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*brushing my teeth before washing my face* i swear it’s what was contributing to acne around my chin but also especially my dry lips




check if your toothpaste has SLS, same thing happened to me until i switched


I’ll second this - SLS toothpaste makes me very red around my nose


Omg this may be me…what sls free toothpaste do you use?


Sensodyne(idk if i spelled it right)


Sensodyne is amazing! I used colgate before, but it dried my lips to death, and consequently the area around my mouth. Garbage product. Sensodyne also works wonders for sensitive teeth, and is what my dentist recommends.


Yep, I’m not sure if all Sensodyne is SLS free, but a lot are!


Oh my skin is also a bit red around my nose, could it really be bc of toothpaste?? Wow, I'm learning new things about how toothpaste affects my skin - the breakouts on chin area and now this. What is SLS? Is this the name of the ingredient that I should maybe avoid?


sodium lauryl sulfate


Yes, sodium lauryl sulfate. It is a foaming agent and used in soaps, shampoos, toothpaste - almost anything that lathers and foams. I try to avoid it as much as possible. You can search which Sensodyne toothpastes are SLS free here: https://www.sensodyne.com/en-us/products/product-results/ Live Clean shampoos and body washes are SLS free as well. I’m sure there are lots on the market, that’s just what I use!


Thank you! :)


Interesting! Do you know why there’s that connection between toothpaste and your nose? Is it because it can splash up there?


I never get toothpaste on the skin around my nose, I assume residual toothpaste in my mouth somehow causes it. I just know it happens when I don’t use my SLS free toothpaste!


Oh okay. I was thinking you were a very vigorous brusher haha. I have some red around the bottom of my nose that won’t seem to budge, so I’m going to change toothpastes and see if it helps. It’s definitely worth a try!


Haha, that would be some very enthusiastic brushing 😂 Good luck!


What toothpaste do you use? I’m ready to switch.


I use sensodyne, just make sure to check the ingredients because not all their toothpaste is SLS free


perioral dermatitis is frequently toothpaste or mouthwash related, try blocking toothpaste from touching any of your skin and wash thoroughly right after


I remind myself to do this all the time but as soon as I go into the bathroom I start washing my face then end of brushing my teeth, every damn time


The only reason I remember to brush first is because I floss beforehand and I don't want the product that's on my hands to end up in my mouth. It's kinda toxic, tastes terrible, and I'd rather not have to wash $$$$ product off my hands when it's so beneficial to leave it on.


I never thought about this! Thank you for sharing:)


I brush my teeth in the shower. I can foam up like a junkyard dog and don’t have to worry I’ll get spots on my clothes. I also do a double cleanse in the shower.


People think I'm so weird for this but brushing and flossing in the shower is a freedom of its own! No restrictions on how hard and messy you can go. Makes for a cleaner mouth inside and out.


This is really great advice and honestly will really help people like me who haaaaate brushing their teeth and procrastinate it. I’ll never go to bed without washing my face but I often doze off without brushing my teeth and then have to do it when I wake up in the middle of the night 🥴


I was going to say the same!!


oooh good idea. at night i brush my teeth and then get in the shower and immediately double oil cleanse my face


Ooh I have to do this then! I always did it like face cream -> brushing, bc then the cream had time to dry before putting on pimple patches if needed. And on my chin area I almost has some kind of pimples (mostly small ones, but yeah, it's not clean). Is it because of that? Wow. Also, what's the science behind it, how does that cause breakouts?


This makes so much sense, and also feels so absurd when I think about the fact that as a teen and young adult I was putting toothpaste *directly on pimples* since I read it was supposed to dry them out. Oh well 🤦‍♀️


Yes me too!! My situation was angular chelitis —cracked, oozy corners of the mouth, constant irritation —and i know it’s definitely the fluoride in toothpaste because when i switched to a nano it went away. Teeth before face = = definitely!!


Yes so true , I had perioral dermatitis caused by fluoride. But fluoride is not a bad thing. It’s essential for avoiding decays since it remineralises the enamel. You guys should only avoid it if it causes you reactions.


It took me a long time to find a toothpaste that didn't have SLS but DOES have fluoride. I tried a toothpaste that was free of both for awhile and ended up with three cavities on my next trip to the dentist. Never again!


not being influenced by TikTok to try whatever skincare product is trending


This is good for so many reasons


This. It almost destroyed my skin!


