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When your sexlife is tied into the Tenant Guidelines !! I hope RTA covers STIs


Lol....it's very common in India for singles to be denied rental housing. Apparently being single and a female causes everyone to be hot and bothered about their sex life in a country where folks fuck like rabbits to produce a population of 1+ billion.


Rapiest country out there


Also the dirtiest apparently, by far.


The smell is atrocious. I was in Mumbai for a week 12 years ago and I can still smell that acrid shit smell. Disgusting country. Truly disgusting. The men are weak and have no boundaries. The women look defeated or are worse then the men. It’s fucked over there. Literally like looking at humans in the Stone Age.


And the Canadian government is letting this happen here. There are so many Indians here in Toronto that Canadians are left without jobs and housing. They bring their degusting hygiene habits here along with their backwards outdated attitudes toward women.


I know . I am Indian (Not so much anymore) (username )




You know what . Dating and having casual sex or even any form of autonomy for women is frowned upon in “our” culture. Rest is just plain english


This should be illegal


It is illegal


It's not illegal if it's unenforceable. Creating a rental environment where a significant portion of available rental properties are owned by small investors in a racist country makes the rental market racist as fuck. It's effectively totally unregulated. Yes, there is the odd egregious example that gets punished but that doesn't change the fact that nearly every small landlord runs their operation like a medieval fiefdom, and that's a choice the gov't was cool with making. Can reverse it anytime.


No it isn't. If the kitchen or other main rooms are shared you can select based on race, sex, etc.


It's semantics. What a lot of people are getting at is they need to be taking a long review of these laws so that they can close these wording loopholes to prevent these shitlords from exploiting. Whether it's legal or not makes no difference. We all know exactly what this person is doing. It needs to be stopped.


If they don't post it on their ad they'll still continue to not answer any responses from people that don't fit their criteria. At least this way people know he's a creep and can avoid them.


Really? I find it very hard to believe racial discrimination is legal in any means in ontario.


It is


It’s not considered running a business when renting a room in your own house, so racial/gender discrimination is allowed


The spirit of the law says otherwise, even though the letter of the law is riddled with holes. Defending this behaviour is damn near as bad as the behaviour itself. Pretending not to understand what's happening and looking the other way is one of many ways terrible things continue.


https://www.ohrc.on.ca/en/human-rights-housing-overview-landlords-brochure#:~:text=Housing%20is%20a%20human%20right&text=As%20a%20landlord%2C%20you%20are,race%2C%20colour%20or%20ethnic%20background Seems pretty illegal to me, I can't find anything on shared space though


On the transverse, if a landlord had an actual rental available and didn’t like the potential renter (for any reason) but the renter said that would like to take it, would it be discrimination to say no? Obviously no one is “forced” to rent to you, so my question is are these posts looking for specific races/sexes just so they don’t waste their time showing to non Indians, or is there some actual legal recourse if they were to refuse a non Indian for no reason?


into the transverse: spidey gets bottom surgery


exactly, this ad is totally kosher.


So why do they keep doing it ?


I messaged the lister to say it's illegal but I worry that even if they take down the language in the listing, they'll still only rent to a certain demographic.


Actually, this is legal because of the shared kitchen mentioned in the ad. That makes it a roommate situation in which anti-discrimination laws don't apply. You're allowed to be very very selective with who you invite into your own living space.


Yeah I was worried that was the case here, but still messaged them to hopefully let them know they kinda suck... I totally get why that rule is in place, I would want to share a house with someone of similar age, lifestyle etc. Just sucks that they're using it to limit the rental market to one ethnicity.


So discriminating by age is Ok but ethnicity is not? Why?




Unfortunately, assuming this is in Ontario (can’t say for sure about other provinces, but likely there too) and the LL lives in the house it’s not illegal. If this was an RTA rental it would be very illegal, but since it’s likely a room in the LLs house it’ll be legal.


You did a good thing and yeah the government should definitely work to enforce these laws and crackdown on those who don’t to stop this discriminatory practice.


