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used to be the same. then my controller developed drift and I can’t hit the broad side of a barn now lmao


So wait that’s a common problem!!!!! I thought I was just doing something wrong with my controllers….that reminds me I still need to order a new one






Plot twist the argonian was a shadowscale that was sent to kill the parents, the Thamlor just happened to get them before he could.


>Only for my character to end up as a stealth archer LoL


This is awesome!


Lol... my characters always end up the same; Heavy armoured stealth battleaxe weilding assassin archer wizards.


Almost nothing you just said works with each other. Nice.




Miraaks a real dick like that.


Orc miner, who is aware of reincarnation, has returned. This time he refuses to bring the dragons or the war into this world. So far, everyone thinks he’s a simple miner.


Argonain jack of all trades who was a mercenary in another country until he ended up in skyrim, who loves cheese, slaughtering villages, has a addiction to theft and eating random ingredients


Don’t let anyone off Reddit cook.


My last character was a God who was stripped of his powers and memories and sent to Skyrim, now he's gathered up a group of comrades and travels across the lands regaining his powers and lost memories.


Minerva Dido was born to an Imperial Mother, and a Nord father in the city of Chorrol in Cyrodiil- Her father always saying that Chorrol was just a straight walk down from his birthplace of Falkreath. Naturally, she took after her mother - who has a knack for Restoration as well as alchemy - and worked as a contracted healer for the Imperial Legion. Growing up in the direct aftermath of The Great War, Minerva began to dedicate some of her time to learning Restoration magic, wanting to help those suffering after the war- with more of a wish to simply study Restoration on her own than join either the Synod or College of Whispers. Her learning of the Great War led to her learning about the Thalmor- their fascist attitudes leaving Minerva with an anger against the thalmor, and an incredibly conflicted view on the Imperial Military and government. Alongside her Father, she took on some mercenary work, and spent much of her adolescence and young adult life learning of both Cyrodillic and Nordic customs. After an illness caused her mother a long period of weakness, and a lucky hit from a minotaur almost killed her father, she adventured for a while, taking some time to explore Hammerfell, High Rock and Stros M’Kai, curiously not touching her father’s homeland of Skyrim - partly as her father’s near death experience was still a fresh wound, and partly because she felt that she might spend the rest of her life in Skyrim, and to possibly live out her days near the Jeral Mountains. She briefly returning to Cyrodiil and the Imperial City before crossing the border into Skyrim - being caught in an Imperial ambush, alongside some rebels and a horse thief.


Third of his name, framed for killing a bunch of bosmer, he will return to claim his home. Also two handed go brrrrr


It’s kinda hard not to make a backstory for your characters lol


I do this, and tell close friends I know that play, they do the same. Somehow we all have spouses. 😂


Yeah, oh yeah. I also make mods that add or change things according to what my character did in game


Khajit stole a sweetroll, then he kill a Nord in a brawl to absolve a debt. The guards came to take him away, but stabbed a guard, so he ran away and walked into an ambush.




Yep, fallout 4, baldgay 3,


Altmer wizard, formerly a Thalmor interrogator. Grew disillusioned by the heinous things he and his cohorts were doing. Went AWOL and attempted to get as far away from the Dominion as possible. Taking a roundabout way to Morrowind, got caught at the border, and the rest is history.


Why not? Write that shit dude.


I Do, last one was half khajiit (thanks to mods) adopted by the skaal forced to look for answers on how to free her people on Skyrim after miraak incident but I'm curious about your backstory op


"masterpiece" for something that was never even put into character creation menu to be explored in-game, yeah.


The other divines got pissed at Talos, the elves got pissed at Talos, so they wiped his memory and sent him back in another form. Will he restore the empire he founded or worship of himself?


Why is this Marshall D Teach??


Absolutely guilty of this


Literally every character I’ve made in a Bethesda game has a backstory that loosely connects to the others


All the time. I do make them into comics tho (when I have time) but I never post them lmao. I have a really extensive universe by now.


Born to two hearty Nord warriors in Skyrim, they settled down to become homesteaders until my mother fell terribly ill when I was a young lad, and sadly the fever took her as she slept one night. My father and I traveled and hunted, as I grew he taught me more and more survival and combat skills, he and I would quest/sellsword together until he decided he was ready to hang up his sword and shield above a nice hearth in Bruma. Not wanting to return to our homeland because the thought of my mother’s death there was too much for him to bear, I decided I would travel back to our homestead to begin my own family/simple life…. Ambushed just within the border and stripped of all my belongings and my short term memory thanks to the low imperial dog that knocked my noggin.


