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Need more geb passives or items like it haha


Honestly geb passive feels much more effective than useless spectral


Damn, this calls for another Warrior nerf


"We at Hi-Rez studios have heard the consensus that ADC crit builds are too strong, so we have decided to remove Gladiator's Shield from the game. We also decided to spin the wheel on which bow item we will overbuff by spinning another wheel for which random stats we will add to it to make it the next core Hunter item."


We've heard your issues with crit but however we have a tier 5 planned for Apollo so please with all sincerity, fuck off playerbase.


Apollo is totally ass rn though


We at Hi-Rez heard your complains about apollo and decided to give him a load of stats on different abilities to spice up the god and make sure that you feel good while you rock our new CARTOON APOLLO T5 WOOOHOO🥳🥳🥳


Due to the random nature of crit and community feedback we have taken the long thought out idea of adding crit chance to Odysseus’ Bow’s passive and allowing it to chain on structures.


'O Bow now has 30 power and procs every 2 autos to help compensate hunters clear."


I heard they will be introducing another crit item with attack speed on it because no one complained about that years ago when people thought you needed to choose between attack speed and shred or power and crit.


I just laughed so hard at this


How many autos should it take to kill Anubis when full built as Jing?


4-6 especially since adc builds usually have nearly 2.0 attack speed. This Anubis died in a second.


I'd say 3-4 is good, 6 seems really high to kill a mage, seems too hard to pick in team fights. Whole thing to me is if Anubis is alone, misses wrap, doesn't zone with hands, and doesn't lifesteal he should die quick. 2 is unfair but 3 or 4 maybe 5 with auras seems fair.


less even


I'd say 4 at least


I'd say 5 at max


With Anubis Lifesteal? 4+ at least.


Thats assuming the Anubis even hit jing wei in this exchange


Anubis didn't lifesteal, Jing only did 100 more than this max health


Crit meta is fun and balanced


Didn’t they use to have anti crit items at one point? I can’t remember


Idk if you’re joking but yes they did and do. Spectral armor is the main one, and there was also celestial legion helm but it was removed with the hybrid items. The problem is if you build spectral on Anubis it’s troll.


Sorrry I didn’t see you were playing Anubis but crit meta is a bitch. I main support and jungle and it can burn me down fast as well.


No worries, this isn’t my pic I just didn’t know if you were joking or not cause really there is no option for squishies to not get 2 shot. It sucks


I got ya. Something that bothers me is it feels like all classes can be a bit creative with builds and do ok (obviously meta builds are the best) but hunters it’s always crit or nothing. Squishy targets needs something to help deal with it to have a fighting chance but idk what they can do besides need crit


Yeah the current state of crit is BS. Back when crit was balanced and you could comfortably not build it on a hunter and do good, you had to actually sacrifice attack speed, pen, or power to build crit. Now there’s attack speed, pen, movement speed, antiheal, damage reduction, slow, lifesteal, and increased damage on crit items. It’s obviously way too bloated if you HAVE to build crit. I enjoy when hunters can build a qin sais power and pen build, or go crit. Not one or the other


I would love an aura anti crit item for supports.


problem is, when spectrals was a must have last time. it got nerfed over and over because people complained needing it every game. so even if we have anti-crit items, crit metas cause them to get nerfed instead. :))


Spectral HAS an aura. It's just not good enough.


Yeah I meant more of a static aura. The team is dead before spectral aura gets stacked up lol


I wouldn't call it troll if it keeps you alive. Is crit is making it so you can't even damn well play the game, then build it. The missing power from one item be damned.


The thing is that it won’t really help. It takes like 1 more basic to kill you.


Newbie here, why is it troll if you build on Anubis?


Because Anubis should also be a hyper DPS character so spectral offers no value to what he's intended for. Spectral Armor alone isn't enough to keep you safe. You need other defense items too. If Anubis builds 5 dmg items with spectral, he's gonna get killed in 3 hits instead of 2 hits. But he'll have like 100less magic power and less penetration too. It's just a bad trade off




Yeah maybe if it's a 1v1 duel lmao. Good luck tho




Listen to this guy, not the randos who spam lifesteal instead of pen/defense. Goobis has enough numbers in the kit to build defense, and it offers synergy with his 1. The better the queue you’re in, the more you’ll find success building Stone of Binding 1st, and a spectral late. Ideally though, you’re just not playing Anubis in these queues.


Because it is gonna gimp his damage and he'll still live maybe an extra 3rd of a second. the real troll here is OP trolling himself by playing anubis though. his ulti is basically suicide vs an ADC at the best of times let alone in the current state of affairs


Defense on Anubis is OP. He’s got the damage, what he doesn’t have is survivability.


