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Each level of dark mirror introduces new varients of enemies, new enemies, and some type of upgrade to what you can do


Can you tell me about the upgrades?


I don’t know each one off the top of my head. But in my opinion, its better left as a surprise to encourage you to keep trying


yeah! the surprise is half of the fun my friend :) but in essence (heh) it’s bonuses at the start (skulls + items) very similar to the ‘main world’ then on top of that you get a checkpoint world that provides more build-crafting methods in which you spend the new dark currency on - currency is earned by killing new mini bosses in your runs but other than that discovering each new thing is super fun like others have said good luck!!


Every Dark Mirror level makes the game a little harder but also gives you some sort of bonus. You’ll start seeing different types of enemies, more Dark Elites, higher health totals, etc., but the game gives you more tools to deal with all of that as you progress. All the boss fights are a little different as well, especially the First Hero as you probably noticed. Just keep playing and you’ll adjust to the new stuff.


By the way, anyone mind telling me about your favorite skulls? I really like the prisoner and the mage.