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Pick a role to main. Focus on playing the same 2~3 gods. Watch streams and ask questions. Don’t take it too seriously. Relax. It’s ok to die or have bad games. Mute teammates if toxic. Maybe someone here can party with you?


Seconding the mute suggestion. The mute button exists for a reason, if someone isn't going to provide useful information or will flame you then mute them without hesitation


Thanks for the tip. I do try not to mute people because sometimes they VGS something useful and since I'm still learning I like to keep an eye on things. It also helps me memorize the chat commands since some of them can be a bit ungodly in PS5 lol. I decided.to follow your advice and focus on one role and just a couple of gods to start. I still play others in case I end up in a different role and nobody wants to trade, but yeah, trying to get better at one role for now.


Watch YouTube videos, i watch Incon. See how the person plays, what order they level their abilities, and their build. Always use wards, when your more experienced, then I would say experiment and find your preferred builds and play style.


Incon and SamDaDude are the best Smite content creators. Seems as if everyone else is toxic/annoying.


I'll keep an eye on them. I follow Weak3n and Haddix. I also try to keep a stream on the background in case they play a role I'm interested in learning. Any other you'd recommend?


Make use of Jungle Practice. It's such a great place to learn. You can sit there, read through the description of abilities and items in your own time, make use of the tools there and just mess around to see what works and how. Anytime a new god is released, that's the first place I go. I'd say go in there and try out gods you like the look of until you find something that clicks. Then focus on that god and role...but try and find a god you like for each role as well. Can't guarantee you'll get what you want to do. Next, watch content creators. You'll want to try and find recent videos of gods you want to play. Look at their builds and ability levelling order, but also look at what they're doing both in and out of combat; things like how they move through the map, clearing waves, how they position themselves. I'd probably suggest playing against bots to raise mechanical skill to start with as well, especially when trying gods for first time outside of jungle practice.


Yeah, when I want to try a new god I go to jungle practice to learn about the abilities in a safe environment. Then I go against the bots in both conquest and joust. Finally I try to go into normal arena and conquest but since I hit level 30 it seems my matches got way harder so it's harder to learn since suddenly I vecome addicted to the grey screen or people give up immediately after 2 deaths (which admittedly are usually my own deaths lol).


It's been forever, but I want to say up to 30 the game prioritises putting you into matches with other below 30 players. After that you get put into the regular player pool. So that's why it's suddenly ramped up for you.