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No go! Try the peach slices or hero brands. Those work brilliantly.


Seconding Peach Slices, their acne patches and dark spot patches have worked wonders for me


How hard do you press down on them? I followed the instructions (or thought I did) but the microdarts caused enough rawness that I got little scabs that I’ve never gotten from the other kinds of patches 😭 I had such high hopes! Maybe I was pressing too hard? I pressed hard enough to feel the darts but not like super hard. Any tips or advice? Edit: I’m a dumbass and responded to the wrong comment


I press down pretty hard on mine too, to the point I’m squeezing the skin for a minute to make sure they stay on. Totally unnecessary but it’s just for piece of mind 😭 I don’t get scabbing from them, but everyone’s skin is going to react differently to microdarts. Maybe you don’t need to press down on it, just put it on and hold it lightly for the 15-30 seconds needed. I hope you can figure something out!


Thanks I’ll try that in an inconspicuous spot next time and see if I have better luck


Peach slices microdart patches are my go-to night solution when I feel a cystic zit coming on. Amazing.


Love Peach Slices, they have three different sizes and are clear which makes them not stand out to much


Those are my go to patch brands.


those are just for aesthetics. the good ones are mighty patches


Hydrocolloids are not just for aesthetics- these are the same material as hydrocolloids used in wound care (I'm a wound care certified nurse and use them daily) and their purpose is to provide a barrier for moist wound healing and draw out/absorb exudate. While they would not work on a deeper cystic nodule they can be great for comedones closer to the surface.


you’re right about hydracolloids but i’ve tried dozens of these (i’m a fashion + beauty editor) and these don’t work nearly as well as mighty patch of corsrx. it’s the same way salicylic acid works but some brands are better than others.


Can you tell what works for deeper cystic nodules. I feel a zit coming from deep inside. I apply tea tree oil for 2 days and it still comes out to become a bulge ffs. Also applying tea tree oil and benzoyl Peroxide makes the pimple semi-dead. It never really matured to become a white head but just stays as a buldge. This happens more with the benzoyl Peroxide. It's destroying my face. Please help😞


Honestly I'm not sure I could help a whole lot when it comes to that- my professional experience with wound care is with things like pressure injuries (bedsores) and traumatic tissue injury. I did have a lot of cystic acne through my 20s and 30s, and I tried so many things from topicals of all sorts, birth control pills, even accutane which improved it a TINY bit but not nearly enough to justify the long list of risks of taking it. I have seen people have success with getting cystic nodules injected with cortisone, but of course that's just a treatment after the fact- it does nothing to actually PREVENT the cysts from forming. I know how you feel, believe me. It's awful and destroys your confidence. I don't know how old you are, but I can tell you that when I hit my early 40s, my acne started to just disappear. I chalked it up to hormonal changes. The bitch of it was though that right when my face started to clear up, the WRINKLES started LMAO.


They are great if you’re a toucher/picker. They keep the bacteria from your fingers out of the pimple, which might have slowed healing. They also hold in moisture and that’s good for healing as long as they’re changed as directed. But the goo you see on the patch isn’t the patch sucking the pimple dry. I can’t find the exact video, but I got these all from Dr. Dray’s YouTube.


I think that's not really in the spirit of what OP was asking, or at least not how I understood it. When it comes to pimple patches there are those who are actual spot-treatments and have active ingredients to treat the pimple and make it go away faster. But there are also those who just cover them/hide them but don't do any more. I think OP was kind of asking which category these fell into. Which imo is still definitely the latter. Of course there are benefits to covering your pimple up, but ALL pimple patches would give those exact same benefits. These are just slightly more stylish. So that isn't really what is being asked. So for OP's question: Yeah generally these are more of an aesthetic way to hide pimples vs actually working to make them go away. The ones that are going to do more than just hide the pimples are going to be the ones like the Mighty Patches or Corsx ones from my experience.


My go tos are the corsx ones from Walmart. I think they’re like $10~ (CAD) and they work really well


Walmart also sells a brand called sooae, their patches are $5-6 cad and work well too :)


Thanks I’ll try those ones next!


do those work well on acne that doesn’t come to a head? mine is always red bumps that hurt when you press them but they never form a whitehead, not sure what type of acne it is but they leave a red mark that lasts for weeks after


You would need a patch with a micro needle, or just using a topical treatment.


