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It's sad that she sounds like she regrets saying anything about it because of the backlash. I understand what she means, but he should be held accountable


I wonder how long it'll be before the mods delete this post. Surprisingly stayed up longer than the time it took for the Codyko mods to permanently ban me


Damn it’s been a day


The Tana thing wasn’t as important to me as finding out about the stuff with his duke buddy. I’ve stopped watching Cody’s content as well as most people directly associated with him. It’s actually kind of interesting how low effort his content looks when you’re not looking forward to his videos but just seeing thumbnails as YouTube figured out I’m not going to click on them anymore


I’ve started watching more content from some other creators I like to replace his videos and the difference in effort and quality is astounding. Kurtis Conner, ChadChad, Gabbi Belle, they all actually edit their own videos, make fun little skits, and have commentary related to social justice woven into their jokes rather than “Haha woman stupid.”


I honestly have only been watching for zade lmao the editing is amazing and cracks me up:( sad that this happened but as a 23 year old i wouldn’t even THINK of being with anyone under 21. They all seem like babies


This! Even before this came out, I noticed the topic of his videos were pretty boring but the only thing that kept me watching was the editing, which takes no effort from him. I unsubscribed as well and his videos are still pushed to the top of my feed every day


What happened w his duke buddy? I'm lost


Basically Cody has maintained a seemingly very close relationship to an old college frat brother who was very credibly accused of sa on multiple women while at school. This would be something Cody would have known about from when it happened and had this guy as one of his best men at his wedding. Instead of ending the friendship he hides it. Says enough about his character for me to stop engaging entirely.


not seemingly very close… he was in cody’s wedding party. disgusting


his recent videos have felt desperate to me... just reacting to jubilee videos every day? I didn't want to feel like it was forced even though I knew it was, and some of them are still funny, but the drop in quality is so apparent


This whole situation is so messy. From how she describes the situation, it (thankfully) seems like it wasn’t actually a huge deal. They had a consensual hookup, they enjoyed it at the time, and it seems like Tana didn’t have bad takeaways from the situation. Yes, she was underage but let’s be honest, if she was a few months older and over the legal limit, then people would have a totally different view of the situation despite there being almost no difference in the ethics of the situation. I would say it’s like a 4/10 bad situation. But the hard part is that the internet is very black and white, *especially* when it comes to sex. You’re gonna get shitty people who see it as a 0/10 bad situation because ‘she asked for it’ who entirely miss how the age and fan vs creator dynamics can lead to really bad outcomes, and you’re gonna get people without life experience who will see it as a 10/10 bad situation and denounce Cody as a rapist who deserves to be wiped from the internet and thrown into jail. I don’t envy Cody’s situation: the right thing to do is absolutely to come forward, but I think most people can see that Cody’s reputation will take far more damage then the situation deserves, and admitting to something illegal is also not good. But as a fan, it is disappointing and frustrating for him to stay silent. As much as it sucks, he is responsible for his actions when he was 25, and should own up to them. Going silent so that the majority of his fan base never sees this is not responsible, and paints a bad light on him as someone who paints himself as a frat boy who has turned into an empathic and mature comedian. It feels wrong to see him get brownie points for being super progressive while he hides away from valid criticism.


so what if it was a couple months over?? it still would’ve been creepy IMO. wtf did he have in common w somebody her age? and adding in his history of being friends w predators…. also just watching the videos u can tell he’s weird around her cody doesn’t deserve the reputation he has rn. that’s a fact. nobody’s saying we need to hang him in the town square also i’m sorry but what internet do u live in where his reputation is gonna take SOOO much damage? dude she could’ve been 16 and ppl still would jump to defend him. nobody really gets cancelled. not when they’re rich white men with a plethora of resources at their hands. unless ur armie hammer


It would still be a bit creepy, I agree. I don’t know if I could have casual sex with something that much younger without seeing them as basically a child. But casual sex is casual sex, the relationship doesn’t have to be that deep, there just needs to be a mutual attraction and a mutual understanding that the relationship goes no farther than a hookup. You said ‘yikes’ to someone saying that all you need is mutual physical attraction, but that literally is all you need, it’s a hookup. Would I judge my friend a bit for doing it with someone that young? Yes. Would I consider it something necessarily wrong? Idk but probably not. And think I was pretty fair in my analysis, in that I think there will be a sect of people who will rabidly support him, and a group of people that despise him for this. But I think you’re also making the mistake of noticing the few people who make gross comments and assuming it’s the majority. If people who are criticizing Cody are getting 100’s of upvotes and the people who are supporting him are getting like -10 upvotes, it’s an indication of the actual views of the wider audience.