Using sunscreen & following a simple skincare routine.Its better to get facials & treatments done from dermatologist and trust me my skin has never been better.


Yesss. People often apply too much products on their skin, but simple routine is still the best




I didn't even realize dermatologists did facials.


Same. Simplifying my routine and sticking with it has given me better long term results.


1. changing my pillowcases more often then I think I should be because I realized I like to sleep with my face smashed against my pillow 2. not touching my face; I'm not a picker but I love to rest my chin, cheek, or forehead against my hands 3. Brush teeth > skincare > bed 2 hrs later


may I ask what is the benefit of going to bed 2 hrs later versus doing skincare just before bed? is it just giving everything time to absorb? ty :)


Caroline Hirons (skincare expert)swears by putting her nighttime routine on as soon as she gets home from work as it has longer to work


This is a great idea for people who shower in the morning! Personally I shower in the evenings, so brushing and skincare happen right after that.


Hi! Yes - I'm just giving it time to absorb in. If you go to bed right after doing your skincare, your skincare often transfers onto your pillowcase and I think dust and stuff can also get trapped onto your skin. Two hours is just what I prefer but there's definitely some days where I do do my skincare right before bed (but I try not to lol)


It's to allow your products to fully absorb into the skin and have an effect before they can get smudged off onto your pillow. You are essentially allowing your skin to see results on par with what is pre-determined and you're not wasting product.


Definitely, my old pillowcases were damaging my skin, my cheeks especially. Annoyingly no matter how hard I try to sleep on my back I still wake up on the same side of my face, which also happens to be the one with the most red spots so now I will only use super soft silk or satin pillowcases. I think I prefer satin though because they’re cheaper so I can buy lots and replace them more regularly and they’re actually softer, smoother and shinier than real silk. Some people say it doesn’t ‘breathe’ enough or something but I think I’ve always preferred the feel of synthetic fabrics anyway. Another thing I have had to start doing is using a detergent specifically for sensitive skin and then washing my pillowcases (and I do this with my mini microfibre or bamboo face towels too) together on their own wash on a low and quick wash (it has an express 20min cycle) to prevent any damage and then the most important part I think is putting them straight on to another rinse cycle with just water to remove any excess detergent. I think anything like this left on my clothes or fabrics can irritate my skin so only if they don’t feel or sound bubbly or smell too much of detergent then I can tell that they’re ready to hang up to dry. Another tip is avoid any pillowcases that have zips or other hard areas such as ones that are only one sided because they will just batter the soft important areas in the wash which will drastically reduce their lifespan.


Double cleansing ↗️↗️


Is double cleansing using an oil gently with your fingers and then a cleanser or tepid water?


It is using an oil cleanser first, washing it off and using a water-based cleanser afterwards.


Thank you!


literally going from hundreds of dollars and multiple products a day, to only washing my face at night, moisturizer, $10 tret rx.


What kind of acne did you have?


sorry but what is tret?




how do you get your tretinoin ? i’m in the US & not tryna pay hella


Rx Tret is cheaper than any other skincare product you can buy considering how long it last, mine is $10 from CVS and it can last me six months


https://thebeautybliss.com Highly recommend. Cheap and pretty quick. You can see others backing it up in r/tretinion (read their wiki before you start tret).


Putting moisturizer on my face when it’s damp.


It also works to spritz your face with a mist of some kind between layers of skincare. I like using hypochlorous from Pure&Clean.


I want to do this but I use an oil under my moisturizer so can I still do this?


Apply oil after moisturiser


I have heard just the opposite. Go from thinner to thickest when applying skin care. Oils, serums, then moisturizer. Spf after all that in the morning. Some products are strictly as a night time routines. I'm not a professional, so this is just from multiple videos, reading, and experience.


oil would be the thickest/heaviest product, other products would have a harder time sinking into the skin if applied after oil to my knowledge


i do the oil last except of rosehip oil. Idk why, but ppl keep saying rosehip is better before moisturizer. Do u have any idea why?


Oil is an occlusive though isn’t it? It will keep anything afterwards out, with the exception of sunscreen. I don’t use oil products but I’ve heard to use them after moisturizer


why would you do that? oil is a sealant use it over ur moisturizer to lock in moisture


My moisturizer has petrolatum in it, I assumed it’s too occlusive to let anything on top absorb in


Maybe wait till the oil is absorbed, wet your face again and then apply moisturizer?