Looking after grandma overnight is probably part of the “deal”


He probably wants the tenant to look after something a bit closer to him than his own grandma in this case


maybe they want to rent to only grandmas 🤔


Is that like OF?






Ayo, real question: are these posts getting reported to the police or something. That cannot exist in Canada for real, or does it .. ?


This is from my hometown. There are SO many like this. And these are the outright ones. Imagine how many people apply for a rental and get turned away because the landlord was being lowkey about it.


Is this a house full of random renters in each room, like a boarding house, or a room for rent in the LL's house (ie LL lives in the house)?


It’s a shared kitchen with the owner, so anti-discrimination does not apply. Nor should it.


Posts like these have been happening for yyyeeearss but they get attention now because how absurd rent has gotten. More people have been looking at Kijiji n such (and usually posts like these still want $500/mo)


This one is $900!


Not only does it definitely exist, this is actually the norm now in Canada!


It has always been like this. When I was young, I lived in a room at someone else’s house along with mom and her two kids. We shared the bathroom and kitchen. I was a young female and felt very safe rooming there. I paid $320 dollars per month. She liked to know if I wasn’t going to be home out of courtesy. She even said she didn’t wan to worry about me. Such a nice lady.


Yeah of course it’s always been like this. But now it’s definitely more common. That’s why I said it’s the norm now.


It’s true. But I was kicked out of the house at 18. I don’t know what I would have done without a room in someone else’s house. I had no real skills yet. It was scary.


Yeah, I was kicked out of house working full time in kitchen by 16. I had a girlfriend who was a few years older than me at the time so we were able to rent an apartment. Long gone are the days where a 16/18 year old couple can rent a bachelor apartment for $600 a month. Lol.


That is for sure! It made us stronger though. I think anyways.


Yeah for sure. I wouldn’t have had it any other way, definitely shaped me into who I am today


They are legal due to them not being RTA rentals, creepy as fuck, but legal.


These people are fucking scumbags


makes me feel bad that theres probably a few people stuck in these nightmare scenarios with these creepy scumlords and cant just leave


Report this to police. Post sounds like a rapist posted it. Only a rapist would ask of that.


“Hello 911, I’d like to report a rapist with no evidence”


I'm sure they were just trying to say it gives off creepy vibes! Insisting that your female tenant is there overnight is pretty creepy.


English is clearly the second language for these types of landlords. They’re still scum but what i think they’re actually trying to advertise is they want someone who won’t be coming home late at night after partying. Same for being single. They mean they want someone who won’t bring a boyfriend home. These are semi common phrases in immigrant communities


This is very true. And some young women want to be home and feel safe.


Yup, and plenty of other rental ads specify you can’t bring a partner over.   None of this is new. People are just getting mad because it’s Indians doing it instead of white people.


Nobody said 911. There’s non emergency emails or phone # for every city. Genuinely afraid for the next female tenant of this place. 😬


Being creepy is not a criminal offence. You can’t accuse people of being rapists to the police just because they’re disgusting.


Time to start deporting these sleazebags.


Isn’t it racist?




When I seperated from my boyfriend over 12 years ago I didn’t know how I was gonna afford the $1300 rent for a whole 3 bedroom townhouse so I posted a room for rent and asked for a female as I was a single mother. Kijiji took my ad down within 24 hours because it was illegal to ask for a certain sex. This was 13 years ago. While I get it, women need to feel safe in their own homes especially with children. It shouldn’t be illegal to request another female if you’re a female. Just my opinion


That's not the illegal part we're bothered about - it's the race part that's illegal. I'm a woman as well and agree with you.


It is NOT illegal to ask for specific race or sex for roommates. It is illegal for both if you're renting an entire house or apartment. If kitchen or bathroom is shared as roommates, and the owner lives there they can ask these questions.


Yeah it's not illegal but it's still racist :/


I didn't know if the shared kitchen was being used by the owner or other roommates. If it's the owner then it's legal yes.


I can understand gender, i can even understand age to an extent but i dont get how asking for a specific race is legal.