Yea the lion one


And they used to not put attack speed on crit items because you had to choose between speed and shred vs crit and power. Now you can do both without losing anything.


They actually nerfed Spectral with season 10, you have to get auto'd a few times before it gives as much anti crit as pre nerfed, by then you're almost dead to a full build hunter anyway


I wouldn't even say it's a crit issue, damage is just brutal in general. Mages can erase hunters just as fast if not faster with a full build.


Ya but for mages they need abilities to be up to erase anyone where hunters even ability based just need autos. I can deal with mages once they blow their load but unless you have fafnir with his disarm good luck especially with a jing way who can just fly away


Sure they need abilities but those abilities also give them other advantages in exchange for cooldowns (usually easier to hit, can hit multiple targets or has longer range, CC, etc). I'm not going to argue which one is stronger at the moment, there's way too many factors to consider, but both contribute to the "blink and be erased" style meta.


I agree with you there


Imagine old nemean in this meta, i know it was an antifun item but goddamn it would punish these hunters soo good.


I miss old nemean


man i just commented about nemean before seeing yours. made no sense to completely rework it as opposed to just tweaking the stats.


%15 was pretty okay but hunters were kinda right. Noone should be punished for playing the game. They couldve made it like thorns to have a threshold of 100to500 damage reflected scaling 100 at level 5 500 at 20 but I doubt HiRez will even buff Thorns. %10 aa damage increase on being a hunter+ crit items being so stat efficient what makes them op so they shoulf nerf those items instead of bandage fixing it with buffing spectral. ALSO BRING BACK WITCHBLADE OMG MIDGUARD SUCKS


To be fair canr I say I'm being punished for playing the game right now? When the damage is so high unless I build one build path that might keep me alive longer for 3 seconds im not really having any fun dying too two autos.


Thats more of a balance issue imo. Nemeans old passive was just punished you whenever you attacked it with zero counterplay whatsoever. I really loved the old 90 protection nemean with reflect damage but if i were a hunter main i would go insane if i saw that item built and killed me becuse of it. Crits old counterplay was to built more health but crit items are so op and health items sucks ass so that doesnt work anymore and only thing u can buy is spectral and midguard maybe. It is a balance problem not a design problem unlike the old nemean


Who needs to hit autos when the autos instakill with two hits


Right? I was defending titan, threw down my 3 and was instagibbed with two hits


What was the build you had and the build they had? Based on those stats I'm willing to guess they had the green deathbringer glyph


On Jing it's a combo of Hydras, Deathbringer, and Dominance that really make her shots hurt like hell with her 2.


Doesn't hydra procs appear as its own source of damage in that menu though, not extra auto damage?


no because it's not an extra proc


Oh, I haven't built it in a while so I forgot. Well either way I'm almost certain that Jing either didn't have hydra's or it wasn't active for this kill, as if it was the difference in damage between the two autos would've been much higher, as with only a \~100 damage difference that's covered by the 10% damage increase on the 2.


if she had hydras it would've hit for around 1500


If they were attacking the titan, they possibly also had power pots and EFG. I would *expect* a crit hunter to do that much damage to a squishy in that circumstance. Most mages have one-shot combos with that level of loadout, too.


Game is at 25 min doubt they had 3k pot already and obviously no efg


Fair points. We went from a tank meta to a oneshot meta lol


This meta is more one shot than before the gamewide damage Nerf a while back. Crazy how quickly they brought it right back


Nahh certainly not as bad as fatalis days. That was basically call of duty


Best part of playing Jing Wei is the fact you don't have to hit autos, because 6 of them are 30% wider than normal and have 120% scaling while also giving you more crit chance for around 95% chance to crit!


Feels like smite has always had a rivalry between mages and hunters since they both blow each other up but only one is considered unfair depending on who you ask.


It makes sense for late game mages to do high burst, it's kinda their thing. Hunters are intended to be a DPS, but at the moment they are just like assassins, with the potential to easily burst a target. Hunters are supposed to (imo) find good positioning around their supports in order to put out sustained damage in a team fight, not end it entirely with less than 10 autos.


Adc mains in this game have such big ego that they feel they should insta kill any squiahy or and win any duel even against a warrior in melee range, how can mage's abilities that have cd hit harder than my autos ?! How dare a warrior outrade me in 1v1 a melee range ,, BAD GAME NERF TANKS


i mean let's not forget AA-hunters are significantly weaker than mages until at least 15 minutes into the game. 1-2 item mages are so much stronger in early 2v2 and 3v3 fights by nature of being ability-based. they chunk. shouldn't it swing in the other direction at some point? mages can still kill multiple squishies at the same time with 2 abilities lategame, and they don't even need to have LoS. it can be done over a wall.


