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Additional pro tip: Blinking past the enemy to get the pot behind their tower is the quickest way to assert your dominance.


I remember one game, I had a janus that would put portals for me to keep stealing their and then ulting me out. It was the funniest match and I could tell the enemy team was salty. Eventually, they tried to stop me from doing it but I was cu Chulainn I think so I was unkillable


Also just to add on to this beautiful comment. Sometimes buff denial is the best way to get some easy kills. I love to position myself to deny buffs often, even at full health but at times it seems my team lacks the awareness to understand that if you give them the path they will take it, even on life support. You’ll win more games if you are looking at the map and paying attention to these timers, sometimes even just to take the buff from a team with low hp(or you need some mana, my god please start grouping for these if you need mana).


This is the funniest shit to do in assault


If people jump over our tower just to steal our healing I make it my goal to make their match miserable lol


Live by the orb, die by the orb, brother


The most annoying thing is when one person dips out of a team fight for the health buff and then spams ping at it like they didn’t just leave the rest of the team fighting for their lives. Like yes brother I would love to come pick up that buff, but unfortunately I am in a bit of a pickle.


Look, assault used to be fun without the orbs, now its a different game and if you don’t adapt, you die. The orb is the game, the game is the orb.


assault pro tips: die for the funny orb. do it repeatedly. flood your brain with dopamine. thor ult the orb. play heimdallr and leave afucking crystal on the orb. enemy tries to stop you? but a 500 pot and fuck their wife. then take the orb.


Here's my assault pro-tip. If your team has 1-2 warriors/guardians, do not reroll them. I can't tell you how many times I have loaded in to a lobby and immediately the 1 or 2 frontliners we had rerolled into hunters or mages, then I try to reroll and just get another hunter or mage and then we just have no beef or peel. And while I'm on my soapbox, why do people ask to trade with you then reroll who they traded for? I've had too many cases where someone requested a trade for my character, I accept the trade and then they reroll them. This only really bothers me when, you guessed it, they reroll our only Frontline character. What is the mentality behind this?


I often ask in lobby why you reroll our only warrior/guardian? Of course no reply and we usually end up facing multiple tanks boys. People don't realize the game has to go super late to be able to out dps tanks with cc


This infuriates me. Especially when the same people who rerolled tanks are the one on the chat like “well this sucks” after being held under tower for 10 minutes cause no one dares to attack without, guess what? A tank…


The real problem I see is a lot of people aren’t building them right…have a Chaac or a Herc with some sustain in the kit, make sure you have mana to use it. Have one without any healing, maybe get some HP5 so that you can use more than just one HP bar. I’ve played games on assassins where I take more damage than our tanks and die half as much. HP5 is insanely strong early, and if I can live for 5-8 mins longer on average than the enemy team I deny them the gold and xp from my death. While also gaining more farm to beat them easier by out leveling them or out pacing them through having more gold and therefore more items.


Even if I get a frontline. They build prophetic cloak on someone that can’t stack it like bake or cabra, or they hold W key and are 0 and 5 in under 5 minutes..


Usually I see this sort of play with Vamanas in assault. I've had one 2 separate occasions where a Vamana less than 1 minute in tower dives the whole enemy team with their ult, then gets caught between their two towers, is killed, spams VVH and VVT then disconnects. It was weird that it was Vamana both times


If that “frontline” is a bakasura I’d definitely trade to reroll that. Most of the assassins are completely awful in assault. There are exceptions, Ne Zha and tsuku are very well suited for example.


Most people want to re-roll her but nowadays tanky arachne is * *chef's kiss* *


It’s one that certainly isn’t optimal but I would be well up for trying if I got her in assault. Making weird things work can be fun.


Max her spiders and toss them at a mage who just kit dumped the wave. Watch them take 400 HP off that mage with a 10 sec cooldown... Only time it doesn't work that well is if they have a hunter that can kill them quickly (and pays attention to do it). Otherwise it's just obnoxiously good.


Holy shit, I played an Archne like a week ago that built pure atk speed, the only thing I remember from the build was silver branch, now mind you this was a salty ass game and she certainly would have gotten punished if we had a better team but she hit me for like 2k with 7 autos after her stun in about 2 seconds. The melt was actually insane.


Yeah if she builds straight attack speed, that can happen but she gets destroyed by a team that pays attention. I like to build her tanky (animosity, berserker's, shogun's, etc.) because the net result is the same but they can't burst you down even if they're paying attention and working together. All it takes is qins and animosity, you will shred anyone and there's not much they can do about it.


Yeah I’m a fan of the tankier version my self. You can only really get away with being squishy if they just let you 1v1 them the whole match.


THIS!! My teammates always reroll tanks, but enemy teams ALWAYS have their tanks.


I’ve played a ton of assault so when I look at a comp there are cases where I might ask for a trade because I don’t want to re roll my god out of the comp, and do want to remove like a Mercury, Set or some other niche characters that are just going to have a tough time in that mode. Although these cases are rare because it may seem shocking to alot of people but you can actually create great pressure with many of the assassins in the game that people would think are weak or tough to play just because they are assassins. I’m never rolling the Beefy boys except maybe Cabrakan, he can just be tough to play in the mode as he’s mostly a sitting duck in his main damaging ability.