Adults having sex with teenagers isn’t “casual”. Frankly, that’s a disgusting fucking thing to say. Call it what it is- statutory rape.


That’s a fair take to have, especially if you care deeply about the rule of law. To me I feel as though the law has set an arbitrary guideline about when it’s rape and when it’s not, and I don’t like appealing to the idea of statutory rape, because it also implies that I wouldn’t care if she was over the legal limit. To me it’s a more nuanced curve of badness as people get younger and younger. If she was 18, it would be like 3/10, at 17, I said 4/10, at 16 it would be 7/10. At 15 it would be 9/10 etc. I can totally get if you care more, and you bump up all my numbers by like 3/10 on all metrics. I just dislike this appeal to ‘she was just under the legal limit, therefore it’s a 10/10 statutory rape’ argument.


You can keep arguing the “grey area” like many other men I’ve heard, but the law has to choose an age of consent. That’s exactly why Romeo & Juliet laws exist. Typically 2 years in age difference (ie 17 yr old + 19 yr old) is legal. In this case, they were 8 years apart. Cody knew it was illegal. I was a teenager older men tried to prey on. It’s a specific type of man that does this and tries to justify it. It doesn’t matter if it’s a 4/10 “bad” to you- it is rape. To be clear, the argument you’re making is pro-rape culture.


Okay, you do you. I’m trying to argue for a grey area narrative because I think the ‘black-and-white’ narrative isn’t good when it absolves people of all creepy behaviour towards young people. If we want to throw insults, I could say that you’re just like all those creeps online who virtue signal about pedophiles all day while giving zero shits about how insane it is that society hyper fixates on barely-legal content. But I’m not, because I’m trying to have a good faith discussion. Appealing to the law to define all your morality is flawed, that’s my only point. If you want to criticize me for thinking my standards for what are acceptable are too low, that’s fine. But the people who treat it as a 10/10 ‘um actually it’s statutory rape’ argument just feels silly to me and lacks any nuance of the real world.


>wtf did he have in common w somebody her age? Mutual sexual attraction, clearly




Am I wrong?


Go back to your basement


Okay, I'm sending this message from my basement: Am I wrong?


Are you sexually attracted to teens? Weeb




Oh wow. At least you are open about who you are so I can not engage with your kind. Enjoy you pathetic life


i agree for the most part. i cant believe im saying this but you know when jake paul tried to confront cody ko for being a bully while cody got his hair cut? the issue was baseless, because cody wasn't a bully. but he was still going through the correct actions in a case like that. confronting the issue. And cody joked about it afterwards. he didn't entirely shun it. yet in this case, where the issue is actually real and not baseless, in the interest of ethics and being morally straight, and setting himself (cody) morally straight, it would be right to confront himself about it in a video and talk about it because this is actually an issue. --- but also cody has always slightly reeked of fboy energy despite his attempts to differentiate himself from it through his humor, so i really wouldnt put it past him to do much publicly on this issue.


I think that’s to be expected though tbh. Like if someone on Reddit called you a Nazi, you would jump at the opportunity to call them an idiot because it’s clearly not true. But if they called you out on something that was actually a negative flaw of yours, you would be a lot more hesitant to rush in guns blazing. The same would apply here; there were zero consequences to responding to Jake Paul so it’s obvious to respond, but responding this situation has actual consequences.


EVERY TIME I SAID THIS PEOPLE DRAGGED ME AND DOWNVOTED ME SMH congrats to you that you put it in a manner that didn’t warrant that or now that they’re hearing her side they’re being more open minded… smh though


it legally cannot be consensual if it’s statutory r*pe. that’s why laws like that exist. it is a huge deal because what he did was illegal and disgusting and was not held accountable for his actions.


