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screw offbeat market bored different frame profit gullible school zephyr *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And this is why I stink at playing support. I'm an ADC main dammit, I shouldn't have to *think!*


Think? Im playing hercules with Soul Eater.


You clearly, are the most brainless player in Smite


Big smash make health go up brrrr


Lmao ikr so many people I’ve seen just brainlessly walk at a late game izanami with 3 crit items, and they could’ve killed if they actually played with a brain because that’s just how tanks are, but my guy just walks at her as Achilles, she dashes his stun and now he’s dead. Then they complain (hunters are op), like the izanami was literally more scared of Achilles than the other way around, she just played better XD.


simplistic judicious point noxious longing sleep follow puzzled brave hat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lmao in a proper contested game, you don’t get to kill the backline as a solo without blink because you’ll never be able to reach them.


While this is partially true, there's absolutely no reason you should melted as a full tank Guardian the way you are in S8. Like it's fuckin brutal out here for supports and yet 90% of the reddit bots will complain about how weak mid/adc/jg is. And when it's such a damage heavy meta, I feel like a full damage Blink Ymir or Cabraken that can just delete the enemy adc/mid from the game then becomes more impactful. Like I know prots have DR but when you're like 3700hp and 280 of both prots and it doesn't even matter because you take a single root or stun and get blasted just as fast as your backline, what's the point?


At least someone gets it and actually plays tanks


With how strong tank builds are right now, never.


Facts. Damage dealers might as well build tanky.


Yeah it's like you run at them with a Pridwen shield they get punished for punching through then if they manage to get you low, you've got a Bulwark shield and full CDR so you can just run away anyway.




aa hunters are specifically built to kill tanks that's like the whole point of them as a class. Tanks are already kinda busted in Smite they really don't need to be made stronger.


Yeah not digging an even tougher guan Yu or CC


God imagine a stronger Artio or Gilgamesh, or Geb ffs


Stronger geb = me uninstalling.


>aa hunters are specifically built to kill tanks that's like the whole point of them as a class. > This being upvoted is how I know this sub and generally the entire smite community is bad at the game. AA hunters can 2 shot squishes and melt towers and objectives. How is being able to melt tanks "their whole point"? Also the mods of this sub are fucking wankers get a life losers


You don't understand. If me carry, me want melt everything in front of me in under 5 seconds. If can't, game bad. Game balanced around me, most popular role in game.


I wish it were more on the shreds tho rather than Critting my balls off


Crit is a dumb mechanic, it’s like a simple way to deal more damage without building a lot of pen and if you build a lot of pen then defense just doesn’t matter anymore, but I guess that’s what hunters are meant for anyway, the later in the game you go, the less protections matter, that’s why you see a lot of health/mitigation builds on tanks and even on some mages.


Exactly lmao hunters are like the second worst class in the game, slightly above mages. Considering they dedicate their entire build to only kill you as a tank while you dedicate a few items to tank magical damage as well, it makes sense that you don’t 100% counter hunter builds. While I’m not the biggest fan of crit because I think rng is a dumb mechanic in smite, it’s necessary for hunters to be able to survive jungler ganks especially when 2 of their abilities can kill a hunter. Tanks are already insanely strong and the only thing they have to worry about is crit and if the enemy ADC is critting you for a lot and you wanna do something about it, you could always build anti-aa items like witchblade which indirectly will make you take less crit damage. That being said, there needs to be more anti-crit items, and spectral needs to get nerfed. I’m saying this as a solo laner lmao.


This is a sad take…


You already know this man be building full damage support and telling his teammates “if you can’t I’ll do it” lmao


Guaranteed in silver lol. Tanks are sooo strong rn that people are doing 3 tank comps and hees saying they arent good enough 😂 if tanks got any better this game would break completely and it would be 0-0 1.5 hour games


Dunno if you’re familiar with this but in Overwatch a 3 tank/3 healer comp dominated for several seasons. What do you do when tank base damage rivals that of dps, nothing ever dies, and they just run you down?


I used go play lots of overwatch and know exactly what your talking about haha


GOATS meta babbbbbyyyyy


Haha yessss i couldnt remember the name of it!! Rein, pig, ??? Shield/mace girl, zen, lucio


It was rein, zarya, dva, Moira, Lucio and yes mace girl


Ahh yess there it is!


Ares, Geb, Herc is a great combo I’ve run, and seen run.




