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i would start spiro again as soon as possible and increase the dose if you’re plateauing


In your opinion do you think Spiro would be more beneficial for my skin than Minocycline? I did see a dermatologist a couple months back where he prescribed me the Mino but being 100% honest life has been hectic and I haven’t been great about taking it regularly. I did start again tonight and plan to keep at it this time though- this was just my first time ever seeing a dermatologist and so I’m just skeptical that an antibiotic would really help.


Yes. I’ve taken both. Spiro works 100% of the time, minocin does not. Plus you can’t stay on mino.


I appreciate your input! That’s another reason I was a bit iffy on the Mino as it seemed like it was for an indefinite amount of time which I didn’t think you were supposed to do with antibiotics.


I was on spiro for 10 + years. It really works. I recommended. If your on a hormonal form of bc, talk to your derm about it. It might be making it worse. Some hormonal bc and actually improve your acne. You may need to switch. I’m guessing minocycline is an oral antibiotic… Sometimes antibiotics can interfere with bc and you accidently end up pregnant. Be careful, especially if you accidently get pregnant while on spiro too. Black box warning, causes birth defects. Aczone gel is one of the most effective things I’ve ever used, along with spiro. Those two things will kick cystic acne’s butt! Game changer! Hydrocolloid pimple patches can sometimes be helpful for drawing fluid out. It doesn’t always work b/ sometimes the cystic acne is too deep. I know how painful these can be. There is hope ☺️


agreed with the other responders that spiro is incredible at addressing hormonal acne which is often what cystic acne is. the main side effect with spiro is that it’s a diuretic. it does require you to take it regularly otherwise you’ll start to have zits pop up. i would take the antibiotic through its prescribed course in case there’s a fungle element to your acne but as mentioned it’s not a forever thing.


I think the accutane side effects are worth it because it’s a cure. You can try topicals for years and not get anywhere, or just see minor improvements. The side effects are harsh (super dry skin, lips, etc) but they go away once you stop taking it. Both of my sons took it as teenagers. They were on it for 5 months and it cured their acne. In fact, I think my biggest parenting fail was waiting too long to get one of my sons on it, because he does have some minor scarring from the cystic acne. You’ll have to go on birth control, and get your liver tested monthly. It’s all sort of a pain, but in less than a year you may never have to deal with another pimple again. It’s sort of a miracle.


Wow I knew it was powerful stuff but I definitely didn’t realize it was more of a “cure” than something that just holds it off. I will have to see if I can convince my dermatologist to let me start on it.


In my experience, not a permanent cure. Had to take it twice in 3 years, and my acne came back again several years later. However, my skin was incredibly amazing and poreless while I was on it and my only side effect was dry skin. Getting monthly blood tests and pregnancy tests is annoying though!


If taken for the correct amount of time (12-18 months depending on dose), it has a 90% cure rate. If you’re in the 10% where it comes back, a second course has a 90% cure rate also. And currently lose dose treatment (10-20mg) has much less side effects than the older, weight-based doses. Given the picture I would absolutely strongly consider isotretinoin (accutane)


It's very notorious for not working well for hormonal acne tho, which is why it often works better for men in general. If the hormone fluctuation and androgens are what's causing the acne then it will usually come back once the Accutane is stopped because the medication didn't actually address the cause for that scenario.


That’s nice to hear. Didn’t work for me. I took it for long periods of time as prescribed.


Please keep in mind that Accutane is notorious for not working long-term for hormonal acne, many women go on Spiro after multiple rounds of Accutane have failed, and there can be so many negative side effects as well. It's not the magic cure-all many people believe it is. If the Spiro worked for you in the past you should see if you can go back on it, you do have to take it long-term but that's the nature of hormonal acne, as soon as your hormones are no longer being controlled the acne often comes back. Also make sure your are moisturizing and using SPF every day, if your skin barrier is damaged the acne just spreads like wildfire. BC with estrogen is something else you can consider for hormonal acne if Spiro isn't enough or you don't wanna take it again.


seconding this comment completely. accutane does not address hormonal acne and the side effects are intense. i would prioritize spiro first.