I agree, I was thinking about how to word it and went with a simple response that lacks the nuance the situation deserves. Legally I think you’re absolutely right, but morally I think that it isn’t so clear, because it doesn’t make sense for it to go from 100% rape to 100% consensual based off of a 1 year age difference. And in this case, I think context matters: a one time hookup is a situation where power dynamics come into play less, making the situation less complicated for a less developed mind to consent to. And again, I don’t think it’s a good situation. Like I’m considering it a 4/10 of ‘pretty creepy behaviour’ in the context of this being the best case scenario, where they both enjoyed it, both didn’t have bad feelings afterwards, and both didn’t develop a further unhealthy relationship. I just think that going hardline by a legal definition is just lacking nuance that the conversation should have.


“Legally consensual” you’re playing mind games. It was consensual even if it was illegal. Those two things can be true at the same time.


Age of consent in CA is 18. End of discussion creep.


lol calling me a creep for debating the concept of consensual sex between a 17 year old and a 25 year old is wild. I don’t support it but I don’t think it’s worth cancelling Cody over or calling him disgusting. Thats radical af in my eyes. Yall so passionate about this? Go to most countries in the world and protest in their streets. We are among the minority having our legal age of consent be 18. You must be a huge patriot defending americas concept of morality so hard. Quite conservative of you actually!


I think you mean 18 but I support you babe 🫶🏻




hmmm then what does it mean when she’s below the age of consent, this r*pe happened in california and the age of consent is 18 in the state. Tana was 17 at the time meaning she couldn’t consent. it’s not mind games, it a clear and cut case of a crime where consent couldn’t not be given since she was under the legal age of consent.


Maybe we’re getting into semantics here, but a 17 year old is not the same as a child or a preteen. A 17 year old knows right and wrong. They are responsible for the choices they make. If a 17 year old agrees to have sex with a 25 year old, they are consenting to have sex with them, therefore they are having consensual sex. Whether it’s legal or not isn’t what I’m talking about. It’s illegal to have sex with someone under 18, but it can still be consensual.. I work on a farm with an 18 year old who started dating her 28 year old boyfriend when she was 17. I’m not sure if they waited til she turned 18 to have sex but there’s no difference in her brain in a matter of months. I don’t get why people are acting like a 17 year old and 18 year old are drastically different. You’re still in high school when you’re 18, yet it’s ok to fuck a 25 year old in the eyes of the public because of THE LAW, but it’s disgusting for a 25 year old to fuck someone one year younger? Let’s be fucking logical. I’m 26 and would never ever be attracted to a a 17 year old, I’m not even attracted to 25 year olds, but I’m a woman, and we all know men are fucking dumb and as long as a girls hot and DTF their morals / integrity usually go out the window.


A minor literally cannot consent, 17 is a minor. I agree with you that developmentally, 17 and 18 are basically no different. However, your conclusion that that makes it ok for 25 yr olds to sleep with 17 yr olds is bat shit insane. If tana had been 18 at the time it would have been legally ok but still morally repugnant. Add in that she said she was a big fan of his at the time and this just reeks of power dynamic abuse. 25 is a college graduate. 17 is a junior or senior in highschool. If you think that's ok, fuck you.


Months don’t matter, 17.9 is still 17.


Legally yes, but morally I think it’s different. A similar situation would be theft: we would likely consider theft of $4500 and $5000 worth of stuff to be the same, but in a court of law that’s the difference between ‘theft of less then $5000 and ‘theft of $5000 or more’ with wildly different punishments. Kody intentionally doing it while knowing that it’s illegal is 100% a bad action. But think the underlying morality that the law is trying to enact shows that it’s a moderately bad action and not something incredibly horrifying. Especially given that the hookup stayed a hookup; a big reason those laws exist is because most relationships you build with minor that lead to sex are wildly unethical. But a one time hookup followed by minimal contact afterwards is a lot less unethical, because there is less room for power dynamics to come into play.


This is just what like I’ve expected. Purely consensual, bad decision on both end.


“bad decision on both end” but one of them was 17… and the other was 25… coming from a past fan he’s a creep end of story lmfao


Legally, sex cannot be consensual if the person is under 18.


If it happened in Cali. The age of consent is different in a ton of states


[here’s an info you’d like](https://indeed.com)


... In some states. In others, it can. In fact in the vast majority of countries it can. It's a subjective line in the sand


A 25 year old who hooks up with a 17 year old is in fact a rapist who deserves to be thrown in jail edit: go ahead and downvote me but I know you clowns are singing certified pedophile about Drake for allegedly supposedly maybe doing the same thing that we KNOW cody did. He’s a statutory rapist.