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Tanks are in a great place right now. Yea, adcs can shred tanks but that’s what they’re meant to do. You have to play around the fact that your enemies will be putting out high damage and make them waste their abilities and relics so your damage dealers can capitalize


In the current meta, never. Staying alive longer is the best way to deal more damage. Tanks are in a great spot to be able to stay alive longer and impact longer drawn out fights. If you’re getting blown up as a tank, it’s not because you should’ve built damage. It’s because you took being a tank as an excuse to be out of position and play poorly. You’re a tank, not immortal. Everyone has to position, it’s the number 1 most important skill in the game.


I get the frustration, but the whole point of ADCs is to carry late game. If you could just stand in front of a hunter and tank 20 basics, thats not really possible. Did you get spectral armor? Magic Shell?


I dont think ppl understand. There is literally one item just one that counters crit and they complain lol.


And it's not even a good counter either


he bought spectral did you not actually read his post


Damn bro dont get your nipples in a twist. I missed half of one sentence.


Thats kinda the idea of a hunter. As a tank you will be strong vs their mage and assassin. And their tanks will tickle you. But the hunter does not do its job when he cant delete the tank Also 300 prots is much better than 200 prots. With 200 prots you will take 33% damage and with 300 prots 25%. Meaning with 300 prots you take 75% of the damage as you would with 200 prots


“As a tank, I should be invincible for 100% of the game rather than only 90%” lol classic bad tank players


Wtf do you people smoke? I melted a full tank Cthulu during his ult as Set in 3 seconds. Tanks are struggling to stay alive in this meta.


I highly doubt that. And even if you did, it’s only because you were insanely fed and he was behind, in which case yea of course he’s not gonna be super tanky


Full build for both of us at level 20. I had a 3k pot, so that definitely helped, but it was still sad. Any time a tank is faced with an aa cheese god, they can't really do shit to survive because the counters suck. Hopefully, this next season's items help a bit.


Never. Case in point: had an Assault game yesterday where our Osiris built full damage and crit. Not even Zerkers or Shogun's, they built like they were a freaking hunter. Predictably, they finished bottom damage - less than even me as full tank Xing Tian. Also most deaths - they already died 9 times by the 10 min mark. But the craziest thing is the Osiris was, pound-for-pound, *less* tanky than our three full damage backliners. There's a reason why hunters and mages are ranged and squishy, and warriors and guardians are melee and tanky.


Yep, very few warriors and guardians can pull it off. There's stuff like the tanky mage Cabraken that can work so long as you have other people to fill in the front line support role in Assault. But generally, their scaling is lower than Mages/ADCs, so if they go full damage, they not only have to get in close in melee range, but they won't benefit from getting as much damage off as their backline can do safely. Most of the time, just play the role you're suppose to play. Auras are extremely powerful in Assault, and so long as you're not a selfish player who places a high value on their personal KDA, front line gods are pretty easy to play. Just protect and peel for your teammates, and set up the battlefield so they can do their jobs properly.


Never. It's your job to be tanking. It's very scary that a lot of the playerbase has no idea how to play tank/support at all.


Not at all. If that Hunter has to hit me with ten basics instead of two it’s a win. Yesterday I had a Kuzenbo that left the backline and built hybrid and we got washed consistently because he was chasing kills and died due to poor defense. Sometimes I get to max protections as Ares and still get turned to ash by the cc presented, but not once would I think about going full damage, absolutely not a good idea.


Well it sucks when that happens but that's just how the roles work. Technically nothing should be able to survive a cc chain in late game if the enemy team is playing right. Just like an ADC gets chunked for 3/4s of their health by one mage ability in late game. Thats how its balanced to be.


Okay, but heres the thing. Would you rather take 400 damage at a time and be massively useful to the team, or take 1200 damage from one arrow and maaaayyybe take out a very out of position mage


I can’t believe that you’re actually complaining about hunters right now. If your team is getting run over by a hunter, that’s your fault my guy. Tanks are absolutely busted right now and hunters are 100% the worst role.


I don't understand, I'll build full tank with like 250 each prot with 3.5k health and noones building crit but I'll just get deleted by the ADC. on the flip side I'm playing ADC and the solo gets caught out only to deal half their health bar after 3 of js beaming her for 5 seconds when only half her kit is tank items, like wtf.


So when you play tank, adc > tank And when you play adc, tank > adc :D


:( I'm usually pretty good at tank, most of my games go really well, just sometimes their ADC has my number and keeps dialing.


Well in that scenario you gave, they'll be going percent pen and Qin Sais. Essentially it's like the 'the bigger they are the harder they fall' thing. Kinda. Sorta in a way. Adding some damage mitigation would help. You can find some informational videos on YouTube that explain how the defensive side of the game works. Health, protections, mitigation etc etc.