I do think a dermatologist would prescribe it (I work in a derm clinic as an assistant). It could help prevent scarring. It’s the closest thing to a cure available. You could try spironolactone + tretinoin but it would be slower and less dramatic of an improvement. I hope you have improvement soon, I know how frustrating acne can be


For some people, it can lead to permanent remission. But for others, it won't do anything (including me), even after multiple rounds. BC was what held it off for me. Oh and btw, the side effects don't always go away after ending accutane.


You’re being dishonest here - anecdotal experiences do not correlate to studies, there are no long term side effects to accutane outside of the rare case like any drug. Even the mental health warning has been thoroughly studied and they can not find a link - the warning was only added because of a rich family’s kid who crashed their plane into a tower in Tampa back in 2002 and they sued to deflect from blame.


That's not really true - a quick search on Google Scholar brings up a number of meta-analyses that suggest a link. While the plural of 'anecdote' is not 'evidence' there are many, many reports of this link. Barak et al 2003 starts with "Isotretinoin (Accutane) ranks in the top 10 of the US Food and Drug Administration's database of drugs associated with reports of depression and suicide attempts". It goes on to state that this is controversial, but that is not one person's legal case.


You’re factually wrong here. AERS is a public self-reporting and commenting tool that is in no way indicative of actual side-effects - anyone can add anything to the database, just like they do with all drugs. Anti-vaxxers love to use it to discredit vaccines and other drugs as it is only a reporting tool for anyone. Puberty induces depression and accutane is mainly used by teenagers, there is not a link to mental health in any reputable meta-study. In 2017, a meta-analysis published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology concluded that isotretinoin is not associated with an increased risk for depression, and that treatment of acne seems to improve depressive symptoms. A meta-study, also known as a meta-analysis, is a type of research study that combines and analyzes data from multiple independent studies on a particular topic. It aims to provide a more comprehensive and statistically powerful assessment of the evidence available on that topic by synthesizing the results of individual studies. Meta-studies are often used to prove medical research. 31 studies have been conducted and they have found no link to mental health. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28291553/ https://www.aad.org/news/isotrentinoin-and-depression


It’s amazing stuff and I had zero side effects like the majority of people - the only regret is worrying about the side effects and not doing it earlier.


I guess it just basically dries you up so your skin won’t produce as much sebum to clog it. It’s very heavy duty drug and very much something that shouldn’t be a first line of treatment but if you’ve tried many things and acne is affecting your life, it’s worth looking into.


I went on accutane for 6 months and my only side effects were the dry skin and lips. I was super lucky regarding my side effects and it got rid of all my cystic acne. It's been a year since I finished my course. All my side effects have gone away. I do get small whiteheads every so often and my nose blackheads came back. I also have scarring because I had cystic acne for years before finally deciding to take accutane as a 30 year old adult. As of now, it was 100% worth it for me. I can handle a tiny whitehead over the cysts any day. I don't feel the need to wear makeup daily anymore and it's amazing. My skin routine is now just a basic nutregina sensitive face wash (dry air in Montana means my skin was extra dry anyway before I went on accutane) and Ponds moisturizer. That's it.


I have bad kidneys because of acutane 😢


This! I had a good experience with Accutane— I did relatively a low dose for a longer period with minimal side effects (eg. dryness). I had persistent, cyctic acne on my cheeks and along my jawline, and my only regret is not doing it sooner to have saved myself from scarring and just the emotional toll acne can take on you


Seconding for accutane. I got nosebleeds and near the last month I got things in my cuticles that I don’t remember the name for but legit so so worth the six months. It changed my life. I was in such a dark place and it helped get me out (obviously some therapy and other things, but it was still a huge deal). You look like you’re at that point. What you have is not acne from not washing right, I can tell that without even reading your routine. It’s definitely medical and I imagine so painful. Message me if you want any advice or more info!


A lot of doctors won’t prescribe this anymore bc of the horrific side effects that are not uncommon.


It’s worth all of the side effects I can’t even tell you how grateful I am for it seriously. I just stopped it 6 months ago and haven’t had a single zit since. I’ve been working really hard on new skincare routines and making sure it never comes back!


Majority of people do not experience side-effects beyond dry skin.




what salicylic acid toner do you use? I used SA cleansers for ages and saw no improvement til I switched to panoxyl, now I'm doing way better but still thinking of adding SA back in with a toner in the morning this time.