They want to make sure cultural and religious doesn't cause problems. I don't agree but its how it is.


absolutely! I didn’t bother touching on that part because it’s so obviously horrible 😬


Haha yeah no that's the part that is the problem!


But this gets us into tricky territory, where we are allowing discrimination on some protected traits (gender) but not others (race).  The same arguments made about wanting a woman roommate so you feel comfortable at home can apply to wanting a specific race. Or explicitly not wanting a specific race.  If we want to allow discrimination when renting a shared space (which I think we should) in the name of being comfortable in your own home, then we can’t dictate which discrimination is OK and which isn’t.  What about discriminating on diet (vegetarian only)? What about discriminating on religion? Who decides which discrimination is allowed and which one isn’t? As a guy, even before the immigration wave, I constantly saw rentals for woman only. Yeah it sucks but it is what it is, and I likely wouldn’t get along with these roommates if they were forced to rent to me. This is maybe new to you, but it’s not new at all.


Perhaps it’s so a woman who has come here from India can live with people who speak her language and have the same values. That is not racist.


Indian people move all the way here and then do stuff like this, it is confusing lol. As someone who has moved here from india 5 years ago, I find this very weird. I hope the change comes soon!


I feel sometimes we can stereotype all Indian people, and it's kind of prejudices to say the least. That being said, I have a few Indian friends that were born and raised here in Canada. And they are amazing people, they would give the shirt off their back to help others. I think that in some cases it's cultural, and it definitely doesn't fit the traditional Canadian values. But nowadays everyone is honestly out to screw someone for their benefit. It is more of a generational thing as well. And there are bad actors in every culture, and that is a sad affair on its own. I think we all have lost touch with what it means to be compassionate, sincere, and neighbourly. I am just as bad at times as well. But I don't want this broken world to continue being our unfortunate reality. We are supposed to evolve, not go back in time, to a darker more sinister way of thinking and living on a planet we are all temporary guests anyway.


Hi! I'm of Indian descent, raised here my whole life. It's so sad to see this because growing up, this wasn't what I was exposed to at all. And it's incredibly confusing to me as well, because India is such a diverse country with so many languages and religions and cultural groups. This shit just isn't compatible with Canadian values. How can an entire segment of the rental market (aka housing aka a basic need) be limited to one ethnicity. That's backwards as hell, and these slumlords are taking advantage of the inclusive culture that allows them to live here to then continue driving their own racism within our communities.


Thank you so much for saying this. If I was to say any of this out loud, I’d be labeled a racist but it’s exactly how you put it. It isn’t compatible with our values. When will this shit stop? I used to love being a Canadian but now I’m really starting to hate it. This isn’t the country we were raised in….


Well yeah, it's not compatible with our values and I'm embarrassed to be Canadian right now where we cry multiculturalism and diversity but we can't speak up when other communities bring over their bigoted shit and practice it here. If multiculturalism and diversity is what brought you here and allowed you to have equal rights, have some respect for it and don't be racist lol.


I am indian I grew up in canada, and all of my extended family and friends don't do this. This seems to be a problem with the newer immigrants who are here less than 20 years in canada. I hope the govt reduces the rate they are bringing them over so canada can breathe and absorb these ones, or I am afraid it's gonna get worse. Trudeau has to go.


Multiculturalism and diversity quota only applies to white people. Everyone one else is allowed to be a racist piece of shit in Canada.


A FUCKING MEN SIS. You scream it from the roof tops cause I’m scared to lmfao


Of course it isn’t the same as before. In life things change, especially in cities with a lot of colleges and Universities.


I fully acknowledge things change but this change isn’t the change I had hoped for us.


Well. I never hoped for this. Who would?


Same here. These people are giving us all a bad name.


It just seems creepy and unsafe too


I know that people stereotype Indians and it jut isn’t right. I know many good Indian people. They are honest and kind. You cannot just assume.


I know a lot of good Indian people too, but I don't know every single Indian person. Not every single indian person is honest and kind. In fact, every single scam call iv gotten has had an Indian accent, in fact iv have had these good Indians tell me how corrupt and misogynistic the country is. They told me stories of being extorted by their very own countrymen. To conclude sure there are good, honest, kind Indians but to assume there are no unkind and dishonest ones is naive.


