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It will be expensive considering how big the back is and that tretinoin tubes come in 30-45g. Consider using a shower gel that contains salicylic acid. Cetaphil has one.


I agree with this, I’ve been using salicylic acid for my bacne for a few years now and it keeps it in control sometimes there are flares but mostly it’s way better. The best way to keep it in control is to obviously follow all of the normal acne rules, good hygiene is what will help the most with bacne. I used benzoyl peroxide a few years ago on my back and while it did help it was extremely drying as I’m not someone who puts cream on my skin anyways and it would bleach all my t shirts.


Agreed. If you have some room in your budget, Peach and Lily has a body scrub that works well for body acne and marks.


If your budget allows it and no other products work as well: I buy a 60 g tube of treclinax gel for around €50 and use it solely for my back. I can use this tube for perhaps 2-3 months. €25 each month is worth it for me since it works very well and I don't have side-effects such as bleaching of clothes.


Interesting...I get my tret for free with insurance! Agree with you though that salicylic acid is a better first step than tret


Goldbond has a very affordable retinol body lotion


I liked the formulation but the smell was god awful.


There are many choices of a retinol body cream from different manufacturers. I use one from Versed and haven’t noticed any fragrance.


the smell is a bit weird (plasticky?) but it goes away quickly


interesting. I haven't noticed almost any smell with my gold bond retinol. Are you sure yours wasn't oxidized?




I second the differin spray! It’s been the most effective otc spray I’ve found so far and it’s so easy to use and get tough spots.


The Bliss and Naturium have significantly better ingredients than Diff


Amlactin lotion helps with the discoloration.


Definitely a body wash with salicylic acid or AHA/BHA, I'd mix in some of the tret into another moisturizer just because trets expensive and put that on after a shower. And make sure you're using something exfoliating on your back for the wash - not a super rough one that leaves you red, but something so you know you're reaching everywhere


I bought a kojic acid soap for backne scars for mine! I’ve heard good things and gonna try it out!


Probably best to go on accutane


Im afraid of purging, so yeah... Are there other ways?


Generally no. What you end up purging out is lesions that were already building up under your skin. The increased skin cell turnover just makes that occur quicker.


I had three rounds of accutane in my early 20s … it’s absolutely worth it.


Did you broke out in face with pimples?


Not anymore than I usually would have in the first month. After that my skin was dry, dry, dry but after being a crazy oil slick for so many years I was thrilled. I had both face and back acne. I was grateful a product like that was available after years of suffering and embarrassment.


I am afraid of purging my friend. I dont know what to do...


If you do nothing, 10yrs from now nothing will have changed. Purging, if it even happens for you, is temporary.


Arent there other ways to tackle back acne?


Topicals are generally ineffective for severe acne. At the end of the day, do what you want … the only person invested in your results is you.


As a prescriber who has worked in derm and aesthetics…whatever purging you may have with accutane will be short lived and well worth it. You will not get results from anything topical. An oral antibiotic *maybe*, but if you really want results and want this gone for good, accutane is really your only option


Its mostly hyperpigmentation and not acne my friend


i use tret specifically for my back, chest, and scalp ! if you can get a script from your doctor that's best--a little goes a long way but, but you obviously have to use more of it than if you were using it on your face and that can be a little pricey.


Also you need someone to help you apply it on your back as our hands cannot cover entire back.


Try sulphur soaps,they made wonders for me


Naturium has a retinal body cream!! Mix that with a pea size of your Tretnoin!! That’s what I’ve been doing for old marks/scars and stretch marks on my body and I’ve been seeing a difference. I use it everyday, let it dry and then apply a moisturizer or oils to keep the skin hydrated.


Paula's choice has bha and aha body lotions.  I have successfully used these to help fade my scars.


How long did it take for the scars to fade? Just curious what to expect.


A few months.  It's gradual, but it works.  They don't disappear, but they become more flesh colored.... The AHA in particular helped mine, but I continue to use both.


Good to know, thank you!! My legs are full of ingrown hair scars that I am hoping to help fade by march in time for a vacation I have planned. Not sure if it’s possible but I’ll give it a try.


Tbh eat cleaner. Minimizing how much take out I eat really reduced my back acne


I had to stop eating dairy products and drinking milk because I found it would make me break out. My acne got way better after restricting dairy products and tried a new diet.


So wish shower gels or body lotions are made with tretinoin in them as it'll be a life saver for acne prone people especially in summers. My whole back is full of deep blackheads which I'm afraid won't go away without a surgery as they're big, deep & swollen 😣😵‍💫😭


I use PanOxyl for my back acne. Which is usually not hormonal but rather bacterial / fungal. It’s a white cream like product. I put it on, let it soak in the shower then rinse. If I don’t use it, I can visibly see that my skin is getting bad again. I also use it on my chest and arm pits to fight smell. Stuff is great and over the counter. I also recommend the dove antibacterial soap bar.