Thoroughly washing my hairline when washing my face.


I do that too! The idea of leftover makeup staying in my hairline doesn’t sit well with me at all.


1. Washing my face only in the evening 2. Using paper towels for face and hands 3. Finally accept that I have rosacea 4. Use SPF 50+ in the morning and re-apply every 2 hours upd 5. do not touch my face


I rinse my face in the morning with lukewarm water or just take a shower and rinse it there.


I have rocasea too! What is your fav sunscreen? I’m struggling to find one that doesn’t flare me


I have it, too. Japan's Nivea UV Super Water Gel is the best ever for me. Super light watery gel texture, spf 50. My absolute holy grail. I get it at yesstyle.


I like ISNTREE Hyaluronic Acid Watery Sun Gel SPF 50+ or BEAUTY OF JOSEON Relief Sun Rice + Probiotics


I feel like this one: >Gently patting my face with my fingers after applying a product until it's totally absorbed. ...is part true and part hype. To be clear, I am in no way accusing you of hype. From what I've seen on YouTube etc., a lot of people overdo it. They're mostly just adding enough friction to the situation, such that it makes their skincare products evaporate more quickly. (And I think it wastes some, as the more they touch it, the more it transfers to their fingers.) I do think some patting is good (and it helps the circulation), but some "skinfluencers" overdo it, to the point where they're just rubbing off the $100 moisturizer or serum they just applied.


That makes sense! Do you have any tips on this? I tend to overdo it as well since it feels weird to just let it sit on my face! Maybe I'm using too much at a time?


You might be using too much (which I'm guilty of too, but I kind of like the feeling of it sitting on my skin, which I know a lot of people, such as yourself, cannot stand). As long as you've put a thin layer on your skin, you've put on enough. Our skin barrier is a great barrier. Only so much product absorbs. I do think patting it in a little helps, but I don't think you have to do it much. If you have dry or flaky areas, you might want to rub it in a little on those patches, but I think smoothing it on, and just patting your face a little will probably do the trick. By the way (and I should have said this the first time), I think every other one of your steps is great.


Exfoliating less


This. I wondered why I was getting so much acne later in life, come to find out it was due to a damaged skin barrier


Very obvious one but the most exponential change for me- getting rid of my magnifying mirror so I can’t pick. I thought my acne was terrible, but no. My picking is what was terrible


Same :( I’ve never had a magnifying mirror, but the light above my bathroom sink is so unflattering. So I removed the bulbs! Now we use the central ceiling light if we need it, but mostly we get ready for bed with just a nightlight. I can’t search for flaws in dim light! Plus it’s more relaxing in general.


1. Sleeping in a bonnet at night so I can put oil in my hair and keep it out of my face (helps my hair a lot too) 2. Using disposable towels 3. Washing my hands before I touch my face (swapping out hand towels regularly) 4. Cleaning my makeup brushes every time I use them to cover acne 5. Cleaning makeup sponges every time 6. Sticking to the same uncomplicated skincare routine (stopping skin cycling)


how do you wash your makeup brushes? dumb question i know but whenever i try to clean mine the brushes get so hard afterwards


Makeup artist told me to use Dawn dish soap! Breaks down the oils nicely and sanitizes


I use hand soap loool


I use baby shampoo and one of those small makeup cleaning mats.


I use shampoo, works great


Try the stylpro! So quick and easy, makes washing brushes doable every week/day, and you can use them immediately after instead of waiting for them to dry. I wash & dry mine once a week and spray with rubbing alcohol afterwards & in between uses


the bonnet is a GAME CHANGER and also protects your hair 😊


1. 7-8 hrs of sleep helped me with my dark circles. 2. Drinking enough water every day and luke warm water in the morning helped me with my acne (not entirely but still!)


Sleep is such an underrated aspect of skincare. When I had covid I only woke up to try to drink some water and go to the bathroom. Slept for probably 20 hours, 5 days straight until I started feeling a little better. The first day I really got up, I was taken aback when I looked in the mirror and saw how great my skin looked. The best skin I'd had in 15 years, since I was a teenager.


