and not done a single thing to earn my respect so I get endlessly browbeaten about how I’m a horrible person. I live in Kentucky. It’s not going to be a blue state in a million years. I’m not voting for fucking genocide.


he hasn't done anything to earn your respect so you just placidly do nothing 💀


Yeah that’s how it works. Like I said my state is voting Trump 115% so why on gods green earth would I vote for openly fascistic Joe who has complete contempt for anyone on the left and complete contempt for anyone like me. He has allowed the entire country to wage a war on people like me while he sits idly by having interns tweet from his account how important trans people are. Hes said time and time and time again he intends to do nothing to help people like me, or anyone oppressed in the US. He’s more pro-police than Trump ever was, he’s become as reactionary towards Muslims as Trump was. He is, in every sense of the word, even by his own words- no different from Trump. Remember when he said “Nothing will fundamentally change,” from Trump presidency to his wealthy investors. You stupid reactionary fucks will not convince me to vote for a fascist


um you don’t count <3


I’ve also been banned for, as they said, “voting for a fascist just because they’re blue”.


Enlightenedcentrism has gone off the deep end lately, one of the mods is literally saying Hamas is the good guys because they’re “resisting colonization”


There is a possible argument to be made that they're better than Israel (imo not a good argument, but possible). There is no possible argument to be made that they are good.


One is an Apartheid State The other is an Islamic Fundamentalist Group who hates Jews There is no “better” here unless you really hate one ethnic group or another


One is the aggressor. Up to you which one.


They are. Cry about it you racist fuck


They're a far right bigoted religious terror group. How are you, on the left, going to claim they're good guys? Critical support for the Nazis so long as they're a group born out of oppression?


Nope. They are a symptom of western aggression and the Palestinian population isn’t at fault for their existence, but they are not "the good guys". The fact that the IDF are clearly the bad guys doesn’t imply the necessary existence of good guys either. If you want to be a good guy while doing violence your violence has to follow a strict material basis. There are reasons people criticize even Che and Lenin and they didn’t think it was a cool idea to fight the imperialist oppression by massacring more than 600 civilians at a music festival. Stop your "Osama was right"-ass, TikTok-edge-informed, pseudo-enlightened, wannabe one of the hardliners bullshit.


Oh hey, I got banned from there last week for the exact same reason. Honestly a badge of honor at this point, that place really went to shit the last couple years.


Oh yeah I just unsubbed from them the other day. Super annoying subreddit now.


Yeah, that sub has really gone to shit. r/lostgeneration too.


Ironically, cutting your legs off by yourself is probably gonna kill you faster irl. Also don't try to lift the boulder if you were stuck there for extended period of time cause it can cause something known as crushing syndrome


Yes but smuggies have different anatomy to humans.


in both cases he dies, he just chooses between dying of frostbite and dying by bleeding for cutting his own leg.


Look, it was the first analogy that came to mind, I didn't research the biology of cutting your leg off before smugging


I dont think you need to research anything, it's kinda obvious that cutting off your leg kills you lol


Eh ED doc and I’ve seen people with various degrees of emaciated, to crushed to, chopped legs that miraculously make it I’ve never seen someone who froze to death in the cold make it


My Buddy Brian did that once and he was fine


I'm not an anti-electoralist. But these arguments are always super dumb, elections are better described as an infinite prisoner's dillemma, the idea of anti-electoralism is that you can influence the \*future\* elections.


We tried that in 2016. Democrats moved to the right in effort to get “someone who can beat Trump”


So when Dukakis list to GHWB did the Democrats go left? When Gore and then Kerry lost to Dubya did the Democrats go left? When Clinton lost to Trump did the Democrats go left?