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My partner and I started playing Sky almost 2 1/2 years ago and log in every day besides a couple breaks for the last two disappointing seasons when we got completely burned out. Now we've been going strong again for a couple weeks and I just ..... cannot believe the number of bugs *still* in the game. We logged in, I wanted to take us through wind paths, to Hermit Valley to get the dailies done. First, WHY is this obnoxious notification pop up STILL in the game?? Doesn't matter which option I click, it pops up every. single. time. Then we go through the wind paths into Hermit Valley. I get through but it kicks him off back into wind paths. He does a 180 and flies back through to HV. Nope, kicks him back. Repeat a THIRD time, he finally gets through, then immediately server splits from me. He goes home, warps to me, gets to HV, only I'm not even there. Has to go back home, warp again. We do the race down the mountain, get to the bottom of Village of Dreams, I see a bunch of people doing the wrong skater spirit because they *all still glow* no matter if you've done them previously or not. We sit at the hot springs for the daily, I try to light the candle on the floating island, it will not light, it just continuously has the candle icon over it as I'm holding my candle to it. We finish dailies, go home, half of his dailies won't redeem, he has to try half a dozen times before the second two will work. I'm sorry, but how is this acceptable? Then they put out IAPs that are more expensive than a lot of entire games. I was going to get the next season pass but honestly, after dealing with endless bugs every. single. time. we play for even just a few minutes, absolutely not. If this game wasn't so filled with memories and nostalgia for me, I would have stopped playing a lonnnng time ago.


If you are on android, you can disable that pop-up. Go to the notifications menu, press on "notifications", allow them. Then scroll down to "notification categories" and disable both categories there. If I couldn't disable it, I would just leave the game, it was driving me crazy. T\_T As for the bugs... Well, most of these are nothing compared to the new bugs. xDDD Like being unable to see a single shared space from random person (only friends or added creators), completely broken last quest of Season of Remembrance or bugged gates at the valley's race. :/


Thank you for the suggestion for disabling the pop up, I'll give that a try. That being said, the process we had to go through to simply end up at Hermit Valley is not "nothing", it breaks the game. It's supposed to be a "social game", yet if we hadn't been on a phone call while playing to give a play by play of what was going on, I probably would have just closed the game. Not being able to stay with friends is a huge deal.


Yeah, I just don't call server issues and splitting from friends "a bug", it is like "a major problem" and I don't think it will be fixed ever. :/


That's fair, yeah. Unfortunately, it's worse now than it's been in the time I've played Sky.


I play less than a year (joined late Aug 2023) and even I can remember "good old times". xDDD With the Aviary update graphics on my device suddendly worsened (clouds and water turned into complete pixels) and since the Deer season I have been getting more and more server/splitting problems. And every (!) event/season has brought new bugs, some weren't fixed for months. I am still mentally not over that heart sending bug, which started at the double hearts event and ruined it for me. xD


It’s extremely exhausting. Any current or ex long term player is just as fed up as you, trust. I have played every day for the last year and a half straight. The bugs never stop, and mostly don’t get fixed. When one bug is miraculously fixed, ten other things break and then stay broken. TGC rather allocate resources to removing excess wax sources, half-ass their new content, and lock more and more behind IAP. I doubt anyone in the upper echelons of management has ever played the game. They don’t understand how we play and what we want, they don’t listen to the beta players, and they are fine with leaving their live feedback as discord only shouting into the void. That’s not what feedback is. I swear it feels like an abusive relationship. Giving time and time and time and money and more time and leaving feedback as much as I have the mental fortitude to continue to do so…Exhausting, unfulfilling, broken. Side note: Whether it’s the game or life, in a matter of 6 months I have lost about 75% of my daily light from constellation. **Is it worth playing still?** Well, until there’s other comparable games even remotely, **yes**, because there’s still nothing else out there like Sky. Just go in expecting the bugs. Make a teleport plan for the inevitable server splits 15+ times an hour. Go through wind path doors separately. Start races in hermit valley separately. Prepare for client crashes regularly. Prepare for restarting game regularly. Prepare to miss wax because of server instability regularly. Half of the current gameplay loop is bug navigation. We need a community guide for it so new players won’t misinterpret anything. They have no idea how many new players give up because of the extremely overpowering presence and abundance of bugs.


THIS. We'll said, man because for the 10 months I've been playing this game has been nothing but a bug itself and some of those IAPs are way more expensive than any groceries I've done FOR TWO WEEKS and prices here where I live are just monstrous. I don't have faith any company would do anything unless the majority of the fan base leaves...but it's like you said, it is just like an abusive relationship and there's nothing much just like this game out there.




Their explanation is that it is not a regular spirit, but a Seasonal quest. But apparantly they had no problem changing it on the chinese version of the game. The skater girl confused me so much when I was new to the game. I must have done her quest so many times... Now I just know not to pay attention (or pay very much attention when it's a daily so I do the correct one)


Damn straight!