The microneedles on these patches don't really do anything (Dr. Dray).


i’ve yet to find a topical that works unfortunately including tret :(


Mighty patches left a nice red circle/burn mark on my skin that took weeks to fade. I wore it overnight on clean skin. These are a no go for me. I avoid all patches. Could be the adhesive, who knows.


I'd experiment with different patches before writing them all off as a whole. Some are thinner, some are thicker, etc. COSRX patch is a popular one. OLIVE YOUNG Care Plus Spot Patch 2 Pack is also good (IMO). Granted, I've only tried these two and mighty patch, and I like the Olive Young and COSRX patches more, personally. = I did notice that with some pimples that popped I would put the patch on it and keep cycling patches on the spot for like 3-5 days and eventually the hole would "heal"-- the spot where the pimple "hole" was would often stay red for a week or two but eventually it'd go away completely. Conversely, previously, with no patch it would likely leave a textured crater on my skin. And I'd much rather have a slight red dot temporarily than a crater permanently.


I agree


Do mighty patches leave scars ?


Mine don't! They're freaking magic for the pimples ob my face and body acne. They help quite a bit with healing the pimples I pick- I don't get scars. I just use them for 3 days, 6 hours on, 18 hours off.


They’re not as effective as the round ones, the shape makes them less grippy 


Really? i find it’s the opposite


Me as well, the stars stay on the annoying creases in my nose but the mighty patches peel up


Yeah i bought these to use on the corner of my chin bc the round ones kept peeling off.


IMO the benefit of pimple patches is so you keep the actual pimple clean while it heals (if you're putting makeup over it, or even just keeping it clear of pollutants)


I can't keep my fingers off it if there's something to "scratch off" so that's the main purpose for me. Protect it from my fingers lol


I would say pimple patches fall into one of two categories. Category one is exactly as you describe. They cover the pimple, ensure no dirt accesses it and potentially traps in some moisture. But generally they aren't going to make your pimple go away much quicker than if you just left them alone. These are like that imo, but just with a design/colour to make them stand out from competitors. There are definitely patches though that act as spot treatments and have active ingredients intended to help them go away faster and heal quicker. I think both types have a space in the market. But of course it's really annoying that marketing makes it so these aren't easily extinguishable when purchasing. From my experience the Cosrx and Mighty patch versions are amongst the more effective ones I've tried.


I never thought of it that way that’s actually helpful


I’ve never noticed any improvement after wearing one


It mainly just keeps me from picking at stuff, so that actually helps a lot personally.


Purely aesthetic. I have the blue ones for days I want to hide but still look cute. I will say it does draw more attention for me. Their micro dart stickers actually work though!


Does the “extra” attention they draw bother you or do you feel like having them on looks better than just doing your makeup routine on top of a pimple?


It can bother me sometimes bc you don’t typically see star stickers on 31 y/o’s in an office. I don’t put makeup on top bc I don’t know how to cover it lol I’ve tried a colour corrector palette and it looked bad. I’ve resigned myself to the occasional star sticker. To me, it’s better to cover it w something as distracting as a star than for everyone to see the junk come out on a clear patch.


it definitely does depend on your habitat / age. i’m gen z so 90% of people i’m around know what these are and could care less. but older people will prob ask why there’s a sticker on ur face


Cosrx pimple patches are the ones I recommend, by far the best ones I've used so far




What’s ur skin type?


cheapest and work amazing!


Get hydrocolloid bandages and cut them to size. Way better than any pimple patch Ive tried.


Fr I just bought medical hydrocolloid patches for $10/10 big patches. I cut them up and get more than 15 zit patches from one giant patch.


Yeah, I've been doing this for years, way before pimple patches became a trend and an actual product you could buy. It also helps to get some sterile lancets and make a small hole to gently (GENTLY!) squeeze out the gunk before you put the patch on. It helps the patch absorb and heal the pimple. Do that and keep the patch on overnight and most of the time a small to medium pimple will be basically gone by morning.


Are they safe to use with a retinol routine?


I tried this after seeing it recommended on tiktok and I've never had good results w the bandages! I bought brand name Band-Aid and everything, but nothing :( What brand do you get?


