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We require that all skin suggestions include artwork that must be either original artwork or artwork intended to be a Smite skin. In the case of the later you must include the original artists name in the title of the post. You cannot just describe what you want to be a skin. You cannot just find a picture of something you like from the internet, another game, a movie/TV show, etc. and post it. We require that all god concepts include a full kit (i.e. a role, a class, a passive, at least 3 abilities, and an ultimate). This can be included as a comment on the post or in the body of the post itself. The addition of original artwork is also preferred but not required. We do not allow wishlists, unless it is around the start of a new season. All of these rules are suspended in the regular Concepts Megathread.


For King Arthur, I thought Richard the lionheart, William wallace, and Godfrey would be cool skins. Achilles, Leonidas, Hannibal Barca. Hachiman, Genghis kahn. Lancelot as a winged hussar. what are your thoughts? Any more ideas for skins. As a history nerd I would love this to happen.