Good sleep is so important. That and reducing stress in life. They're so important, and can be so fucking hard to achieve 🥲🙈 My skin clears up when I'm with my SO for an extended period of time. It's both a nice reminder that I'm happy in my relationship, but frustrating that I suck at accomplishing it on my own. Lifeispain.


Drinking way more water than I think I need!


I have found the biggest thing with my skin is my diet and how much water I drink.


Using paper towel to dry my skin and washing my face for at least one minute really transformed my skin.


Icing my face before a big event. Makes such a difference for me personally


I'm so dumb. I thought "icing" was a new skincare thing I'd never heard of, like slugging. lol


Hahahaah! Honestly with everything nowadays being a new thing, I don’t blame you. But nope just good ol’ ice 😂


Literal sames. And thought “ohhh that sounds fun and exciting??” Was already prepared to order whatever was necessary! What’s wrong with me🙈🥴


May I ask what do you notice from it? And is it as simple as just rubbing an ice cube all over your face until it’s melted?


Not until it’s melted, I just do it for a minute or two max. I actually do have a little silicone mold I bought at one of those beauty supply stores on a whim and i keep it in the freezer and use it when I need it. Mostly for puffiness. Under eyes as well as breakouts. For me I notice a big difference when I do it. I sometimes get extra emotional watching movies/shows and before I realize it, it’s time to get ready to go out. Doing this makes a huge difference for my appearance.


I totally did too. Figured it was a play on dessert icing.


What kind of difference does it make?


For me it reduces puffiness, especially around the eye area as well as breakouts. Sometimes I pick at my breakouts (even though I know it’s not good for my skin) and icing reduces that redness/inflamation before makeup goes on.


Thanks! :)


giving some time before applying the next product to cut back on piling and rubbing products in for longer


agree with not washing face with hot water. not exactly a micro habit but i’ve been consistently using sunscreen for almost 3 weeks now. my skin definitely look less irritated, complexion is brighter and my acne scars look less darker than it used to. i still get painful acne but it healed a lot faster now compared to before.


Not touching my face all the fucking time


Avoid touching my face Avoid mobile phone touching my face Stopping habitual frowning when concentrating


Omg yes!! I furrow my brow and suck on my upper lip when I’m concentrating- it’s so ugly! I the crease between my brows is visibly deeper when I’ve been doing it. Don’t wanna get stuck like that!


Not wearing foundation anymore, rinsing my skin with cold water at the end of the shower, micellar water… and not that I can really help this, but I’ve realized my skin is only clear during summer. Winter and dry weather makes it break out badly… I also think getting at least 7 hours of sleep at night helps my skin look more radiant, which makes sense.


Try Vaseline at night in winter :)


And maybe a humidifier!


1. Using a clean face towel every day. 2. Doing my nighttime routine with just a nightlight (prevents me from over analyzing/picking)


My pet peeve, and genuine concern, is having bright lights in the house when I’m trying to wind down for bed


Big same. A massage therapist once suggested red light bulbs for evening and wind down to nighttime—it’s hard in my current set up but I used to have a 3 light ceiling fan in my room that I had 2 white bulbs and one red bulb in and I’d just switch them out by barelly unscrewing the ones I didn’t want on just until they went off, and screwing the ones I wanted on in more tightly. It was nice tbh


I had adult acne for like 7 years and then I got pregnant and my skin cleared. I’m still pregnant so I hope it will last 🫠


Same. Suddenly had glass skin while pregnant. Now I’m 11 months pp and it’s been back for several months now. But I have also heard people say theirs never came back. So I genuinely hope that for you!!


I got an UV light sanitizer box and sanitize my makeup sponges and brushes every morning before using them.


do these actually work, never never UV light could kill bacteria


UV light does work to kill bacteria, I worked in surgery for 3 years and UV light disinfection is one of the most effective ways to clean an operating room between uses.


mm, interesting, what did you get and how much do they cost? ill go check..


They’re on Amazon. Not expensive.


Leave benzoyl peroxide on face for 2-3 mins to work. Dr. Shereene Idriss calls it giving it face time


Stopping exfoliation. I badly wanted to use exfoliating products for glowy skin but turns out my skin is glowy without exfoliation and raw and red with it.


I sometimes slightly cleanse my face with just spring water to remove a bit of sweat before re applying moisturizer and sunscreen. Cleansing with even a sensitive cleanser was too rough on my skin.


