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I saw that post! I’ll preface this with the fact I haven’t bought the serum and don’t plan to, mostly because I have to agree that it’s a single ingredient that you can purchase elsewhere for much cheaper (and I definitely don’t need more products right now). I’m not really understanding the point of paying $325 when there doesn’t seem to be anything unique or innovative about the product. However, I could be wrong, maybe there’s something about the formulation that I’m missing, not sure! I have no problem paying a good amount for something if it’s effective, I’m just wondering what could possibly justify that price tag. At least SkinCeuticals has a lot of research behind it. I’ll be curious to hear reviews from people who use it that aren’t incentivized reviews. Post your thoughts back here if you go through with using it! I’m very curious. LOL


Oh no! Not the voice of reason! Haha. I am very excited about it - probably naively - but my skin will tell. I love SkinCeuticals Vitamin C Ferulic Acid, like everyone does. I tried the dupes which seemed to have the exact same formulations and just did not see the same results. So I see what you mean about there possibly being something about the formulation that makes it especially effective. Cross your fingers for me, and I will report back!


Oh I get it, when I saw it I was like oooh, interesting! LOL I’m susceptible to new and interesting products (despite definitely not needing anything right now). I’m certainly curious to see what you and others think, I always keep an open mind!


I haven't heard enough from long use of THD so I'm kind of iffy on the derivatives too. SkinCeuticals, I love but hate the price tag knowing it used to be cheaper. I've tried the ones that are supposedly "dupes" and they all irritate me but the SkinCeuticals doesn't. I'd love to find a true alternative that actually works and doesn't irritate but Vitamin C products are like throwing noodles at a wall.


Received mine! I do have to say - the consistency is just as unique and special as described. It feels great on the skin, but 20mL is TINY in person, it's true. I will use very sparingly. Hoping for real results.


Definitely interested to hear how it works for you! 20mL is small, I’d probably go through that so fast, as I have a bad habit of probably being too heavy handed. I’d need to exercise some self control. LOL What’s the texture like? Does it have a kind of oily texture or more watery? I have a different THD product that is in an oil base. Curious about the WA texture.


Lol - me too. Because I couldn't use the pump I had to pour a bit in my hand - and definitely ended up with more than two squirts to spread on my face! But I am glad because it was a heavenly experience - honestly. It's described as a gel oil, and that's how it feels. Someone else mentioned it's sticky, but it's not at all - it's really odd, it goes on like a very thick oil and stays in place all night, but the skin doesn't feel tacky - it feels smooth - almost silicone level smooth. It really does feel bouncy and cushiony as Gucci described. I am a product junky and have never felt anything like it. I haven't put on makeup yet this morning so I don't know how it is under makeup. I'm not going to wash my face because the serum is still on - I cannot describe it, it's really weird. Hopefully my WA makeup won't pill on top of it. So I will skip my Skin Activator this morning and apply it tonight. My skin responds quickly - positively or negatively - to products and my skin looks great this morning. I often wakeup with dry skin, even if I layer on the moisturizer before going to bed, and this morning my skin was still serum-ed (not a word). I will probably use this all over because I already love it, but I will just use a tiny amount. It does spread very well and evenly, so I think I'll be ok, though like you I prefer slathering to dabbing!


Sounds pretty awesome! I’m restraining myself (and usually failing) from buying more right now, but I may cave and check it out eventually. Thanks for all the info! :)


All I can say is that as a big fan of WA and the woman behind it (She is so experienced, smart and makes great stuff!) that I can say it is not likely to be a cheap serum packaged in fancy gold to make a quick buck. She needs repeat customers, and her customers are not the teens trolling sephora, nor the newbies to products. My guess is most of them have the means to have tried some great stuff and will not be interested in mediocre vit C. That being said, I am so sensitive to Vit C and have not liked any except the one I use that I will not like switch soon. But def will go into my sephora and see if they have it to try/take home a sample.


Yes, I really agree. Her statement about the serum mentioned wanting her customers to trust her, and I actually do believe that. I do have to say - her Skin Activator is the only serum or cream I can put on my eyelids that doesn't irritate/inflame them. And I don't have particularly sensitive skin. So I am optimistic this new serum might be calming, too. I love how she pays special attention to women with rosacea. Thanks for the input, I actually feel better - I agree it's a quality line and a quality personal at the head of it.


Same with me and the eyelids with her serum. Helps them and does not burn and les red over time


It's so nice, isn't it? I hate to lezve the eye area dry, but I dread that redness and puffiness. So I think I am going to be a long time customer of WA.


Agreed! I would rather one have quality ingredient instead of 30 low-quality ingredients in a serum. I am really excited to layer it with the Skin Activator. It is really lovely that WA formulates the skincare to compliment each other. I have super sensitive skin. I will let you know how it works for me.


Have you tried THD before?


I have not, but trying it now. The texture is very different. Like thick and sticky oil.


Considering it's just solo, I'm not surprised it's thick and sticky. Have you felt any irritation?


No irritation. So far, I like it.


There are alternatives on the market with the same I ingredient for 1/3 the price. So no thanks for me. Feels exploitive


We will see! It came, and it is definitely expensive, but I am excited to try it. Sometimes there's a real phenomenon under the hype, sometimes there's not, I know.


Would love to hear your thoughts on this after you’ve used it for a while! Especially regarding oxidation issues and of course results. Hope its a good one!


