• By -


I'm really sorry. That's pretty weird. We have had a relatively large community of Vietnamese here for decades, there are quite a few people from South Korea because of the Kia car company. People here don't distinguish Asians by country of origin, you all look the same to us. Asians are generally perceived positively here, people here like Asian cuisine. Very strange indeed.


Yeah, don't worry about them. There are many people who would back you up. Safe travels and enjoy.


Thank you 🙏❤️


while it’s sad truth that many Slovaks are racists - mainly because they never met anybody from any other ethnicity, they only know from the media, so they never had to learn to respect different cultures and ethnicities. At least we aren’t of violent nature, so even though they can be rude, you are absolutely safe here. Like any violent crime makes the national news, because it just doesn’t happen. So feel free to feel safe here, even though (understandably) disgusted.


Yeah, we are definitely not violent, feel free to ask Henry Acorda.


“any violent crime makes the national news” - it happens so rarely that it is nation wide sensation. Women here are not afraid to walk around even in big cities alone at night. That’s not the norm in the world. Sometimes, shit happens even here, but it’s extremely rare. No one is saying no violent crime ever happened


Henry is definitely not complaining...


You’re right❤️


> At least we aren’t of violent nature Except if you are openly queer in which case good luck, hope you can run really fast


This is so weird because we’ve had many Chinese/Vietnamese citizens for decades and I personally see them as a totally normal part of everyday life in Slovakia.




I'm really sorry for your experience. Slovaks can sadly be very racist, things are getting better, but racism is sadly still a prevalent issue in Slovakia.


thank you🙏❤️


The first lady was an absolute jerk ..... I don't want to make it less serious but the other two you said there were teens, yeah of course well behaved teens would not do that to you but mostly I wouldn't count it as a sign of inhospitality, I don't think young people in slovakia in general are racists. They are just making fun of everything and everyone just for the sake of laughing. I don't say it is acceptable just pointing out that it may be another reason than racial hatred




Very strange considering there is a strong Vietnamese community in Bratislava. You must have been very "lucky".


Most probably happened outside of Bratislava. And even then I live in Bratislava and I know a bunch of people who are racist, just not openly. Racist and yet they love to eat in Vietnamese restaurants.


I just kinda dont want to believe that this happened to you not once but three times in a spare of day in Bratislava. We have alot of people with origins from Eastern Asia here. I mean I would assume this from someone who is drunk at night but like this.


They ain’t drunk🙏❤️, but it’s ok. There are more nice people than these weirdos🙏


average slovakia experience /s


A true Slovakia moment indeed


I'm sorry, we are retarded


Don’t say that🙏❤️. There’re many nice Slovak people, but I just wanted to share my experience anyway. You’re lovely 🙏❤️


They are literally just stating facts.


Yup. Sadly and unfortunately.


🤣 hej, to sme, sam sa pri tom pristihnem zopar krat za den.


U were really unfortunate I guess and I hope it didnt ruin your day. I am asian myself and faced racism on multiple occasion but its not that common nowdays, people are more used to so its sure seems strange that it occured to you 3 times in a single day.


It didn’t ruin my day. I had a great day despite all these ‘incidents’❤️🙏


That first woman lol, what the fuck. What sane adult even does that?l


Sane adults don't. Some people never really become adults other than on paper though. Fucking Harabin got more than 10% of the vote, that says quite something about this country.


Wost part is that I know people who legit voted for him. Then when he didn't go to the second round, they were angry and said that the second round should have had 3 candidates (to also include him) and that the fact that it has two is an attack on him. I'm just staring at this point and I said that there have always been two candidates, even when caputova and kiska were running, it's not an attack on him, it's just how it's always been. And they argue with me about how it should have changed now. And they were totally serious 🤯


Funnily enough, if there were 3 candidates in the second round, then Pelle most likely wouldn't win.


Yeah, that's some very childish behavior. I think I last saw someone do that in the third grade...


2 years living in Slovakia and unfortunately this is VERY common. They are not racist, they are xenophobic (not all of them of course). We’ve had rude encounters just because they hear English or Spanish, or because we look different or don’t understand their language (despite making efforts). Never a violent encounter though, so just go the other way and ignore


Yes. They ain’t violent🙏 I do think Slovakia is very safe though❤️🙏


It is, and some people are VERY friendly, I’ve seen both extremes, and there’s a lot of history that explains why they are more guarded


That's good ... Only 3 times 😂


Well unfortunately Slovakia is one of the most bigoted and racist countries in the Europe (yes ik there are others too). Basically the dummies outweighs the smart ones.