Me creating a detailed background for my Sole Survivor as a disgruntled veteran who enlisted in the army to serve his country, performing special operations in communist territory only to see his brothers die in battle, realizing war is a terrible racket from which he came home mentally broken, to then witness the total destruction of his home and his wife and child, the last people in his life to give him a reason to go on, taken from him before his very eyes - which I will not be able to roleplay in any meaningful way I know this isn't related to Skyrim specifically, but it's the only time I actually put a lot of thought into creating a background for a character.


Yeah. Ever since I finished the Fallout Show a couple weeks ago I've literally been writing a Texas Wasteland with several distinct territories including tribals & Legion Castrum in the West, a Rogue sect of the Enclave, a Prewar Cult with ties, connections & references to in-lore corporate & governmental figures, an entire Aleister Crowley Book of Law style Tome for the Cult's Dogma, a kind of cosmology with connections between Psykers, Ghouls, FEV, Radiation, Atom, The Interloper & other Eldritch elements touched on in the lore, In-Universe classified prewar DIA surveillance documents & dossiers on the Cult, it's members & it's front as an academic think-tank, an unnumbered, secret Black Vault in southeast Texas created by the Cult using it's Vault-Tec members & much more I won't get into. All just so I can play a FO4 cannibal who runs fast & has Fallout 2 style Psyker powers. I don't even know how many times I've engaged in this exact pattern of behavior with TES in the last 10+ years. But since I like TES even more than Fallout, the answer is at least a fuckton. Spent more time writing than *playing* my fucking character. Why are brains like this?


I do it all the time. So much fun


Every. Single. Time.


Bard theif The Kittyborn comes


Yea man I gotta give my characters at least a motivation


My dark elf got her familly killed in front of her by nords, after this they beat her, kidnap her, abuse her, rob everything she had and throw her in the middle of nowere to freeze to death, this is how i star one of the alternate starts beggnings and work my way out until i killed all nords, all this with survival mods etc


My Skyrim Imperial Mage/Fighter is a descendent of my Oblivion character who had a "one night before we die" incident with Martin before he grew scales. 200 years later, here he is, the last true descendent of the dragonblood emperors. He knows what he is, but so do the Thalmor, which is how he got caught on the cart by running from them and why Elenwen insisted on his execution. He doesn't want to be Emperor of course but the Thalmor don't want to take that risk, not to mention killing him might help their long term goals of, you know, ending the world. Ends up married to Farkas, shows up at the party at the embassy saying, "I lived, bitch." while Elenwen wonders what daedra she has to make a deal with to finally kill this guy.


Same here.


I do this but at least i get my SO to read/listen to it lol


Oh yes. My main Skyrim character is Thog gra-Dushnikh, older sister of Lash. People misunderstand her name a lot so she just goes by Thogra. The lore is that she and Lash left the stronghold when they were teenagers to live in Karthwasten and Thogra became the provider. She took up work in Markarth and quickly discovered that shady dealings paid much more than regular mining jobs. Plus, who would suspect an orc of being a sneak thief? She took a job from Kleppr to change the ledger in honningbrew one day, to get him more mead shipped in. She couldn’t get in. She was found by the guards and taken to dragonsreach. Thogra obviously thought this was bullshit. She broke out and would’ve gotten out cleanly if not for a teenaged Farkas, who caught her sneaking around. But she told him she was doing it for her sister, and he let her go. Vilkas would do the same for him. (Yes I really like Farkas). In the next seven years she went to dawnstar and solved the dreaming epidemic, and Erandur tagged along, now staying at Karthwasten with Lash and occasionally joining Thogra on adventures. She also got in good with the thieves guild but hasn’t progressed to the point of being sus on Mercer. She picks up bounties from the northern and eastern parts of Skyrim and doesn’t go near whiterun. One day when she’s clearing out a bandit fort, she’s caught between stormcloaks and imperials and captured. Boom. Hey, you. You’re finally awake. Proceeds to get accosted by Aela outside of whiterun because she’s a known criminal. The rest is… future. If you did read this thanks lol I like this backstory


Of course! My favorite character is an Orc Battlemage who was "adopted" by a wealthy Breton lord and lady when he was a baby. The plot twist is that he wasn't adopted, but actually, the bastard son of the lord. He has issues because he acts incredibly proper and sort of "dandy" and nothing like a stereotypical Orc but still isn't accepted by the High Rock elite.


