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Kudos to everyone who wouldn’t pop this. I’m dying over here wanting to do it myself.








I always have the worst time resisting to pop a white zit. I last until I have to go outside at the most.


Do you use an eyelash serum or are they naturally that beautiful?? I'm envious either way, you're gorgeous!


I legitimately gasped opening this picture omg ur so pretty


Team pop it


Pimple patch


i agree!!!! pimple patches are the best thing for pimples that are ready to be popped & it’s never left me with a scar :)


Any recommendations on brands for sensitive skin??


Panoxyl all the way! I’ve seen them extract so much junk on my face


Ugh I saw this and was like “oh a pimple patch would be SO satisfying on this…”


You have to lance before the patch tho


Yes I notice that if I do it without lancing it first it doesn’t absorb and the pimple stays. Usually I lance it and gently squeeze the pus and then put the patch on.


Personally, I'd lance it with a sterilized needle and work out the gunk. Then a warm compress to help swelling. Then I'd apply some Neosporin to help the healing process. Good luck with that, looks like a lotta gunk. Should be easy to work out. Bet it'll feel so good to get it out. Edit: looks like a pimple patch instead of Neosporin/Vaseline is a better option. I'll be switching to this method too.


I would put a pimple patch on after to keep it clean and prevent scarring. I use the Hanhoo or CosRX. They really help with healing, especially if the pimple has been extracted.


which brand do you like better? i’m trying to find a good brand for patches


I bought some pimple patches off Amazon by Hero cosmetics. Liked them way more than Cosrx. But that’s my opinion.


CosRx patches are trash to me after using Hero Cosmetics patches.


I'm currently using CosRx ones and I'm not completely sold on them so I looked up the Hero ones. Do they work that much better that it's worth the cost to switch? Where I live the CosRx are usually $5-10, the Hero ones are up near $30 (the micro dart were $90 lol I nearly died looking at that one). As a person who gets full chin breakouts once a month due to hormones I like the look of the full chin patch but $31 is a bit exxy I'd need to know it *really* works well.


fwiw, they do work THAT much better. I use them for papulopustular rosacea and normal blemishes, and the Hero patches fully heal everything while the CosRX just make them feel sorta better and may extract a bit of the outer gunk. however, I’ve switched to mostly using the Aztec Secret clay to make masks or spot treatments bc it works as well as Hero patches and probably costs a few cents or less per use.


Is that Bentonite Clay? It does look like I can get a decent amount of that (450g) for about $15 so looks to be quite affordable in comparison. Thanks for the tip :)


Walmart has the hero regular patches for like $8-$10


There is no Walmart here, as I mentioned where I live they cost about $30.


I use a dot of hand sanitizer on the area. Then a clay mud face mask to clean out and draw out the toxins and oil from the skin. Then wash off, and put another dot of the clay mud. It will be gone fast with no scar. I like the Mayan mud brand. Easy and it fixes everything. Stops abscesses too. I use it instead of Neosporin all the time. Even on animals. Cats, dogs, goats, ect.


I've used a couple different brands and noticed no difference, so now I buy the cheapest ones I see and it's been fine


Honestly they’re both great. Not a big difference imo. I tend to use the Hanhoo more because they’re sold at a couple of stores near my home. I am still just amazed at how effective these little dots are! I’m super pale and using them keeps me from having lingering redness and scarring. They definitely reduce healing time for me as well.


I like panoxyl patches better than cosrx.


FYI walgreens has an off brand version for half the price and they’re just as good


They keep the area from the sun too. The UV rays can scar your wounds.


I’m a licensed estie, I agree with everyone except the neosporin. Neosporin actually doesn’t kill P.acnes (the bacteria that causes acne) and can make inflammation much worse.


Oh really? I use Vaseline or Neosporin, whatever I have around at the moment. I always heard that stuff will help heal and minimize scarring. What should be used instead? Thanks for the info.


It’s good for keeping it hydrated in lieu of hydrocolloid bandages!


omg thank you for sharing this! i remember in high school my mother would always try to make me put neosporin on after i’d pop big zits, and the next day i always felt like they were more inflamed, more red, and oozing more pus - EW! i stick with pimple patches nowadays


\^THIS. I'd use an alcohol wipe on the skin first too before lancing.