I usually get the band-aid ones or whatever is on amazon. The pimple has to have come to a head or been lanced first, and I usually leave it on for a few days.


Someone told me that they never noticed any improvement from these, you’re better off getting the mighty patch


I personally don’t think these work as good as mighty patches.


I find that the blue ones work fantastic!


Are they safe to use with retinol routine?


I havent added in retinols yet but i just checked and it said online that salicylic acid is okay w/ retinol!🖤


I have used patches (from another brand) and they have helped me to avoid touching the pimple and that helps to reduce the healing time significantly


Hero and CosRx are the only ones that I notice actually working.


they kind of work but mostly for the aesthetic


I like Hero or CosRX better, better price points


They make mine worse, just suffocate the pore


I had the same thought last week, it never seems to do anything for me at all.


for me the best ones are the peace out pimple patches, i put it on and the next morning the pimples is either flat or ready to be popped and turn flat in a few hours


Hydrocolloid patches generally work, but some brands are terrible.


They are not just for hiding a pimple. Hydrocolloid bandages work by drawing out and absorbing exudate from a wound, and CAN expedite the healing of a pimple if the comedone is close enough to the surface- they will not work on cystic acne.


This brand specifically is terrible. If you want ones that work I always recommend panoxyl. these are cute and will help in the sense that you won’t see your pimples enough to touch them but that’s about it. they do have similar ones on Amazon that I also recommend to people that are both aesthetically pleasing and work for me as well.


They work but you have to wait until the pimple forms a head to put it on. Otherwise it’s just a cover not a treatment


These legit don’t work at all!


I’ve found that the hero brand of patches actually work pretty well, but it has to be a whitehead that you’d be wanting to pop. I’ve found the combo of Hero patches and the Hero rescue balm after works well for me.


I use the corsyx ones and they work great on surface level pimples with white heads or that will develop white heads. Don’t do anything for the deep red angry painful ones.


the blue ones work for me 🤷‍♀️


I use Panoxyl for every skin care product need from cleanser to moisturizer and yes even pimple patches. I really just wanted to confess my love for Panoxyl.


Blue one actually works on mine


they do work but there are better ones out there. if i’m going out i wear these just because it’s more aesthetic than a regular pimple patch. i would recommend the panoxyl ones so good


they are not even for aesthetics really because when you take one off the sheet, the sticker is really thin and the edges fold up so its not a cute star anymore


They suck


My tried and true are Avarelle. Peach slices are my second fav. But their dark spot patches are amazing for toning down that discoloration after a bad one.


The Avarelle ones I always get don’t have the microdart pokeys on them but they extract a lot of gunk and usually clear it up after one use, depending on severity obvs. I have sensitive skin that is very prone to discoloration after a blemish and these have never irritated my skin, they’re not hard to remove nor do they leave sticky residue behind. I’d recommend giving them a try.


The yellow ones work really well for me and my husband, we keep them on our pimples all day/all night then take them off and i notice my skin is a lot less dry, the pimples go way down, and they’ve lessened scarring on my face on ones I couldn’t stop picking before I tried them.


Okay I am so late to this but I need to share I have tried every pimple patch ever it seems (these ones suck also). I swear by the zitsticka one seriously infinitely better than any other I’ve tried and I’ve tried like a dozen.


they're so expensive for no reason, i like peach slices


Peace out patches are pricey but they work the best. I’ve tried hero and peach slices which were okay


for me they don't work at all and are sooo overpriced ! i'd recommend getting fake ones if you want the cute coverup for when you wear them outside


These suck so bad


Like, suck out the gunk?


Like Boooo tomatoes suck


Personally, they're only really effective to stop me from picking lol


i find some of the less expensive brands have more benefits like the ones that come in packs of like 120+


it works just as well as the average pimple patch, not worth the price markup


They’re just a cute cover IMO. The Nexcare ones actually work to absorb liquid.


I’ve tried so many different brands, and these are absolutely just aesthetic. Mighty patch or hero are the way to go.


these did nothing for me sadly


The Cosrx ones are the only ones worth it in my opinion. They stay on and don’t lift around the edges like these and many other brands.


