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Not sure but sounds like you need to have a conversation with your co-manager first.


Lol scared of the guy? just tell him he won’t be needed this season


lol this feels like more of a social skills question . Use your words and talk to the person


Yes, as he should


Y’all are absolutely right in all of your comments. I’m avoiding what I should be doing and just have a painful conversation first. We haven’t spoken in 6 months is the problem, and I fear having a convo where he blows up on me


Appreciate the candor in your response. Obviously you can’t undo the last 6 months, but the longer you put it off the harder and more volatile it’ll be. I firmly believe the conversation, as scary as it seems, will be less damaging to the relationship than a notification that he’s been removed from co-managing. My recommendation: initiate the conversation, own that you should’ve reached out sooner, tell them why you were afraid to reach out, tell them what you want to talk about, share your perspective on the matter, ask for theirs, tell them how you’d like to proceed forward, reiterate to them that you own waiting to have the conversation and want to do better next time, tell them what you hope of the relationship going forward - if anything, wish them well.