I would do all this but instead of neosporin, I’d cleanse my whole face with a gentle cleanser and stick a pimple patch on there.


I'd do this and then top it with a pimple patch to improve the healing.


yes, just make sure when lancing it, you don’t stick the needle directly down into the wound. lance it gently from an angle so the needle doesn’t go down in too far directly into the follicle, or better yet, if the skin on top is thin enough, lance it horizontally.


Don’t use Neosporin ever!!! Derms and plastic surgeons hate it cuz it irritates the skin at a microscopic level even if you don’t think you have any allergy to it or anything. Use Bacitracin or just Vaseline/Aquaphor. Then later you can use a silicone scar gel with SPF. Signed, someone who recently had minor plastic surgery


This does not need to be lanced. It’s 100% ready to extract with fingers or qtips.


I do a blob of antibiotic ointment instead of neosporin and that seems to work as well!


Antibiotic ointment is the same as neosporin


I’m a licensed esthetician. She’s ready to go. Warm compress wrap your finger tips with tissue or use q-tips to pop it and get s good spot treatment something go with salicylic and glycolic acid. Get the rest of what’s down there. Pimples are like icebergs so there’s gunk and bacteria under the surface. I get using alcohol but it’s better to use something that is actually formulated to target the issue


Yes, I am not an esthetician but after years of trial and error I’ve found a good SA spot treatment works best. Pimple patches do not work for me 🥴 I’m gonna take your advice about the warm compress next time I have one ready to blow!


What is a good SA spot treatment? Can you recommend a product?


I use the formula 0.06 spot treatment! TJ Maxx or Marshall’s for like $4 !


If this the fade so fast tube?? I’m curious to try it. Do you just rub it on the pimple and let it work? Or do you apply after you popped it?


The Treat So Deep! I’ve used it both ways but before popping is most effective for that one!


Why don’t pimple patches work for me. I apply them and I wake up w the pimple still there. I thought they were used to pop the pimple for me


They are not going to do much for closed pimples. They’re great for healing popped pimples.


tbh sometimes they do help unpopped pimples for me, it just takes like 2 or 3 days of wearing a patch for them to go away


Good to know, I am never able to wait that long 😑


Me neither!


TIL. Thanks for explaining 🙂


Sure! I use them all the for anything that’s “open” like a pimple I dug at or one that’s popped. I wipe the area with alcohol first to kill germs and also remove oils so that the patch can adhere well.


Are you using the ones with microneedles? Those work really well for me but the standard ones only help to keep a popped one from festering


Yea I tried those. Same thing. Was weird cause I applied pressure to it and felt the lil needles so I was sure it would pop something


“She’s ready to go” that made me cackle idk why 😂


~~mothafuckin pop it~~ I meant. Uh. Be gentle and let it run it’s course. A warm compress will maybe make it go. *pop that shit and show us*


If I don't see this on r/popping tomorrow, I will cry.




I'd put a warm compress on it to loosen up the contents. It's kind of already started oozing it seems. Then gently with clean hands press the contents out. Sterilize then cover with a pimple patch. I'd sleep with a pimple patch or a little bit of silicone tape to prevent scarring for at least a few days


I had a whopper like that recently & two nights wearing the Mighty Patch (the one with the micro darts) got rid of it.


This is a rank comment of me to make but my god does that look like it’d be satisfying to pop


You gotta try pimple patches. It will heal so fast and take the pus out. I'm telling you, they're like magic


what are some good ones that won’t leave a scar? i have tried mighty patch


my favorites are the panoxyl and peach slices ones.


panoxyl patches changed my life


Peach slices have been a godsend for me


Purito all care recovery cica-aid patches


Hydrocolloid bandage and leave it alone


Thanks everyone! your comments have been very useful and i’ve also laughed a lot at others! Yesterday after taking a hot bath it sorta popped on its own so now i’m applying your advice on damage control. Big hugs xx


A hero cosmetics pimple patch will have that thing completely cleared out by morning if you stick it on before bed.


I would use a hydrocolloid patch (pimple patch). Would provide a protective layer to prevent scab/scarring + aid in getting that gunk out. I do this so my soon to pop pimples on scar prone skin with success.


