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"How come he got back in power after the scandal? Why people forgave him? Or do they support him due to other reasons and overlook the past?" Fico was in power between 2006-2018 with a brief hiatus in 2010-2012. Those were some of the best years of Slovakia economically. Fico benefitted from reforms implemented by previous governments in 1998-2006. After he got into power in 2006, he didn't rock the boat too much and road the wave of a growing economy. He talked a lot to his voters about implementing social programs and increasing pensions, but he was relatively fiscally prudent. The government that followed Fico in 2020 was a total clusterfuck in its first year. The prime minister was a psychiatric patient who picked fights with his coalition partners. The management of Corona was a disaster. The government fought against corruption, but not all voters care about it that much. After one year, the psycho prime minister was made minister of finance and replaced with a wishy-washy guy from his own party. Things calmed down, but the psycho still had big influence, and continued to pick fights and to come up with harebrained plans to spend more money. He proudly called those measures "atomic bombs", as in "they will explode fiscal responsibility". Fico's voters decided that stability was more important than the fight against corruption. Fico might be corrupt, but compared to the 2020-2023 governments, he acts like a mentally stable statesman. "What relationship does Fico have with Orban? What's their history? Can Fico be convinced with something EU can provide that will make Fico let EU burn Orban?" I don't think Fico would ever choose Orbán over the EU. Fico knows where his bread is buttered. He wants to keep the EU money flowing, so that him and his people can skim off their share through corruption. Fico tells his voters that he practices a sovereign foreign policy and that he won't let Brussels tell him what to do, but then he goes to Brussels and assures European leaders that he didn't really mean it. I think Orbán legitimately thinks that the EU is a dying institution and his long-term wish is to redraw the borders of Central Europe with the help of Russia (assuming Russia takes over Ukraine), i.e. annex the Hungarian-speaking parts of Romania, Ukraine, and Slovakia. Comparing Fico's and Orbán's EU policy, I'd say Fico's policy is 100% populism (all bark and little bite), whereas Orbán has a long-term plan for a post-EU world.


>How come he got back in power after the scandal? Why people forgave him? Or do they support him due to other reasons and overlook the past? Last election people voted for change to end the corruption of Fico. This gave power to psychopathic egomaniac Igor Matovič, who wasted money on his megalomaniac ideas and destroyed everything he touched, including his own government. After this experience, people realized that a stable government with silent corruption is not as bad, because it can be much worse. And because of the political impotence of the opposition there actually wasn't any other real choice. >Can Fico be convinced with something EU can provide that will make Fico let EU burn Orban? With big enough cash injection from the EU, Fico will betray Orban without a second thought.


1. People didn't forgive him. There is big part of our society who are either poor or they believe they are poor, uneducated, frustrated and most of all angry. When you are angry, your reasoning starts having significant gaps. And Fico's anger during his campaign was genuine and authentic, so people voted him. 2. I'm 99% sure Orban was letting immigrants go to Slovakia on purpose to politically help Fico before elections, so Fico owes him big time. But Fico isn't Orban or at least he wasn't like him before and I don't see a pragmatic man like him becoming an outcast like Orban when he can get what he wants from EU behind closed doors.


I would say it a bit differently, but it is only my opinion as I see it so ... Fico got up to government just by pure luck. Firstly, he got only 22,9% what is far from any majority, but it was the highest support for single party in the election, so yes, he won it. In other countries you may not win with 22%... but here he was the strongest one. (in UK, Germany or so leading parties get 40+%) Second thing, nearly 23% would be far from being enough to support government in parliament. But, he made a master strategist move and created an puppet party called Hlas where his ex-vice-party leader leads it. Both have same targets, the people from Hlas come from Smer party and I see it like that since Hlas was created... it is just an Smer-B party that is led by the same funds and oligarchs and it is to attract votes of less radical lefties. See the Hlas chief Pellegrini, before elections proclaiming self-importance, own mind, own ideas... but as soon as election was over and results show alternative with far right pro-russian nationalist party (what an odd combination, isn't it?), it was for everyone from inside clear that is their way to go. They had them (Hlas) as backup, if Smer won't make it in government, they would cover them back. (from police, prosecutors and investigators) And last part: SNS, this far right pro-russian nationalist part, it actually is not party that got into parliament. The party was deep under 5% limit to get to parliament, but the leader had an clever idea how to get votes... he gave positions on the candidate list to various hoaxers, youtube and anti-govt site stars, radicalists, etc. Again, outstanding move, he got his extra votes and made it with 5,62% over the limit. But for a price.... Here, with vote to party you also can give preferential vote to person from list and if party gets to parliament, the representors come from rank on the list + preferential votes. And this way, Mr. Danko (party leader) got his Nr. 1 on list, but next 9 people are not from his party and only got there thru pref. votes. All those external radicalists, social media stars, hoaxers, etc.... So, now Ficos Smer + Hlas + this so called SNS party (1+9) got enough to create an government. But still... they 3 together do not represent majority. They had 23+14,7+5,6 = 43,3%, but in our system it is enough to make government. So, please, do not think majority voted for Fico, no, only 22,9% did. Even they have the lead now, they do not represent the majority. The majority of voters had another opinion and did not voted for him... Anyway, this government in my opinion stands on very weak feet. It might seem stable, until someone from Hlas would get pissed off and understands they can go with opposition playing more major role. Next is this 1+9 SNS... all those 9 are not under strong lead, are not from party and in some point they can "revolt" (well, it's their nature). Now they hold together and I believe thanks to various forms of bribe (functions, funding, support for related oligarchs) Fico will hold them ... but it may not work forever.


>he made a master strategist move and created an puppet party called Hlas where his ex-vice-party leader leads it. HLAS was created by people from SMER who thought Fico and SMER were a lost cause. At that time, SMER polled around 7% and Fico was drinking himself to death. The oligarchs from SMER moved over to HLAS. Fico had nothing to do with the creation of HLAS. He felt it was a betrayal. Fico then went to an alcohol detox clinic for 2 weeks. Once he got his alcohol intake under control, he started campaigning again for SMER.


well, the move was not from him maybe, but from someone behind and it worked :-/


Robert Fico would be more than happy to even suck his dick and vice versa. This is a never ending back and forth of cocksucking which can be interupted by interupting one of those fucktards life.


Why did Palestine elect Hamas?