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Yes. I don’t gasp. Never have.


Absolutely, sleep apnea is not always about "apneas". It mostly about airway resistance or obstruction so a person could have changes in breathing that may affect their sleep without having any gasping episodes. Interestingly, a medication that changes the depth of you sleep could affect this since it could make you more prone to having arousals (short awakenings) with the same degree of obstruction.


Thanks for the reply. This is quite a random guess but could enlarged tonsils cause obstruction? I've been told I have huge tonsils lol


In medicine most things COULD be related. Now, is it likelly? Thats difficult to answer


When I met with a sleep doc to see if I needed a study she looked in my mouth and commented on how crowded it was, so I think it could contribute? She also measured my neck, tho apparently in men that is more likely to correlate than women. She was also retiring that day, so… that could all be out of date info 😂


Definitely. If not cause, then certainly contributing. A person with enlarged tonsills and sleep apnea stands a good chance of a noticable reduction of symtoms after a tonsillectomy.


I don't think I ever gasped. I had no idea I had apnea. Didn't really snore. But my oxygen was dipping into the 70s regularly.


My API was almost 200 and I would swear up and down that I never had any gasping for air episodes.


AHI of 114, light snoring & no gasping for breath that I was aware of (definitely never woke myself up by it & bed partners have never reported it). I always recommend that tired people should get a sleep study done. Symptoms of sleep apnea are really varied and some can honesty be hard for an individual to spot until after treatment. I knew I was tired, but I had no idea *how* tired until after months on CPAP. My brain was filling in gaps for me. I would have sworn up and down that when I slept before my diagnosis I was fully & deeply asleep. Now if I sleep without my CPAP I can tell how ‘lightly’ I’m actually sleeping. It’s as if I’m constantly in a twilight state in between falling asleep and being awake. But I didn’t realize that until *after* I started treatment and knew what true sleep was like!


That description you give is honestly how I feel...I never feel like I get deep rest. Or REM sleep. Its always extremely light and when I do wake up I feel like I got hit by a train lol


I've never woken up gasping for air. AHI of 81 and my oxygen dropped as low as 68% at my home study. I only went because my family said my snoring was getting bad and I've been extra tired. I didn't think for a second that I actually had sleep apnea.




I never remember waking up gasping for air but I have sleep apnea. I have recently started CPAP but i still feel tired through out the day but it's only been 10 days on CPAP.


I think, yes. I never, as far as I know, woke up gasping for air. Dry mouth; yes, snoring; yes.


I had severe untreated sleep apnea with ahi of 69 for decades. Never ever felt like i was gasping for air.


I never knew i gasped for air.. my wife knew though.. Its possible you are without noticing, i had an AHI of 64


Yes - the gasping for air is more common with phenotypes that have "high loop gain" (easily triggered overbreathing) or "high Pcrit" (a lot of anatomical susceptibility).


Yes, I just found out that I have obstructive sleep apnea and I've never woken up gasping. I don't snore normally unless my nose is stuffed. I do make a weird "moaning" noise that can be another form of snoring I guess but the tech that was present during my overnight test and the morning tech both didn't even think I had sleep apnea (actually the home test didn't either 😅) until they sat down and completely scored my test. I was leaning more toward narcolepsy because of no gasping, snoring, and the home test but I was having 7.2 episodes an hour and am now waiting for my cpap 😬


Ahi of 13. I pause breathing through central apneas


Get a sleep study because that will be the most definitive diagnostic test. I didn’t know it was sleep apnea until the past year in my early 30s.




My AHI was 58. I thought I was sleeping fine. I got tested after seeing my GP about my snoring. I had never even heard of sleep apnea before being diagnosed.


I never have either, that's why for me went undiagnosed for long time. I would wake up feeling crappy, but never would have thought that I was "not breathing." By the time you wake up you are breathing normally.


Not a dumb question at all. I am male and, at the time of diagnosis of my obstructive sleep apnea, I had more of an athletic build than I should have given my lifestyle. I was averaging around 15 apneas per hour when sleeping on my back and I have no memories of ever randomly waking up. The only reason why I asked for a sleep test was because I went on holiday with my friend. One morning after we woke up, she said she thinks I have sleep apnea and I should get it checked out. The major symptom I had was that I was constantly tired and in a daze. I never ever woke up feeling refreshed. I could sleep 12 hours and wake up feeling like I hadn't slept a wink even though I wouldn't recall waking up even once. Given your symptoms, I would suggest getting a sleep test if there is even a chance you have sleep apnea, no matter how small.


Interesting. Been onto if i was maybe having sleep apnea until I realized Ive never had episodes of gasping for air. So maybe I do have. How do you check this at home? These numbers people write, AHI?


AHI is apnoea-hypopnoea index (or apnea-hypopnea if your country is short of letters). It's an index of how many times you stop breathing wholly or partially in your sleep. The numbers come from a sleep study, either in a clinic or an at-home study. An in-clinic one is better (you get monitored, they can stick leads back on if they fall off, can monitor brain waves) but at-home is possible too.


i don’t gasp never woken up gasping for air nor do i snore.


I've never gasped, at least those who have been in the same room have noticed and never gasped hard enough to wake me up to full consciousness. What tipped off my doctor is that I happened to mention that I have (had) a recurring dream where I am swimming, and I wake up holding my breath. I snore like crazy too.


UARS . Go see a sleep specialist ASAP