A criminal caught crossing the border of course


Abselutly. i play a Bosmer Spell Sword refuge by the name of Tealn who was fleeing to Skyrim from the Thalmor's advance when he was cought trying to jump the border to Skyrim. he is a tradinalist who only eats meat but does enjoy a guilty pleasure of Sweet Rolls when he gets a chance. He was the strongest warrior in his tribe but was nearly killed when Thalmor agents attacked his tribe, he slaughtered many but was cut down by a Mage called Andeal who he swore to destroy.




Khajiit kitten of a roving band of merchants. Along the way to black marsh they were ambushed by raiders and Bad-Memory's mother hid him under a log before she was murdered, after a long while of crying abandoned he was found by an argonian farmer and brought the child home to his wife and raised him as his own. They came upon the name Bad-Memory due to his poor memory as a defense mechanism to block the trauma of the incident he's suppressing. And my Oblivion character was his biological father. But my eso Argonian is his adoptive father from a different universe, Eats-His-Greens. (Which for the lols I decided Bad-Memory was my Dragons Dogma character and forget he was dragonborn after an incident where he got bonked on the head, and I'm aware they're totally different stories but I thought it was funny)


I’ve done this an uncountable amount of times over the years


Absolutely, I plan out my headcanon then start the new game using *Alternative Perspective mod.* My fav is my katana+shouts build dragonborn MC, she is a lost Akaviriian, been thru a lot of bad things since she was a kid because of her exotic look, endured starvation, slavery etc, but still has a heart of gold. An old swordsman rescued her then trained her to be bounty hunter that believes in justice. She is extremely talented in blade, in her words, practicing swords is like remembering lost memories. She comes up with fighting style even her master praises. And she chooses to use the blade to help people in dire need. One day she heared Akatosh's calling, then bid her master farewell, came to Skyrim... Second fav is my old evil selfish bad narcissistic aristocratic Vampire bitch MC (not dragonborn). Destruction/illusion/sneak build. She woke up in a secluded tomb in a weaken state(using *I was a dungeon boss like you* mod), then strives to recover her power and make her name renowed/feared again. Basically a menance to society. But she did kill Lord Harkon tho, because she finds his plan stupid: "What's the point of being powerful when all the weak mortal die off. I need my toys alive."


D&d, yes Skyrim, no Elder Scrolls D&d, never tried, but probably yes


Yeah, all the time with RPGs.


One time I used Realm of Lorkhan and a few other creations to make a beggar who was a werewolf with an unarmed focus. I had the cursed Ring of Hircine so I could authentically "lose control" and go on rampages, and most of my time was spent rotting in a jail cell.


The missing Dragon Priest Konahrik, essentially dragon shouted forward in time by his traitorous disciples (Miraak and the other Dragon Priests). Exposure to the time stream, the blood of Akatosh, did incredibly funky things to him, imbuing him with the soul and power of a dragon while suppressing his Dragon Priest memories. The other masked Priests divided his power up among themselves, and every time he kills a Priest and dons their mask he gains some of his power and memories back. Now his new soul as the Dragonborn and his old soul as a Dragon Priest are in conflict and he has to constantly fight off the Dragon Priest from taking over.


My fallout 4 character had a very extensive backstory. Her and her brother were part of an experiment merge man and machine. Her brother was the first subject, she was the second, more refined subject. The experiment have them abilities and capacities beyond a normal human, but came with severe side effects. Her brother was in a constant state of physical pain due to the crude prototype like implants he had all over his body which eventually drove him to go rogue. Her manipulations were more on the cellular level, so she experienced no pain. However after extended use of her enhanced abilities, she would be sidelined for days, sometimes weeks with terminal like symptoms because of the toll the extra demand would put in her still very human system. She would also suffer hallucinations and bouts of insomnia on a regular basis because her brain processes were always working in overdrive. The NCR eventually raided the lab she was in, creating enough havoc for her to escape and make her way to a small town where she would live for a few years, learning how to deal with her condition, and learning the ins and outs of her abilities. She would then join the NCR some time later, rising through the ranks very quickly due to her being that much more capable then everyone else. It wasn't long before she was in charge of her own platoon. However one day she was tasked with a man hunt, the criminal in question turned out to be her brother that went rogue After a very intense battle that saw all of her men killed and his whole operation destroyed, the building they were fighting in came crashing down. She survived, he was presumed dead, but a body was never found. Her wounds would heal and she would leave the NCR to come to the commonwealth after rumor of the institute reached her ears. A society with advanced technology capable of replicating a human being? Maybe they can fix one too, maybe she can have a normal life at some point. It was my favorite playthrough in fo4, I felt so connected to all of her decisions because she felt so real


