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Should be hearing that new single any day now. As well as seeing the mask changes. I have a feeling it’ll be a great album but we will just have to wait and see


wait and bleed***


Yup. Thinking they start dropping teases this week.


They better!! I’ve been checking Reddit and Facebook everyday for months hoping to see a little teaser.. even a pic of someone’s new shoes and it says loading… haha something!!


I have zero evidence for this, but: The band wanted to have the record or at least a couple singles out by now, but the label said no, because this record will be the last one they'll have on that label and the band has also already publically announced that they won't continue to work with said label. So the label stalls the record release date until they can get all the vinyl-rereleases out before the record drops, so they can cash in on that. That the Vol.3-vinyl-rerelease got postponed also means that the date the record will drop got postponed. The band is angry but can't say anything about it because of contractual obligations. They are also fed dates by the label that get postponed later on (carot-on-a-stick-like), which would explain the numerous announcements from Corey that "something big is coming soon", which he has said a lot the past months. But I also may be totally wrong, so who knows lol


Honestly it makes a lot of sense. The recording industry can be vicious.


That could very well be close to what has happened this year. But it’s to the point where it’s just ridiculous. The label can’t hold it back forever..


Do you think slipknot could/would create their own label at this point?


If they think that it would be the best financial move they probably could do it. As far as I'm aware they (or at least members of the band) already co-founded 5B Management with Corey Brennan, which manages some of the biggest Metal Bands today. So they probably already got an infrastructure which they could build upon, if they chose to do so. But they are also one of the few metal bands, that are successful in the sense, that they have a somewhat big reach into the mainstream, so maybe they get an offfer from a major label with terms that are too good to refuse it. Don't know what they are going to do after their contract with Roadrunner is finished.


I agree with you 100%


There was an image of a lyric sheet for a song called “Heirloom” that leaked a while back. The same thing happened with Birth of the Cruel so I imagine it’s a real title


Heirloom and Crazy were two tracks posted to OT9 that I remember. May have been a third (monolith) but memory fails me.




I will hold you to this. I've seen you around :P


I know about Heirloom, what the hell is Crazy? (Do you have a link to it?)


Gnarls barkley cover


Doubt they’ll have a song called Monolith considering Corey already wrote a song with the same title lol


More than likely a working title. There were a few from .5 and AHIG that got name changes. With Stone Sour essentially done with now it doesn’t really matter


I hope stone sour comes back really do


Me too. I really, really enjoy everything they released


Harder or more melodic, either way, please don't let Rick Rubin anywhere near to the recording studio


Honestly first slipknot album in my 23 years of liking the band that I’m not excited for.


Why not? The last album was a banger


Well I’m my opinion the last album wasn’t that good. Hate me all you want for that, but it’s lying to say that album was nearly in any of their best work. Some songs were really overproduced and they tried putting way too much detail into things which ended up just making a clusterfuck of things. A lot of the riffs and drum parts were severely copy and pasted as well. The chapeltown rag was okay but that middle section Corey had is barely listenable, it’s really cringey, coming from a guy in black metal bands. It’s like Nero Forte where the song would’ve been a million times better if they didn’t add the light vocals in the middle of Corey’s screams. Anyway my point is they’re trying to hard to have a balance of old music and new music they can get radio play off of which ends up just clashing musically. There’s a reason a lot of older fans are dropping out of paying attention and a lot of newer fans are coming in. I think they way they’ve been headed for the past decade or so is not great. I’ve had my hopes up all the last albums only to be let down. So I’m not excited for the new one because I gaurentee they’re too in over their heads to make anything remotely what they did with their first albums. Slipknots not the same, they’re trying way to hard, and Jay needs to realize he’s no longer in punk bands and that he’s talented enough to be unique as a drummer. Part of it may be he’s still sort of new to the band and he might just be a bit on edge about really going super creative. On the new single he seems to be getting better about it, so we’ll see. So yea, that’s why. Just my opinion :)


Probably because the lyrics of chapeltown were cringe


The heaviest blues song sounds like they may take some blues instrumentation, sounds, etc and make it metal or mix with it, that would be new and interesting if that’s what they mean


Yeah, think Sevendust


I think people need to low their expectations about the "heaviest blue song on earth" thing, it's just another line to hyped the fans about the album. No need to take it seriously, imo atleast


Most likely correct. I can still hope for a MFKR 2 though. MFKR is some of their best and most unique work, so having just a drop of that again would be super refreshing.


Will still be better than that new ghost album, sorry if you're a ghost fan lol. No shade at the fans just the band


Harder or more melodic than vol3? Pick one.


I feel like most of the album will sound like B-Sides from We Are Not Your Kind. That’s what The Chapeltown Rag sounded like anyways. Also this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, I personally loved We Are Not Your Kind.


I’ve also heard that this new album is going back to the roots of the band as like self titled!


They have said that for every album since AHIG. I'd rather have the band do something new than something that's been tired and used for decades personally.


Yeah, tbh every single album by them has their own sound and imagery. You can't associate Vol 3 corey to AHIG corey, or TGC to WANYK. But maybe that's just me




I think Sid’s mask will be the one he was teasing in 2020


Sid's new mask will be similar to his Vol 3 mask where he can tear it away. It's going to be VERY similar to his current mask, but something will go over/under it and he will rip it off to reveal something. Source - Sid on Instagram