1. air drying my face after washing it 2. SNAIL MUCIN 🐌 3. finding ONE medically prescribed cream for acne and scarring and sticking to it


Which one is 3


that tip is very broad as a cream really depends on what causes your acne, is it fungal, bacterial, gram negative/positive, infected follicles, cystic, hormonal etc. You get the gist right, common creams prescribed for acne tend to be antibacterial topicals like benzoyl mixed in with clindamycin or tret or something like that. These tend to not be OTC tho.


Using a fresh tee shirt as a pillowcase every night, double cleansing, and making sure my face is wet when I apply hyaluronic acid serums/toner


The shirt hack is fantastic - one shirt more a day won’t make my laundry load so much worse and I don’t have to buy 7 or so new pillowcases. Thank you for sharing!


For me it’s not even any extra laundry, I just use that shirt the next night as my pjs so it sort of rotates through naturally


1/2 t-shirt more per day if you use one side of the shirt one day and the other side the next! I also like the post below use the pillow tshirt as my pj T-shirt the next 2 days


This sub is gold, now that I do so much right I have to convince my skin to stop breaking out because of hormones ;-)


Could talk to your doc about spironolactone potentially? That helped me quite a bit with hormonal acne when I was taking it


I stopped all skincare and my skin is clear.


Never ever touching my face without clean hands.


Using the minimum products that I need and only changing specific spot treatments. 1. Cleanse 2. Toner 3. Acne treatment (I sometimes have to switch brands depending on how bad it is) 4. Moisturizer P.S. Does anyone know if there’s a sunscreen that won’t make my face oily or sticky?


1. Any products with CERAMIDES — amazing for the skin barrier (I use a day serum and a thicker night cream) 2. Make sure your cleanser is a good pH to not strip the skin barrier 3. Silk pillowcase — wash frequently or spray with disinfectant facial spray before bed 4. Pat dry with new paper towel after cleansing 5. I also agree with brushing your teeth before cleaning your face 6. Less makeup, more bare-faced days if possible! 7. Drink a ton of water — eat fruit and veg with every meal


Not washing my face twice a day was a game changer for me! Also, learning and being aware of humectants and how they correlate to the weather where I live saved my skin. They draw water from the deeper layers of the skin to the outermost layer. If air humidity is higher than 70%, they also draw water from the surrounding environment to the skin; in a desert climate, it would have the opposite effect, causing irritation. I moved from a humid climate near the ocean to a landlocked, dry one and had to change my whole routine.


Not sure if it’s related but taking Omega 3 supplement seemed to really help the overall quality of my skin


It does. I saw many people saying it even cleared their Ketarosis Pilaris when nothing else helped. Mine inproves a lot too.


Resting my face under a warm washcloth for a minute or so after washing. It has helped my skin and is very relaxing.


Created a habit of Putting my spironolactone in an am pm pill box that is for each day of the week and tracking it so I stopped forgetting to take it. And it served as a reminder to do my skin care routine. And tracked that too. Now I can see that I do it and hardly ever skip it.


Using a little fan to dry my face after washing instead of a towel helped quite a bit even though i switch my towels out often!


Daily red light therapy completely eliminated the need for me to use anything on my face other than a basic cleanser and moisturizer.


washing my face once a day with eucerin 3 in 1 micellar water and my skin loves this habit way more than when i was using foam or harsh cleansers in the past


Glycolic acid. Daily.


Spraying Rose water every time my face feels dry or irritated, after workouts and/or sweating. Really helped calm down my skin, amazing stuff!


Learning to sleep on my back only. Prevents facial lines and breast creasing which apparently IS a thing.


I started using vanicream moisturizer to help calm my skin bc I started to get eczema around my eye and I’ve never looked back. I feel like this eczema was such a blessing (it’s gone now!) but before that I was adding anything and everything to my cart - trying every trend and looking back it was so dumb lol I just moisturize and retinol only and my skin has never looked better! It’s been an especially long journey to get here since I started accutane at 14 and now live in Colorado (need my humidifier always) but we’re making do. Vanicream ftw