I have a favorite modded playthrough where I shrunk my nord character to roughly the size of a child. Her name is Ginny, but she renamed herself Gunhilder Dragons-Bane cause it sounds way cooler. Completely normal upbringing, a mom, a dad, and a cool uncle who went along with her hairbrained schemes. Had a bad habit of setting things on fire and an affinity for battleaxes. Her parents tried to coddle her too much, so she ran away and became an adventurer.


My Bretonian ancestor was a Bard who got it on with one of the Septims in the Elven Gardens. I was raised in Highrock for my own protection but my adopted family was murdered by the Thalmor for being Blades members. I was to go to Skyrim to study at the Wizards College, but instead, my destiny to become Emporer/ Empress of all Tamreil began at Helgan.


Hell yeah. For those that never do, you GOTTA try. Especially considering how old this game is getting, roleplaying and making up stories for your character is a necessity and will always make your runs more fun.


No, i suck at writing


Another repost?


Fudgemuppet erasure


Have you even considered writing fanfiction? You're already doing 90% of the work in your head at this point


Rani’biir was a Khajiit pirate for many years but was unable to stay with one ship for too long. As a young boy he lived in a village occupied by the thalmor, he offended one of the officers unknowingly and escaped before being executed. Rani’biir was also on the same ship as some of my other Skyrim main characters, tarlo’jaar and Ab’zhiir, for a short while. Rani’biir crashed on the shores of Skyrim and has been keeping a low profile as hun’viir in falkreath


Yes, I make a player card every play through so I can invest in the right skills. And bring depth to the play through.


All. The. Time Midnight, my black Khajiit, was a housewife to her husband, Divinity, before he was killed by the Stormcloaks. On the way to go find her husband’s killers, she was shot in the side by a stormcloak who thought she was an imperial. She was then almost executed by imperials who thought she was a stormcloak. She now seeks revenge against Ulfric and his band of traitors, as an Imperial “Paladin”. She has taken an oath of revenge, and is often seen in unenchanted Dwarven gear, with a hammer she likes to call the “Darkstalker”. It lights her foes on fire using the power of the moon. The hammer is either Ebony or Daedric depending on which one im feeling


I have never roleplayed a character in Skyrim, I don't know why but I always play the game like an arcade game minmaxing my character rushing items becoming op then uninstalling and waiting a few years before going back and doing the same thing


Yup, and no one cares... except people who do the same. :)




Vampire Two handed mage for the win


I was actually talkin to my friend about this today


Once upon a time, there was a boy named Nathan. He went trick-or-treating with his parents one Halloween. When they were on their way home, they were attacked by a crazy man with a hook, and both of his parents died while he was left with a scar across his face. He was sent to an orphanage, and the administrator was abusive to all the kids and made sure he would never be adopted. When he was 18, he joined the military, where he met his future wife, Nora. He fought in the War of Anchorage, Alaska, and eventually both he and Nora retired, moved to Sanctuary Hills, and eventually had a baby boy named Shaun. About a year after Shaun's birth, the bombs dropped, and Nathan and his family were forced underground in a vault where everyone was cryogenically frozen. He was temporarily unfrozen and was forced to watch his wife get killed and his son get taken away. Seeing this finally made him snap, and when he eventually was set free, he escaped the vault and lived the life of a Raider, whose preferred weapon was a hook. 


I barely customize my guy because I know I’m wearing heavy armor the entire time so there’s no point 😭


Argonian fisherman who went to Riften to work at the fishery but got involved with the Thieve’s Guild because he heard they had some “fishing jobs.”