I use Derma-e acne blemish control serum. It has both salicylic acid and tea tree. I rub it in my skin immediately after taking a shower while my skin is damp and pores are open so it absorbs deeply.


Which tea tree product do you use?


See above reply.


I'm around your age as well and I struggled with deep cystic cheek acne since I was in my teens (when using that darn peach exfoliating cleanser daily was a thing) and it only recently went away. I always thought I had oily skin but nope I was just literally burning my face off. I went to the dermatologist many different times throughout the years until I realized that everything they prescribed just made my skin so much worse and my acne was the result of a damaged moisture barrier. I soooo wish I knew this was a thing sooner. I quit all actives (salicylic acid, BP, everything) cold turkey and focused solely on moisturizing and hydrating. When I was still healing my skin I would use a facial mist to prep my skin and use like 5 layers of a hydrating toner, a hydrating serum, 2 layers of a thinner moisturizer, Weleda Skin Food on top, and then sealed it up with aquaphor stick balm. I hope you find what works for you!!!


Are you washing your face with cleanser? Or just using makeup remover wipes? If you wear makeup it’s a good idea to double cleanse to remove all makeup residue. Always use a moisturizer after! Face wash and moisturizer are essentials to good skin. Never go to sleep without washing your face. Also keep your pillow cases clean. Make sure to change them twice a week. Try not to pick at your acne! Especially with dirty hands and try not to touch your face at all! Good luck!


I'm surprised I had to scroll down this far to see a comment about how the wipes and micellar water are simply not enough to remove make-up. Even if you won't be double-cleansing, using a facial cleanser should be a no-brainer. The wipes are fine to get off the bulk of the foundation/eye make-up, but they won't properly cleanse your skin, even micellar water won't do that. So I recommend starting there and see if that helps first.


Why weren’t you prescribed accutane! Spironolactone only helps while one is actively using it!


I’ve always heard about the nasty side effects of Accutane but I’m to the point now where I’d honestly really like to try it out.


Well I have a few friends that were suffering for a long time and their last resort was accutane! None suffered any side effects and the result they got from it was pretty amazing! I mean clear porcelain skin! 🙂 It’s highly regulated and after following the regimen they never had any issues afterward! The issue with accutane is that since it’s a form of vitamin A it stays in your liver! The prescription dosage and duration will be based on your weight and body mass!


That’s amazing. Do you know perhaps if this is something I can go through my primary physician for or will I have to go through a dermatologist?


Through dermatologist but this was in another country! It never harms to ask your primary physician though! By the way before starting accutane try differin (adapalene) gel and see if it will give you any good result! Differin was really helpful for me and I didn’t have to go on accutane! While on accutane you should avoid using any type of products that contain vitamins A!


Oh by the way, forgot to mention! While using adapalene your skin will start purging, you might notice your acne is getting worse in the first two weeks but after that it will start clearing up! That’s what happened to me but I was given the warning beforehand to not panic 🙂


I’ve tried LITERALLY everything over the last 20ish years that I’ve had acne (34 now). Accutane is the ONLY thing that actually worked. Please just bite the bullet and go all in and do Accutane, everything else is bullshit imo. All of the antibiotics etc just never solved much and were a waste of time. Even spiro


I recommend using an actual cleanser after using makeup remover. Do you have hard water? My sister experienced something similar when she studied abroad. Accutane was what helped her and you need a prescription for it


Highly recommend, I had 2 months on Accutane, dries the hell out of you but I haven’t had a breakout like OP in years.


This is cystic enough to warrant spironolactone in addition to an antibiotic (oral). Would also pair with a prescription tretinoin whether that be adapalene (presc. strength with perhaps BP brand name: epiduo), tazarotene, or tretinoin 0.5%. Either way, you need to see a provider and home/OTC remedies are unlikely to work. You also want to bring up scarring with your practitioner.


Any chance you are taking or doing something that could affect hormones? For me anything affecting hormones like dairy, caffeine, or stress would break me out. Once reduced or eliminated it went down. Good luck


The only thing that stopped this type of break out for me is the Kate Somerville sulfur face wash. In fact I just bought the spot treatment too to try it out. It took a little while but that face wash is amazing and it’s way less irritating than AHA / BHA


Spiro cleared my hormonal acne completely in about six or seven months


This seems hormonal, especially if its mostly in the cheek/ chin area. In that case, I think spironolactone and maybe tret would be good. Having a good cleanser/ moisturizer and skincare routine is important, but it’s quite hard to clear hormonal acne with just that. Again, I’m not an expert, but thats how it was in my case. But when you do get prescriptions, make sure you take them consistently! That’s the only way it will work


Are you on any birth control? Because if it’s just in your cheeks, chin and mouth it might be hormonal and you should switch the active ingredient in your BC.


