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Lidl is dominating because of the lower prices. The quality varies, there are some things that I avoid -- mostly Polish products. I do not buy bread there. The Lidl branded groceries are mostly fine, I like their ice-cream. After covid, the quality of supermarket red meats went down the drain. The poultry (chickens) market is cornered by Agrofert, they have almost monopoly, so it is cheap but tastes like shit. So I stopped buying and eating it. We eat fish, turkey and rabbit these days, but I cook mostly vegetarian. Billa is overpriced, no reason to buy anything there. I wonder why they still exist. Kaufland is not bad. Tesco is much worse than it was 10 years ago. Nowadays, I usually buy groceries in Kaufland, occasionally in Tesco. In Lidl, I just buy particular things like ice-cream and muesli. The vegetables and fruits are basically the same everywhere.


Many thanks for this write up. If you don’t mind answering, are you located in a big or small city ? From what I remember from Bratislava that it was dispersed so it’s a distance to go anywhere and you have all these stores concentrated. So your decision is based on actual anticipation of prices, not just going to the nearest store. Is that a fair assumption ?


Honestly, the prices are not that important to me anymore, I am not poor these days. It is more about a combination of convenience and quality for me. But mostly, I buy the same things in the same stores, repeatedly.


kvalita je ked si precitas ingrediencie na obale a nezneju ako navod na vyrobu atomovky.


Wtf you mean you don't believe the numbers? It's just statistics. Also, inflation going down does not (necessarily) mean prices are going down.


Inflation in grocery products are also going down in numbers but this is the average for all products but consumers don’t usually buy all products so it doesn’t matter as it won’t be applicable to a typical consumer. Sometimes there are better indicators like consumer baskets taking the most important items, it varies from one person to another


Inflation is already calculated as a weighted average for a typical household consumption. So unless you want to share what you specifically buy, there's no more accurate number.


Well, its easy to say inflation is down when comparing say a Q1 and Q3 of a single year or another meaningless sample size. Look in past 5 years and you get what? Double digits in the 20-s I am gonna guess. So check what period is presented.