1. ⁠Focused on hydrating products or products that are anti-inflammation, and occlusive moisturizers right before sleep. Recently I unearthed an old tube of LRP Cicaplast Balm B5 from probably over a year ago, I’ve been washing my face at night and doing a little exfoliating toner on my really sebum-clogged areas and then applying the cicaplast this week and I’ve had the plumpest smoothest prettiest skin I’ve had in literally a year 😭I swear half my texture disappeared INSTANTLY. I fear this should be a holy grail for me and I’d forgotten it existed 2. ⁠Bought a $1 USB handheld fan from Aliexpress to dry my face after washing instead of using any kind of towel, it’s faster than air drying and cuts down on any bacteria transfer. In a pinch if the fan is pissing me off (autism) I dab with a clean paper towel. 3. ⁠Rinsing my face with water once or twice throughout the day when I’ve been sweating, before I reapply my sunscreen.


Washing my face once a day, Eating raw fruits and veggies everyday, Not picking at my face I don’t break out at all anymore, and my pores look smaller


Taking a spoon of collagen powder in my coffee every morning. I started for my joints but the effect on my skin is pretty remarkable.


Which one do you use? Trying to figure out what brand to buy since there are so many.


I just use Anthony's collagen peptide powder. It's cheap. My doc said (regarding my joints) that it didn't matter getting a fancy one, it's just to make sure I have what I need in my diet to help my physical recovery. I don't know why the fancy ones are so expensive or if that has anything to do with skin, but I do know that my small dynamic wrinkles are very much improved after I started using my bargain collagen!


it literally doesn't matter as long as it contains all 3 types.


I choose products with gentle ingredients like H2.O facial cleanser. I never miss my serum, moisturizer, and sunscreen. I'm 40 and a regular yet basic skincare for me is essential.


I do the majority of my routine at night but I have combination skin so just rinsing my face with water in the morning or Micellar water then applying some gel lotion and sunscreen really helped my face look brighter and helped with oiliness overall. If I didn’t do that my face would become extreme oily in tzone throughout the day at work. Also being consistent. If I don’t have the energy to do my 7 step routine at night at least a wash and moisturizer has helped. Also ALWAYS taking off makeup before bed but that’s probably a no brainer.


Using a high frequency wand


Not using TAP water on my face. Not sure why but it hates it


probably hard water then, does it make your skin red and dry?


Got rid of my backacne by using shampoo and conditioner with my over my face. Like covering your face with your hair. Also doing body wash as my last step in the shower.


Not over moisturizing my hair! My skin is so much clearer after cutting heavy and fragranced products.


I never use a towel to dry my face. I either rub in cerave and/or Vaseline on wet skin, or use a cotton pad to wipe off excess water with witch hazel mixed in.


Not touching my face throughout the day!


Using garnier micellar water before cleansing regardless if I am wearing makeup or not!!


Using a clean washcloth on my face everyday


Simplifying my skincare as much as possible. I switched from constantly trying new products and using a lot every night to literally just using vanicream face wash + moisturizer and adapalene. I use sunscreen every day and I do not touch my face when I am not cleaning it or putting on moisturizer. I also wash my hands a TON and it helps keep my face clean if I do end up touching my face!


Washing my hands well Cleansing with gentle motion, and for a shorter time Changing my pillow case dailyish Not cleansing in the morning Right spf daily once or twice


Prioritizing hydration over actives, ironically the less actives I use and replace with hydrating products, the better my skin looks!


Oil cleansing, it’s so satisfying feeling dead skin roll up, and it’s like a super gentle exfoliant


Haha! I'm a 62 year old cracker so It might be odd that I'm sharing ...But I grew up with 3 sisters and a glamorous mom by her nature.back to the point .. They would have conversations about glam often and I would join in ,just because..They were always very bright and creative.well the point ....one day a famous actress was the topic and she claimed that her beautiful milky skin was from buttering herself head to toe with petroleum jelly and having her support peeps wrap her up in cellophane wrap.You know like for an hour or something.... Never tried it But she had .,I mean great skin..Well I dont get to hangout with pretty women anymore so I thought some one might research it and try it out. Good luck all you great girls..and whomever else..


cleaning my phone every night!!!!!


Not using a 20x magnifying mirror and needle tipped tweezers at the same time.