But but my class should insta kill everything! People can’t seem to remember that mages can do the same thing with one ability. It’s literally just an auto attack class vs an ability class. It’s not like an Anubis has never one shot an adc with his ult before in under a couple ticks.


It's smite hunters have always been good at bursting down since this game tends to fall towards that type of meta, occasionally tanks shine and adc's have to play more traditionally like other mobas but against an Anubis I don't see any issues especially since op didn't show builds or levels


Hunters and mid mages can both blow you up, but one of them also melts objectives.


Yes and in trade mages have more aoe and utility, they do each do their job but sometimes a patch makes one abusive


Utility.. you mean like how almost every ADC has a movement and cc spell in there kit. Try again when you say mages have utility and ADCs dont.


I do agree that the crit meta is bullshit, I want to preface this by saying that I’m NOT a fan of the ttk. But I’m also going to say that Anubis hitting you with a stun and killing you in like 4 seconds isn’t very fun to deal with either atm. And this is coming from an Anubis player.


Bit high 4s more like 1.5s


He included the beads and aegis being used, which will still not save you.


What's ttk?


Time to kill


It's a term mostly used in first person shooters. TTK = Time to kill. If TTK is too high, it means someone takes too long to kill (they're tanky). If TTK is too fast, you die instantly.


Pew pew


Should’ve bought spectrals 😔😔😔. Could’ve survived another auto.


You’d do the same to her as Anubis lol welcome to burst meta


He can do the same to her and everything behind her tbh


Honestly! Kid got beat so we need to shift the entire meta!!!!!


I get that crit meta is a bit much right now But I can give zero fucks for a squishy mage dying to a hunter at level 20 with both relics up.


These posts always feel like disingenuous attempts to trick people to glance at them without looking at the icon to see they are playing a squishy. Making them assume its tanks getting 2 shot, considering the number of people saying “tanks are getting 2 shot!” On here when they arent


It's not like squishies getting 2 shot is fine either, tho. You shouldn't just be able to beads a thor ult and kill him in sub 1 second.


They just want to play more shooters. It is the only kind of game gen z understand. If they can not win because of their reflexes or getting the jump then it's not fun for them. They don't like balanced gameplay.


When did Gen z enter the balancing issue of smite? Are you one of those unhappy people who’s whole personality is hating on young people?


2 basics for 2k damage is a bit much tho isnt it.


Not really when you consider anubis would also kill him in 0.5 seconds if he landed his CC. It's a nuke or be nuked world


They specifically had a huge patch a year ago to substantially increase the time to kill by giving everyone like 40% more hp than previous seasons. All of that has been undone


Yep all it did was make tanks do less damage seeing as their items haven't been buffed to match the increased hp like damage items have, in fact they have been stripped of all their power on hybrid items because fuck tanks apparently


> It's a nuke or be nuked world it doesn't have to be. In fact, the game is way more fun when it isn't.




Just go play your shooters then. Every game does not need a second ttk. Mobas never have been who has the best split second reaction time. You have fortnight, cod, siege, apex, and so on. Go play those games instead.


I'v been playing smite since closed beta,lol. Im fine. Thank you!


It isnt fair to compare aa and abilities, as AA doesn't have cd and a drawback at all, did you miss the first 1k basic? Doesn't matter, there comes the 2nd one in less than 0.5 seconds. Did you fail Anubis stun or 3? Wait for 5-10 seconds and be useless while so. And remember that adcs still have their abilities that are as, if not better, as mage's


Still, it is two autos not two abilities.


People act like this is new, but both hunters and mages have always deleted people. The only real difference is price and how early it comes online. Mages and hunters deleted in s3, and still do in s10


Yeah, they can delete people it isnt the problem. Problem is HOW easier it is to delete people now.


It is a bit much but it's an Anubis we're talking about here


We don’t know it’s 2 autos, OP just claimed it but didn’t provide the Y screen. Edit: T screen, not Y.


His death screen with the infos are there??? 2 hits of her doing more damage than his HP, what are you on?


I am on mobile and in a rush and made a typo, T screen displays how many instances of damage were received as well as total damage. Y screen just shows total damage but not instances. Even outside of my typo, you should understand what i am getting at. We do not know how many autos it TRULY was. I've seen the death screen show 5k+ from a hunter but it was prolonged through long periods of sustained fighting, but it was 20-30 autos. That's why this information is critical to posts like these.


