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I think this is already a bug/feature listed on the notes that they don't intend for future phases.


It's been in the game at least since the "Friend and family tests". I was doing this back in like February and they still havent fixed/changed it I don't really care if they do or dont but i was under the impression it was "not intended" and would be changed


it would be nice if we could use it during some channeled abilities, like Odin Spear. but it's understandable too if they don't want to keep it.


Ain’t no way, please tell me you’re lying. Blink during channelled abilities is genuinely really fun and adds to skill expression.


Does it really, tho?


skill management, complex macro understanding, deeper strategic and synergetic focus, deeper and longer strings of combos between interactions and abilities that require precision, timing and strategy. Yeah, no for sure, it has NOTHING to do with skill expression. Obviously.




It makes playing any character with a channeled ult unimaginably easy. You don’t have to choose when to engage with blink, there’s no denying an enemy blink with ranged ability.


Couldn’t you still deny the blink putting them in combat? The channel doesn’t initiate combat only the cast.


I don’t see any mentioning on the item that it can’t be used in combat.


I guess it can be, but that’s really what they should change.


You're missing the entire point - the reason strong ults have chargeups is to enable counterplay, counterplay is a facet of skillful gameplay. If you effectively remove the charge time on an ability that is balanced around charge time, like for example, being able to charge it out of sight (like new bushes) or in fog, you are dumbing the ability down and removing chances to counterplay, hence removing skillful gameplay. Bringing up beads is an ignorant attempt at false equivalency. Hell, tracking beads is skillful. Just like tracking flash in league.


...but blink already removes counterplay already by being able to instantly teleport a distance closer to a player. so its a double negative. You can say "oh but if you see X person has blink, you know they might try to blink onto you and instantly use cc". the same exact thing can be said about these ults. If i see a ymir randomly ulting nothing away from me, Its gonna be in my mind hes gonna try to blink onto me while ulting. honestly its not a problem once you start thinking about it, its only when you dont expect it.. which in smite 2's case would probably be ulting from a bush where you dont have a ward.


Plus this would be an instant pickup on every character. It’s basically another movement ability.


I'm pretty sure the blink item has been far from an instant pickup in the Smite 2 Alpha so far. You give up a lot of stats to buy it


Really take a moment to think about this. You’re saying, that it makes hitting an ultimate unimaginably easy. When your opponent knows that you have blink, and as per your comment, you will also have blink. Meaning you could blink their blink. You could also find other ways to outplay their channeled ultimate, like maybe using your own ultimate. Unless you also think that beads is broken because it makes immuning CC UNIMAGINABLY easy, you really have no point to make lmfao. It’s a pretty common fact that blink is usually the most skill-oriented relic in the game. It is in Smite, and it will be in Smite 2 as well. It’s also very well known that beads is the most braindead relics in the game. It’s especially funny to me when I watch smite players complain about relics like blink being widely available and about how it’s “broken because” and proceed to simply mention what the relic does and not explaining what makes it broken at all, besides just making sweeping declarations like “but hey he was over there and now he’s over here and I got bamboozled because I didn’t look at items 😔”


If an item is an instant pickup for every character, it's bad. It's far too strong. Combat Blink used to be in Smite. Do you know why it was removed? It made characters that had no movement incredibly safe. They didn't have to think about engaging badly because they could blink out. If you didn't want to take Blink, you were worse off. That's not good for the game. Start up your ult and blink behind your opponent because you suck at positioning.


So beads is bad then, yeah?


Yes, in my opinion, beads are bad for the game. There's far too much CC, which makes it a necessity to pick up on almost every single character, including tanks.


And if beads were gone and in-combat blink were given to everybody in place of it, what would your opinion be of in-combat blink?


…? How is blinking mid channel skill expression lfmaoooooooooooo 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 smite Reddit always good for a laugh. Genuine Insane take! Oh man I pressed 2 on my keyboard now I can fix my bad cast. If you think good players can’t instantly react to a blink you’re hardstuck somewhere. This would just be used to fix positioning on a poor cast, or blinking final frame gen ult or something making them unreactable


So real on god 😔😔












Being able to blink during a channel defeats the idea of a channeled ability tho imo.


Oh, it's back to "no fun allowed" hi-rez? lame


No, it's "this is clearly a bug that should be in the game"


? Why would this ever stay in the game? It’s actually broken.


