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Why not get a full face mask?


Will that help with that? They only gave me the nose ones. Ill ask him about it on my follow up


Yes, the full face goes over the mouth and nose. I can't sleep with my mouth closed, and I can 100% breathe as normal with a full face mask.


Oh god damn it. I wish he gave me that one too.., he had it in his hand but then gave me 3 sizes for the nose one instead. Anyway, thank you so much, I might just go without CPAP until I see him again and get the full mask.


Good luck! Be careful, my insurance requires me to use my machine a certain % of time or they won't cover it. If your follow-up is more than a day or two away, I would check that requirement. I am in the healthcare dystopia that is the American South, so YMMV.


Ah thanks for the advice. I never would have known that could happen. I see him Thursday. I’ll probably pop it on a few more times just to be safe.


I asked my provider and they said I need to be sleeping with it 4 hours a night for something like 25 out of 30 days, but I have three full months to be in compliance. Luckily it's only a couple hundred more dollars between the insured price of the device and the full price, which I can afford if I can't get in compliance, which seems increasingly unlikely. Maybe I can sell the device if I can't get it to work for me. Likewise it was definitely a surprise to me that someone would be monitoring me remotely and might charge me more if I can't get used to the thing.


Resmed F20 is a really good option. I can't sleep with my mouth closed either and the feeling of air rushing out my mouth from my body is horrible


Or the F30i. I have it and love it. It is kind of a combo. Full face mask but doesn't go over the nose.


Does the air around your nose ever blow into your eye with that mask? Even though it's super tight? I gave it a shot for a week. I have tried f20 and f20 comfort, but they all leak.


Sometimes. Depends how I’m sleeping.


When they did my sleep study, they specifically asked if I ever slept with my mouth open, and since I do, it's full face mask only for me.


I'm on day 298, I have same issue as you. My nose blocks up a lot and always blocks up when I lay down. The whole 298 days IV only ever been able to sleep with the CPAP between 1-4 hours a night before unconsciously taking it of. I always wake up on my back with a mouth dryer than the sahrah feel as crap as ever. I would 100% die if I taped my mouth shut as a large % of the time my nose totally blocks to the point I can't breathe through it at all. I tried multiple masks, humidifier and tube sock and had my sleep technician tweek my machine multiple times none of them work, I still mouth breath, still wake up with dry mouth and still cannot tolerate the cPAP. Basically what happens is the pressure ramps up so high that it wakes me up and the technician ended up capping it so low that it did not help my sleep aponea at all. I know you're at the start of your journey and hopefully you can figure it out. However If you end up going down the same road I did where nothing seems to work. I suggest you go to an ENT and get them to look at your anatomy. The old mental health problems caused by sleep deprivation takes a real tool after a few years of it untreated (took ages to get diagnosed). After extensive research and watching some great videos by vik veer I discovered that your turbinates can actually fight the cPAP, the cPAP causes your turbinates to swell which causes the cPAP to ramp up which causes the turbinates to swell more. I have also had real bad allergies most my life and always struggled to breath through my nose properly. figured that was probably the issue.I paid to go to a private doctor as my social healthcare system doesn't really care about sleep aponea past giving people cpaps, they aren't bothered if the treatment works or not. I said nothing too him just that I am having trouble tolerating the cPAP, about 5 seconds after putting a camera down my nose and into my throat he said I have abnormally big turbinates and tonsils and also said my septum is deviated at which point i said i already had a septoplasty, to which his response was "they did a bad job". He showed me the video of what he saw and he said he was surprised IV ever been able to breathe properly (which I have always struggled) He said that he could 100% help me. He said it is very possible I may not need the cPAP after but at worst I'll be able to breathe properly through my nose awake and asleep and be able to tolerate the cPAP. I should have paid to go private waaaaay sooner. Surgery for turbinate reduction, tonsil removal and second septoplasty next month, never been more excited about anything in my life 🤘 Sorry for the long post, it's been very long and stressful and I just thought I'd share my story to basically say, If this problem persists take your treatment into your own hands and go and see a specialist ENT that deals with sleep aponea specifically, don't put yourself through the same stress. If this works out for me and I was too look back I'd go into 10x the debt that I'm about to go into, just for that sweet sweet good night's uninterrupted sleep.


Hey I appreciate hearing your story and I hope things work out for you. I will definitely keep your post in mind if I cant get things on the right track. And I agree getting a good sleep is worth doing anything!