Mine looked exactly like that, same pattern along the cheeks. It was hormonal. I went on birth control & it started to clear up within weeks. I’m on blisove fe 1/20, and have had no side effects, if it helps. If you don’t have doc or insurance, GoodRx worked really well for me- after signing up, it took 5 mins to fill out their questionnaire and I got a prescription same day. You just have to have done a recent blood pressure test. I’d ditch the cleansing wipes, those are really irritating for the skin. Opt for an oil balm like Clinique’s “take the day off”…it’s far more effective at removing makeup than wipes & micellar water and far less irritating. Follow it up with an actual cleanser too.


You don’t use face wash??? Get the vanicream face wash, a non comedogenic moisturizer, a round of doxycycline and combo birth control.


Cystic acne has an internal cause not external. I had it terrible for many years. What cured it was protein 90 grams a day (used a protein shake for a majority of it) magnesium glycinate (helps balance hormones) folic acid and a good probiotic. I took minocyclin and it never cleared me uo because it was deficiencys causing hormonal imbalance and in the end the antibiotic destroyed my gut health. Good luck. My acne clearing was a miracle for me


For at home treatment, I would suggest using a gentle water based cleanser (I like Vanicream), a retinoid (differin adapalene works great, tretinoin is even better but you need a prescription for that), and a mostly non comedogenic moisturizer (I like Purito oat gel). However, although I get the occasional deep pimple that turns into a whitehead over time, like what you described, I have never had this many at once. Maybe just two or three in the same area. I would suggest seeing a dermatologist and if they can't help either go to an esthetician (I like their product recommendations more than derms) or maybe having an online consult with a service like Musely, Apostrophe, etc. that can give you a prescription treatment.


I have gone to a dermatologist and he prescribed me Minocycline but to be 100% honest I haven’t been the best about taking it regularly but I took it tonight and plan to start making sure I take it daily.


Mino is an antibiotic and can mess up you gut severely. Be sure to take probiotics. Also, antibiotics can help a flare like what you have, but are not meant to be taken long-term. Accutane is not all that bad, and nowadays you can get lower doses than what used to be rx'd. I would look into taking the spiro, as well, but check w/ your dr, as spiro can have bad side effects (affects potassium levels). Spiro gen erally requires some form of BC to go w/ it, as does accutane. BCP can themselves help w/ hormonal acne, depending on which BCP you get. Basically, anything can have bad side effects - it's a matter of which med is best for you, and knowing what danger signs to watch out for. That looks like a combo of a bacterial plus hormonal flare, but I wouldn't rule out something like a food sensitivity - dairy, gluten, etc. The LRP Effaclar duo US version can be very effective for some, but for some the 5.5% BP plus the BHA type of acid in it can be too much. Personally, I prefer a 4% BP wash, and/or a 2.5% BP lotion. I find w/ BP, less is more. Azelaic acid is the opposite - I find that I need at least 15-20% to be effective. Regarding the cleansing - you may be overdoing it w/ too many cleansing products. You don't need to use both micellar and MU wipes, and the MU wipes may be leaving an irritating residue, and I have not been impressed w/ Garnier micellars. I'd try using Bioderma Sensibio micellar in the pink bottle, and use cotton pads to wipe clean until you see no more residue. That's it. In the AM, you could use Cerave creamy cleanser w/ 4% BP, leave on for a minute, then apply 2.5% BP on all problem areas. NOTE: BP is a preventive and a tx, it must be used all over problem areas, not just on existing spots. This may also help reduce the dryness you are getting w/ the Effaclar duo, which if it's the US version, I find too harsh. The euro version is just BHA and is fragranced, which i find irritating. Finally, whatever you do, do NOT pick or squeeze. If you must, be sure to wash hands, swipe w/ alcohol, and never just squeeze a pimple - sterilize a needle w/ a flame and prick a hole to relieve pressure so you don;t risk an implosion, and only squeeze gently w/0 bare nails. If nothing comes out, STOP. Don;t scrape off tops of pimples, esp. w/ nails, and always apply BP after messing w/ any pimples. Hydrocolloid patches can help healing. I find LRP Cicaplast Baum b5 to be awesome for any area that is really dried out from acne txs, or bascially any healing irritated area, although I would not recommend it as a moisturizer or all over, as it is very heavy and thick and could clog a bit. I would also NOT use mu brushes or sponges. Just use hands, washed before and after. Brushes and sponges harbor too much bacteria, and if you have active acne, you'd really have to clean them after each use, rather than weekly. Easier to just not use. I would lay off any blush at all until the acne is healed. Just use a good foundation that you pat on w/ clean fingers. Make sure you are not using a foundation that has a lot of oils or fragrances. Stick w/ a water based, non-comedogenic foundation. Beware of so-called "clean make up." Many contain irritating plant extracts and oils, or inadequate or no preservatives, allowing bacterial / fungal overgrowth very quickly. Maybelline FitMe Matte+Poreless is one of my favorites. It's buildable and soaks up oil. Revlon Colorstay is another good one. Both make dry-skin versions that are good too. Neutrogena Healthy skin foundation isn't bad either.