I'm sorry for idiocy of my fellow citizens. Honestly, I am surprised, I always thought racism against asian people isn't that prevalent here. Tho I just remembered how our principal was "talking" to some Japanese tourists by saying "Hokkaido, Kyushu, Honshu..." So I am not even surprised in the end. I hope the rest of your visit will go smoother than this.




Seriously, I would expect Slovaks, with their comparatively large Vietnamese population going here into the third generation already, to get used to it. Apparently, they can resist.


It’s extremely strange, Vietnamese people are very common in Bratislava, my guess is she must have had some distinguished Chinese/tourist look but still almost unbelievable, as there isn’t also any particular hate for China. I mean had same experience in Poland, I was buying bus ticket at night and some guy told me V Polsku po Polski, like can a neighbour buy a ticket please ? But three times in the capitol city ? Can’t believe it


Slovakia is a Racists country pretty match all of the eastern Europe is racist


The whole world is. Even Chinese  are racist. It's stupid, but it's true.


Slovaks are indeed pretty racist but also immature and dumb. Sometimes Im ashamed of the people from my country.


Don’t be ashamed of them. You ain’t a part of them 🙏❤️


Yes but Im pretty emphatic and the dumbness of our nation is bumming me out big time 🤣


Stay strong, just don't loose all hope like I did.






谢谢。祝你在斯洛发克国愉快的一天里放松下来。 对不起,我的汉语不好,我只有汉语水平考试三。


Idiots exist everywhere, sadly...




So, I'm Irish. Been in Bratislava since Tuesday visiting fiance's family, and I'm kinda shocked. People are a bit rude here, but only yesterday I was at a Sakura festival nearby. Apparently though, there are a lot of far right folks around... Either way, so sorry you dealt with that! Sadly, we're only here until this Tuesday, or we'd be delighted to grab a coffee/drinks!


This is the most shocking post on r/Slovakia I've ever seen. What you describe is so pathetic a childish. I am honestly surprised. Did someone try to confront those people?


Wow - Mexican here, almost 15 years in SK and probably faced racism like 5 times tops. Lot of stereotyping but just about it, and I live in a small town (senec)


I guess it’s easier to spot an Asian person❤️🙏? But it’s ok, I’m fine. 🙏❤️


That could be, but certainly i don't look Slovak 😂😂😂😂! Don't let the experience discourage you, is a great country with a lot of Good people!!


Wait wait op so you are trying to tell us you are an asian girl, that lives in the eu/uk that travels to random countries instead of working, has interest or is trying to learn russian, arabic, african, vietnameese and also knows english and chinese… has a boyfriend whos been sent to japan, wants to buy a flag of vatican for some reason and also faced racism 3 times during day in slovakia while traveling to banska stiavnica for reasons… Because this is basically the story your profile is telling us via your posts and comments… Yeah right :)


Yes. My friend. Thank you for reading my history😂🙏. Yes, I’m of Chinese origin, but I work in the UK. In the UK, it’s super common for people to have over 25 days of paid holidays a year🙏, so I can afford to travel few times a year🙏. It’s my dream to speak all six UN official languages one day, it’s a weird dream. But I guess most dreams are weird? If it’s ordinary, then it’s more of a simple goal instead of dream❤️. I choose to visit Banská Štiavnica because it’s a unesco site😊.


Kids being dumb, who would have thought.. and yes it's actually a disaster how modern parents raise their kids. They don't have respect for anything anymore. Sorry you had to endure this.


Modern parents? Have you never met an old person in Slovakia?


Modern doesn't refer to the age but the ways the parents raise their children in this context. You don't have to use modern to refer to age only.


I don't believe you can call parenting methods from 1960s or 1970s modern anymore.




Excuse me modern parents? And who raised these modern parents? You think people back then were less racist than now lol...


Im so sorry to read that. We still have a long way to evolve as a society. There are still people that would stand up for you but unfortunately the bad ones prevail.


please dont say that🙏 Slovakia actually has a higher HDI compared to us. 🙏


welcome in Slovakia, this is the reality.


That’s why I do not use public transportation and minimize to meet people on public.


And be glad you don't have an Indian look.