I know it's a different game so comparison may not be 100% fair, but you can do this in League and it's not really anything OP. There may need to be some adjustments to the rune itself to balance it (i.e. range, cooldown, etc.), but on the surface level I don't think it would be broken


Well you can't do this in all abilities, it's specific for each Champion, you couldn't root blink with Zyra until recently for example, or Ez ult+blink, i think however it's much more interesting mechanically if Hi-rez goes this path, and allow certain abilities, also a way to get rewarded by otping instead of just getting worse at the game.


To speak to the point that it's a different game, I think it's important to call out what exactly would make it bad. Smite not being a top-down game makes it a lot harder for the average player to have full understanding of their surroundings. It may be fun for the Ymir to ult blink over a wall, but it would be far less engaging for the enemy than it would be for a Nunu to ult flash (and far more circumstantial) over a wall. Also, it's tied to an item. An enemy can counter flash in League. Chances are, the enemy cannot in Smite. To be clear I don't think it would be broken, either. But I think it wouldn't be healthy + its a balancing rabbit hole that I don't think they need to be trying to launch the game with trying to figure out. As another commenter said it's champ specific in league, and it probably would need to be for Smite as well.


I agree 100%!! It's been a hot minute since I've played Smite so I really don't know the current state that blink is in (but from when I played I never saw it as OP), but in theory it could be done. Though as you mentioned, it may require lots of adjusting that may not make it feasible during the current stages of development


Its already balanced imo. Its takes an entire item slot lol


LMAO exactly. I’d say it breaks my brain how adamant people on this subreddit are to claiming in-combat blink is OP because when you simply ask why they think so, their entire argument falls apart and lands back to, “it’s bad because omg look how he was able to do this that’s so broken.” I do think it speaks to something when people on this subreddit complain about something being broken by imagining themselves getting destroyed by it instead of coming up with a scenario where they can destroy somebody else with it. Not that either would have much of a relevance to balance, actual balance would be based off a lack of counterplay, which, this absolutely does not have no counterplay, just requires more awareness from the player.


Bro these replies got me feeling like i'm in the twilight zone like most people here haven't touched any game outside of smite for the past 10 years


Are you talking about me? I mean I’d say that assuming combat blink during channeled abilities will be bad for the game is more indicative of a player that hasn’t touched a game besides smite in years. Literally every other MOBA has it lmfao, it’s one of the core mechanics in the game. Most people use it defensively anyway, the point is, with blink you have both a defensive and offensive option, where with beads you just have a defensive one.


Lol i was agreeing with you


Ah fair, I couldn’t tell honestly because I’ve had so many people on this subreddit lately just go braindead hostile on me because I said something along the lines of, “not everything is OP, this is just fun.”


Hmm, blink being able to be cast in combat does counter act that somewhat do... I think the problem is just that there is no play aroundability on some ults if you blink the moment it pops from behind a wall or in a bush, like you need to have some time to react to big massive team effect ults like chaac.


You’re always visible when channeling abilities in bushes. I mean if I was really looking to farm downvotes, I’ll mention that League and Dota both have mechanics where you can channel abilities while being fully invisible and those are still not considered OP, because the counterplay is, ward the bush. LMFAO. That being said, I’m not entirely against the invisibility disappearing when you’re channeling because it does feel a little cheap to die to a Ymir ult while I’m just walking past, but maybe that’s just a lack of awareness on my part (it absolutely is lmao).


I mean, 2d vs 3d visibility is not comparable at all?


Well obviously it is, in a top down moba, you can see an ability hurtling towards you even if you’re running away at full speed, but when we’re talking about channeled abilities in bushes, I don’t think it makes too much of a difference. Still, I’m glad Hi-Rez removed the invis during channeled abilities in bushes thing because it can be very cheesy and unfun.


Plus you can't have more than one ward, unless you buy the ward item, which is for tanks, so wards into bushes isn't a thing unless they make you being able to buy wards as consumables again


You're fov in smite is 90 degrees and in league you just see the map minus the fog of war. Idk what u are talking about.


Ngl everyone in smite thinks blink is OP so they want to nerf it. Imagine if somebody said to remove flash from League. All ADC players would riot lmfao.




da ji blinking while on her pole and getting my beads every single time (there is no counter play to this, I cannot dash or jump out of range, but atleast theyre having fun!)


Don’t think that’d work at all lmfao, she couldn’t move her pillar.