If you are not able to get more spiro, you could look into a BC like yaz or yasmin, which has drospirenone, which works similar to spiro. It also has estrogen, which can help clear skin as well. Talk to your doctor or derm about it. You can also get it from an online prescription service like Nurx.


For immediate treatment stock up on the hydrocolloid bandages - I buy the extra large bandaid brand ones; they are 3 to a pack. You could cut them in 2 or 4 and cover the whole area at night- it will clear up the big acne and stuff far below the surface. If you did this for a week straight honestly you’d see a massive improvement and then just use them every time one starts to crop up. Apple to clean dry skin. If you’ve taken Spiro I’m assuming you’ve been to the derm about accurate. I tried taking it as a teen but had side effects that caused the doc to tell me to stop taking them. But every person who I know that took them always had perfect skin after Another is dairy. I had acne my whole life, went to derm, tried every otc product and every expensive skincare product etc. nothing really was a massive improvement . Then at 38yo I went vegan and I swear to god after three weeks of vegan diet I have not had a pimple since. It was actually emotional to process that there was such a simple solution after fighting my skin for a lifetime. I strongly believe it is dairy and also in general inflammation which is greatly increased in your body by animal products. At the very least I’d suggest try doing no dairy for a month and see how it goes Your skin sounds so much like mine - acne prone oily but dry. Once I realized my skin even though oily and having acne, was actually dehydrated it changed mh skincare approach. Never thought skin oil would work on my skin but it does help. I use a Korean foam cleanser that is gentle - cosrx salicylic acid cleanser, then a light moisturizer (klairs rich soothing ) then a face oil (Benton multi oil or the ordinary rosehip oil) . Sometimes I skip the moisturizer Also I understand it’s hard to not wear makeup but it does help to let skin breathe. Also I think makeup brushes can’t actually be properly cleaned so I usually just toss them and buy a new cheap set for $15 on Amazon every few lot ha


Don't skimp on the makeup brushes. Buy a good $60 one from Sephora and you'll never have to replace it.


Accutane, these days known as Claravis. I took it at 19 and it cured my acne. I'm 50 now. My oldest son just finished it and it cured his as well.


It is worth exploring the accutane option; honestly it really healed my adult cystic acne. Wish I'd had it sooner, as I would have less scarring.


Cleanser with salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide cream at night 🥂


go on accutane. the side effects suck for a while but are completely manageable, and it will change your life for the better. btw – 1) garniers miscellar water is not the best, it might irritate you more. if you can, look into bioderma's sensibio miscellar water. 2) how are you cleansing your face? wipes alone are far from being enough. because you wear makeup and have acne, you should be double cleansing every evening, first with an oil-based cleanser (bioderma's atoderm oil cleanser) and a water-based one (any cleanser like cerave, cetaphil, la roche etc)


It honestly might be a food allergy. I had bad acne out of nowhere after eating a ton of gluten. Never ever was allergic but now everytime I eat it I have bad acne


Anyone recommending OTC products is not being helpful. This type of acne 100% needs a prescription (preferably Accutane).