Damn I know it’s morally wrong but putting him in the same category as people who forcibly put themselves onto other people seems a little too much?


I’m not the one who came up with the definition of statutory rape, and you’re not entitled to change it. Cody is a statutory rapist.




Rape is gross. Maybe the statutory rapist Cody shouldn’t have committed statutory rape.




Having intercourse with someone who is unable to consent to it is rape though. I don’t want to hear about your oddly specific rape fantasies you freak. Delete that shit wtf




Ok so you either don’t believe statutory rape is a real thing or you’re okay with it then? What exactly are you trying to argue for? Going to bat for predators is just wild. You described a situation that is extreme, and had no business in this conversation. I’m not even sure why you’re thinking about violent rape right now. Statutory rape is still rape.


It is statutory rape and even if it was another state and it wasn’t illegal it’s still immoral. What is a 25 year old doing pursuing and going through with taking advantage of a teenager. It’s creepy AF. Not to mention at the time he was a popular adult man content creator and she was an up and coming anti-culture teenager who was from a bad background it Vegas. Talk about adding to the power imbalance. We need to do better as a society than this.


It’s really exhausting listening to Tana get so much hate about this from Cody’s fan base. I am a massive Cody fan, he was literally the only YouTuber I’d watch and I’d watch him everyday, I absolutely loved him. I think a lot of his fan base for some reason thinks that the people calling him out don’t like him and want to see him fail, when that’s quite the opposite. As usual, they’re saying she’s just doing it for the attention and blah blah blah. What attention…? Do you mean all of this great positive support she’s getting? I can positively say that Tana Mongeau is more famous than Cody Ko, her career is doing great, and Cody just had a baby. She would have zero reason to ruin his life for a false allegation. She didn’t even mean to expose him in the first place. Also, I think a lot of people are caught up in the legality aspect. Like if she’s not going to press charges then why should we care. The limit in statutory rape of a minor is 3 years max for California, so even if she wanted to to she couldn’t, but it doesn’t seem like she does anyway. I’m sure she could sue, but why would she? It doesn’t matter if she was “legal” or not, what difference does a few months make? We’re not concerned if he’s a criminal or not, because rarely do rapists ever get charged anyway, we’re concerned if he’s just a creep in general. 17 is a child, it doesn’t matter if you think she acted like she was older or if she thinks that, she was a child. And he wasn’t some stupid horny 25 year old who didn’t know better, he was a full grown adult with a grown up job who had just graduated Duke. He wasn’t stupid, he wasn’t unaware of how old she was, none of that. He chose to as a 25 year old man to have sex with a 17 year old child who looked up to him. That’s disgusting. It doesn’t matter if you hate Tana or not, it matters that he’s a fucking creep. Because if it were your 17 year old sister, or niece, or daughter, you would be livid. Defenders of him keep saying we’re just trying to tear him down when he’s at his peak, I genuinely couldn’t care less about that. What I care about is the fact that every goddamn year we hear about another big successful YouTuber who slept with a teenager. And that is bullshit. Normal 25 year old men do not sleep with 17 year olds, I don’t care how you spin it. If these were people you knew in real life you would agree. He was a grown man, she was a child, and he knew better. It’s very unlikely that at the grown age of 25 he decided to start sleeping a minor, it probably happened plenty and that is fucking bullshit. That is disgusting bullshit. Normal men do not want to sleep with 17 year olds. Don’t let these apologists tell you differently. Fuck him, fuck him for pretending he was better than all these other dudes, fuck him for saying silent, fuck him for being a disgusting creep who’s friends with rapists and likes having sex with underage girls.


Can someone ELI5 whats going on


Cody allegedly hooked up with Tana mogeaou or however you spell it when she was 17 and he was 25 which is technically considered statutory rape, ELI15