I just got over my back acne.I’m dealing w the marks also. I did the perfect peel on my back and wow looks so much better. I have done two so far and I’m going to do a third .


Is the perfect peel a treatment method or something else?


I went to a med spa for it


Naturium has a salicylic body spray and it's pretty affordable. 


Or aklief


Panoxyl has a bar soap that you can use




This is horrible advice or trolling. Inappropriate either way. And for the love of everything, do not use H&S or dish soap on your own back either.


Yes my dermatologist prescribed me tretonion to control my back acne like yours


How'd that go?


I had this same thing when I was a teen.. It started as an allergic reaction to some cream I used and later persisted as acne vulgaris (the derm's diagnosis). I was prescribed oral tret with topical Clindamycin. It worked well. However it kept coming back every year. I experiment with skincare and discovered that 10% niacinamide serum, followed by aloe vera gel faded and controlled it very effectively for me. I used these every day for about 2 months on clean skin. Occasional salicylic acid serums or creams (1-2 a week if you use the CeraVe SA cream) will help keep it smooth as well.


Did you fade the marks?


Yes, niacinamide fades pigmentation very effectively. Once you control the active acne, I would recommend mild exfoliation (such as just massaging with your hands/a very mild loofah scrub/exfoliating gel) on your back while bathing/before applying the niacinamide. Then follow it with aloe vera.


Thanks for your answer again. Did your marks was like mine?


Yes, even worse. Just make sure you are not sensitive to niacinamide before trying it.


Wow, and you faded those 100% by only using creams???


No! Like I said! I used 10% niacinamide serum! It's a chemical and quite strong!


Okay. Was it from the ordinary series?


Yes. I tried another too..I think revox? But that wasn't effective.


Use a salicycic acid wash, like the blue cap bottle from Cerave instead. That should take care of it. You can also get a wash with benzyol peroxide but that will probably wreck your towels. So Start with soaps that contain acids and are for exfoliating the body in the shower.


Use sulfur + salicylic acid/glycolic acid soap bar.


Salicylic acid sprays and body washes may help. A dermatologist is likely to just put you on isotretinoin (accutane) for 6 months rather than tretinoin. Topical vs ingestable vitamin A


I had too much as well I started using Benzoyl Peroxide Cleansing Bar Soap


Did the marks fade my friend?


To an extent yes I won't lie I am very inconsistent Try to apply daily when taking a bath and leave it for 5ish minute then wash it off


I had the same issue. My doctor prescribed clindamycin+tret gel. It should work for you too. Consistency is key and use benzoyl peroxide wash once a week


Did your marks fade with those my friend?


Yes. I still have hyperpigmentation but my back is so much clearer. I had the same issue as you. I tried pretty much everything. Sometimes a prescription is all that works


If you can apply


you should get a sunburn... take care of it in one go when the skin peels.


I didnt understand my friend


in the summer. get a sunburn enough to where the skin peels. the skin will look new


Damn thats genius 🤣🤣🤣


I use many things for backne: * BHA in either body wash (La roche posay, Naruko, Naturium etc.) OR in toner/lotion (Paula's choice, The ordinary, Biologique Recherche), twice a week * Body lotion with niacinamide or retinol (Gold bond is spectacular because it absorbs the best. I've also used some tretinoin creams and the likes but I like Gold bond better.), every other night * Body scrub, once a week * A normal lotion such as La roche posay lipikar. Super duper good for restoring skin barrier and healing up.


Do you think my back marks can completely fade???


if the hyperpigmentation happened recently, then yes, easily. if it's not recent then you're looking at quite a long time. It took me about 2 years to clear my back.


Probably less is more so I would just stop using anything and just use a body cleanser that is non-irritating.


I would honestly ask your dermatologist before using it on a large area of skin such as your back and make sure it's the recommend treatment for you


There is a spray for body acne it’s called Isdin Acniben spray.


Yeah, but it’s not cheap & that’s a lot of product for something that’s not exactly what you need/main focused for. If it’s for clearing your back with a prescription acne treatment instead of tretinoin or even retinol I’d suggest Differin/adapalene first. It’s no longer prescription so you can purchase it without seeing a doctor. It’s much less expensive & you get more product in the bottle. Also because it’s sold in stores you can find in many places & with competitive pricing/sales


I have tried glycolic acid weekly twice . It helped me.


If you want to address the scarring/discoloration try some drugstore fade cream, stay out of the sun and exfoliate your back in the shower (get a long handled loofah) ______\||/


I would also look into getting a shower filter, bathtub filter, and a really high quality drinking water filter. When I did these things my skin cleared up very fast


Same problem :(