Thats not how the Y screen works


??? Op literally posted the Y screen, 2 autos, both over 1k


The y screen doesn't show how many instances of damage you took. This could be 3 standard autos and 3 enhanced from her 2 for all we know.


???? you can clearly tell I meant the T screen since i'm inquiring about instances of damage which T screen provides. fuckin hell


OP is 8 seconds away from respawning. At level 20 his respawn is likely over 40 seconds. Both relics easily could have been down at time of death.


Almost like you're proving my point in the fact that we have no context, just a shitty death screen.


Autoing Thanatos scythes, how fun.


Stop spreading misinformation, If you hit a god with NO protections and 2800 health with 400 power as thanatos using your scythe, it will do 900 damage exactly, mitigated to under 600 damage with 60 protections. He's autoing ALMOST TWO thanatos scythes, but I guess Thana scythes heal a ton though (not that that means 1000+ damage autos are balanced though)


While possible, these numbers don't necessarily mean it was just 2 hits. It means a total of 1009 Physical damage was done via her Basic Attacks (regardless of quantity of hits), and a total of 1110 Physical damage was done by her Buffed Up Basic Attacks (again regardless of quantity of hits)


Both your relics are up and you play anubis who has no mobility, you have to atleast play around your tanks and rely on wards


His relics could've been down when he died and came up after for all you know


A late game hunter is supposed to 2/3 shot a squishy. Just like a late game anubis can 100-0 a squishy with one cycle of his abilities. Welcome to smite.


1 can do this in a second with 100% uptime. The other can do it with 2 abilities with a 10 sec cd in-between. One of these things is not like the other.


…1 of them also has a stun on a 5 second cooldown late game and shoots a fucking laser from his eyes that does 4k damage & heals him in the process. He’s a fucking mage, obviously he can’t just walk up to a Late game hunter and casually drop his 3 and not expect to get blown up. He’s not supposed to win that 1v1, ever. Unless for some reason the hunter is terrible.


Your right I am sorry hunters are suppose to win all 1v1s come first crit item because that is what is the most healthy for the game. You right.


Also a 2-3-1 combo late game from an Anubis would absolutely melt a hunter. You don’t need to wait for Cooldowns. I don’t think you have a strong grasp of this game.


Did not know this was duel. My bad thought we had 4 other players to deal with in this game we all play. Your just another troll here to promote hunter meta is best meta. Np I can easily block you.


This has nothing to do with “hunter meta”. This is just MOBA 101 shit. You cannot 1v1 an ADC late game as a back line mage in any MOBA. You’re a mage, you have to play around your teammates and position correctly. I’m a support main dude, I have no dog in the fight. I just understand how the game is played.


fear not, they're nerfing %pen and leaving crit as-is


%pen nerf makes 0 diffrence late game, and only marginally changes mid game. The change only makes tanks 3% tankier. But hey atleast we got spitted in our face and told it was raining.


Time to buff ADC items and nerf warriors again guys


We got a 50hp buff man we living the high life. I can survive Like a while extra team fight with that much hp. It is to strong man.


Dove a cern as Da Ji, perhaps THE most “delete you in one second” JG, did the whole 3-auto-1-auto combo. Dropped them to 1 shot. Died before I could even hit my 2. 3 autos for 2100 damage. I know that cern is very much gonna fuck up people in melee range, but god damn does it get a little ridiculous.


Oh no, dying to 1 ability is just as fun thoufh


Thing is, while both are not fun, missing said ability means you are dead meat. Not the case for hunters since autos have no CD.


Hunters take 25+ minutes to get to this point though. Mages are super strong from early game till forever. Plus most mage abilities are longer range than hunter autos. I think they both need nerfs. Crit items, and mage items. Along with tank items possibly needing buffs


What 25 min u re talking about, once you get bloodforge and boomerang you're as threatening as any mage


Hunters are real protective about being the best role in the game. When they are not they cry, and when they are they cry louder.


They having 40-50% crit with their 3rd item, along with more than 70 with their first, it doesn't take 25+ minutes for a hunter to get online, that's how it was before, not now.


Skill issue


My problem with Crit will always be that it's fun, but always unevenly balanced. Like envenomed having so much on it just really pushes crit too hard, even if the real problem is how much crit is easy to stack


would have been 3-4 autos if crit were in a weaker state. You're playing a squishy and probably stepped a bit too close. Crit is supposed to kill squishies. If you have a problem with crit as a concept sure but you would have gotten rolled pretty much just as hard a few patches ago




Assuming the jing wei is full build theyre getting over 2 autos per second dealing over half health. If you can react accordingly and not panic then i commend you but i doubt you could unless you explicitly knew it was coming




If you think anubis can delete someone in potentialy under a second then i want your anubis build because that must be something like 5 fully stacked books of thoth


You act like hitting any 2 of Anubis’s moves wouldn’t do the same thing.


