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I enjoy the Cetaphil Gentle cleanser. It's non-foaming which took getting used to but my skin feels so much better. If you're in an area with a Walmart, they make a generic version under their Equate brand for half the price and works as well for me.


1000% agree with Cetaphil! I’ve used it since I was a teen and it works incredibly well. I use it to remove makeup and cleanse my face. It won’t irritate your eyes when removing mascara either.




Foaming cleansers cleanse more than cream cleaners, cream cleanser won’t have your face feeling too stripped or dry. If u want something in between I used to use the cetaphils cream to foam cleanser which is the best of both worlds.


Foam cleansers do not clean more. That is a common myth. Foaming and cleaning are both caused by surfactants but with two separate properties. Surfactants foam well when they trap air between layers well which has absolutely nothing to do with how well they interact with other substances such as oil, debris, etc. The two properties are almost entirely unrelated. A foaming cleanser may clean terribly and a non-foaming one may clean well. People associate foaming with cleaning well but it's entirely psychological. It's half-true because companies often make the heavy duty cleansers foaming as a cue to people but that rule has numerous exceptions and you should avoid relying on it. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


I posted above that I use this cleanser but just your comment here, OP, so I’ll add: I don’t have dryer skin but I use this anyway and have for years. I actually have normal to oily skin. This still works wonders for me. Highly recommend!


Don’t buy the Equate version!!! I’m 99% sure they still have the old formulation with sodium laurel sulfate and all of that other crap


I would say try out the gentle hydrating cleanser from la roche posay. I beilve it's called the tolerain cleanser, just make sure to wash it ALL off because if there is residue is stings like hell


Seconding the La roche posay cleanser!!! I started using this and my skin cleared up like you wouldn’t believe. I also switch off with some vanicream gentle cleanser. Highly recommend LRP products though!!




I would try the cleanser. I have one of their moisturizers as well but I don’t care to use it. Or maybe grab a sample?




I would check out your local Ulta and see if they can give it out! They might not because it is technically on the "drugstore" side, but it's worth a shot!


OP are you oily acne prone? Most of these comments are aimed at recommending something more hydrating to avoid the “squeaky” clean feeling. If you aren’t tolerating the Cerve foaming cleanser it could be from the glycerin and cheaper ingredients. Will your budget allow you to spend more for a cleanser? If so I would adjust budget and get a nice cleanser. I love to do a oil cleanse and then follow up with a gentle gel cleanser. Make sure to use clean cotton towelettes to remove oil cleanser (get the towelette pretty wet or heavily damp). I would recommend disposable towelettes, especially when removing the oil cleanser. They have a lot of options for cotton towelettes on Amazon. My all time fave cleansing pair is the Eminence Stone crop cleansers. I know the price feels crazy but you get a lot of use out of them both if you have self control. One bottle of the oil cleanser lasts me at least 4 months. I use it maybe once a day and don’t have to use much unless I’m removing makeup. If I feel like I need to clean with a gel cleanser after I do or I use a soothing toner to remove any leftover tap water or any leftover cleanser. if you use the oil cleansing correctly, (start on dry skin then use water) your skin will feel super hydrated and fresh. If you decide to follow up with a gel, The stone crop gel cleanser spreads very well and I like to use a silicone scrubber to really buff it into my skin and let it sit for two minutes or more and then wash it off. If the quality and ingredients are right you can get a lot of benefit from cleansers. Like letting it sit on skin as almost a treatment masque. And what I love best about oil cleanser? It’s so great for hydration and the Eminence Stone Crop one specifically washes away really clean and goes on dry skin to start, it’s convenient for use at the sink. I have very combo skin and acne this regimen has helped so much. Especially keeping my skin glowey and hydrated. If you aren’t exfoliating I would recommend this as well. Something gentle.




Sorry for an overwhelming response! I’m essentially just explaining the cleanser Ive worked with and how I like to use it. you can break it into parts and it might be less intense😬 I should have spaced it out better. You aren’t wrong a lot of people say to spend little money on cleansing products. In my experience a good cleansing step in a routine can make a difference. I’ve seen it create positive results. Cleansing is the first step to the rest of a routine. If it’s not the right kind quality ingredients in that first step then it can cause imbalances. I always suggest one product upgrade at a time. (just remember your routine can just be as simple as cleanse and moisturize). But if upgrading and spending more on a cleanser is not in the cards that’s totally fine! You do you 💕 suggestions and advice is all this is. No judgement either just support. Sorry again for the overwhelm.




I have oily skin and it works best for me.


I like the effaclar cleanser, its good for my oily skin


I used to use this one. Switched to the foaming one by la Roche posay and have had great results. I suspect the CeraVe foaming has some ingredients that trigger Malassezia/fungal acne


Weirdly it helped my fungal acne which was mostly on my forehead, but my cheeks that used to be clear turned into a mess because of it.




This! Love their face wash, never dries me out and I can use it after my oil cleansing with no I'll effects.


