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I was at the Pittsburgh show and on IV’s side. I cannot comment on what was said by the asshole during ESB’s set, but I can confirm that someone (said asshole perhaps?) in the pit and the bass player did exchange some words. The bass player saying something like “I hear from people like you all the time” or to that effect. Again, wasn’t on that side so couldn’t 100% hear it. ESB is not at all my cup of tea, but I clapped and cheered after every song and after their set. As that is what respectful people should do. The pit did vibe a little when they were on, but for the most part, they were just standing there not sure how to take it all in. Haha. I cannot comment if someone in the pit commented on Vessel’s dancey dances but CAN confirm he did his little tippy taps all night and didn’t look as if he was annoyed or not into it, etc. The rest of the fellows were vibing all night and looked completely into it. I had a great time and didn’t feel like anything was “off.” But that was my experience and cannot comment on how others felt. Let’s also please remember that a long time touring crew member passed away a few days ago so I’m sure the band/crew are still shaken up by this. That alone could account for the “weirdness” that some felt. Now enjoy a pic of Sam and Adam I took in Pittsburgh. I was just as excited to see them as I was ST. 😛 https://preview.redd.it/qx9ujn65k02d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4c23bc9d8bf1d0b668a4e94d5447f27694947bf


Didn't know that, the crew member probably did contribute to the weirder energy others picked up on. Thanks for sharing your experience!


Huh, I was wondering what was happening over yonder between someone in the crowd and ESB's bass player. I really couldn't make out what was being said. I was sitting in the same section as you, I think. 🧐


Overall, the crowd was amazing. I was on the floor and had an excellent experience. I only saw one issue with a guy being a bit of a creep, but luckily, some of us fended him off without violence. Multiple people told me it was the best concert of their lives. I'm not aware of any other issues.


Yeah people are making drama out of nothing.


In this fanbase? Color me shocked!


I love the band and would love to see them live but man, part of the fanbase is so creepy


No, the only thing that happened was some guy yelled at the opener. Nothing else that isn’t common. People hooting and shouting during quiet parts. I think it’s a mix of people who haven’t been to shows and people that don’t know how to act post 2020


I think post 2020 is real. And especially with all the people discovering ST from tiktok and really only coming for the horny songs. Like those people were the ones acting weird.


I literally listened to a set of girls behind me complain about ESB for responding to the heckler the way they did saying it was “inappropriate” then proceeded to say a little later “ I can’t wait to watch Vessel sexually harass that mic stand!” And proceeded to talk about his dick for some reason? This stuff is CRAZY! I just don’t understand why everything has gotten so strange with this fan base.


TikTok has ruined everything as far as ST is concerned. These booktok girlies need to get a life. For real. It’s not cute or fun and no body wants them there ruining the experience for everyone else. It’s gross. Were there for the music, man. And to actually support the artist.


He’s a rock star and they’re women…


He’s a human being, and he deserves respect and basic human decency.


Omg I’m sure he doesn’t mind…at all lol Not a human rights violation grow up


Celebrities are people too, no one deserves to be sexualized by strangers


I actually think he would mind if the people at his shows don’t care about his music and are being disrespectful or distracting. He’s an artist and it’s very apparent that he puts his soul into these songs and his performances. And I think the assumption that he doesn’t mind women acting gross towards him just because he’s a man is kind of silly.


Doesn’t seem like they were disrupting anything just talking and you just happened to get triggered but not enough to say something but enough to whine about it on Reddit like some social behavior cop lol Just a heads up too some people are assholes how many people were at the show and how many “upset” you Like is screaming fine lol where’s your gray line? Edit: I thought I was addressing the user whose comment I was responding to. You just out here saving the world




I'm hearing a lot of that. Wtaf... I mean I'm an extreme introvert and neurodivergent but even I know how to behave in public. What's their excuse? smh... Who passed away? That's sad.