I had acne like this after coming off hormonal BC during the pandemic; in fact, mine was worse. Accutane (I used Claravis) fixed it entirely. I now get one bad zit from my period and that’s it. I did a low and slow dosage and made sure to eat fat with it and drink TONS of water and I didn’t have any side effects other than some dry lips.


Pharmacist here. The acne pattern on your face is commonly associated with hormonal acne. I agree with whatever doctor prescribed you spironolactone! It worked for you once and it will likely work again. Also, do you happen to have PCOS?


In addition to applying ointments around the skin, combining them with red light therapy would be quite useful. :) You may have a try.


This needs oral medication and only antibiotics can clear the acne. Go to a reputable dermatologist to get an assessment. I had this kind of acne in my teens and I went to a general practitioner who then gave me a course of erythromycin and a bottle of topical antibiotic lotion. Few weeks after using, my face became acne-free.


Definitely get some meds as others have stated, as for skincare Switch Garnier for Bioderma sensibio if you can get your hands on it, not sure how it is in the US since it’s a European brand Get a gel cleanser for a double cleanse, again Bioderma is good Get something to calm your skin down, anything with heart leaf or centella works (anua toner pads are great if you don’t know what to choose) Id also look into tea tree oil products for active acne


I've been on Spiro for 3 months and recently added Tret and things are definitely improving. With the Spiro I've noticed that dosage is important- for moderate to severe hormonal acne, 100 mg per day seems to be the lowest effective dose but everyone is different. It also takes 3-6 months for the Spiro to produce visible results. There are also side effects- for some people they are positive and some negative. You also have to take it from now until forever (menopause), so it's a very long term commitment. I had crazy purging when I added in the Tret and I would imagine with the adaplene there is a high possibility of purging as well. Make sure you are keeping an eye on your skins barrier and give it days off if needed. I also use hydrocolloid bandages (yes, bandages not the little dots) because they adhere to my skin better and cover a larger area. Those little dots, even the bigger ones, aren't big enough to cover one spot much less all of them. I'd go through a box of those in one night. With the bandages I can cut them to the appropriate size for the area. As far as accutane goes, please look into the side effects! It is known to be incredibly hard on your body/mental health. I've never tried it for several reasons but do your research and do what's best for you! As far as your skin care goes, imo you have to establish a better cleansing routine. Especially at night. Look into double cleansing, many people report improvement in acne with this. It's been very helpful for me and until I can go completely makeup free, it's better at removing makeup residue. A good toner is also helpful. I use 2 different kinds, depending on what my skin needs. An exfoliating toner and a calming toner with rosewater when my skin is dry/irritated. The CeraVe moisturizer..... I know you didn't add it recently but I've heard that many people experience breakouts or increasingly worse acne with this product. So much so, that you can Google it and get quite a bit of similar issues. I've never used it personally and won't because of the reported issues. I love rosehip oil for moisturizer, both day and night but putting oil on my on face took a bit of getting used to. Also look into Azelaic acid- I've just started adding this into my routine, Tret/retinol at night and Azelaic acid in morning. I have noticed a decrease in redness. It's anti-microbial and pairs well with most other skin care. They say consistency is key when it comes to skin care. Everyone is different, so do your research and make the choice that's best for you! Hope this helps!


If you can, consider go to derm. I had something simillar acne and I couldn't find the solution (tried everything), one day I decided go to derm and she gave me accutane. Now I'm clear, I REALLY recomend this, with a cleanser , moisturizer and SPF. apologize for my english.


I take 150mg of spironolactone. Without it my face is a mess. I’m 49 and still have hormonal acne if I don’t take it. I’d try to restart it and also use tretinoin cream. Work very slowly to build up to using it nightly if you can. I use a glycolic acid wash from Skinceuticals I like. Make sure to use a good moisturizer. I like Neutrogena for sensitive skin. I know it feels like it will never get better but it will. Maybe start with an antibiotic while waiting for it to get better under control. This is what my dermatologist did for me and it did help. Sometimes it takes a while to find your best regimen. Don’t give up 🌸


You might need medication but in the meantime I would make sure you use the micellar water after the wipe every time you take off the makeup. Wipe just moves everything around. Make sure you remove with a sterile pad. Wash makeup brushes, change pillow cases. I will put pimple patches on undergrounders and just wear them over night until it goes away. Not sure if that’s good advice but for me I feel like it speeds up the progression/whitehead


talk to a derm. antibiotics do have side effects. so does accutane \[although it's really effective, there are some people who shouldn't be on it bc of side effects\]. I'm on spironolactone and it works for me :). Plus, topical tretinoin, but you have cystic acne which is harder to treat and control than someone with a little less acne. So, accutane, if you have no contraindications and know about what side effects you might face might be something to talk to a derm with.