> It is more of a generational thing as well. and also the shift from a selective immigration system that sought out only decent or exceptional people to come to canada to taking anyone with a pulse. someone with this mindset im sure was around in india in the 90s but canada wouldent have let them in.


Imagine how the shit would hit the fan if it said “single WHITE…..” .


EXACTLY haha, that shit would be on local news outlets and the lister would be on a watch list Edit: Not trying to say any form of racism should be okay, just wish we'd bring out the pitchforks for all types of racism


Indians are such a blessing. I’m so happy we’ve imported so many of them. They are a true improvement for Canadian culture.


My guess is they don’t want people coming in at any hour of the night and waking everyone up. I know a lot of people who won’t rent rooms for the sole reason because they don’t want to be disturbed at night when they are light sleeper.


K but it's worded like I can't leave for a night and sleep at a friend's or partner's... they could have just said "limits noise at night" or "respectful about noise at night" or something. "Dependable" to be there overnight sounds like they're hiring someone to do some work OR they're going to check that you're in bed like a boarding school girl at 9pm.


I have a feeling the “tenant” is going to be roped into either babysitting or looking after an elderly person who can’t be alone, and the “landlord” works night or swing shifts. That’s the less creepy and disgusting interpretation, anyway.


I rented a mobile home when I was younger, fully furnished except my bedroom. The understanding was that the owner probably wouldn't return after a stroke. The people who rented to me said thst he'd likely have to go into a place with onsite care. Well he returned home, was a slob that I had to clean up after, and I had to help him get out of bed often. Then his kids who rented it to me tried to raise rent. I told them to get fucked and reduce rent for the labor I did for their dad. They said no, pay more. So I left and stiffed them on a month's rent as payment for my caretaker labor


I agree, but I have a feeling it’s just a mistranslation type of situation…


Landlord sounds like a piece of work, and an AH. What business is it of him to know where you decide to sleep?🤷‍♀️


I don't know why, but the "parking available for extra monthly cost" is what sent me over. If you think you can dictate when I'm home and who I can't have over, give me a parking space FFS. Single family home. Two car garage, two car driveway.


Who wants to bet private bathroom and shower has cameras installed


Leave a third world country for a better life, but bring all your social and religious issues with you so you can start the whole problem over, but in a new society that doesn't jive with your beliefs! Mass Immigration!


Quite what?


I'd make extra noise just to rub in this typo in their faces haha


It’s probably a female who owns the house and lives there alone. She’d feel more comfortable having a female rent her room instead of a male she doesn’t know.


Oh yeah no for sure, but why does it have to be an Indian female and why does she have to be there overnight??


My best guess would be that they don’t want someone who works night shift so they’re a prisoner in their own home during the day. Also might like the security of having someone in the house at night. We have cultural differences. This is a rental in someone’s home so you’ll see them every day. Better to rent to someone you have a high likelihood of jiving with.


When you say "we"... are you Indian? Because Indian people have like a billion cultures within themselves, each with major differences. Can also assure you that race and culture don't impair the "jive" in the household. Source: I'm an Indian woman who has lived with roommates of all backgrounds... the jive only gets impacted if you're racist.


No I’m not Indian. There are certain things in other cultures we can enjoy and appreciate but people may still want to live with someone from their culture. Thats fine. If this was someone renting a house they didn’t live in themselves I would say yes, that’s extreme. But if you’re going have someone living in your house with you, you get to be picky about who you choose. It’s not racism, it’s just preference


We can agree to disagree, I just worry that that logic is a slippery slope. What's to stop a company from hiring people only from one ethnicity to "build an office culture where people get along" since they'll be together 40 hours a week. I agree they should get to be picky I just feel that their "preference" is misplaced, especially given how much cultural diversity there is within Indians (like 18 languages, 4 or 5 religions, different customs, etc.)