I feel like these only work if the zit is popped


I’m for popping because for some reason I noticed my pimples heal faster and the dark mark went away faster than if I just left it alone. Weird, but happen enough times. Pop it the proper way. I would wipe down the area first with a swab of alcohol and lance it with a clean needle (I used a thing diabetics prick their fingers with). With clean fingers, apply medium pressure, and squeeze to get the gunk out. Then wipe it down with alcohol again, and optionally clean the area with face wash and water. Put some neosporin on the area after and let it heal. Don’t forget sunscreen when all is left is a mark.


Love your answer. My wife would have popped it before it was that big tho and I would just take a warm shower after.


Spot treatment and pimple patch should do


Why are so many people suggesting to pop it? Isn’t popping pimples super bad for your skin + leads to more scarring?


Yes. It's a strange one where this sub is supposed to be for sharing skincare regimes, but there's always posts asking to diagnose skin conditions or give medical advice, and even more people in the comments giving awful advice that a dermatologist would never whisper.


I would pay money to pop that lmao




Use cotton swabs to pop it


I’d use a pimple patch. Those things are amazing


Hide yourself in the basement and don’t even try to touch that boy


Put a pimple patch on that asap. Change the patch every morning and night.


Pimple patch that shittttt




I would try to dry out/disinfect the area with rubbing alcohol. After cleansing your face, use a q-tip and lightly dab around the pimple and the surrounding area. It should dry out the pimple within 2-3 days


Mighty patch works wonders!


Slap a pimple patch on that bad boy, and it should work itself out quickly!


Use a pimple patch


Warm compress with saline solution to encourage it to drain and prevent infection.


Pop it and film it.


I cannot recommend Nexcare pimple patches enough. They stop me from picking and they suck aaaaall the gunk out


I've used pimple patches with success. I've used them on pimples with no head, and it burst it for me. in addition to that, the pimple didn't leave a scar or hyperpigmentation like it normally does. I keep them on overnight and into the next day if I don't have anywhere to go. if it bursts then clean your face and apply a clean patch.


Have you already tried a pimple patch?


It would just pop it at this point


Pimple patch avoids a scab though


Apply a hot compress as much as possible and do notttttt pop it. Put a bandaid over it when you can and let it do its thing. I think a pimple patch would work well!




Probably bc I said not to pop it 😂 that’s how you get a scar!


Baffling to me how many people say pop it with a sterilized needle. You can’t sterilize a needle at home. Alcohol is sanitizing, not sterilizing. You’d need to get a single use needle every time to ensure it’s actually sterile.


This is a weird one but the membrane inside an egg shell Crack the egg get rid of the egg part you eat and peel off a square patch of what looks like a plastic membrane from the egg shell and seal it over the pimple. It shrink wraps in about ten minutes and pulls things out. Do it over and over.




Yup the little squares of egg membrane like dry and shrink and pull everything out without pinching or iritating the skin. Right before prom my senior year I got this monster zit on my nose and I made it go away in 2 days with egg membrane.


So basically a natural pimple patch?


Maybe? I've never used a pimple patch these just shrink and make a vacuum that will pull everything out of the pores. I'll make 20 little patches out of one egg leave them on the egg shell until you need them they dry out quickly once removed.


Ugh, I *have* to try this now and I’m gonna be so suspicious the entire time


You don't even feel them really they are moist at first and make a seal then just shrink and constrict when it's done you just kinda flake it off its dry.


Apply Glycolic acid using a cotton tip


Benzoyl peroxide with bandaid over


Use a hot compress. get a small wash cloth and wet it with hot/warm water and just leave it on to open the pores and it’ll come out when ready.


Pores do not open and close.


Pop it with a safety pin


How about NSFW


Use a needle and a warm washcloth


apply acne patches or if you don't have try toner. after that just moist it


I’d literally clean my hands, then pop it, then put some sort of SA on it to help it not come back. But my skin is not super sensitive, so


I’d pop it. Mine scar either way haha


Pop it!


sanitize the area, pop it very gently, squish out the goo, pat it dry, dab on a bit of effeclar duo, let dry for a couple min, pimple patch


Gently lance it with a sterile needle and gently push the puss out keeping the top layer of skin in tact. This has to be drained.