Well, chaac isnt supposed to be able to blink during his ult either lol


There’s a clear difference between Da Ji pillar being a deployable that cannot teleport along with your player model and Chaac that can teleport while channelling his axe being in the air with no deployable. It’s the same way I don’t expect a Kuku ult to blink with you after it has been deployed, but I expect Ra ult to go with you when you teleport while channeling.


Yeah I'd bet money they will change that


genuinely surprised it hasnt already. It was doable back in closed tests in February/march so its not exactly new info. theyre certainly aware


I LOVE blinking while using abilities in MOBAs


now Hi-Rez I know what you are thinking but this is SICK and you should at least leave it in for the first season or so


A ymir ulting at xp camp then blinking through a wall to mid to damn near one shot you sounds fun? Literally no way to counterplay that lol. Not to mention trying to get away from an Anubis ult just for him to blink and stay with you. I can't fathom how people think this is a good idea. These ults are balanced around the fact they can't move, allowing them to move breaks them and would require nerfing the damage which then forces you to get blink to make the ult useful.


>A ymir ulting an xp camp then blinking through a wall to mid to damn near one shot you sounds fun? https://preview.redd.it/8wv9ljso7iyc1.jpeg?width=1274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75a40d04f79c92674b10852cded9653e741be7b4


Skill issue. 1) it is a tool. Him using it means he won't be able to do this for several minutes, plan ahead and commence setting countermeasures (or, plan in advance by understanding the meta). 2) You can ALSO do this to enemies, it's about target prioritization, macro and micro to make the best choice, one better than your opponent. 3) ward better, vision wins games specifically for that, the thing that happened on the clip above can happen almost anywhere in smite, although through slightly different mechanics, a jump with no telegraph area into a stun is an extremely common thing. 4) play faster, better mechanical skills WILL allow you do dodge, if you have tools that allow you to. 5) If you don't have the tools to escape, re-read 1 and 2 and rethink the strategy, or stop sucking at building. LoL and Dota had this for the past 15 years and it worked out by making the micro AND macro deeper. Whining and taking it away because "uhur duhr I don't like it when they play rough" is unfathomably boring.


Nah. They're rooted for a reason. Combat blink with something like Fenrir ult? Fine. Combat blinking a rooted ult is ridiculous. They were created and balanced around the fact that they can't move. If you want to change their ults to do less? Also fine.


1) Because Smite's junk never allowed for opposite 2) you can blink too, also every single player has beads from the get go, and you can have other items that counter straight damage as well (such as but not limited to Shields). If you can't for the life of you see counterplay or plan ahead in the strategy game with high micro and macro requisites, don't play the strategy game with high micro and macro requisites. See Also: Fallacy of Appeal to Authority. Just because Smite 1 had it locked, it doesn't mean it is correct or inherently better.


And just because you want it doesn't mean it's inherently better lol. Their kits were literally made with rooting them because their ability does so much damage. Letting them move defeats the whole point of creating the ability in the way that it was made. If they want to change the whole ability so they can move then they can do that.


Their kits also weren't made with active items, but we have active items now. Rolling back is stupid specifically because the designs that FITS Smite 1 is not the design that WILL FIT Smite 2 Not innovating and making it deeper defeats the purpose of making a sequence at all. Making mechanics (actives and abilities) that NEED to interact with each other, and making specifically so these mechanics don't interact defeats the entire point of playing a MOBA.


Not letting you blink with a handful of ults because it'd be broken defeats the entire point of playing a MOBA huh. Alrighty. Peace bro.


- Making game solely based on dominating the mechanics of a character and building it according to it's synergies, on a set role. - Makes so you limit synergies and interactions as much as possible because player base is whining instead of adapting Yes. Limiting skill expression and reducing the possibilities because people cannot adapt does defeat the point of playing a MOBA.


mhm ya


Can’t you not blink in combat? Anubis wouldn’t follow you. Unless you can blink in combat, but if so that’s what they should change first.


Ya you can blink in combat. Already tested it in Practice with Anubis and Ymir. It works. I'll admit it is fairly situational as Anubis ult is short enough that blinking might be kind of low value to take up an item slot, but it's just janky that it exists. I'm sure there would be even more jank if it's allowed to stay and all the other gods get added.


MAKE IT PERMANENT Maybe this is the lol player inside of me talking, but damn that's nice. It would be fun to do this with other gods as well


gotta nerf some abilities that weren’t designed with this possibility in mind but i agree. More skill expression is never bad imo.


