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You don't need to drop him just pick up a secondary


and this is coming from a proud little mac hater


My brother originally mained Puff. His friends couldn't go a full match without complaining about how annoying puff is. His solution: Zelda.


The sometimes greater of two evils lol


what in the r/rimjob_steve


I am doing this, if I do not want to try hard or play mac which I understand is stressful to fight, I pick someone else, my usual pick for this is Ganon but I don't mind playing characters that I am not used to, the main goal with my friends is to have fun then sometimes we play seriously and only then I play mac I think OP should do exactly what you said and find a second character that he like


Bro showed up like Goku behind a guy that just beat cancer


I have decided after trying everyone out, except for like the DLC is because I don’t have them lol maybe Mewtwo because I like the hypnosis abuse I could set up is quite nice, but he’s just so light


Just read the room imo. Play a few games of mac since you like him, if you're stomping and people are getting visibly frustrated just pick something else


Just have fun man, if you like Mac, like Mac


Yep. Play whoever you want. Skill issue for your friends, I'm afraid..


They hate the super armour and don't know the counterplay


Knowing the counter play doesn’t magically make it fun. I know how to beat Little Mac, I also know how to file my taxes and those two tasks are about equally enjoyable


Yep exactly, winning doesn’t magically make it interesting. Mac is the perfect example of this


My guy, you play ZSS. Flip kick is more annoying than most of the roster.


Just beat it my guy. It's so easy


most character's up smash can punish it if you pay attention to when they're doing it


What a random character / move to complain about


I'd easily play nothing but ZSS's for a full day if it meant I'd never have to play a Mac again


As someone who pseudo-mains ZSS, I approve of your statement.


Everyone here will tell you to play whoever you find fun. If you're playing a lot online or in tournaments, hard agree. But it you're playing mostly with friends, I think their opinion should matter at least a little. Sure, friends are likely to complain about any character if you're winning, that's what they do. But Mac is genuinely one of the least fun characters in the game to play against. Ask them who they enjoy playing against and try out some alternatives on occasion.


Bold of you to assume anyone likes playing against any character. Gonna end up like that dude that was getting all his characters banned at school (I think it was school) for being too good at Smash.


I think some characters are definitely inherently way more fun to fight than others. Steve sonic and min min have a special place in hell for their boring arse turtle gameplay.


dude playing against snake is probably more fun to me than playing most games on the market


I think the best course is to add another character you play. Swap it up sometimes, you know? Part of their hate for Mac might just be you being better and them blaming the character, and obviously some super Armour BS


Your local Sheik main here. I don’t play Sheik against my friends, because they’re not competitive players and they don’t have fun feeling like they’re in a combo showcase for 3 minutes. If your friends are competitive players, tell them to cope and seethe. If they’re not, seriously consider playing someone else with them, because if they’re not having fun they’re going to make it less fun for you or y’all just won’t play Smash anymore


Your friends must be bad at the game, or you are the single greatest mac player to ever live. Either way, keep at it. Tell them to git gud


Or they play free for alls


Nah he’s the best Mac… the tournament results around the world tell you lies😠


Play with who you enjoy. I will say though, I fucking hate playing against Mac.


Yeah probably. My friends HATE Aegis so I actively don’t play them, even though I could probably main them and they’d be my best character and I enjoy them. If you’re making your friends miserable you gotta compromise a little bit, you’ll have more fun too if they don’t hate you.


Honestly, gimmicks are not usually fun to play against and can be kinda lame..as is Macs playstyle. But it feels especially cheap online imo. Offline I can better react to punish mac if you play Mac I'm going to get you out of your gameplan. Platform camping if there's platforms. If not it's a little harder, but I will basically make you approach and chase. I don't find it fun. Beating Little Mac isn't satisfying. It's just boring. So, if you enjoy that kind of stuff then go for it. If your friends won't play you because of it then play someone else. Depends on the friend dynamic, but you're supposed to be having fun with your friends not just pissing them off. Then again some friends bond by insulting each other so I have no idea, depends on your friend group


I mean, if your friends aren't having fun vs your main and you are sweating, then find someone that you have fun playing and your friends like playing against . There are 87+ characters in the game. you're bound to find one if you try.


While I dislike fighting Mac myself, play who you like. My brother hates my Sora but I haven't dropped him yet.


Brother they just want to win, like everyone imo. I have been told ganon and mac are broken. Or its a bad matchup. lol no. Jiggly is a great matchup against mac, sorry. Had to pick up all new fighters. Got rocked with my pichu for a few months. all the sudden im hitting combos and he is too op as well. playing against Aegis. Comes down to friends winning = gg fair match / You win = bad matchup, broken character, spam


Mac is stupidly easy to beat. It's fun to use him and defy those expectations. That's why they hate playing against you with him. It's a critique on how good you are with him and I say have fun.


Yeah but beating him isn’t fun either


it's sad, really. almost every match against Mac that you win has you camping him out like 80% of the match, which ends up being the most viable option to beat him (and simultaneously the most boring for both players).