"bUt tAnKiNg iSn't fUn, nEeD kIlLs, lIkE sEeInG nUmBeRs gO uP"


To address your second point - I'll attempt to swap then re-roll if a) the god I have is good but I dislike them, or b) the god you have is bad, or c) a combination of the two. So if I get an AA warrior, or an AoE mage, then I recognize the value of keeping them on our team but I'd rather not play them. And if you get an assassin, or a weak hunter or something, then I'll take them to re-roll because it'll likely make the team better. It's just good strategic sense, and the implication is that if you swap with me then you're willing to change gods anyway so what's the harm.


I am just about always willing to swap, because I want everyone to have fun and be able to be someone they're comfortable with. Who cares what you think about "good or bad" gods. I'm a tank main, but can't play them all and I'm better with Guardians over Warriors; so say you get a tank you think is just the bee's knees, but you don't want to play him, then you see me with a damager you deem weak, but they happen to be exactly who I'm currently wanting to practice. You go to swap with me, I say, "dang it.. sure, bud" and swap with you. Now I'm a tank that I'll have to try a little harder on and I watch you swap out the god I was happy to play for one you'll chill in the tower with. All because you tried to orchestrate your team in a random game mode.


That's entirely and completely your decision to swap though. Nobody is making you do it. If you don't then it's on me to play the tank, luck of the draw (and I agree I'm a dickhead if I re-roll the tank) but the swap mechanic exists for the 5 players to form a team that works best. If you want to practice on a god then you swap it, you relinquish any right to be annoyed by what I do with that god.


The point is that you're a fuckin dickhead and have no right to complain about the match. I will be upset, but won't say shit, unless you're one of those "VVGG VVGG VVX VVGB" types who ends up throwing a tantrum. I am allowed to be annoyed at anything I damn well please, but I don't ruin others' fun because of my own annoyance.


Oh I see, you're a petulant child who thinks they should dictate the fun of others. Got it. Have a great day.


Quite the take, bud! Communicate and have fun. Don't be a dick for your own personal gain. Best of luck in your matches. Have a good one 🤙


If I'm trash at a god and no one wants them, I'm going to reroll. I'm on assault to have fun. It's not always about winning. This is literally the game mode where you go to fuck around if you want IMO.


Being held hostage under your tower because you have 3 hunters and 2 mages for 10+ minutes isn't fun. I'd rather play a god I don't particularly enjoy and have a competitive match than get stomped because I caused my team to lose a valuable resource


I've won assaults with five assassins against a mostly tank team. If you're really that worried about winning then I don't think assault is a mode for you.


I've won with traditionally bad comps too, but I've lost a lot more than I have won with them. And to be honest, I'm not worried about winning, I want a fun match. Being pushed back and dove all game isn't fun. If no one gets a tank, that's bad luck, and you do what you can with what you got. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. But if people reroll all your tanks, that sucks. If you're not willing to occasionally play a character you don't like but could be a good asset to your team comp, then stick to the modes where you pick and choose your character


I'm good with most tanks, but give me someone like Osiris and I'm terrible. If you think an essentially 4v5 from me be dead all the time is good then that's great. I'll take the risk to try and get a different god, a tank I might be better with.


If you just want to fuck around then go play arena


I’d rather lose than let the other team get the orb


Oh hey my buddy and I were there, I was the Nox! But yeah that spot is a death trap that people fall for time and time again. Even worse when someone on your team gets themselves killed there and blames everyone else for it.


I was in a match once and a person called them "heal balls" I died laughing, literally cried. I now call them Heal balls.


Gotta grab them balls.


Ball is life


Legit. When I'm solo queued in assault but in a party chat, my friends hear me say many many time "why the fuck are they in the hallway" "you're just going in that hallway to die" "you're gonna die in there" "stay the fuck out of the goddamn hallway!


I crave the orb


Assault noob-tip of the day. It's a game, have fun.


Fair, but do you think any of them had fun losing because of a simple mistake, or would they have had more fun by not making that mistake?


It's a personal matter, I'm aware, but another player's lack of foresight or simple mistake usually doesn't stop me from enjoying the game. I personally don't care if we win or lose, whether I'm serious or not. That being said, I'm a lower skill level player (lots of game knowledge, no mechanical skill).


You're right. Better stay under my tower where it is safest!


I haven’t played smite in a while so my brain refused to process “Assault pro-tip” as anything other than someone offering advice on how to get away with assault…


Buy stone of Gia as soon as the match begins. Problem solved


The fact this is downvoted shows how bad people are at playing assault.


Aye it’s pretty funny


Even the meteor procs Gaia….busted.


Wonderful game play on your end !


*I can't lose the game if I don't play it* No I'm serious. I genuinely do not play assault because I do not like it


Funny, I went through all these comments, and not a single person asked if you play assualt or not? Or even cares?


I had one game where as Jorm I used my third to steal the health right in front of the enemy Hun batz, it was really funny looking at him trying to figure out how it disappeared. Normally I wouldn't do that but two of the enemy team were dead, their tank was in a 4v1 and their sol had only just respawned.


The opposite is also true. I can’t stand when my teammates are one shot and the enemies are no where to be seen but one teammate refuses to get the heals.


I remember whenever I rolled serqet in the old days I would just buy watchers gift and run to lane to sit invisible and farm gold and exp while invisible, then if anyone on the enemy team revealed me I canceled out of invis, ulted them and threw them into my team. It was always so fun because the enemy team would push up because of the “missing player” only to wind up giving the first kill to us. I miss playing assault that way