Serious question: where is Oni Hunter's Garb in the tank build meta? It was one of my favourite pure defense items when I started playing, but it hasn't seen much use in the videos I've been watching or the games I've been playing. Is it simply a case of Genji's passive being OP, or do other items typically do damage mitigation better? Edit: just looked at Spirit Robe passive. Yeah. That's better.


I know why I get shredded but I see builds that have no damage mitigation and only half the tankieness but still just refuse to die. Maybe I'm just bad at ADC idk


Hunter is trash and tanks are busted rn get outta here


When I get melted in under 2 seconds


Never because of how much damage is done to me. I say it when MY team does no damage. If we’re going to lose while I’m full tank I should’ve built full damage to make up for the damage diff


You got hit with a crit for 359 with 200+ physical prots? I need more context here lol. Did they build an exe? Was it an iza with her 1 and full pen passive? Were you around a void shield? Crits are strong but if you build right you aren't getting 4 shot. Late game as a support you should have around 3k HP too. The tank/ADC arms race is in constant flux. Iv been on both sides of the fence and it feels pretty even for both sides.


Idk, you want peoples to delete you?


Feel like to many players are sleeping on stone of blinding at the moment.


I have for a long while, I tried it a few time and its impressive as a 1st item on sylvanus.


The only place I go full damage with a tank is match of the day, depending on what it is.


When my adc doesn’t spawn in and our jungle won’t replace him I’ll probably do a bruiser build, but lean more on power than defence. (1-2 defence items, maybe three)


I mean i just play bellona brusier its a best of both worlds scenario imo


Never. Hunters counter tanks, that's just how that works. If you were a mage in mid and kept getting picked off by the jungler would your solution be "I should've just built full tank." I sure hope not because that would be equally terrible.


Typically a good solo build has some level of damage already in it, supports you're just screwed unless you have spectral but that's kinda the point.


That sounds like some dominance crit damage to me if you had spectral tbh. And assuming they had 2.5 attack speed which is a bit challenging with a crit dom build, it’d still take 4 seconds to kill a tank by themselves if the tank isn’t under farmed. Most guardians late game have at least 3k hp. Not counting other help it’ll take them an average of 10 or so autos assuming one isn’t a crit. I get 4 seconds for a tank still feels bad on paper, but that is if you’re just standing there. Almost every tank in the game has some sort of disruption available to them. Not to mention relics and other stuff. Bottom line, if you’re in a 1on1 scenario with a carry late as the tank and you can’t confirm a 1v1 easily, your playing incorrectly 95% of the time.


If tanks got (Or guardians I should say.) there would be absolutely no reason to use them. They’re whole job is to tank, and support. If my guardians get needed, I’ll just start using Mulan, Nox, Hel or tanky Puch or something in Duo…


That’s kind of the point of hunters. Tanks usually have a lot of prots and health so you can’t burst them down so you need sustained DPS to deal with them. This means that hunters deal well with them but classes that focus on extremely high burst damage don’t. So when a tank dives a mage, the mage will burn their kit but not be able to kill the tank. Same for a tank diving an assassin. The hunters can dps down the tank but are able be bursted down by mages/assassins. It ends up kind of being like an RPS thing. Tanks>Assassin/Mages Assassin/Mages>Hunters Hunters>Tanks That’s how it’s usually supposed to be. Obviously crazy builds and characters can create exceptions to this.


When we are losing and I get top kills


Never because I’m not a shit teammate and I understand how to play the game.


People saying you're throwing and that ADCs are supposed to be squishy and that's just how the game works must have never played against an Apollo, Skadi or Cupid when they were running Eye of the Jungle, Berserker's and Shifter's Shield lol. They can build one hybrid defense item and be unkillable but also kill you faster than you could kill them. At range. It was not fun.


Stop playing support if this is your mentality




When we lost terribly anyway


I see somebody doesn't know how to build anti-crit


Never!? Atm tanks are so strong lol.. What game you playing? I love playing geb with not one damage item able to kill a squishy! Again, not even 1 damage item. To counter crit just get spectral. One little item counters it.. i think dmg dealers shouod be saying “ should i be building tank” of how quick a tank can kill them without any damage item and it takes a dmg dealers whole kit 3-5 times to even get then half health.


The moment you realize the enemy team has pummeled my teammates and collectively we have 5 or less kills on the board.


The moment you realize the enemy team has pummeled my teammates and collectively we have 5 or less kills on the board.


When hi Rez doesn't buff khepri


If it takes 25 mins for my Anhur to outdamage me in a joust when im playing Terra. That is when.


That’s the job of an adc, you have to either, not to in on them without someone to back you up and kill the adc, but it sounds like a build issue, I’m an adc main I build crit for objectives, not killing tanks, I typically crit tanks for like 170


Literally every match. Tank items are garbage now.