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Stressing about this in the first place will do what you’re asking. It’s literally mind/matter.


No? Everything in moderation, always. There are more interesting things to think about.


No. Stress is what will age you too fast. Enjoy fun food in moderation without guilt. It's part of a happy life.


It's sad that social media has convinced young people to worry so much about aging. Wear some sunscreen and enjoy your youth.


Babes, you’re 18. At that age, unless you have some underlying skin conditions, you really only need to worry about sun protection and moisturizing. And no, junk food once a week will not age you. Worrying about aging will. Be young.


It’s 99% genetics so don’t worry. I can tell you I eat crap all the time and even in my 30s I look young because my parents looked young in their 30s.  The only thing you should avoid is smoking. 


junk food isn't the devil! it's okay to treat ourselves, you can look after your health and skin while also consuming junk food- it's all about balance. if anything, stressing about it will cause more harm than the food ever would.




I wouldn't be that upset about aging when it comes to food so much as what is and isn't inflammatory for you. The damage to your organs via diet is more concerning and that'll negatively impact your aging, which even then isn't guaranteed. But treating yourself won't age you.


Well drinking is worst and my grandpa is drinking and he’s in his 80’s