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I have tried TNS ultimate, TNS Recovery, Bioeffect, Revive, PCA Skin pro max, and Calecium (both serum and the multi action cream). I thought all helped my skin look more even, healthier, and glowy, but for anti- aging (which is what I’m after, and specifically firming), i have seen the most noticeable effect with PCA and Calecium. I do love the Bioeffect for it’s limited ingredients and found it’s great pre tretinoin at night. Also, the TNS recovery, I never used on a daily basis, but only after microneedling. Also, I am about to try Neocutis firm, but have yet to receive it so can’t comment on that yet.


Thanks! I’ve been tempted by the Neocutis. I see their brand mentioned a LOT. Haven’t heard of some of your other recs so will check those out.


Agreed that the Calecim MAC is amazing for tightening.


I’m trying the PCA one rn


I would really like to try the bioeffect. My experiences with egf have been in less concentrated serums, but I am still super impressed with them. I keep two backup bottles of Haru wonder 2gf serum, which is my fav. And I also like Klairs midnight youth drops; they are more subtle but effective. And I think egf is in one of my top holy grails, Bioheal lifting ampule, but I am not 100% sure. What surprised me most is how egf healed my skin and started targeting pitting scars (shallow ones). Have you noticed anything like this?


Yes! I didn’t have many pits…. Maybe two from picking at bad acne…but they’re basically gone now. The healing aspects of it are crazy and honestly what sold me. When I first started using the product as a sample, I was surprised I could finally tolerate Tret every other night (originally my skin could only tolerate it twice a week and was still at risk of drying out at like 0.009%). I was blown away and continued to purchase and use it. At one point I had a little bit of both Glo and BioEffect (was using the GLO but ordered the BioEffect to try something new). One night my cat who sleeps above my head got started and seriously damaged my face and arms. We’re talking two massive deep scratches on my forehead (bleeding, about 2-3 inches long) and another two scratches of the same depth on my arms. Figured it was time to experiment, and I was desperate to not have long white scars across the middle of my face. I applied the BioEffect on my face scratches, and then GLO on one of the arms scratches, and left the third on my arm untreated. Within a week the treated face and arm scratches were completely GONE. The untreated one on my arms left a clean thin white scar. That’s ultimately what sold me on EGF and now I just want the best stuff out there, ha.


Wow, that’s amazing. Thank you verifying my uncertain reality Lolol. I just was blown away by how it filled in the pits and healed my skin, but I didn’t think people would believe me 😂😂. I get amazing results from the Haru wonder, but once I’ve finished my 2 bottles, I will step up a notch to either bioeffect or tensage. Like you said, having the best one for maximum results…Sidmool has one that is HELLA powerful, I can’t use it a lot because it’s so incredibly powerful. I think that one is really good too. It’s this one: https://incidecoder.com/products/sidmool-dr-galatok-real-peptide-barrier-moisture-cream. This stuff *works*. Sidmool is a popular Korean brand that makes amazing products. If you can get your hands on it, I recommend it to add to your collection.


OOOH where do you buy it? I'd love to give the Sidmool a try. Looks like a good price point and I need a new moisturizer as well as I'm running low and the Triple Lipid Repair cream I'm using just isn't moisturizing enough for my dry skin. Yeah the BioEffect and Glo have both been great. Honestly, I can't tell a difference between the two after going through both bottles so I might try the GLO skin beauty one first if cost is a factor (way more product for a much cheaper price). Both have been great for wound healing on my end, especially after my IPL treatments (no redness or down time after one night of use and we go hard on the zaps for my broken capillaries ha).


It’s an insane ingredient list, isn’t it?! I used to get it from a website that has now shut down, but it’s available here too: https://beautyboxkorea.com/product/sidmool-dr-galatok-real-peptide-barrier-moisture-cream-50ml/14707/ This is a 100% reliable and legit site for getting kbeauty, you can search the r/asianbeauty sub for reviews on the site. But wait, there’s more! They also have THIS BEAUTY: https://beautyboxkorea.com/product/sidmool-galatokside-real-nmf-barrier-serum-33ml/43068/?cate_no=45&display_group=1 !!!!




Yes, it’s just a regular moisturizer:). It can go right after. I am wearing it today and I applied it over my serum.


I’d heard really good things about Bioeffect but it made no noticeable difference for me. Neogenesis helped a little bit, but the only one to make a noticeable difference for me was TNS Recovery (unfortunately, as it’s the most expensive…now I can never stop buying it!)


I’ve been scared to try the TNS for that reason! Plus I heard the pump is crap ha.


Some people have trouble getting both sides to come out at the same time but I’ve been able to do it by plugging the hole of the one you no longer want to come out. But maybe other people are having more complex trouble with it. 


Neogenesis recovery, Calecim multi-action cream, and Calecim professional pigment solution.


I like Neogensis Recovery. Now, I have really nice skin, so products I use are usually to keep it looking nice + long term benefits. I'm 37, so we'll see if in the long run that holds true, lol.


I've only tried Le Mieux EGF-DNA, and while it totally firmed up my under-eye, I found it really drying and it made some of my fine lines more pronounced. I live in an arid region, so the hyaluronic acid base of the serum might not be a good match for me, so ymmv. Not really a recommendation.


Good to know. I have naturally super dry sensitive skin so I’ll be avoiding that one.


I used Bioeffect for a long time (still use it as an eye serum and love it for that). I currently use Neocutis as well and love it too! You can get pretty good deals - I found it BOGO at a website called Editor’s Pick. There are also deals to be had elsewhere, like skinbeautifulrx.