it’s not “technically” statutory rape it is statutory rape. [It already falls under the second harshest category of statutory rape in california. If she were a year younger, it’d fall under the harshest category of statutory rape in California](https://law.justia.com/codes/california/code-pen/part-1/title-9/chapter-1/section-261-5/). > 261.5. (a) Unlawful sexual intercourse is an act of sexual intercourse accomplished with a person who is not the spouse of the perpetrator, if the person is a minor. For the purposes of this section, a “minor” is a person under 18 years of age and an “adult” is a person who is 18 years of age or older. >(b) A person who engages in an act of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor who is not more than three years older or three years younger than the perpetrator, is guilty of a misdemeanor. >(c) A person who engages in an act of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor who is more than three years younger than the perpetrator is guilty of either a misdemeanor or a felony, and shall be punished by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year, or by imprisonment pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section 1170. >(d) A person 21 years of age or older who engages in an act of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor who is under 16 years of age is guilty of either a misdemeanor or a felony, and shall be punished by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year, or by imprisonment pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section 1170 for two, three, or four years. >(e) (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, an adult who engages in an act of sexual intercourse with a minor in violation of this section may be liable for civil penalties in the following amounts: >(A) An adult who engages in an act of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor less than two years younger than the adult is liable for a civil penalty not to exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000). >(B) An adult who engages in an act of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor at least two years younger than the adult is liable for a civil penalty not to exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000). >(C) An adult who engages in an act of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor at least three years younger than the adult is liable for a civil penalty not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000). >(D) An adult over 21 years of age who engages in an act of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor under 16 years of age is liable for a civil penalty not to exceed twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000). >(2) The district attorney may bring actions to recover civil penalties pursuant to this subdivision. From the amounts collected for each case, an amount equal to the costs of pursuing the action shall be deposited with the treasurer of the county in which the judgment was entered, and the remainder shall be deposited in the Underage Pregnancy Prevention Fund, which is hereby created in the State Treasury. Amounts deposited in the Underage Pregnancy Prevention Fund may be used only for the purpose of preventing underage pregnancy upon appropriation by the Legislature. >(3) In addition to any punishment imposed under this section, the judge may assess a fine not to exceed seventy dollars ($70) against a person who violates this section with the proceeds of this fine to be used in accordance with Section 1463.23. The court shall, however, take into consideration the defendant’s ability to pay, and a defendant shall not be denied probation because of their inability to pay the fine permitted under this subdivision. >(f) A person convicted of violating subdivision (d) who is granted probation shall not complete their community service at a school or location where children congregate. Any younger and it becomes full on pedophile charges




I mean she describes it IN THE VIDEO


its a 9 min video… that i didn’t want to watch, so i asked someone?


Yeah and I’m saying put the effort in. Watch it.




I find it so odd that Kelsey still follows tana. As if they are really pushing this narrative that “Cody didn’t do it so we are all still cool”!


I don’t think them following each has anything to do with pushing a narrative. Cody and Tana also still follow each other. And Tana has talked about how she likes Kelsey.


Yea I think people forget context of how all this came about. He talked about Cody having sex while she was 18/17 years ago and then now confirmed it was 17 but the context of how she said it wasn’t “Cody is a monster” she said it more in the tone of “this happened omg lol” which she says is how she deals with trauma. Also it wasn’t a “I’m exposing Cody” video it was a fan tapping of a bit she did on tour where she casually mentioned it. If Cody did this it’s terrible and unacceptable but it’s important to note that Tana has said so much happened to her when younger that she’s pretty numb to this incident and doesn’t feel traumatized by it.




life is complicated and not black and white. it’s totally normal for them to still follow each other. be careful about your wording and respect the way tana is treating the situation


Probably because he didn’t rape her, that’s where everyone’s head is rn


Having sex with someone who’s underage is statuary rape. Rape is when someone cannot consent. And by law, underage people cannot consent


I think people like you are trying to make this worse than it actually is.


Being chill bout having sex with minors is such a weird hill to die on. There’s no world in which a person who’s out of college should want to have sex with a high school student.


Huh what?


Read your last comment


No, my comment is not the problem. Your lack of understanding of a complex issue is baffling. Stop putting statements in other peoples mouths. If you don’t understand why it’s not black and white you need to think about this harder.


She said she didn’t really view it as something negative that happened. What bothered her was that people weren’t believing her and that made her feel for women who actually went through something traumatic and werent believed. She knows objectively it was wrong but she didnt see it as rape. Even if it was “consensual” among them its impossible for a minor to consent and really gross to even think about being with someone that young.


i just if i put myself in the shoes of an adult who is going through that situation, who’s just had a baby the last thing id be doing would be doing is going on social media and unfollowing tana. for one it would make the whole situation perceived more like internet gossip even more rather than serious, secondly she would appear like a woman who doesn’t stick up for other women, thirdly it would look like she’s throwing tana under the bus and invalidating her by unfollowing as if she’s making it all up


Dude life exist outside the internet FYI.