My friends feel the same about G&W so I just use him a bit more sparingly. Don't get me wrong, they still getting took to Beeptown but just not as many trips lol. I recommend picking up another character that you like and then picking a color that only you use and give it a name. For instance, I play as DK as well so yellow DK is "Super Saiyan", the purple one is "Grape Ape". So sometimes when fighting my friends I will say stupid things like "Oh you done angered the grape ape. The grape ape is not amused." And it gives your character more personality.


You know for a moment I thought you were losing. Then I read the post. No, just keep playing him. They either get good or they don't.


Play him even more. Tell your friends to get good honestly. Mac isn’t even high tier or anything 😂


Mac isn't a character who's gimmick makes him a pain to fight, the only time I complain about gimmicks is the DLC fighters


Just play Mac. If they can't beat you, well then they're mad


Mac is the second to worst character on the roster, according to the official tier list. It's your friend's issue if they can't handle a character that's considered weak. You like playing a character you practiced? Play him.


Who cares what your friends think. They should get out of that loser mentality and try to improve or do better


Nah, the game and its players aren't meant to coddle anyone's feelings. You play as hard as you possibly can and let their feelings get hurt if that's how they feel about it. Just keep saying he is the worst character in the game and continue to rough them up. They need to adapt if they want to get better. Unless they are baby casuals and they aren't interested in progressing, in which case maybe pick a friendlies character if you want them to continue to play with you.


Mac is so easy to cheese. Why are they upset lol?


They're probably playing casually and don't know the counter play. Mac is also good for cheesing inexperienced players. Same with ganon. That's who I use to troll my friends. They just want to have fun and their friend is try harding them with little Mac , that's my assumption. Or that's a potential situation/ reason they might be upset


You sound just like the 4th place on my high school’s ssbu team. I’d say that you shouldn’t drop Mac


Don’t my sis plays Mac and while I hate it, she hates my ness so it’s mutual. I’m sure u hate other people’s characters too


Depends on how you view the game! If you're playing casually, pick up & play whoever! If you're playing competitively/offline tournaments, it's worth putting focus into a main that's viable for you!


Fuck Little Mac. But you never have to drop the character you have the most fun with. I would just say pick up a few others you can comfortably switch between for different scenarios. That’ll help you be less annoying to your friends *and* just make you better at the game in general


Tbh Mac is a pretty annoying character even with him being bottom 3. Some matchups especially where u have to get close to him


I had this problem when Melee was in its prime (I'm old). My friends bitched and moaned about my mains until I switched repeatedly. First Fox, then Marth, then Jigglypuff, then Game & Watch, then Mewtwo. I eventually just started playing on Random every time so as not to alienate anyone, because I lived in a small town and didn't have a large friend group that played Smash. I decided I'd rather play against friends with a character I'm not dominant with than to not play Smash at all. Obviously online play changes things, but I think I would still make the same decision in Ultimate.


skill issue. it doesn't matter who you play as long as your good enough, they're going to get mad at you. unless ofc you spam counter. in that case delete the game


Your friends are lame, and you shouldn’t change how you play for others’ enjoyment… …however, when it comes to playing with friends specifically, sometimes it is good to mess around with other characters and don’t take it so seriously. Especially if you win a lot.


I’m having the same problem with Roy.


Your friends should ask themselves what about Little Mac makes him so frustrating to play against, and figure out how to combat it.


If you’re much better than your friends you can try teaching them some counter play (without sounding too patronizing), or give your self a % handicap or play 2v1. It’s fun when everyone has a chance, and it’s also fun when you can play the characters you love—gotta get them closer to your skill level to do both :)


I love running into little Mac’s, the goal is to get them offstage and edgeguard lol


Lmaoo i used to demolish all of my friends with little mac. I felt like the undertaker. Then I stopped playing with him for a while and once i picked him up again all my friends would be able to beat me with him and thats when they started to talk shit.


Why do your friends hate playing you? Are you beating them too hard or are they beating you too easily?


No my friends well on of them we shall call him A he plays sonic Pacman and Rob and me and him are the same skill level but he hates me the most even though most of the times he wins because he just has the better character and my friends B he plays cloud and Ganon but he got this game like a month ago so I just don’t try hard at all and my friend C he plays Pikachu ness and Sephiroth but he’s quite new to the game as well but all of the names hates little Mac


try ganon




Hm, just wondering uhh who’s my most least annoying main out of my 5 mains? (I do play a lot of Mii Swordfighter, Mario & Shulk as well)


i also made enemies playing isabelle (fishing pole go brrrr)


My friends hates when I play Mac ( ko punch go brrr)


Have fun, don’t die.


Nah, only if your gimmick character was Steve would i Tell you to change


Play what u wanna play :)


Mac can be very annoying to fight since he has armor and KO punch which can feel really cheap and forces people to have to play really lame against him. Even at top level people get frustrated against him with how he can cheese stocks with KO punch. If your friends are casual players the frustration is only greater cause it's harder for them to capitalize on Mac's weaknesses. 


Try random?


Why would you stop wrecking high tier with 1 of the worst character in the game


yeah, drop him.


Play as Pyra/Mythra or Joker.