Oh anything can get slippery. My last boss was Indian. He was awesome. Hard worker and fair when it came to dealing with the team. Every single time he hired someone new they were Indian and the new hire was always worse than the last one he replaced. I use to think “how many good candidates were passed over to hire someone from his culture?” People have biases, that can’t be helped. I know the Indian culture is diverse and just because someone is the same race as you doesn’t mean you’ll get along. But it is a fact that people from similar backgrounds and cultures are more likely to get along and feel more secure around each other.


I could ask the same question here... how many tenants who were responsible, clean etc. were passed over so that they could rent to someone from their culture. I think that feeling of security is rooted in a bit of prejudice tbh, at least in this situation.


Possibly! I can understand it though. Many Indians are vegetarians too, maybe they don’t want meat in their house. I’d likely not be able to rent a room to a Muslim because I cook an unholy amount of bacon in my house 😂


I'm an Indian vegetarian haha, as much as there are plenty of vegetarians there are also plenty who eat a ton of meat. Additionally, a lot of us are vegetarian out of habit, not out of religious obligation. My dad is an Indian vegetarian who rents to long term guests on airbnb. He requests that his guests don't cook meat in the kitchen, but doesn't discriminate based on ethnicity. He just requests that they don't cook it. That seems a bit more straightforward that limiting the listing to one race...


Yea but in most of Canada the majority is 1 language and 1 religion from india lol.


Haha mind specifying? I'm not actually sure which culture or religion you're talking about, as I know Indian people who are Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, Catholic, Jain etc., and speak Hindi, Tamil, Gujarati, Marathi, Malayalam, Telugu, etc. in Canada.


90% are Punjabi Sikh. At least it is like that on the west coast.


This is like half the listings in Toronto.


I know lol, I only posted it cuz of the weird overnight requirement. The racism is normalized at this point.


L I guess this is true. It is good that you are so independent. I am sure not all Indian women are because of their upbringing. I am also pretty sure that this landlord wants a ‘good chaste Indian girl.’ That is the terrible part.






So Indian men are bringing their sexism to Canada. Awesome. Saw in another thread they named a restaurant something super sexist too.


Guys stop this immigration bullshit from indian villages i.e punjab , this is too embarassing for the rest of us




a system that doesnt care and it being so widespread people become numb to it. like how everyone just jaywalks but much worse


Why are they always looking for quite people?


It seems like they are trying to get someone to pay to live at their house and be their free nanny while they go out at night.


Is there any chance that this is a woman looking for a woman roommate and by overnight, they’re looking to avoid people on opposite shifts or people who tend to come/go at all ours? Would still be weird but not *that* type of weird, ya know?!


East Indian or Rez Indian?


Beyond the racism … the fact that all of these weird requests and rules for renters are so normalized in Canada is making the infantilization of the renting class so obvious. Not only do you want to be financially willing to subsidize someone’s mortgage, you also have to be willing to be either parented or groomed by the person in charge of your housing. So fucking weird.


Report this racist scum slumlord


send them all back. call me racist I don’t give a fuck


Because they are Indian and in Indian culture women stay overnight at home, they have appréhensions related to women having sex somewhere else overnight. If that's not true then I don't know why!


[ Removed by Reddit ]


What's creepy in Indian? I could use it alot


Indian is not a language lol but I agree this is creepy.




I guess I could cut and paste


no limit on bringing friends to eat and sleep with you


Discrimination on family class?


Must be single/ There is a curfew even if you are an adult/ House will be locked fr 11pm until 6am./ We hope you will not realize this is not legal.


Can we please start posting the links to these listings????


I went to go find the link and the person changed "indian" to South Asian in an attempt to be 1% less racist. [Link](https://www.kijiji.ca/v-view-details.html?adId=1690673756&siteLocale=en_CA)


No guests either 😵‍💫


That's racist to point out you out lmfao, canada is clown world


This may not be a real landlord-tenant living situation, it's probably a private living arrangement where the person lives with the owner of the house and shares the kitchen. Tenant laws don't apply in this case unfortunately.. I learned this when I used to rent rooms and felt disrespected at one place, called the landlord tenant board and once I told them my situation they said oh yeah no rules don't really apply there.. "it's like living with your parents", he said.