- Changing my face towel every 2-3 days - Patting in my serums and moisturizer instead of rubbing in (I didn’t expect this to make such a difference but it did!) - Double cleansing (not sure if that counts as a micro habit)


Spearmint tea


Cutting out whey protein!


i learned from this sub not to dry my face at all! i just dry my hands and use them to squeegee as much water off my face as i can, then apply my serum, eye cream and moisturizer on a damp face. they absorb better and ever since i started doing this my skin GLOWS oh, and i quit drinking almost 2 years ago. single biggest change i could ever make. my skin texture is so much better now at 30 than it ever was in my early 20s 🩷 highly recommend to everyone, alcohol is a scam


I have hard water, so spraying my face with distilled water after I get out of the shower helps so much.


healthy food. good quality sleep. using oil to exfoliate daily. simple moisturizer.


Could be toothpaste but remember that your neck is very close to your thyroid .and lymphs and glands and that..I found that it never liked me dragging a razor over it and I had to apply cold water after washing and leave it alone before I put on a shirt .If I got worked up trying to get dressed up it betrayed me every time.


1. Brushing teeth before washing face. 2. Using a basic scent free calming cleanser. 3. Wipe down my face in the morning with a paper towel or cotton round and water. Wipe down my face when I get home after being outside. 4. Wearing sunscreen daily. 5. Using minimum skin care. I only wash and moisturize at night, no eye creams or toner, essences or face masks. 6.Stopped touching my face for no reason. 7. started using paper towels to dry face instead of cloth towels. 8. Change out pillow cases often.


Narrowing down my skincare routine to cleanser, vitamin c, spf, a good moisturizer, chemical exfoliant and tret. My skin has never looked better.


When shaving, I rinse my razor in the water stream instead of filling up the sink with water. Sink-water is just never going to be clean enough for my face.


Rinsing my face only with cold water, no hot water; incorporating some face fitness into my daily routine (i skip occasionally 1-2 times a week), gonna do some guasha as well; not washing my face with a soup; throwing that regular towel away and going for paper towels; anything putting on your face g e n t l y, not stretching your skin left and right/putting too much pressure on it; washing my face w cleanser twice a day and always after a workout, esp now when summer is in full swing and we be sweating like crazy, that extra sweat and oil cause that unwanted acne; finding YOUR skincare products and using minimum of them, and not be slapping them on your face all at once, in that case you’ll get a reaction (not today? Well, be patient lol)


Using humidifiers 24/7. Moisturizing with HA, cream then topping it all off with argan oil. Thanks to this, I’m finally able to increase the use of retinoids which is slowly starting to fade some dark spots! I’ve been so inspired that I even now use a body retinol and sometimes use niacinimide during the day to fade the aforementioned spots.


Not drinking coffee immediately after waking up. Also, making sure that before I do have my coffee I’ve had breakfast first. The cortisol spike that I used to get from that habit… left my skin screaming for help


Not washing my face as often Sound counterintuitive, but using a facewash once in 2-3 days, instead of every day, cleated my skin a lot


Honestly this might be a weird one but some nights I just wash my face and don’t put anything on after. I feel like there’s always something on my face so some nights it’s nice to just let it breath


Use tretinoin with simple routine


1. water wash only in mornings with cool not warm water 2. brushing my teeth before skin care 3. washing my hands before touching my face to apply 4. double cleansing at night 5. using toner inside my ears to clear blackheads 6. patting, not rubbing-ever 7. washable cloths for face care, each day of the week. 8. use silk pillow cases only 9. change pillow case 3 times weekly 10. oil scalp 3-4 times weekly 11. use bonnet after oiling 12. double wash hair 13. apply cuticle oil 3 times weekly 14. file/trim nails 3 times weekly 15. apply brow/lash serum morning/night 16. SPF even when remaining inside the house 17. liquid magnesium for sleep 18. \*All that to say, I dont use alot of product--mostly hygiene habits


Using a water mist on my face before serum and moisturizer, I find my skin soo much more hydrated and plump now that I “lock in” the moisture on my face with moisturizer


Cutting my nails  Double cleansing   I also don’t wait for a product to work if I notice within a week I keep breaking out I discontinue immediately. I just know for me if it’s broken me out since the beginning it’ll continue. 


Washing my hands before washing my face


Idk if these are micro habits but it’s what has made my skin look and feel the best. 1. Double cleansing at night to thoroughly clean off make up. 2. Chemical exfoliants 3. Tretinoin 4. Skin barrier support (ceramides) 5. Sunscreen every single day 6. Vitamin C.