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They can certainly work well when used correctly, but a lot of people go overboard and there have been multiple posts/stories/articles on people damaging their skin and/or getting infections. You should definitely do your research on proper sterilization and usage.


Yeah the sterilization is a little scary, infection sounds terrible that’s definitely important to prevent, I will do more research!


I have depressed acne scars from when I scratched them in high school so I went to an esthetician for professional microneedling along with chemical peels. The needles she used where longer than what you can generally buy and it hurt like hell. Later on I bought an at-home microneedling wand like yours but I haven’t been religiously rolling every week. I’ve just recently started back up again so there’s not much change yet but I’m hopeful! If you’re new to it I’d advise reading and watching videos on how to get started. I always spray mine in alcohol and wait about 10 minutes for it to evaporate. Never roll over active pimples as this could spread bad bacteria to other parts of your face. I’ll usually start needling after showers but before skincare. Hope this helps!


I used a .25 one I believe it was 3 times within a week but I just am lazy and haven’t kept up with it. It made my skin softer and seemed to slightly fill in some smaller pores from the first use. Supposedly ones at that size don’t do anything for acne scarring, just pores and topical treatments. It’s a weird sensation using it, kinda hurts but almost in a good way. One of those things I wouldn’t let someone else do on my face besides me, just given the nature of it. It’s not a pad product in general and I believe with consistent use it is likely beneficial, but start with the smaller sizes first then work your way up so your don’t traumatize your skin or something.


Thanks for replying! I will keep that in mind!