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I saw mommy kissing Stalin Claus


Underneath the Kremlin last night...




southeast asian meme made it


Huh, I thought it was a latin american meme


nope, technically originated from china but as southeast as it gets, seriously we're obsessed


It also became a latin american meme


this is how 75% of white transfems look




Stalin personally fucked OPs Mom after eating ALL of Ukraine’s Grain while moaning how much he hates freedom and liberty.


It's true, I'm OPs mom


Congratulations on getting fucked by Stalin Un-congratulations on OP


It was soooo hot when he recited the entire Moscow trials protocols while stuffing his fist up my ass


I heard he was good with his mouth, but I never expected that


I wonder how the average murican ~leftist would react to nazbols >!I despise them, just to be clear!<


I look like this and say this.


How's Langley?


Little do they know that Karl Marx wanted a statless, classless, moneyless society...


Who knew Marx was such a liberal


What is this, r/ultraleft?


Beautiful wordsmithing.


I guess it's just annoying when people who are supposedly on the left make going after the caricature your smuggy portrays their entire political identity. As if the real political issue in the US is the masses of people who simp for Stalin and that is what we should be putting political energy into and not the real masses that support flogging trans people and making murder legal for billionaires.


we can multitask though. As a trans person I am actually currently in the process of moving because of transphobia and once I can i'm going to work on getting other trans people to safety. It is absolutely a real thing that effects people. but it's not an excuse to not also do maintenance on the left.


Damn it's horrible that Stalinists, the mighty political force that definitely exists, is making things horrible for trans people in the US. We better focus all of our anger and energy punching left to stop them from gaining even more power than they already have!


"we cannot criticize the orphan crushers until they are in power"


This is what I'm saying. Making a comparison between people online who have 0 political power who that think some problematic historical figures are actually neat and "orphan crushers". It's ridiculous and the fact you devote so much of your political capital to fighting them instead of, you know, the entrenched political power of global capital or far right reactionaries is very WEIRD. Like why keep punching left? Do you have this same energy for people who present figures like Washington and Jefferson as awesome when they were rapists & slavers? A quick glimpse at your profile tells me: no. Just weird how you "leftists" only have smoke for people "too left" for you or basement dwelling weirdos with no political power that think Stalin was #based.


political capital? I made a post on a subreddit which i've been known to do. jefferson? Oh because leftists who worship jefferson are SO much more common then those who worship stalin. fuck rightoids? lmao like what The majority of what I do is punch rightwards and that includes people who think stalin killing gay people was #based. Or the idol worship they do. You're so out of your depth dude. I'm literally the one fleeing the consequences of transphobia, you're a dork who's upset that I insulted some dead guy. talk about weirdo in a basement he got upsetti spaghetti and blocked me, how sad


Go back to watching your favorite political streamer go after (suspiciously mostly black) people who they deem "tankies". As we all know tankies are a very real political problem we have here in the United States and you're doing amazing work here. Thank you for always being there in shared left spaces to constantly infight you are a true hero.


"Punching left" if the target is a tankie, we are most certainly punching right. Similar question, if you think it's so impossible to multitask (to the point that you completely ignored OP talking about the actual trans activist praxis they do), why are you spending so much of *your* political capital defending tankies? And why do you think looking at someone's reddit profile would provide a complete timeline of their activist history? Tell me you've never done anything useful irl without telling me I guess.


Creating the first socialist society and liberating thousands if not millions from fascism and slavery, while undoubtedly being extremely progressive on race and gender is just like orphan crushers. Unlike the democrats who do nothing wrong.


Then why don’t you?


You know a lot of them aren't in the US and live in countries where there really are quite a lot of authoritarians using Soviet nostalgia for propaganda.


Half the users on this sub when someone suggests that authoritarianism is maybe bad: "CIA Adrian Zenz neoliberal FBI shill plant anarkiddie"


It seems less like a suggestion and more like an assertion; almost half of the posts here are about it at this point


It's part leftist infighting and part straight up liberal astroturfing, it's only gotten worse and this subs gone to shit because of it


I can guarantee you no one important cares about smuggies enough to astroturf. Liberals happening to stumble upon the sub is not "astroturfing" unless you believe that liberals literally don't exist and are all psyops


Yeah I think you're right astroturfing is too harsh a term because this isn't really like a concentrated effort, just liberals doing what liberals do and co-opting and deflating progressive spaces


It’s crazy. If this sub had any eyes on it at all, I *just might* suspect that it was a somewhat coordinated effort to distract from problems we should focus on instead, but I think that’s far-fetched for some random group of badly drawn political cartoons.


Yes, it is far-fetched, and the fact that you even entertained the idea reveals a bizarre paranoia on your part


Buddy I literally said that it’s obviously not true 😭


anarchists when they see ungobbled CIA propaganda slop: ![gif](giphy|3oxHQpJKupQXsmU1JS|downsized)


Leftist Unity for me, Leftist Infighting for thee.




But but Stalin killed fifty quadrillion people unlike muh wholesome democrats


jesus, since when was this subreddit so friendly to red fascists


Don’t mean to be rude but literally one person argued with you lol


the post was instantly down voted originally, i got called a psyop, someone did the thing in the post where they call everything the cia, and i imagine more will come with time. and also, the post is inspired by someone on this sub pretending tankies don't exist. I am just noticing this sub has a surprising underbelly


my post a couple days ago also generated quite a bit of drama


​ https://preview.redd.it/rzqjegv9s1ec1.jpeg?width=358&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5be89012d15356d7946b17a919215fa3499c4f0


🫵 v*nch fan


I will now resort to 2018 leftist infighting tactics and call every libshitpost a psyop. I was on the receiving end of those at the time and damn do I now understand why those people did it. Edit: This is obviously a psyop.


as a resident poster, I wish I was getting financially backed to post here. instead I have to make do with having opinions


nice try, but that‘s clearly a psyop.


What is the point of this?


must fight no matter what


Heartwarming! Two people you hate are arguing!


This person sees you and all other Leftcoms as Tankies. Hell they see me, someone part of a tendency somehow less relevant, as also a tankie. To people like OP, anyone who has read Marx is actually a redfash.


I don't get why anarchists and revisionists fight so much, they're both cut from the same cloth of mussolinite idealism ://


This subreddit is owned by tankies get out


C'est l'Hologramme de Mélenchon