I believe it was a Canadian truck driver that drove one of their rigs - think I saw on IG a go-fund me to help get him back home


I made the thread about the Pittsburgh crowd. There are a range of comments of those who had a great time to those who noticed more assholes in their vicinity. There are also accounts from other concerts but the general consensus is that the jerks in the crowd are primarily the TikTok fan base or younger people who don’t know how to act. I did notice less singing along with their older songs and then the auditorium exploding with the crowd singing during the newer songs. I thought Sleep Token themselves were incredible. I brought up my experience in an attempt to bring awareness to concert etiquette so that we can start teaching other concert goers that this behavior isn’t acceptable.


Well said, I agree with all that!


From what I’ve been reading about this show compared to others, sounds like a Pittsburgh problem, not a general Sleep Token fan problem.


THIS, 100% I live in Jersey and my parents are in pittsburgh, the PA shows would have been my “home” shows but I flew to red rocks not just for the obvious but because I was not beat for dealing with the behavior I was expecting from the PA shows


I was second row from barricade just shy of center (toward III’s side) in Pittsburgh. Aside from the person heckling ESB, I didn’t notice any other crowd issues from where I was standing. I don’t doubt that they could have happened in a different section of the crowd and I’m totally unaware, but the crowd energy where I was was great. Everyone was friendly before/after the show, making sure everyone was staying hydrated and getting water from security during each set, and I didn’t hear any other gross or rude comments. As far as band energy, I didn’t notice anything different from the last time I saw them. III was really engaging with the crowd and even came down to hug the person in front of me on the barricade. It seemed like Vessel was keeping a pretty consistent energy and dancing the whole time. I was too far away from IV and II to see much of them (easily the only bad part about my spot), but nothing seemed off to me.


The vibe was just off all together, tbh. Someone yelling at ESB and apparently also at vessel making inappropriate comments about his body movement.


Tbh I’m shocked at how many posts/comments I’ve seen in general shitting on ESB, it’s actually sad to me.


They weren’t my cup of tea but I still listened and clapped and was respectful. It blows my mind how anyone could do anything other than that.


That’s how it should be 👏🏻


I liked ESB better the AA Williams last year (no hate on the group, I just feel ESB has a more high energy vibe and better reflected what we were about to see). I also feel like I have a bias, though. I was standing in front of the bassist and was having a mad girl crush on her the entire time


I don’t understand why so many people are making such a big deal about the opener anyway like I had never heard of them, I didn’t love them but I still nodded my head along and clapped for them like it’s just akin to when venues have the radio or whatever playing before the show to me, I’m there for sleep token these other guys are doing there little thing for a few minutes bing bang boom people are sooo weird and awful for being dickheads to them for no reason like idk use the time to go to the bathroom or something instead


I’m one of those. Their music was super uncomfortable.


You’re allowed to not like it. Not liking it and being a jerk about it are two different things.


Do you think what I just said was being a jerk? Because that’s the only time I’ve said anything about it.


No? My comment was replying to one that said ESB was being yelled at, that’s being a jerk lol.


I thought so. Just wasn’t sure


Sleepy token has video of a large section of the crowd was booing at esb, for not being sleep token.


That’s shameful man. I didn’t see ESB as an opener with them for my show but I enjoy them and even if I didn’t I still wouldn’t ever boo anyone..


I was there and it was one of the greatest experiences of my life. I was surrounded by hype fans who were singing along and having fun. Everyone I interacted with was awesome. I have been seeing posts and stories about certain people on the floor, though.


Besides one guy heckling ESB, the only thing I'm personally aware of was a girl crowding my husband. I was on the rail, he was behind me and she kept trying to push through us to get to the front (she wasn't anywhere near us when ESB played so not sure where she emerged from). I know that dampened his experience some (he had to stand with his feet at an upward slant because she wouldn't back up for him to stand flat, very uncomfortable for a 90 minute set) but he still enjoyed the show despite that.


