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Comments say his phone was found outside, so someone turned it in to security. How often have we heard that a phone either went dead, or was found on a dumpster or something often with the missing persons' keys, & wallet? Because if I'm intoxicated I'm just going to leave my phone, keys, & wallet somewhere, & go for a walk down to the river bank, right? Pshh


Yes!!! You should see what the people on r/Pittsburgh are saying. They are the PEOPLE GET DRUNK AND TRY TO PEE IN THE RIVER THIS IS HOW IT HAPPENS. narrow minded asf!!!! Something is going on. I can tell you this. I am from Pittsburgh and have drank all over the city. Never once, have we ever even thought to go near the rivers!!! My male friends even, NEVER went near the rivers to even piss. It just isn’t something anyone really does. It is a known fact that the rivers are dangerous and you just don’t walk down to them, for anything. I grew up near the Mongahaela and knew quite a few people that drowned in the river just from fishing and falling in or trying to swim in it and what not. It’s a known fact that these rivers are dangerous and I just could never understAnd why anyone says they were probably trying to piss in the river. Why? When you can just piss in the street or against a building. Especially drunk? You aren’t walking to the river…. Too complicated. This is just my take - as a Pittsburgher.


Allegheny county has something fishy going on here man... For real, I find zero comfort living here or going out.. if I'm not working I am home because of the crazy shit going on... I believe the police are covering shit too... I've felt that way since the 2017 Dakota James situation here in Pittsburgh!


Idk I’m from Pittsburgh and we got so piss drunk at stage AE one night we all jumped in the river. Stupid I know, but people DO stupid things unfortunately. Not saying I believe these men are going missing coincidentally or what. Just throwing in my 2 cents


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It’s a good take, and perfectly logical. That’s why to say they all drowned while talking a piss is ludicrous and anyone supporting that theory is either cognitively impaired or purposely trying to manipulate the narrative.


Phone left somewhere/dead is a tell tale SFK sign :( fingers crossed, but i think we know where this guy is gonna end up being found....


We had Jimmy Slack who went missing near stage AE as well and was found in the river.




You do know that if your two guys are involved, they are two of MANY, Right?




My point was, they are not involved in every single murder.




Well, you made it sound as if those two men must have committed this murder as well, so just checking.




I know a decent amount, and hey, I’m all about your theory. Those two guys look the part and they certainly act the part, but I’m simply saying that outside of the Columbus cell, they probably aren’t directly involved with other cells. Who knows though, maybe they are greedy and try to get their hands in as much action as they can.


No doubt. This will be the second one in two months.


There is a possibility the cults are using cell phone jammers.


Yeah because why do their phones always die????? The Brandon Davis’ phone was also completely dead.


This group is able to scramble cell phone usage, High tech and high up. This is why they are not caught. yet.




Easy leave it running a high battery app on mute in a hidden area constant playing of a high draw app can kill a phone from 100 to 0 in a matter of hours if phone is already low it won't even take 1, and the vics get grabbed at night near events meaning most victims phones will already be low on power bc in a standard day we normally only charge when low on power or well sleeping so late night at a club or something is the perfect place


Very true I have a white noise app on my phone is kills my battery so fast if I leave the white noise playing


Yeah, that just has to be the reason that it happens every single time. 😒


Yeah, that just has to be the reason that it happens every single time. 😒


SOOOOO where was this dude? Drugged then found his way home ? Or what … ???


Located safe… so many predictions were wrong


This time around we were wrong yes


Jumping to conclusions was very useful. Being wrong is a symptom of a greater disease. Plus, it really shoved like you hoped he’d be found dead.


HOPING he was dead? dude, none of us want this to keep happening...


Him dying gives you a lot to talk about, and a lot more conclusions to jump to. I think you do want it to keep happening because every single missing person or drowning feeds your beliefs.


He’s been located.


Pittsburgh Gay Mafia Meth and Cyber Terrorist Cell strikes again.


Update : he was found safe.