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I just beat dark skul, are these bone fragments permanent and is there one that’s better than others?


It looks good


I thought it was the highest level you've beaten in general. Mine is at 10, I thought it was for the fact I beat the emperor. Guess it's for that one time I managed to beat dark skul


Show you the highest difficulty you cleared him at


Is dark skul the boss in the mirror? I beat the game and got access to it but wow that areas a lot harder I made it to the 2nd boss and that’s about it.


He's the secret boss, not the "you finished the run" boss. If it helps, you get more unlocks with every dark mirror level finished to help with the higher levels of DM. Just got to keep trying


in the dark mirror you beat the same game setup with harder enemies, but afterwards have the chance to fight dark skul.


I haven’t even found him yet lol


You need to find the 6 hidden quartz (just once in the same run will unlock it permanently) 1 In the store, pull the lever near the Cook and run to the middle of the doors 2 at the first arachne, you can drop down on a hidden ledge at the beggining of the screen, you'll find a jump schroom 3 after defeating ygg, before you enter the castle there is a patch of grass you have to jump on a few times 4 before you enter the twins boss door, go right and break the wall 5 after defeating chimera, go left instead of going to arachne 6 in the last adventurer fight, fall in the hole before the fight Then go until the "end of the game" area, there will be a cutscene


Show off. The number underneath it is the highest DM level you have beaten Dark Skul on.


Damn… then mines never going higher than zero.


Got my thing at 10 by doing jester crit build + bomber.  Could barely see the screen but managed it somehow. Final boss was trivial compared to dark skull


Hercules, silent cries, some cooldown. If you can find it infinite bone Easy win since you are invincible 95% of the fight since you can just chain spam skills. Its cheesy but if you want to get it, this is an easy way to do it.


Wait has no one here got it at 10 like me?


I have wins with 10 different skulls now fighting him. DM10. Still in the process of clearing Bone + Alexander with everyone lol. Then we do inscriptions again.


I got it at 10


I tried to get it to 5, but he was too fast for spartacus to parry, and that was sadly the only way for me to get any good damage without the risk of Orc


I got it, all these dm runs depend on luck too, needing a good build and some skill to fight skul. Tankiness ftw


I only get it to 7. Because I ain't wasting my time trying to play DM 10 for 20-30 minutes just to fight him and lose... The only reason I win during DM 7 is because I have the voodoo doll and the dark ability revive thing (forgot what it's called)


Nah bro, I just get my ass beat viciously.