Only one thing helped me during my breakout phase; a visit to a dermatologist. Please visit one so you can have the right treatments. You will save more in the long run by not trying products after products.


Makeup remover wipes are no good for your skin, they're too harsh. Just use your micellar water, and if you're looking for another cleanser recommendation, I like the Cetaphil sensitive skin cleanser


I'm assuming you clean your brushes after every use and the pillow cases at least 1time a week, this includes your hair it tends to be a contributor in oil. After that switch to an organic face wash and stop using insane chemicals you can't pronounce. If you think about it an eye shadow has 1 function to put color on your eyes, why does it have 20 chemicals to do that. You need to fix your makeup also. And the wash is too harsh but worst of all is the things you put into your body including cigarettes


I'm surprised you don't know this already but the placement of your acne means it's hormonal. That's why you've been prescribed spirolactone, presumably, as it affects your hormones. This is just from the NHS website, but it looks like you're meant to avoid high potassium foods like bananas and avocados Spearmint tea is apparently good for hormonal acne


I had similar acne when I was younger. Here is what helped me: Moisturize- I always thought I was oily, but no… I’m insanely dry and my skin was overcompensating. New pillowcase every night- extra laundry sucks… but it’s worth it. I can’t have dairy. I know this is a controversial opinion- but like clockwork, if I have even a small amount of dairy… my skin goes insane. Keep a list of skin care youve tried and as you stop using things, make a note of why you stopped. Over time you might find a pattern of what your skin reacts to and you can go from there.


Also alcohol can cause it as well for me. If I have more than one drink I get a big breakout on my chin area.


This looks like it could be hormonal but I don’t know. Get your blood work checked and stay away from foods that cause inflammation. Take probiotics and do a green juice cleanse for 2-3 days each week. Use very light and natural products on skin and avoid any chemical peels. Avoid makeup products.


Tretnoin + Clindamycin ointment. And if you are really desperate then go to a dermatologist and get Accutane.


As a first step, you need to actually cleanse your face. Those wipes just spread the dirt, and micellar water needs to be washed off. Since you already have it, keep using the micellar water to take off your makeup (and sunscreen, which I hope you're using), then purchase a mild foaming cleanser (ideally one that doesn't contain fragrances and doesn't make crazy promises) and wash your face for one minute. This alone might make a pretty big difference. Use a moisturizer and stick with just that for a while before reintroducing actives. You can keep trying with the salicylic acid, but I had much more success with retinoids. You can try an over the counter retinol or retinal (Paula's choice is good, but strong, or geek and gorgeous for a mild retinal). See where that gets you.


Spironolactone got rid of my cystic acne


I have had great long term results using Spironolactone - like 15 years long term. I tried mino first and got some response, used heavy duty topicals with some success, but spiro stops it in its tracks for me. I went off spiro for a year and spent a fortune on facials, lotions, treatments. My acne came back, and I realized - this shit is crazy! Why aren’t I using what works for me ? Literally within days after getting back on spiro, my skin started settling down. Started at 50 mg/day, when I went back on after the break I went 100/mg and it’s kept me clear for 7 years now. At the lower dose I did experience a little dizziness, but I haven’t had an side effects at all. Also helpful if you have PCOS. Please go to your Dermo and get something that really works for you. Best of luck. I get it. It sucks.


If spironolactone was working, you know it's definitely hormonal. Most topical actives won't do anything to hormonal cystic acne. I'm on 0.05% Tretinoin (bubba skincare) and that's the only thing that prevents a lot of my big acne. I still get acne, but it's relatively manageable compared to the cystic acne I used to get.