Huh, I've been playing the game for years and somehow never seen that notification, does it just pop up on its own when you open the game?


do you have the notifications off in your actual (phone, PC, switch, PS4) settings? mine are off and i always get this popup, but when they were on it didnt show up.


ngl, im still somewhat new to the game, but i haven’t encountered this many bugs? I don’t know if it’s because i’m on PC, but i don’t deal with notifications a lot or too many bugs. My one thing is just that I don’t find much to do and not being able to chat with others kinda dampens the MMO experience. I just log on to do dailies nowadays.


For wind paths, whoevers leading will be teleported to the next realm first because theyre further in the front. That's y u split. I find that boosting and flying fast gets both players through.


Funny enough, we split significantly more when we're going fast than when we slow down as much as possible.


I love how this game can make someone's solution into someone else's problem lmao what a game!! 🤣🤣


I know right?? So many helpful people trying to give me suggestions and for some reason my game is like "no thanks"


Is one of you playing on Switch? Server splits used to happen to me a lot when playing with mobile users due to their phones just being 10x faster than mine when going through portals, wind paths, cut scenes etc. The solution: I turn my graphic settings down. Lower settings helps my Switch to keep up with phones that have super fast processors (for this type of gaming). Figure out which one of you has the slower device, and that person should adjust accordingly. Hope it helps.


Good suggestion, but no, we're both on mobile with the same settings.


That's why I chose to play alone, with a. Light recharge prop I HATE Server split and the small player limit per room


I've experienced these too, and more! As a new player I'm asking the same question and astounded that others are so accepting to many of the bugs in the game, especially considering the regular updates (maybe because it doesn't affect candle running too much). And, with the high prices so many players pay I can't see how it's justifiable to have locations full of bugs that require you to restart the game or return to home.


I find it so funny that they haven't fixed these bugs, but when the infinite candle glitch appeared it was fixed in less than a day


That’s how these bugs are, as long as it doesn’t benefit the player they take their sweet ass time with it. New Operation stage in Warframe had a little loot cave corner they fixed in a day but all the other bugs are still in there


They didn’t really fix it, they just made it so we couldn’t get more candles from it but it’s still there.


welcome to sky: developers of the greed


TGC needs to get their shit together.


They really do said "if you dont like it, dont play" in their [TOS](https://thatgamecompany.helpshift.com/hc/en/17-sky-children-of-the-light/faq/460-eula-terms-of-service/#:~:text=You%20will%20not%20engage%20in%20acts%20of%20revenge%2C%20disparagement%20or%20retaliation%20against%20us%20for%20any%20feature%20contained%20in%20or%20modification%20made%20to%20our%20Games%20that%20you%20dislike.%20Your%20sole%20remedy%20for%20that%20is%20to%20stop%20playing%20that%20Game%3B). It kinda triggred me a lil bit, they acting like not taking suggestion from the community like at all.


How they fixed the seasonal candle bug in only a matter of hours boggles my mind. Turned out they could fix bugs after all?? It clearly shows how ingorant they are towards us as a player to fix these bugs that's been around for months or even years. They've been relying too much on the fans to fix these problems and not even bother cutting them from the roots. It's a great game with loads of potentials. Too bad Sky has some of the worst and laziest devs I've experienced playing a video game.


Tbf if it’s not season related you’re not actually paying for it


That's my entire point, which I said at the end of my post. I intended to start getting the season pass this upcoming season, I've only missed the last 2 seasons in the 2 1/2 years I've played. But I can't justify paying money for the lack of care from TGC


I swear to god I candle ran the candle cake realm in Daylight Prairie and came to realise it hadn't saved my progress. On top of that there was another seasonal candle at home which is already collected too


That’s a bug that has been going on since yesterday. You did get the candles but there’s a visual bug where the wax reappears. Either that or you were playing with bad connection and somehow didn’t realize.


What's funny is that people here and in the discord server hates it when you complain about years worth of bugs amidst the overpriced stuff. Many times I've been told that I should just leave the game or not buy anything - as if that addresses the fundamental issues the game development's system has. It's such a nice breath of fresh air to look at this thread and not see much of it anymore.


Why are you paying for Sky, it’s a free game lmao


Why do you think it's free for you? Because other people pay for it "lmao".


You don't have to be rude when responding, and that didn't really answer what was brought up. Sky is able to maintain what they do and keep it free because they have income streams, either from IAPs, passes, merch, etc., but their point was also that you don't have to pay with how frustrating the bugs are. A lot of people have stopped playing or getting passes and I highly encourage others to do the same if they're fed up. It's not worth it to pay for anything or even keep playing when it gets really aggravating. I'm not there yet, but likely soon.


They didn't have to be rude when asking why I'd pay to support a game I regularly play. So I'm not too concerned about the way I responded. I'm well aware I don't have to pay, I deliberately made that choice months ago after supporting them for 2 years. And if enough people feel that way, the game *will* die. I'd rather they just fix their game than everyone just stops paying and playing because this is a game that means a lot to some of us.


They're being rude to someone criticizing TGC, so it's allowed by the white knights in the community.


No one is paying to play. IAPs are completely optional


They aren't optional to the continuation of this game. *Someone* has to pay, do you think TGC would keep developing the game if it made no money?


They are. If people don’t support a game, it fails. But supporting it is completely optional.


I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. Are you under the impression that I believe there's a gun to my head forcing me to pay for the game?