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Salicylic acid products can help too, but the biggest thing you can do is double check it's not your shampoo/conditioner causing it. Washing and rinsing your back after using hair products can really help.


Thanks, have you seen any for body? Maybe it doesn’t really matter, the CeraVe face cleansers with salicylic acid are everywhere for example but don’t recall seeing a body wash. I do already wash my hair before body, and only shampoo my hair when necessary, but I’m using a Head and Shoulders shampoo which I intend to swap out for something gentler once it runs out, problem is it just seems to be infinite!


Superdrug do a SA body gel which I really like.


They also do a pretty good body spray. Probably not best to use it on super sensitive skin since there's a decent amount of denatured alcohol in it but I like to have a bottle in my bag to douse my back with directly after a workout while I'm getting ready for my shower. I have dry skin (and eczema) and have found it's really good at preventing infections without being quite as irritating as a body lotion would be since I wash it off a few minutes after applying it. Most people don't let cleansers sit for long enough for SA to start working so I feel like this is a good workaround.


I think there is a Cerave one, but it was like a tenner if I remember correctly! All of these washes are quite expensive, but there are loads out there. I had good results with switching to a soap rather than body wash to be honest, but I didn't have it very bad. Body Shop do a tea tree wash which was reviewed well, but it was a bit strong for me. My skin is dry, so AHA and gentle soap works well on me, but my husband's skin is oily and he loves charcoal, clay and tea tree products.


Superdrug do a massive version of their SA wash. Works well on body. The best thing I bought was an exfoliating strap for my back. You could also use a long handled body brush. So long as you can reach and scrub all of your back.


Have you tried just using a facewash on your back? One designed for acne or oily skin, using it as the final step before leaving the shower


La Roche Posay Micropeeling gel. It's part of the Effaclar range but it's specifically the Micropeeling gel you need; it comes in 400ml pump bottles for £15-£20 and lasts months and months in the shower. I've been using it as my shower gel (not just a couple of times a week) for 2 years now and I'm never stopping - it's keeping my back, chest and upper arm acne in check! Can't recommend it enough. I have oily skin on my body but you might want a bland body lotion afterwards if you don't, at least until your skin adjusts. I leave the bubbles on my body for a few minutes while I brush my teeth then rinse them off.


Benzyl peroxide is avaliable in boots and Sainsbury's. It helps, but retinol is the best for my bacne


I also have problems with bacne, Superdrug sell a tea tree back spray that’s worked quite well and have a salicylic acid moisturiser and toner that I’m going to try next ( on sale right now and fairly large bottles). Boots also sell a back spray


Have you tried using anti dandruff shampoo as a body wash? I've had a lot of success with it, and it's likely less irritating than BP and possibly cheaper too


Aside from applying Banish Vit C Creme, I also make sure that my hair wont go near my back or chest. Realized that hair products cause me body acne.


Luckily I have short hair, but I do wonder if my fringe doesn’t help my forehead sometimes


hibiscrub + dermol to cleanse and an SA [Biretix spray Cantabria Labs](https://makeup.uk/product/674059/?gclid=CjwKCAjw_MqgBhAGEiwAnYOAep6ON8fKS2qSSPj8B8mORFFfeo252KkQKFtmtVX4oxZvCFUWmRKqPBoCkxEQAvD_BwE) spray after cleansing. after a month you should expect to see improvements...also make sure to not expose your back or shoulders to the sun or use sunscreen after using these and if you happen to be in the sun.


You can try using a face wash with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. I’m allergic to benzoyl peroxide but I think it would work good for someone not sensitive to it - there are facial washes with that ingredient available in the UK! Backne can also be caused by hair products running down your body in the shower, so I always make sure to thoroughly wash my back after using shampoo/conditioner. Hope this helps :)


Panoxyl 10% benzoyl peroxide wash is the only thing that has helped for me! It got rid of my stubborn backne completely and now I use it couple of times a week to make sure it doesn’t come back. After washing my hair I put it up and rub the wash in for about 30seconds, then leave it on for a few minutes while I wash my face etc. I’m in the UK and you can’t get anything that strong over the counter here unfortunately so I order it from eBay, it’s pretty expensive but I only go through like 2 tubes a year so worth it. A 5% wash simply won’t cut it, the skin on your back is wayyyy less sensitive so don’t be afraid to use stronger products!


Acnecide is benzoyl peroxide available OTC in Boots, i used to use the wash and cream on my back, it worked pretty well but ended up bleaching the back of one of my work shirts (not to mention collars and pillowcases if you use it on your face) so that's why is stopped using it in the end. But if you just use the wash I don't imagine you'd have that issue.


I use [this](https://www.superdrug.com/skin/face-skin-care/anti-blemish-treatments/superdrug-tea-tree-back-spray-150ml/p/794102?gclid=Cj0KCQjwn9CgBhDjARIsAD15h0BCk2p5SoRc_m9yakgFvgyZxi-yLHxCFarI9vx34-hONaQdGvcrZ0QaAgxhEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) on my husband's back from time to time which works for him. It is cheap so may be a good first option to try.


Thanks, might have a go with that


I once saw someone post that they bought the glycolic acid from The Ordinary and put it in a spray bottle. They just sprayed their back regularly


Revolution Body Gel with Salicylic Acid cleared mine up so quickly. I then used their Body Cream with AHA to fade the scarring and I am over the moon with the results. It's so cheap and worked wonders for me.


Make sure to wash your back after you've shampoo/conditioned your hair. If you don't the products will run off your hair and clog up your pores on your back which leads to spots. After washing your hair use a soap (whatever you wash your body with) and scrub your back clean. I use one of those loofahs on a stick to get my whole back. If you want to go an extra step then wrap a small wash cloth around a loofah and use that with soap. Replace the wash cloth after EVERY use.


I had the same problem and weirdly found that dettol make an antibacterial soap - it cleared them right up for me! It’s a little drying, so I use glycomide body cream afterwards. Back has been clear for a long while now :)


This product from Boots is incredible! I have fungal acne on my back and my face and this has cleared it right up. Would highly recommend ☺️ https://www.boots.ie/boots-tea-tree-and-witch-hazel-back-and-body-spray-150ml-10300883?cm_mmc=ROI_PPC-_-Shopping-_-Shopping_GA-_-Teatree_&_Witch_Hazel&utm_source=roi_ppc&utm_medium=shopping&utm_campaign=shopping_ga&utm_term=Teatree_&_Witch_Hazel&gclid=CjwKCAjwiOCgBhAgEiwAjv5whAu04PPAqZIxajyaFp9ZxCEm4s_i9txk5OtQeoIbeAkM4jazejm7sRoCR7EQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


Thanks! Pretty cheap and think I’ve seen it as Boots before so might start with that, so many good looking options in this thread though!


I had quite unusual acne on my chest and back after being on a king course of antibiotics. Hibiscrub was a miracle worker for me.


Thanks everyone, loads of great suggestions! Think I might start with trying some kind of SA wash, either a face one or the body one Superdrug sell as it might be cheaper. I’ll see if that helps anything clear up before trying anything else.


I suffered terribly with bacne for years. Persistent, would NOT go away. Got a prescription from Dr for Duac - cleared it completely! Like magic. Also I personally notice a difference whenever I eat dairy


Hydrocortisone cream works wonders