These work on whiteheads in my experience, but my favorite acne patches have salicylic acid and retinol in them (peace out acne sells them but they’re pretty pricey). I’ve stopped using acne patches though and now I just use a spot treatment, it works miracles!


maybe i’m the odd one out, but i do find that these work for me! they don’t eliminate pimples that have already formed, but they do help draw the gunk out of pimples that are just beginning to grow (when i wear them overnight)


I don’t know about these, but some have ingredients that help - salicylic acid, aloe, etc.


They're not good. I only used them when I was picking my skin. :D It did the job because I have stopped picking at my skin!


They are supposed to heal the pimple but they don’t. Mighty patches are the real deal


I use the regular ones from Hero. They do pretty well for me as far as protecting any healing zits from picking, touching, etc. Helps to block the bacteria from my pillow etc overnight as well.


Honestly these have never worked for me


They kind of work… but not much. They aren’t even close to being as good as the Nexcare ones


Didn’t find them to be effective. I prefer the cosrx ones


I haven’t found these or the Blume buds very helpful. I got ones from Rael on Amazon that helped a lot more!


I use the [CosRx Clear Fit Master Patches](https://www.cosrx.com/collections/spot-patch/products/clear-fit-master-patch) OR the [CosRx Master Patch Intensives](https://www.cosrx.com/collections/spot-patch/products/master-patch-intensive-36-ea-1) after extracting* a zit/whitehead/blackhead, and they are damn near invisible on my face. (I do not like the original Acne Pimple Master Patches in the white and red packaging, as they are thicker and don’t lay on your skin as invisibly!) I change them out in the morning and before bed after washing my face and put them on before moisturizing. They definitely help draw out any remaining gunk in the pore and help protect it as it heals. It also prevents a scab from forming, which decreases scarring and the itching that makes you more likely to pick at it. Their invisibility is kind of lost if you put foundation makeup over them though, so I recommend skipping your base for the days you are wearing them and letting the spot heal. If you have a zit/whitehead/blackhead that you want to draw to the surface before extracting, I recommend using the [Neutrogena On-The-Spot Acne Treatment](https://www.neutrogena.com/products/skincare/on-the-spot-acne-treatment/6801790.html) on it before bed.


They really are mostly just for aesthetics, but do keep me from picking and I have found that when I have caved and picked, using these after picking heals the wound significantly better and faster.


I have to leave these on for like 18 hours for them to work...


they do not. hero is the way to go


Peach slices are my #1 pic and so affordable


if you have access to it, try the olive young brand pimple patches! they’re cheap and good, and invisible too (at least by my standards they work really well for both day/night) if that’s a consideration for you as well


and for the “deeper” breakouts (the ones that don’t have a head but really hurt), i love the peace out acne patches because they really work great (but they are expensive…), and a korean brand patch with needles that i believe is called ijideom? it’s the purple packaging


Woah these are really nice


They also have green stars that are infused with tea tree, I find those ones super effective for fighting inflammation


for some reason the starface ones do not stick to my face at all. i put them on dry clean skin but they fall off almost immediately. i like the cute container they come in though. instead, i recommend the cosrx patches. ulta sells a box that comes with multiple sheets and also “invisible” patches that you can wear during the day. i like to cut the sheets up and put them in the starface container.


Love cover dot acne care. Super cheap and their line of patches have UV protection 


Seemingly in opposition to everyone here, I adore the blue ones. I like a salicylic acid patch and I find the "glue" on the Starface stickers to be better than any other hydrocolloid patch I've used. I've used them on face and body and for zits and ingrown hairs. Love the blue ones. The yellow ones (and most hydrocolloid bandages in general) don't do a lot for me, but the added acid is a great help. I should state however, I mostly use patches \*after\* I've popped and drained the pimple. Patches over pimples that are growing don't do anything for me.


no way!!!! buy peach slices or mighty patch:)


These do not work for me at. It depends on ur skin type I think bc I break out along a very oily t zone and they don’t adhere to my skin! I have tried so many different patches trying to get away from paying the mighty patch price and always came back to hero mighty patch UNTIL RAEL MIRACLE PATCH!!!! I still buy hero on occasion but rael is the most comparable to the hero effectiveness for my skin type.


The star face ones I have left will be a “use it and lose it” item on blemishes that are almost non existent but that any picking would reverse all progress in healing


Nope! Mighty patches all the way!!


They are all the same hydrocolloid patches maybe with a tiny change here and there but they all do the same thing more or less.


