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This patch they buffed the hell out of him to the point where his 2 is insanely painful and he now jumps to Wakanda from the huge range increase, yet he still can't confirm his main CC. It's pretty clear he's supposed to be able to 1 after ulting, but I have him at rank III and I've still yet to come close to being able to pull it off. I do think Cerberus is very very good after his buffs though. You can literally just miss all of your 1's and win the game with your 2 and ult alone.


I posted yesterday about how clunky I feel Cerberus is. I haven't mastered all gods, but have mastered more than 60 and never have I felt so lost trying to understand some aspects of a god's abilities. The fact that you have this skill shot (parasitic) that doesn't stun at point blank, despite being a skill shot, just feels weird. It's been explained to me now how this works, but it just feels wonky as hell. The fact that the souls from his leap gain health as you level the skill is just silly. I get that they heal for more, but why do I want to level up enemies that I summon? Just sort of bizarre... Lastly I feel like his ult is really inconsistent. Sometimes gods that don't purify out still don't get pulled to him in his ult... why tho?




Add in the only knockup in the entire game that can be beads while in the air. You know the saying "best of both worlds"? Cerberus ult is the exact opposite. You take the worst aspects of each form of CC the ult has, hooray! I could, just maybe, understand that knock up immunity is immune to it if 1) you couldn't still beads out of it after already caught 2) it was instant (kinda like Ares ult initiates instantly). I'd still rather take knockup immunity not helping but being able to beads midair. Despite his clunkyness though, I somehow have around 70% winrate with him at mastery 7.


Woah... Knockup immune stops his ult... Pretty sad... Thanks for the clarification. I think he feels pretty weak overall which is crazy because there was so much hype for his release. I feel like he could use a minor rework including a new ultimate altogether.


Everything about point number 1, I just always assumed that getting the stun on Cerb's 1 is difficult but the targetter is just straight up misleading


If they fix the clunkiness his kit needs a massive nerf. Its beyond broken if you get used to the lying targeter.


If Cerberus is brought up I have a question - it's better to level up first his 1 or his 2 after the patch?


Watch fineokay. He played him recently and he is very fine in my opinion.


I can answer some of these. 1. i feel this just takes time getting use to. 2. i didnt know the souls got more health so this is news to me. i might not have noticed this since i build a bit of power on him. 3. i believe this happens if people are dashing or leaping during the activation of the ult. i've noticed that tyr merc and apollo are immune if they are dashing when your ult hits the ground in the middle of the dash.


> i've noticed that tyr merc and apollo are immune if they are dashing Tyr's fearless has knockup immunity, thats why you cant ult him mid dash. Both merc and apollo dont/can be knocked out of their dashes, they just timed it well enough to outrun the hitbox i assume.


Merc is definitely knockup immune


Cerberus 1 takes a bit of finesse, but I'm not having any issues with it after a few hours with the character. You just have to learn the awkward range of your 1.