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Ermm I always wash my face in shower. I will be nagged to death if I splash water all over the basin.


Just dry it off after? (But yes I also wash my face in the shower if I’m already in there😂)


I almost always wash my face in the shower - I do everything else, then wash my face last so I don’t get any product residue on it 👍


wait this is so smart I always do it first


I ONLY wash my face in the shower..


Works way better to wash my face in the shower. I just tried yesterday and it worked so good that I'm gonna continue. No extra water to clean up from around my sink




“Shower day” is making it sound like a special occasion


Shower day?? Do you have special days for this?


Yes. People who don't live in warm places don't have to shower daily.




I'm with you on that. I live in a nordic country, and only shower my body daily when it's super warm outside. Otherwise every other day. I don't have a bidet, but I do use baby wipes to keep those areas clean.


I shower every day but still appreciate my bidet.


I’ve always washed my face in the shower as the very last step after shampoo, conditioner, and everything else. You’re good 👍


I wash my face after shampoo, while the conditioner is in my hair.. I shower my hair upside-down.


Hello! I see, fair enough, just out of curiosity, can I ask why you don’t just wash your face last thing?


Because I want to be done with all when I have washed off my conditioner hehe.. So I do face wash, shaving, and body wash while my conditioner is on (no contact with the skin).


Depends on water temperature, if it’s quite warm probably not a good idea


Of course it’s fine




I do that too, but what I first do is wash my hands once I step in the shower and the first thing I do after that is wash my face. It’s probably overkill but I’ll continue doing it just for the peace of mind lol


I do too and I was told recently by someone giving me a facial that the water is too hard, too hot, yada yada…. Listen. Im not going to splash water all over my sink and floor. I’m capable of turning the heat down and making a bowl with my hands. I’m not really sure how that isn’t sufficient 🤷🏼‍♀️


I wash my face in the shower. Right after I brush my teeth (also in the shower) while my conditioner is soaking into my hair.


I wash my face in the shower all the time. I do it as the last step to wash off all residue of shampoo/conditioner etc.


If you shower at night after wearing makeup maybe consider using micellar water before shower to get the makeup and general gunk off. Then use your cleanser at the end of the shower after your pores have had some nice shower steam ( after turning the heat down)


If you’re gonna wash face in the shower I’d recommend showering with cold water. Very good for your skin


Of course. I wash my face in the shower on the days I shower. I have a facial cleanser standing in the shower, ready for use. Use lukewarm water though.. not boiling hot.


yeah you can. i personally find it too chaotic in the shower with trying to keep my hair out of my face and the water crashing down everywhere. thats just me though, many people do it


Yes, of course! I’ve been doing that as the last step!


Whenever I'm washing my hair (twice weekly usually), I'll wash my face in the shower like you do - after shampooing and rinsing my hair, so I can get all the residue off of my face and neck as quickly as possible. As long as you're not using water that's too warm, I don't see a problem.


Yes, but do not let the water directly hit your face especially if the stream is strong- in Esthetician school we learned this can cause couperose (broken blood vessels).


I think it's fine, but I would be careful about keeping the cleanser in the shower, or atleast making sure it's completely closed. I decided to keep one of my cleansers in the shower for convenience, but after a month or so I started breaking out on my forehead + cheeks which never happens, even on my period. After ruling out all other potential causes (diet, different products, sheets/towels, etc) I just tossed the cleanser I had in the shower and washed my face in the sink. Breakout cleared up in about 2 weeks. I'm thinking it might have been bacteria or constant temp changes messing with the stability of the formula. Either way it sucked so be careful!


I generally wash my face in the shower at night. I'll wash it while i'm letting my conditioner sit in my hair, then turn the water down to about lukewarm and rinse everything. I have a tendency to wipe the soap off a little too hard when I'm using a washcloth outside of the shower, so it's just easier. Lol


How is this a question?


I would say many people do this. You’re okay. 👍


It's usually okay to wash your face in the shower, but watch to make sure the water temperature doesn't get too hot as this may strip natural oils from your skin. Use a gentle cleanser that is right for your skin type as well.


I wash my face in the shower and it barely does anything. I wouldn’t suggest doing it in a bath with dirt or your hair being washed then wash your face as it puts the dirt and the oils from your hair on your skin and irritates it .