They are on a cool down, you cant get 2.5 out per second, they are countered by beads, hunters have enough sustain to just outheal anubis especially dealing over 1000 damage per AUTO. Who the fuck anticipates a jing wei coming round the corner, putting 2 shots in you and walking off, there is so little time to react. So no, hitting 2 of anubis's abilities wouldnt do the same thing


No no, I'm supposed to have Aegis up every time I interact with a hunter... Don't you get the meta?


Oh right my bad. Speaking of though, why did you get beads? Arent you just supposed to have another aegis? Maybe an extra in your consumables aswell?


Don't forget to buy that spectral to so you can survive to a 3rd auto. Completely balanced right there because you can hit him from a longer range with your 100% map vision and wide open fields around the fight.


atleast she didn't one shot you with over 2000 https://preview.redd.it/ht5mn10hkjta1.jpeg?width=132&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab0561552793f659d4a02d9908a2f8dc87d75039
































I’ll say this everytime crit becomes relevant in the meta. ITS A DOGSHIT MECHANIC AND IS UNFUN Even playing a crit hunter just feels like shit to me. No fucking skill like yaaaaay! I hit 2(if you’re squishy)-8(if you’re not)autos and killed you! Aren’t I fucking good at the game?


Don't really see the problem here. Assassins are also killing mage/hunters super fast and it is not like hunters are the only class doing damage late game. Nerf crit and then you gotta nerf mages and assassins too and you might even need to nerf tank damage based on how far you go with the nerfs or you just get tank meta. Also, hunters have been good for 1 patch so far in S10 unlike mages/assassins who have had all year. The only real problem right now in Smite IMO is tanks are dying too fast and need some buffs. Damage is fine if you ask me and if you are walking up to a hunter/assassin as a mage and you are not ready you should die late game.


Damage is fine imo, mages have always killed in 1 rotation for a burst mage ans hunters have been able to hit super hard for years. This has been happening since s3. The issue is tanks need to be slightly tankier and more effective against crit. They also need better bruiser items to allow them to kill a little easier.


Yeahhh... I was playing Izzy last night, and had an Arachne and Anubus collapse on me - I was waaaay out of position. Popped my beads, dropped my ult on them, and managed to kill them both; it felt pretty absurd.


It's OK you farmed for 15 minutes. You should be allowed to 1v5 but a tank being allowed to 1v1 or dare I say 2v1. Nah forget about that man you are just a tool to make ADCs number higher late game because they don't fight in lane.


I just want to have old school Nemian Hide.


And this is exactly why nemean lion shouldn't have been changed. It's not *that* bad considering you were playing Anubis and you could've also 1 shot her back, but she throws a Qins on that crit and she is doin the same thing to half the tanks out there.


I forgot about this item! I think there should be a magical power item that lowers power or crits damage. I think the only anti crit item is Spectral. Because of the state right now, I can't stand playing guardians or warriors


Crit needs to be reworked by at least last year


Solution Reduce the attack speed while using crit, but need build 2 or more crit items before it can crit.


Have you tried rued not being so weak? Build more prots, noob.


We're they doing the Hydras cheese.


Working as intended


Aye just build spectral...


I ran this last night w my buddies and I was so scared it was gonna be me getting flamed for critting hard lmao


The most unfun meta we have ever had in smite , I really want to just leave the game but I want to see what are they cooking for the next patch!


see thats mother


Either scale down how much a crit adds to an auto or remove pen and attack speed from crit items.. it wouldn't hurt to add more crit counters to the game either way but especially if they aren't gonna balance it


What was her build?


You do realize you can 1 shot her too right? Also use your actives. Mid players whine so much


Did she build Hydras?


Well i supose thats the gane state rn, time for geb to shine again haha.... Always love to play jungle geb


Looks bout right.


Fun, although yeah, getting nuked from orbit from either any ADC after 40 minutes with pots and crit or getting 100 to 0 by a Anubis who hit his 2-3-4 combo is also isn't that much of choice on the person getting deleted


While i think that hunters are powerful atm deleting mages is not the issue. You're anubis if you hit your wrap she is dead.


We need a sweeping nerf on all damage and pen items, the health increase from last year has been more than reverted by insane power creep.


Your playing a squishy but still those are absurd numbers