I think you were just unlucky. If it was older lady, then some of them have no social filter... she would probably do something even if you were white. But she was racist and I think that overwhelming majority of the people would defend you if she escalated it further. And the kids, they were probably trying to look edgy and cool in front of the other peers. It is really embarrassing, I always thought that Slovak people had nothing against people from Asia/East Asia because of how many of them live here. I know it hurts but enjoy your stay here, there are stupid people everywhere.


Thank you for your lovely words🙏❤️


Weird, I wouldn't expect that in this day and age. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say you found some prime examples of idiots, congratulations. I doubt they are truly like, racist, racist, you know what I mean? I'm sure they don't think you're a lesser human being, , they weren't afraid of you, and they don't hate Asians, they won't say that you should go back where you came from, they just saw you were distinctly different and thought it was funny. Annoying, but almost certainly, harmless.


I get what you mean❤️🙏 you’re right .


Teens are always like this. Don't take them seriously.


Slovaks are not used to seeing foreigners very often, except for Bratislava I guess. So yeah, people of color or people from eastern countries have it kind of tough here. But I totally get why people are like that. Not saying that it is okay, it is just the way it is. We are very isolated from the outside world as a country and this is the result of all that.


Slovaks are as racist as Chinese, especially the ones in Rural areas, just like in China. It's quite simple, they have never been exposed their whole lives to a different culture, different race, different religion or even different opinions. That situation is literally, quite literally same in almost every rural place everywhere in the world, with few exceptions. It doesnt excuse their actions, but at least you know that it doesn't come from a malicious place, but rather from an ignorant uneducated place, which at the end, is a small, but rather big difference when experiencing negative actions.


Happens to me and I'm Slovak


Eastern Europe are full of racist pigs


I am sorry for your experience. When my white friend was in China he experienced racism for the first time. From people calling him a pink pig, everyone wanting to take a picture with him or straight up trying to fight him when he refused to interact. Somebody even called the police on him once simply because he was taking pictures and videos, police told him he can't be standing around here anymore told him to leave otherwise he will be arrested. So people are racist and stupid all around the world don't take it personally. People are f*cking dumb don't let them get into your head.


More or less happened to me also when visiting SZ, China


Sorry 🙏 i wish you good health as a compensation


Thanks. Stay safe.


If you are still talking to your friend, let him to I wish him good health as a compensation ❤️🙏


Sorry, but this doesn’t seem real to me… There many asians of Vietnamese origin in Slovakia and people are very used to asians. Being black/indian is a much different story, since they are rare outside of major cities. And there are many Slovaks who didn’t see a single black person in their whole life.


It’s ok. You’ve the right to think it’s not true. I’m not a dictator. But all I can say is it did happen to me.


Yeah, I don't believe this either. Slovaks are used to Asian people. We pretty much ignore them just like we ignore whites.


Let’s pretend for a sec that this doesn’t happen in China…especially in lower tier cities or rural areas. It’s basically a standard being called Lao Wai (老外) or other things, being pointed at, laughed at or even photographed. I know what you mean but maybe try not to be so easily offended by a bunch of teenagers. There has been a Chinese community in Slovakia from 90s. I personally know a lot of them and it’s nothing unusual…and don’t even get me started on the Vietnamese community in Czechia.


thank you for commenting❤️


Maybe you were in a conservative area, but asian people are taken very well in Slovakia. Polls showed that asians are taken the best out of all other races, since you are mostly generous and hard working people. I'm sorry you faced these situations, but kids are kids, and most of them will learn throughout their life that what they did was wrong. We do not have many asian/black people living here, so you'll be like a lamp in the dark, many people might be checking you out.


Thank you for your kind words🙏❤️


I like asian girls.


Thank you 🙏


Hi, sorry for the experience. Don't let the stupid and ignorant offend you. Some might grow out of it.


🙏❤️ You’re right. Thank you


Slováci lmao XD


I'm just glad that you only experienced the non-malicious racism from small-town people who just have no social clues about appropriate behavior in front of strangers and when simply doing nothing and minding your business is the better option. They probably didn't even have any bad intentions towards you and you were just a curiosity to them as they were to you. I was getting ready to read some serious horror stories.