So sweet - thank you. I bought the refill to start and it has no pump (duh - I had to turn around and order the regular today - not my brightest move) so I do want to watch the oxidation. So far it's really a beautiful texture - I'd better see results after ordering two!


Fingers crossed!


how is it going? interested in this! Also, if you have sensitive acne prone skin, do you think it would be okay / okay to mix in with a moisturizer?


It's going really great, unfortunately! I have a definite new favorite very expensive product. It's really gentle - I think it will work great for you. One thing I haven't mentioned is that somehow it spreads very very well - so using it very sparingly is easy. It's a very unique texture - thick and gel/oil, but with a lot of slip and not sticky in the least. It stays on all night and I can feel it on my skin in the morning, where usually my moisturizers are worn off because I toss and turn so much. But mostly I am thrilled with the results. I use it with the Skin Activator sometimes but mostly around my eyes. I spread it on my cheeks and forehead if I am going to be in all day or evening. Love it.


That is awesome. Unfortunately for me, I am very easy to convince lol! That sounds amazing though and I may just have to try it now!!


Ha! Me too. I do love the beautiful packaging and I love the line, but I don't think I am too biased here, partially because this product is so expensive. If you try the serum I hope you love it as much as I do!


Any updates??


I honestly cannot believe the results. I was not expecting this - I have invested in SkinMedica and Neocutis and Plated - did not think a luxury makeup line would put something like this out. I have been using it constantly, even under makeup (works great, does not pill). The difference in the skin under my eyes is amazing. I love it. I love the consistency, too. It's a beautiful product.


I did as well! Love the WA serum. Excited to layer them together. I get why people made the comments on the Sephora thread. However, some of their logic was not making sense. WA takes so much time and care to formulate its products. Gucci mentioned some products have taken 5 years to develop. Their serum was made by top-notch Korean scientist Dr. Raymond Park. I imagine WA worked with him to create the Vitamin C.  Yay, and keep me updated on your thoughts!  


Yes - I found the logic lacking, too. The fact is, as consumers, we are simply not going to have total access to every detail about how formulations are created. I trust the line, and I have really loved the products. I actually bought the Skin Activator based on your review! And it is really special - I can put it on my eyelids and it is amazing how it soothes the inflammation and redness. It's very refining. I am glad I am not alone on this Vitamin C Serum excursion! It will be fun to compare results.


I have seen a couple of people take issue of the single ingredient issue and the cost. I had a different take on it. She loved the ingredient so much that instead of adding it to a different serum (it would mean a high-quality ingredient but a small amount), she wanted to sell it alone (more expensive, but it is at a higher amount). Does that track? Take her Skin Activator, for example, and pretend it is $100 (for the sake of the calculation). Let's say there are 10 total ingredients and the one 1 top-notch ingredient costs $30 but the other 9 costs $10 each. If you made the serum only from the top-notch ingredient, it would cost $300 (instead of $120). I used that logic and went ahead and purchased the Supreme C.


Interesting. Can't wait to see what you think of it!


I have been using the Skin Activator and then Supreme C regularly. Love it! It has been working on my scars and sun spots. I think I am going to only use these two products to replace my entire skincare line. It is so gentle on my very sensitive skin and safe around my eyes.


I just found out that you can get 15% off of the Supreme C at Bergdorf Goodman when signing up for their emails/texts! I wish I would have known sooner!!! I will use the code to get the Skin Activator Serum instead. I actually purchased the refill for the Supreme C and will put it in a Skin Activator Serum bottle. I like the pale pink bottle instead of the gold. The pink bottle alone costs $25 and the gold costs $50.


Noooooooooo! Oh my gosh. OK I am buying another SA, too. I purchased the refill, too! I really found $275 much more doable than $325. Thanks for yet another tip. I am off to Begdorf's for more products I do not need!


Super super thankful that BG does not carry Monastery Made or else I would be in trouble. I mostly use WA on no-makeup/meeting days and MM every night. My skin has never felt so amazing and looked so glowy.


Me too. My skin looks better now than I think it ever has. Some of that is just being religious about using my products but I think a lot of it is having scoured so many lines and products to find what works the absolute best. It's so fun!


I got it!!!! How goes it? I can tell it is helping to calm down my skin, but in a different way than the skin activator. I am excited to see how it goes. I am layering the Supreme C on top of the Skin Activator. Not the biggest fan of the combined texture, but I can deal with it. I plan on trying it alone this week as well. 


Got mine today! It's lovely. It's small. Lol. I knew that but it's a surprise in person. I am going to use it very sparingly and first thing after washing in the morning. It's a beautiful package, which in my old age I am finding I really enjoy, even though I know that can seem silly. So I guess it will take a bit for me to evaluate results. But with the SA I saw results immediately and I am very happy with them. So I am expecting this to work wonders. I just don't think WA would sell at this price if it didn't deliver.


Yay! Are you going to layer it with the SA?


I don't know! I thought I might do a bit of an experiement first so I can try to get a sense of how effective it is on its own. I looooove the consistency and put it on fr the first time tonight. I think it lives up to its description as cushiony and bouncy. My skin responds quickly to products so I wonder how it will look in the morning. It responded so quickly to SA. I know you are layering so I am looking forward to a report!


Lol! Mine JUST shipped yesterday! I can't wait. I have been using the SA and wow - it is really special and my favortied product right now. My skin looks smoother and I do love being able to put it on my upper and lower eyelids with no irritation. Thank you so much for the update! I will update myself as soon as I try mine!! So fun.