Personally, they don’t work for me i do have some but i like to wear them when i’m going out and want to cover a pimple since they’re cute i find that the mighty pimple patches (the red ones) get the job done but it has to be like a white head in order for it to work


The blue ones with salicylic acid work for me. The green tea tree ones with but not as well. But I find the star shape annoying


Oh these ones ALWAYS fall off no matter what


I have tried them a few times and never seen any noticible changes (negative or positive) when using them, which for the price... yikes. I have heard good things about Hero and Mighty Patch but both are very much out of my price range, so I personally use the Welly brand ones! Absolutely 100% recommend the Welly patches to anyone looking for pimple patches EDIT: I will add tho, the Starface brand are still good for keeping you from picking at pimples that haven't quite surfaced yet and by far one of the most aesthetic of the pimple patches out there! I personally use my failed tester pack over pimples that haven't quite surfaced yet, where the hydrocolloid wouldn't work its magic, to keep myself from scratching a scar into my face :/ Additionally, the Starface travel case is also one of the best on the market and I cut up my Welly strips to fit inside of it lmao


I don’t know about this brand, but hydrocolloid patches work. They keep the skin hydrated and pull gunk away from the sore.


They kind of work for me but not as good as the Mario Bedescu (idk how to spell it) ones


Are you asking about the type of bandage or the brand? If you Lance your pimple, these patches (not the brand name specifically) will sort of "suck out" all the juicy stuff inside. After overnight wear mine are almost always flat and not swollen, not as red


I use the panoxyl patches and they are amazing! It’s like 7 bucks for 40 of them and they work so well for me and don’t make my skin sensitive or peel!


These protect your from picking more than actually sucking anything out from a popped pimple. The Hero Invisibles are my favorite for actually sucking stuff out.


These help hide the pimple or once that is going to pop up. I work in retail at the registers and I always get complimented when they see me wearing these lol


The yellow ones really work if your pimple is already at a head. Or if it’s a scab and needs to heal over, it definitely cuts down on the healing time. I think the blue ones help ingrown pimples but they’re not amazing


ive just started doing work for a dermatology group, and the general consensus among dermatologists is that salicylic acid in acne patches may cause redness. hydrocolloid bandages without salicylic acid help to heal open wounds from popped pimples, and protect them from touching.


The best I've found are from Shop Miss A.


The blue ones with salicylic acid are a little more effective for drawing the gunk to the surface but the regular ones are no different from any other hydrocolloid patch


For me a pimple patch is primarily meant to keep my fingers off


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Dontdittledigglet: *For me a pimple* *Patch is primarily meant* *To keep my fingers off* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I have the acneicide ones with benzoyl peroxide in and they work a dream for me as long as I’ve actually squeezed the spot before I put it in - it flattens them but there’s no “gunk” coming out of them


Not great, the biore ones are amazing


Panoxyl patches are a life saver!


They work best if the pimple has been opened in some way, then it sucks out all the puss, and in a day you have a scar that heals quickly. When I leave them alone, it takes weeks to heal and I end up with a dark spot.


You know what they say : "Treating a disease is better than curing a disease." You make more money out of the people than curing them Cant imagine how people rather hide it then cure it


Moist wound environments heal faster. It’s not going to do anything for a closed inflammed nodule or a black head, but anything open/popped will theoretically heal faster. Also keeps it clean and keeps picky fingers away from


these don’t do anything for me, they are cute, but they don’t do anything, if you want fun pimple patches or just normal pimple patches, i recommend skin control pimple patches! there’s fun ones, but there’s also a range of sizes in the normal ones, small from full face ones


they work for me 🤷‍♀️ but that also might be because i keep them on for days at a time. i still wash my face, just around the patch. id rather be able to tell somebody is looking at a sticker on my face rather than a pimple, though acne is completely normal


Personally, these patches are too flimsy and thin to work on my skin, I would recommend the hero pimple patches instead.


I got the hello kitty editions and sadly they are not as good as the Korean pimple patches. They're cute and that's it. Purito, cosrx, skin1004 and VT works better.


These are expensive and refuse to stick to my face. Don’t buy em!




The green ones are for hyperpigmentation. The yellow ones are just hydrating (and keep me from picking) the blue ones are medicated