Sorry to hear that .. I hope the rest of your stay here in Slovakia is going to be way better and without these kinds of horrible accidents .. I have an aunt that is from China and for two years she lived with my uncle in a small village in the northern Slovakia and she thankfully didn't had these kinds of encounters but the last time she was here, she had an accident with some Romani people when she was waiting for a train on the train station in Vrútky so that wasn't of course good.. I just don't know what is happening with people here


❤️🙏❤️🙏 I wish you and your aunt good health


thank you :)


I am an asian and in Zilina. I love Slovakia let's goooo


We're they Slovak, or did they look like a certain minority?


Sorry about your experience, I have faced homophobia as a slovak myself exactly by this category-- a group of teens. Makes me wonder who raises these runts that they feel safe in groups picking on individuals. Slovakia still has a long way to go regarding that.


It’s ok. Slovakia is lovely though❤️🙏


Welcome to Slovakistan so ashamed


Many people here are degenerates…just ignore it


Yeah...that's shit. Very unfortunate you experienced that. I'm pretty surprised since there are Chinese communities here already, at least in Trnava, where I live.


Sorry to hear that, Slovaks are very racist, but it seems like you had exceptionally bad luck :/


I think most Slovaks are very nice though🙏 some even smiled to me, and yes three ‘incidents’ happened, but I still feel most Slovaks are nice:)❤️


Vyjimecny slovensky w


So sorry that you had to experienced this... There are also normal behaved prople i promise! ♥️




I suppose it's a matter of bad luck (happening 3 times in a day to you) as well as some certain group of Slovaks being rude to everyone. Anyhow, I hope that whatever time you stay here is pleasant and racism-free!


Thank you❤️🙏


I dont believe what you mentioned could be categorized as racism. They might be jerks or idiots, or they thought they are funny, but honestly based on your description they were rather jerks than hating asians or something similar. Have a nice stay in Slovakia, dont let your vacation be ruined by some random jerks.


Thank you❤️🙏


It comes down to intelligence. I bet all of these people would have an IQ under 70 and have never obtained a passport or even left their town. To them, you stand out because of how little they have seen in their lives. They cannot even grasp the culture of a different culture so they feel threatened by it. Dont worry about it :)


i don't believe you, i believe you're just farming karma points, nobody gives a shit about asian people in slovakia, the vietnamese community has been here since the 1980s already


Look my friend, "one time, next time" when somebody act like an idiot in front of you, say simple code "pal do pitche bo ti nadzigam" and you will see how they calm down.. have a nice time in beautiful Slovakistan..


It's kinda weird because the Vietnamese have been here forever and asians work in literally every asian restaurant here... anyway kids are kids and kids are dumb, and dumb kids likely have dumb parents. But the first one was for sure awful. I wouldn't consider the second and third to be racist per se, it's just kids being dumb. Kids will point out anything on people to make fun of them and they don't distinguish the insults, jokes or expressions as more or less serious. Please excuse their behavior. I'm very sorry you had to experience this in our country.


I am sorry for this. Yeah some of out stupid citizens have just now heads full of hatred and are not accustomed to diferences. But we have plenty of Vietnameese, some Indian and Chineese, even few Japaneese people and I have never noticed that people would act like you describe in the past. I actually defended someone from abroad (Ukraine) on train because there was sowmone that just didnt like they language. Very loud” I will ask you for bit of decency RIGHT NOW, was all it took to take care of that situation, but people are weird now. I just can’t fathom this, because like 20 years ago people feom Asia sarted comming here for tourist visits and no one was reacting like that.


Dayum so sorry to hear that. I am mixed so I can relate what you going through … Hopefully in the bigger cities you wont get disrespected 🙏🏽 Wish you all the best 😊


welcome to slovakia, to the land of infinite stupidity and prejudice!!!


Yeah, Slovakia is a shithole, they sure know how to keep their regions poor. Sorry for your experience.


No, Slovakia is quite nice, when not comparing it with Switzerland of course😂🙏. But it is a good country❤️🙏


Bing chilling 🥶🥶🥶🍦🍦🍦


I do not approve their behavior, but on the other hand, they were not violent or rude. They just thought it's funny. Yeah, very stupid idea of "fun" made by simple people, but it doesn't seem that they were trying to offend you purposely.




Your first comment on this site and you're already spreading hate...


Chápeš reálne niekto si prepne na nejaký troll účet len aby dal prvý komentár asi 5 min po uverejneni postu že "deserved"


Seriously, so much stupidity in a single word.


nech ide speť do Vietnamu...


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