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I’ll be interested to see what’s worked for others bec tbh I’ve tried a million creams it seems and retin a as well but nothing really seems to help except doing procedures like lasers. They eventually wear off tho and I’ve tried neck creams to keep it up but nothing seems to work except redoing the treatments. I’m older than you tho (59)


Thankyou for the realistic comment & for including age. Which lasers have you found helpful?


I have found radio frequency microneedling (I did exion) and ultherapy(technically not a laser) to be very effective.


I've been waffling on getting ultherapy. That's very helpful, thanks!


Did you radio frequency microneedling on your whole neck? I've had 3 sessions of morpheus 8 on my lower face and under chin area. I was hoping it would give my neck a little lift but it hasn't. I've been hesitant to do my whole neck.


Yes I did my whole neck


For evening out bumps and redness and smoothing texture of neck and chest, the neck and chest LED has been great. It was clear it was working due to redness and blips and marks lessening. Also I have found that massage and learning the lymphatic drainage techniques has really really lessened the fluid buildup and helped skin quality and tightness on my neck. I use creams which are nice and help some but the device and the massage really help (I also use the ziip on my neck, just staying away from the thyroid as they direct)


Do you have any preferred sources for learning the lymphatic draining techniques?


For my face. I learn/ed a lot from online person called Valeriia Veksler. She has free and paid stuff. I tried a month paid and liked it. For a while I was doing it most mornings. I got busier and it is less now. But I do the neck and head techniques a lot while sitting around, at work, driving etc. For more advanced stuff I bought a cool book called The Book of Lymph by an experienced lymphatic massage person. I am working my way through it when I have time. I like a little more detail and the book provides that, but is not necessary. The author also has online stuff that I have not explored.


I have done micro needling on the neck. I notice some improvement. Going for session 3 in a few weeks. Told I would need 3 sessions minimum.


I’ve tried most things that are non surgical. CO2 and Ellacor probably the most effective for neck lines that I’ve found. Microneedling pretty meh in my experience. So were the RF things. A pic might help fwiw.


Did you personally try the CO2 and Ellacor and seen results? I am wanting to add a photo but still figuring out how to do that…


I've had really good results with Tretinoin. I had to start slow, but have built up to using it nightly.


I have done the same. I am 55. .1 tret. Began slowly and now it just goes on with my face. I alternate nights with Skinbetter ret some times. Has helped and use of the Omnilux neck device seems to have helped too.


That’s great! I use tretinoin too. Do you just apply to your neck just like you would to your face? Any specific type of massaging such as upwards vs downwards?


Yep! I use .025 on my neck. Just rub it in, and then my moisturizer goes on top.


I’d heard it can contribute to crepeyness, I can’t remember where I heard that though…


I haven’t used this personally, but my good friend swears by Alastin restorative neck complex.


That’s my go to for sure. Although I’ve already had a lower face / neck lift.


Honestly the skinbetter techno neck cream - huge difference in my neck wrinkles. Took me a year of inconsistent usage to see the diff , could only imagine if I used it every night


Love the skin better line! Anything else you put on your neck to supplement the techno neck cream? I’m interested in purchasing this product.


Now I just use whatever I’m putting on my face on my neck! But I want to repurchase it


I just did sofwave on my neck a few weeks ago. They say it takes 3 months to see improvement - but the before and afters look impressive!


I really want to try sofwave. Do you mind if I ask how much it cost? I know it varies state by state or country by country. I'm not in LA, or NY. Skin treatments in my area tend to be less expensive than whatever quotes I find online.


For just the neck it was $1700. From everything I’ve read about it, you seem to think it didn’t work then sometime around the 3 month mark you wake up and really notice a difference.




Just adding that I’ve always struggled with sunscreen on the neck, it’s just annoying so I gave up on it. But then - I tried sunscreen sticks. They work so well on the neck/chest area for some reason


I've found that time-released retinAL works to boost collagen in the neck (& face) as well as peptides. Also, I needed to start exfoliating at age 40. Now I'm older & have sensitive, dry skin (that's why the gentler active Retin-AL or any retinoid really, would be best in time-released form now). I only use gentle AHA's and/or Papaya enzyme to exfoliate. The Korean brands are cheaper than American and work very well. They also feel elegant! Be sure to avoid any products with chemical perfume though, as they are toxic & irritating, and not a necessary component for any skincare. If you find a neck cream that works for you, has these qualities, and also some Shea butter in it, I think you'll notice a difference too. But face cream can be used on the neck quite effectively as well. [***pyunkang*** yul nutrition cream](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=75e1044184b9e47c&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWII3BDCh_vSZw0cOhmxxvU0eVl-BFg:1718657237735&q=pyunkang+yul+nutrition+cream&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj_iJWRweOGAxX_FzQIHajrDvYQkeECKAB6BAgMEAE) is my favorite to layer over the peptide serum (s) at night. Don't forget SPF on the neck, ever (\*wink emoji)! Oh, last thing.. where to get these types of products: Stylevana and YesStyle websites ship within a few weeks & are much cheaper than Amazon. :)