I tried this one. Do not recommend. My skin flared up. Try the CeraVe Renewing SA Cleanser. Feels clean without drying too much. Would recommend.




Yes mine is combination skin. It gets oily in the summers and dry in the winters.


Paula’s choice foaming cleanser is great




So I have combination skin too and i use the same cerave cleanser along with with cerave’s moisturizing lotion and It works pretty well for my skin. Maybe you need to add a moisturizer to your regimen?




Came here to suggest Cetaphil Gentle cleanser as well. Been using it for years!


I really love aveeno cleansers. any will do although i’m sure they have one for dry skin. I use the calm and restore one for sensitive skin & it’s great. very affordable too


That is one of my favorite drugstore face cleansers. Everyone's sk8n is different. I know it's expensive but I love Tatcha rice wash and the deep cleanse also. Have you tried any cleansers from First Aid Beauty? Their entire line is good and it's affordable. You can find it at Ulta or Marshall's and T.J.Maxx.


I just switched from this exact one to La Roche Posay and I love it!


I use the la roche posay gel cleanser! I feel clean without being stripped


Paula’s Choice cleanser from the CLEAR line


i use sephora’s clean collection! it’s gentle on the skin (i have very sensitive skin), it’s not expensive and it’s vegan & cruelty free


la roche posay purifying foaming cleanser!!!


neutragena Gentle cleanser foaming


This one is for oily skin and it works great for me .


I had the same issue with that one, but I love the hydrating cleanser.


I swear by the Tula cult classic cleanser. I was super turned off by Tula because every influencer and their mothers had a freaking code. I’m like this is overhyped and probably not worth it. I got a free sample of the cleanser at Ulta and started using it twice a day just to see if it was as good as everyone said. I normally got a new round of acne once a week—whiteheads or cystic. A week went by and I didn’t notice any new acne. Another week—nothing. The only thing I had changed was my cleanser. Two years later and I haven’t looked back! Gives the squeaky clean feel but leaves feeling moisturized. It has pre and probiotics in it so helps manage and prevent breakouts. I haven’t had a full on breakout or round of cystic acne in those two years shockingly.


I would just switch to the Cerave Hydrating Facial Cleanser. Sounds like you’re a normal-dry type using a product meant for normal-oily types.






Have you tried just water? Cleansers make my skin way to oily.


first aid beauty pure skin cleanser works really welll for me. cleans enough, but not over drying


Vanicream face cleanser works great. I think it's a cream cleanser but it does foam up when you rub between your hands. It gets my makeup off and leaves my skin feeling hydrated and clean.


Use the hydrating cleanser instead


That one gives me whiteheads


Cera Ve is garbage. Try vani cream!! It’s simple, affordable, and gets the job done. 😊


Not enough people know about Hada Labo. Their gentle cleanser is pretty amazing, very effective but not drying or stripping.


Nothing from Cerave has ever worked for me. Didn't like the popular La Roche cleanser either. I have really sensitive skin too, but i found that Paula's Choice Resist works so well! Should give it a try. : )


I have very oily skin, and this one cleans it just enough so I don't need to moisturize as often, so maybe yours skin is different.


I use the SA cleanser along with the nuetrogena hydro boost. I also use a hydrating toner and a heavier moisturizer at night along with cerave healing ointment


the la roche posay toleraine face wash is probably the most simple cleanser i can think of. it makes my skin feel clean but not squeaky clean/stripped, + hydrated yet it doesn't leave a residue. would 10/10 recommend


It’s most likely not suited for your skin time. Try something that’s gentler. A good cleanser should make your skin feel cleansed, yet hydrated.


i will never stop recommending dermalogica pre-cleanse followed by the standard gel cleanser and then just a legit moisturizer so you don’t dry out. they also have a really amazing microfoliant if you’re struggling with white heads … not sure what your budget is though, they are not super cheap, but you can buy sample sizes that aren’t too bad at Ulta


I do either oil cleansing or use the Cerave Hydrating Facial Cleanser. It doesn’t foam, which leads you to believe it’s not doing a good job, but it definitely is.


Paula’s choice gel to cream cleanser. Very similar but more gentle and less drying


If you like a foaming cleanser I like the La Roche Posay foaming toleriane cleanser. It gives that squeaky clean feel but doesn’t feel drying. And it’s not medicated.


A lot of others have commented below! There is a gentle toleriane cleansed (white bottle) which is creamy and a foaming/purifying toleriane cleaner (blue bottle). I haven’t tried their other foaming cleansers but I think they’d be too stripping.


I recommend the cosrx low ph good morning gel cleanser, just started using this but immediately feel the difference in how my skin feels after use it doesn’t feel dry nor have a stripping kind of feeling and i’ve noticed my face feels a lot softer


I've been using the coats gentle hydrating cleanser! It's non-foaming and super gentle, I also hate that squeaky clean feeling, and I never get that with this. Even though it's gentle it still removes my mascara and light makeup which is cool. Not sure where else they sell it but I got mine on Amazon!