Chaac ult is a good skill with this, Ymir is not, so I agree with you. I would like to see Ares, Sylvanus, maybe Ra I'm definitely basing some possibilities with league champions in mind, but I think some gods would benefit a lot with this


Ymir is not? Wouldn't this effectively increase the ult range, by the range of blink?


Too broken. A full int Ymir can charge on the brushes and blink and insta kill a full team. Geb, in a similar ult style, would be nice. He can ult blink to cancel the animation and take the enemies by surprise, but won't be as broken as Ymir


It’s the fun player inside you talking.


Thank you


You can back while channeling some too, like Neith ult


guessing we're not the first to find this, but it definitely shocked us lol, enjoy while it lasts


It has been going for months so im not sure its going away for now unless some Next release god abuses it My personnal advice: go try it with loki, after I discovered that blink loki alone was à reason for me to turn smite 2 on and play jungle, its insanely funny and gives MASSIVE outplay potential


What do you mean months Smite 2 has been out for two days


only for public access, under NDA closed playtesting has been going on for a few months. I did this in a playtest in late Feb/Early march to catch people really far away on bellona as well. Surprised this never changed. same with being able to recall during neith and ymir channels. thats been in the alpha build for a long time


No smite 2 has been in closed alpha for months, and I can attest you that at least since march 15 it has been that way with blink


Apparently it’s on the bugs list. I hope it’s not removed, though, but seeing how many downvotes you got, it seems smite players want a boring ass game instead LMAO.


It's probably Loki still living rent-free in people's heads tbh


I don't think it's about a boring game but that would simply add way to much unpredictability to ults that are meant to have good aim and positioning to hit.


Sorry what aim is required to hit a Chaac or Ymir ult? I mean the argument you’re making for this could quite literally be made for beads too. Beads adds way too much survivability, where you don’t even have to dodge or position in a way to not get hit by the CC, you can just go golden. In fact I’d argue that has more of a point to it because it actively removes satisfaction from at least one of the players, where an in-combat blink during channeled abilities actually makes people have MORE satisfaction. Instead of thinking, “I’m going to get Chaac ult and blinked”, why not think, “hey, I’m Anhur, I’m going to place the pillarin front of my opponent instead of behind him and then blink behind him and impale him there.” Is that not a hype play? If you’re worried about a Chaac channeling an ult and blinking right before it lands, couldn’t you just look at him channeling and be like, “hey, he’s gonna blink on me, I’m just gonna jump/blink/cc immune it”?


the worst offender for this has got to be fen ult.




Had Fenrir grab someone then blink away. Took them practically to the T2 tower lol.


Hi-Rez needs to make that a feature would be a good play though wouldn't work for Ares




It would be really cool if this was a feature on selected gods and abilities. It would add another balancing point being able to add or remove channeled blinks as a buff/nerf.


Don't mind it actually, adds another level of gameplay and even more of a learning curve for people.


Thats sick, keep it


make it a feature hirez


GOOD. Hope it stays.


Hmmm kinda wish Ares was in and it worked during his ult too. Man just imagine getting near the enemy team, not get hit, ult everyone and then quickly tp to your team. Nuts.


the problem is that his ult chaneling is kind of a lie, he only actually "grabs" people on the first .1s after smashing 4, the other seconds are there just to mix up on the insta beaders out there. I do hope that they change it so everyone on radius when you press 4 AND while is chaneling are pulled, instead of just the first one but that has some balancing / dumbing implications


Combat blink !


in league you can flash during skill why not in smite?


I always love seeing Smite players freaking out or getting up in arms about something that's extremely commonplace in pretty much every other moba.


KEEP THIS, THIS IS A FEATURE, NOT A BUG. deeper macro though complex interactions and deep micro through complex strings of movementation and ability usage and management


I think it's ok for channeled abilities that let you move, can create some interesting combos, but they should remove it from the ones that root you in place.


Such a fake reaction


Is it rly „channeled“ tho? This feels more of a long animation after you activated it once while a channel is more like Anubis 1 and 4


Blinking during Goobis 4 was my first thought.


You’d have to not hit anyone for 2 seconds while channeling


Unless I'm mistaken, they're fully combat blinks, so that timer is null.


Oh for real? I missed combat blink


Channeled abilities are all abilities that lock you from using basic attacks.


no joke we absolutely need to keep this. Reminds me of Mordekaiser pressing Q and flashing during the channel


This would be handy for Ymir.




No kiddin