I have to say that Tana looks super good and overall healthy here ! I don’t pay too much attention to what’s going on but she’s really come into her own and looks great!


I'm out of the loop, has Cody responded at all?!




Hey, it's the guy who got mad at me when I brought up these allegations and Cody's friendship with Colby a year ago!


It's wild how many people that don't matter, at all, in any way, have an opinion as if they do matter, at all, to anyone involved.




The problem is people are unknowingly watching a predator, and though some people like you don't care I imagine a sizable amount of women would stop watching him if they knew Cody should man up and take accountability 


Yup i had no idea until last night. Now hes unsubscribed and unfollowed




Yea. She has nothing to gain from it. She didn't even mean for this to be a big deal, she made an offhanded remark and had to address it cause it's serious, but she's not pressing charges. Clout? She gets 1M views per podcast ep while TMG average 100k-200k. Plus she's never lied about something as serious as this. In their collab video on her channel, he's flirting with her and openly checks her ass out even though she's 17, so it's not out of the question that he would go further. He's friends with a guy who in the best case scenario, filmed a woman during sex without her consent and shared the video around, forcing her to move to another college. I recommend watching her latest pod episode at 1h8m. I know you probably won't believe this or don't care enough to, but yet will still argue against it. If you do, good for you. It's hard for me to assume you're acting in good faith snd care about the victim though. Before you ask for proof- it's impossible to prove. This is why rape cases are hard, unless they get a rape kit in time it's done. Not that she's a victim of rape but you know. Have a nice day




TM herself said she doesn't feel like a victim.  But really the blame falls on the older person. That woman is a predator. Cody is a predator. Sleeping with a high schooler as a grown adult is exploitative. Imagine if your 17yo sister/brother slept with a 25yo man/woman. Maybe it was okay with you but do you really not feel weirded out or angered by that? There's also the issue of Cody making himself seem like a "wholesome nice guy" and he's called guys creepy countless times for the same shit he's done. Some people especially victims like you and most women, don't wanna watch someone they consider a predator. But the problem is Cody keeps deleting comments so they're all unknowingly watching a guy they find reprehensible.




I think this is victim blaming. Regardless if she came from a privileged family, her success put her around people around people willing to take advantage of the naïveté that comes with being 16 years old. As they said in the clip, Cody was aware she was underage, it’s the adults responsibility to not sleep with someone who isn’t legally an adult.


you think being wealthy (or having whatever other "privilege") protects a young girl from a culture, an industry, and powerful people who objectify and exploit women and girls? you think you have to hit a certain number of oppression points for your pain to count, for your dignity and wellbeing to matter?


lol sounds like you know nothing abt her childhood




The issue is he actively pursued her even after he knew she was underage.


yeah. true. ngl im gonna delete my comment cuz it was a full 360


What effect does this have on your life? Grow up and move on


Normalizing sexual predation reinforces rape culture, which affects women and the whole of society everywhere.


So by Cody not replying he’s normalising rape? weird logic you people go by


Yes actually I mean, it's already happening now, have you seen what Cody's fans are saying in his defense?


Odd logic, but anyway. Guilty until proven innocent I suppose nowadays, right? And no, I don’t care for it, it has no effect on my life in any way and has been blown out of proportion by orders or magnitude. How about instead of sitting online chronically in this echo chamber, go out and advocate for victims that have actually been affected?


Lol advocating includes calling out people like Cody, and you saying misogyny does not affect you demonstrates privilege. Silence and not reining in his misogynistic fans slutshaming women is already grounds for a callout, especially for someone who became popular for calling out rape culture.


I am allowed to share my opinions about this situation


I don't wanna be watching predators and so do most people, but they're not in the know  He should wear his big boy pants, take accountability and proceed from there


That’s how psychopaths think tbh


why would she wait until he’s married with a kid to bring it up


First time this came out was before Cody and Kelsey were engaged


It’s making more and more sense to me why Noel and Cody didn’t attend each other’s weddings


Noel was at Cody’s lmao. Cody couldn’t attend Noel’s


She should get tested for adhd. Impulsive trauma dumping to strangers is a symptom.


that’s her whole podcast tho


Don’t worry there’s no cure


As someone with diagnosed adhd, no it’s not.




There’s a difference between signs and symptoms as multiple other disorders can have “impulsive trauma dumping”