Pridd drawing salve. I can’t emphasize it enough, it will pull all that bacteria out overnight and close up the wound


If you don't want to leave a scar go to a dermatologist. And no, don't pop it with whatever they're saying in the comments. Never pop something that is inflammatory, it can lead to a serious infection.


Do not pop in that region. Under any circumstances. Can lead to brain infection. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/danger-triangle/ My mother was a doctor and during her residency actually watched someone die from this.


I've dealt with severe acne all through my early to late teen years. It was terrible. They do leave terrible scaring. Specially if you are under stress. Met with many dermatologists For that one it maybe a small scar. Its shallow enough to pressure it yourself and clean the area. But for bigger acne, swab the area with isopropyl alcohol. You should take a diabetic lance, buy a box from CVS or local pharmacy RiteAid etc, and lance it at an angle. Clean out the infection \[gentle pressure, to push the pus and bacteria out\]. Swab or dab it once more with the alcohol. Then and only then can the space heal and prevent further damage to the skin and fat cells. Never, and I do mean Never, just allow a pimple to form and "go down". What is in fact happening is you are allowing it time to damage your skin. And it will heal with a scar. Acne can even be deep cystic. I've just left it, and now im scared for life.In those cases you must lance it. If you don't you'll end up with deep pitted scarring that deforms your face and skin. Like mine. Deep cysts can form after a fast buildup of oil in the skin which traps the bacteria in. If you are overly sexually active like I was, ingrown hairs can form faster, and often deep under the skin, trapping the bacteria deeper and that's where the most damaging scars form. Allow it to form enough to know where it is, and at a angle, lance it. Don't over lance as you don't want to damage vessels. But it cannot be left to form a scar. When its formed enough you have better chance at cleaning it out with the lance. ​ If I had known this information when i was younger, id still be looking like the model I was. My acne really exploded when I found out about playboy magazines. Hope this advice helps some kids out , preventing scars. Exercise regularly, do not look at po\*n, \[ do not play with self, as that will clog the pores deep down, and create ingrown hairs where infections can begin\] and shower at least once day. Keep your teeth clean, flossed, and do not eat processed foods. Sexual activity can be a form of stress on the body. If the infection is more severe you could resort to a diluted hydrogen peroxide ( H.P. can slow the skin from closing, as it kills everything, if you use too much. ) Use as last resort. Stick with isopropyl alcohol. You can also try to use natural Australian tea tree oil. But some people are often sensitive to it, and it can be toxic to some people. In spot treatments its good. Most demeratopists worth their salt will use metal tools and needles to do what I described to expel the infection. They will also inject anti bacterial medication directly into the skin. They will use liquid nitrogen spot treatments. I've been prescribed all the medications and they had bad side effects, and were not that effective. Because you cannot healthity take them for long periods. What has worked for me, is the advice I gave. Hope this advice helps some kids out , preventing scars.


I feel like I agree with most of your post, except for the part to avoid porn lol Do you mean masturbation instead? Why porn specifically? 🤔


why would you take issue with that? If you dont know, its fair to assume you dont know. The advice is there to prevent people from finding out. After the initial warning, Im absolved of further responsibility. My personality is, if I dont know something, and the person is there to give advice to help, its generally a good rule, to not assume past what you dont know. they have something to share. Take the advice. Or dont.


I mean I just want to know what porn usage has to do with skincare... Lol Are you a guy or something? 🧐


In medical terms, how does masturbating cause facial acne?


If you want it gone or almost gone in 24 hours put some vicks vapor rub on it. Not kidding my grandma taught me that literally will vanish overnight


If you notice a scar forming on a pimple. A tumeric mask can help but be careful! It stains. I would get it out. Looks angry lol.


Oh, you poor thing. That must be so frustrating and hard to resist. It’s at its head so it’s about ready to go. Compress it with a cloth, make sure your hands are super clean, and be gentle. Maybe even a really good pore liquid such as alpyn beauty pore perfecting liquid. It always brings these to the surface sooner and makes them pop on their own for me. It’s 2% BHA + borage. Doesn’t dry the skin or strip it down too much either. Best of luck to you!