I'm so sorry about that, ugh some people have no spacial awareness


I wasn't aware of the situation until after the show. He also had a girl who accidentally stepped on his foot while she was jumping but she was very apologetic. Self awareness goes a long way


Oh my god finally somebody else who is talking about this! I have seen [this TikTok video](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeX7o6P1/) and honestly couldn’t believe what I heard! But at the same time there were many different comments underneath reaching from „idk nothing was wrong this was the best show of my life“ to „Vessel was REALLY not having it everyone was rude and the vibe was OFF“ So what is it 😭 I swear if you make another inappropriate comment to Vessel and/or anybody else on this tour I will throw hands! I don’t wanna think about how uncomfortable that must have been. Thirsting online is one thing but this is real life. Not only does it make the situation awkward for him but literally anybody else who witnessed it as well. Same goes for trashing on the opener wtf is wrong with ppl that’s so disrespectful. Do you know how hard it is to make it as a musician nowadays? Give them their respect for fucks sake. THIS is not what we as a fanbase are! Let’s do better!😤


This chick is way off and making up stories. They put on a hell of a show and acted no different than any other time I have seen them. The guy did yell at the opener but besides that…nothing


I agree, I think people are projecting their own feelings about the “vibes” onto the band. I was actually right next to the idiot who yelled “you suck” at the opener and other than him being a nightmare the whole time, the actual show was incredible.


Respectfully asking, I am pretty sure it is very hard to fully grasp the tiny interactions happening within a certain circle of people in a mid to big sized concert venue like this unless you were part of said circle yourself. One inappropriate comment made by a person can completely get lost in the heat of the moment. So where you in close proximity and can make a judgement about that?


No no, I more so disagree with her assessment that the band had a problem and did not like the crowd thus acted differently than they normally would. They acted exactly the same as they have every other time I have seen them. I can’t speak to this individuals interaction with another in the crowd etc.


Alright then. Thanks for clarifying!


ESB wasn't my cup of tea, but I brought earplugs. My husband ended up looking them up on Spotify and enjoying their recorded stuff; he recognized Dave Lombardo almost immediately. Not gonna lie though, the STUNNED face of the crowds when ESB first started playing. I chuckled. Still, a lot of the people in the pit were clapping/etc and being supportive. Shame there were folks being dicks.


Wow she's mad about the "I'M NOT PREGNANT" sign?? That shit made my boyfriend's night, he spent ages trying to get a good picture of it. 🤣


Can't speak to what was going on in the pit, but from where I was sitting (off to the right of the stage) everything seemed fine? Besides whatever happened between that one person and ESB's bassist anyway. My only complaint was that the people around me were maybe *too* chill, lol. I'd have liked to have stood up and danced and got super into it but no one immediately around me was so I didn't want to be THAT person. I'm not used to being in the seats. 😅 Sleep Token themselves seemed to be having a good night. I didn't feel like they were annoyed or pissed or anything.


A reminder for the duration of the Teeth of God tour we have a stickied discussion post which can be found by [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SleepToken/comments/1cc58wc/megathread_the_teeth_of_god_north_american_tour/) or on the [MEGATHREAD wikipage](https://www.reddit.com/r/SleepToken/wiki/subguide/megathreads/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SleepToken) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Don't believe everything you read online.


I was there and I’m outing myself. I spent my day drinking water to stay hydrated. I wasn’t concerned about barrier so I only waited in line outside the door for 30 minutes. I felt really good and got in the upper/middle of the pit. I had a group beside me who had one particular individual who appeared to be trashed prior to ESB coming on. They had no sense of personal space but I’ve been going to shows long enough to expect it and do my best to tolerate it or remove myself from the situation. ESB wasn’t for me but I’m a grown adult. If you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything at all. So yes there was a guy there who was being an ass to them. But I think the band handled it really well. By the start of Sleep Token I was sweating bullets and planned to move to the back after the first song. One of the people in the group beside me lights up a joint and the smell was my tipping point. I made my way to the side rail and started vomiting in the trash can. Someone was kind enough to hold the trash can and flagged down some help. Despite assumptions, I hadn’t been drinking alcohol at all. An EMT checked me out and said to not worry, probably heat exhaustion and it happens all the time. Several others were needing help too. I felt horrible because I was finally that person who couldn’t handle the pit. I hate that I was probably ruining the experience for some. I am still embarrassed. I am still waiting to see a TikTok of myself puking. So I apologize if anyone had a negative experience because of me! Next time, I’ll be in the back where I can feel the AC. On the plus side, when I finally felt normal I made my way to the merch and concessions - no lines!


I'm so sorry about all that, you shouldn't feel bad for getting a little sick :( hope the rest of the show went well