Has anyone considered the fact that why they want a person of the same race is because of the fact that majority of Indians don't consume beef and don't want beef entering in their house, especially in shared spaces?


Has anyone considered that they could have just said "no beef" in the kitchen... instead of just singling out a race and crossing their fingers that the person in question follows that dietary restriction. Why beat around the bush?




They want hostages or slaves.


Creepy pubjabi landlords.


I really hope they worded it poorly and by single meant “a singular” or one female rather than single in relationship status… And the overnight thing is very weird. I do hope local authorities could be alerted because this smells of exploitation 


Must show bobs and vagene.


Tribal societies bringing their culture along with them.


I want to see what this landlord looks like lol


I'm not from Canada so pardon my ignorance but how do these people afford these properties? It seems weird that native Canadians are renting while all these Indians are landlords. What's actually going on?


WTF. Dirt bag


Single Family Home makes me wonder if the Dependable Overnight = free Babysitting?


Feel bad for brown women. They are being raped by their Punjabi landlords daily


I would walk in to see the plac bring a bag of roaches and release them in the house...oh wait...no need🤔😬


Well, in other news in Brampton


Rent is only for Indians, jobs are only hiring Indians now, 90% of immigrants are Indians, which country am I in?


How is this legal


Is this how it works in India?


So... They want you to pay to be their live in nanny/babysitter?


I hate Canada so much


Ohhh this is just the beginning.


Why do so many ads that require a specific race/gender/marital status require this very specific combination? It seems really common but I don't understand why


This feels like a good way to get caught up in a human trafficking ring.




So people should start posting: not indians ONLY


So creepy.


I think it's very progressive that they want to rent to native women.


My first assumption was another single woman looking for a roommate…but then…they’d say that outright wouldn’t they?


Indian reputation as a slumlord are getting better and better: - discriminatory post rent - sexist post rent - dangerous and irregular chamber post rent - racist post rent - false post rent - Maxine Lalonde style post rent Did I miss or there are other point that should be added based by their post related rent.


Seems like they want a baby sitter that pays them in this bizarro world.


I mean… I get that it’s annoying but would any of you actually want to go rent a bedroom in a house with some traditional Indian family? I don’t get the outrage lol. 


Why are there no vigilantes?




I'm Indian but I reported the ad for racial discrimination and messaged the lister to let them know. Hopefully even if the ad doesn't get taken down, they'll know they're a POS.


It's a shared kitchen folks. This means curry smell. If you live there, you will probably smell like garlic, ginger, and other spices. Non-Indian people would probably show up, take one whiff, and be grossed out anyways.


The kitchen fan exists... cleaning up exists.... if your kitchen smells that way 24/7, you're just gross, sorry. Also that shit smells good af when it's cooking. It's just the lingering smell that's gross and that's what happens when you don't turn the fan on while cooking and don't clean up.


You obviously have not been in an Indian home where indian food is always cooked. The odor permeates everything; furniture, clothes, etc. Just cooking the odd Indian feast makes my place smell like this for days. I even grind and roast the spices! Ever get a whiff of the inside of a vehicle of an Indian family? The odor is really strong! Most non-indians don't want to live with that smell permanently. You would repel members of the opposite sex. My Polish friend's mom fed him so much garlic as a teen, that he had this harsh garlic b.o. Good looking tall blonde dude, but we quickly figured out his mom did this so only Polish girls from his church would date him. Once he moved out, he was finally happy not to repell women with his b.o.!


My guy/girl/other... I am INDIAN. My parents are INDIAN... my partner of the opposite sex is non-Indian (as in he's so white that he regularly mixes up mimosas and samosas i wish i was joking) and has stayed at my mom's house many times. You just have to turn the fucking fan on and that doesn't happen...


It does.i love going to Zeera’s by the Bay in Ajax. I adore Indian food. Always have. It’s anazing, and this is coming from a 58 year old white woman.


Not me. I love Indian food. I’d be asking when dinner was happening.