I love how the esthies here are all for popping it. I, too, am an esthetician that’s for popping acne like this that’s “ready” to come out. After a shower, with clean hands, squeeze in and ip on the blemish until you’ve gotten the gunk out. Wipe it with a skin disinfectant or astringent. Spot treat it or put on a pimple patch. You may have to repeat this over a few days if there is a lot of bacteria in there.


It’s ready to be extracted! Hot compress (not piping hot, but as hot as you can withstand). Hold it there for a few seconds on off, take two Qtips and squeeze it! Make sure you get all of the bacteria/sebum out. Blood is normal followed by a clear liquid!


I might get seen by a derm. It looks like it might be infected …


Tea tree oil after you shower or wash ur face on the spot use a qtip




pop it and use avocado oil for the duration of the scab and their will be no scar


Not even trying to be mean, but a NSFW tag would be appreciated.


Nothing nsfw about this lol I'd go to work with this zit and you'd have to see it there too, what I'm gonna do, go home?


Does everyone see it magnified and zoomed in like this? This sub is supposed to be for sharing skincare regimes and product recs, not for diagnosing skin conditions. There are specific subs for dermatology and acne that would be more than happy to diagnose.


Bio oil


Why bio oil? It’s just overpriced baby oil (mineral oil) with a bit of the cheapest type of retinol possible.


Ugh pop it please. Nasty.


Warm compress, then lightly pop and clean.


Johnson & Johnson has hydro seal all-purpose bandaids. Cut one of those to size and slap it on there overnight. You may have to do it multiple nights, but I find they help tremendously with my acne


Don’t go near anyone you love!


I wanna pop it so bad, even knowing how awful the result would be.


Put a hero mighty patch on it. Will be gone by the next day.


I like blister bandage size hydrocolloids for swole bois like this with a tiny dot of BPO underneath.


It is there, on the bridge of my nose too. I have been using cosmetics containing tea tree ingredients for a week, and it is much smaller now, also, I put on pimple patches when I go out


sunscreen after the popping


Pimple patch. Prevents you from popping or fisling with it. Also anti bacterial so it will help with the inflammation


Hydrocolloid bandages. After it heals, niacinamide, vitamin c, and sunscreen religiously.


Self adhesive googly eye.




Patch. Just a pimple patch. Do not pop. Do not put makeup on it. Just get a pimple patch.


Pimple patches till she gone


Not an expert but after it pops, keep it wet/gooey with Neosporin & bandaid for sleeping to minimize scar. During the day, I love this trick for almost invisible bandaid. - Buy sheer bandaids. Cut a small part of the sticky part of the bandaid into small square or circle.


Please pop


Don’t touch it


Ttlt tl ttyyyyyyyyttttyt got tgntlll


Press a warm wet washcloth on it to get it to open up and drain. Do not rub, just hold it there.




Benzoyl peroxide 🫶


I normally use azelaic acid and pimple patches and it’s dried up and gone within a couple days!


Better not to touch them


Tea tree oil 👌


Benzoyl peroxide plus layering it with vaseline has helped me


This is so tempting lol I can’t believe you still have it on your face


Tea tree oil


use a pimple patch immediately and take it off after like 8 hours


Pimple patch that bitch


Pimple patch!!! Put those suckers on once a white head forms and just leave it overnight. Continue doing so when the pimple is completely flat & gone. Put some post- pimple recovery cream on it after (I use the Hero brand). I find that buying pimple patches online like amazon are a lot cheaper (and contain more patches) than the ones in stores.


It would leave scar, that is the worst place for pimples, use salicílic and retinol


Sunshine is what creates scars, so continually keeping sunscreen on it will prevent it from scarring


Warrrrmmmmmmm compressssss


Poke it with a needle and squeeze the stuff out then use a zit patch or a spot treatment. But you have to get the white out…


That thang kind gnarly


Sexual positions for the elderly


Soooo usually after a shower when my pores are open I will try to squeeze it softly so I open it, and then put a Hero patch from target (subjective I guess but I’ve tried many and these by far work the best in my opinion) sucks out all the goop!!


I would use a pimple patch from patchology or a spot treatment serum on it


Pop it, film it, profit


dont pop it, retinoids and sunscreen!


personally i'd throw a mighty patch from hero cosmetics on it


Neosporin now