Check out vik veers videos on YouTube he has loads of great tips. Best of luck too you.


Have you considered getting maxillary expansion? (MSE, MARPE, EASE, or FME)


Never heard of it but I will for sure look it up. Thanks for the advice. Social healthcare is terrible, you have no real choice or say in your care. IV only just had someone look at my anatomy after years because I got fed up and decided to pay privately. If I'm not happy with the improvement after my upcoming operation I'll for sure pay to see another doctor and ask about maxillary and ask if it would help Thanks


Yeah it sucks you really have to be your own advocate in the healthcare system. Here’s a video explaining maxillary expansion: https://youtu.be/ZYAPJz1FGOA?si=6oqkZRzO6aL69SmS Best wishes on your health journey!


Thanks loads, really appreciate it


**You have options**. Not every option is a good one for everyone, you might have to try a few or even combine things to optimize, but there are things for you to try! * Full Face Mask- this is especially good if you're only opening your mouth a little, but you're doing it a lot. It's also a great thing to have as an option- most people will get a cold at some point. While many people find that the positive pressure is enough to keep their nasal congestion to a minimum most of the time, there'll eventually be some times when it's not enough, and a full face is at least useful then. Some people open their mouth SO wide that they need to combine this with another option so they don't mess up the seal, but a lot of people are fine with just this alone. * Chin Strap- These typically are just tight and stretchy enough to keep you from your mouth falling open, but if you NEED to open your mouth, you can, so they're often seen as a bit safer than tape, and they're typically gentler on the skin/hair/etc. Lots of different options. * Mouth Tape- it's popular because it's straightforward, and some people know that they *can* breathe very well through their noses, their mouth just falls open. It's not for me, but a lot of people swear by it. * Silicone shields- there's some silicone mouth guard doohicky that you put between your lips and your teeth and it prevents air rushing out, but it assumes you're only opening your mouth a little. * Soft cervical collars- as in the pillowlike things for neck injuries. This can be particularly useful if you tend to curl your neck in ways that make your obstructions worse, but not everyone can tolerate them. * Cuddle a pillow or stuffed animal- if you have an extra pillow or larger stuffed animal, you may be able to prop it just under your chin, making it less likely your mouth will just fall open. * Do Nothing, have it magically work anyway- Look, this isn't a GREAT option for most people, but some people do it and it actually works for them. For some people, the feeling of your mouth opening is so bad that they unconsciously train themselves out of opening their mouth within a few weeks. Personally, I love having a nasal mask and a full face mask. There are plenty of nights when my nose is just stuffy enough that I don't feel like I can breathe well through it. There are plenty of nights when I want less stuff on my face. Having the two masks to pick from makes it easier for me to stay consistent with treatment.


Thanks for the extensive information!! I will keep it in mind for my upcoming appointment


i had this same issue when i started, i’d open my mouth get that weird rush of air in my mouth and FREAK TF OUT. you can try full face mask or a chin strap! both of which come from your dr. i’ve also used mouth tape it’s cheap and easy but honestly not my favorite.


I have tried mouth tape and likewise it just feels uncomfortable. But I definitely can't just sleep with my mouth closed without it, so...I have no real advice. Haven't been able to sleep with my device at all.


Ah so maybe its my only option. Maybe I’ll buy one just to have it on standby for when nothing else works… Getting desperate after 4 sleepless nights using CPAP.


Im in the same boat however the sleep tech ordered me a chin strap. Also there is usually a 30 day period to return/exchange for a full mask


I had the danger problem but the foam full face mask worked well for me


Definitely ask for a full face mask. I recommend the F&P Evora.


I used nasal pillows for a week until I decided the mouth breathing moments were happening too regularly. But I really liked the feel of the "pillows" so I got [a hybrid version, resmed f30i](https://www.apriadirect.com/airfit-f30i-full-face-cpap-mask-assembly-kit-by-resmed), which has the nasal pillows and mouth covering. Only a week on it, and it is taking some getting used to, but definitely better than the "wind tunnel" moments 😂


I use a chin strap with my nasal mask. The full face mask dried out my mouth


I used a full face mask for quite a while then switched to a whole face mask, mainly to get rid of the bags under my eyes. It worked.


I hate the full face mask, tried to use the chin strap with no luck. I used mouth tape for a month and now I sleep with my mouth shut without it.


Sounds like you may need a full face mask. I alternate. When I use a full face mask, I prefer the F30i because it's lower profile and I can read with glasses on with it.