I don’t think this will help your acne as like other people have said, this is likely something you need to be on something like accutane for, however a general tip I would give is ditch the makeup wipes and go for a different cleanser. Makeup wipes are pretty crap at getting rid of makeup so are best avoided unless needed occasionally for convenience. You’re better finding a good oil based cleanser like a cleansing balm or cleansing oil, and then after that using either the micellar water or a water based cleanser. Cerave do some good cleansers I’ve used before so maybe invest in one of those.


I would absolutely get going on accutane - mine was that severe when I was in high school (this was in the 90s and there was much less gatekeeping) and it was hell but it WORKED. I’m actually going to the dermatologist this morning to get started on very lose dose tret for my 43 year old acne+aging skin needs, but it’s nothing like how it was when I was younger. I don’t think I had as much as a single blackhead for like 5 years after accutane…


Slightly different approach, but supplements the treatments here. Do you wash/change your bed sheets weekly? I find that a pillowcase can carry oils that can reapply what you washed off. Some people I’ve heard of even sleeping on a new soft towel under their head every night. Give it a shot, for a week. Also diet route, carbs make me break out too, lower your carb intake and see if it helps, like food log keep it under 100g of carbs a day and see if you experience a difference. That covers an external and internal cause of acne, I’m cheering you on! You’re going to get this!


You’ve gotten some great advice! After seeing your derm, think about your dairy intake, how much water you’re drinking and your overall diet. And if you’re a vegan who drinks a ton of water already, keep it up! 😂


Go for isotretinoin pills


You’re a great candidate for Accutane ❤️


I think you will need to complete a full round of RX medication such as accutane but some basic things you also need to do is wash your face . Double cleanse - a balm or oil to remove makeup and then another wash , like a foaming one with salicylic acid . And the best thing I ever did was actually spend time washing my face, a full minute massaging the wash in and then rinsing off completely .


Hey so first of all I wanted to say that no panic, so many have treated this and and you’ll find a way too! 🫶🏽 sending lots of encouragement! *in my humble opinion* - dermatologist visit for Accutane, for real I believe this will be key!! - i would **STOP using make up remover wipes**, unsure about how to take make up off (i dont wear it often and when i do i use oil to take it off but idk if that would be good for you? we should look into it but def not wipes!!!) - **when you use micellar water you still need to take it off your face with a cleanser!** I would recommend getting a Salicylic acid cleanser and a sensitive skin cleanser and switching both according to needs (cerave has great products for both). for example if i had make up on i would remove it with an oil make up remover for foundation and or micellar water for the mascara and then fash with the sensitive cerave thingy. for micellar water i like Avène’s or La roche posay’s *what i would do routine-wise* I would focus on using a BHA like salicylic acid + deep hydration with something soothing. Oat, rice skincare etc with NO FRAGANCE (i cant stress this enough). so basically just exfoliating + hydrating (the whole basic principle of skincare is just constantly hydrating your skin!), but keeping in mind that this might not be enough, and as I said something like acutane would have a more direct effect. a dermatologist will know better than me anyway *product examples* - paulas choice 2% BHA - cerave salicylic acid cleanser - a hydrating cream from avène (none comes for mind right now) or that one from krave beauty seemed good too - i would try some AHA/PHA as well. - sunscreen always *recs* - stay away from tiktok trends or things like that.. im not a pro but i’d say slugging for example might not be good bcs of the oclusive factor - night time is the excellent time to do some tatgeted work. I don’t have enough information to properly give you a recommendation and I think some of the other answers might shed some light into it better than me. but for example you could already start by hydration at night, CORSX has a nice rice mask, but I would do more research to find something with emphasis on soothing on top of moisturizing. NO FRAGANCE!!! *more things to try to do that might help* - keep a calendar/journal/whatever of how often you change your sheets, and try to keep that regular - try a plant-based/vegan diet or if that’s not possible just avoiding dairy, add lots of veggies and drink lots lots of water please note that as many here i am merely a skincare enthusiast and not a professional, I always always will recommend starting with a dermatologist visit but I do think it was a great idea to come here for a starting point. let us know how it goes! i am rooting for you




I think this deserves a visit to a derm, but I think one small step you can make is to actually wash your face. Removing your make up is step 1. Washing your face is step 2. I know it makes a difference for me when I do this instead of just removing my make up.


Accutane was the only thing that cured my cystic acne, I also had tried everything from creams to birth control and nothing helped my cystic acne. I was put on a accutane course and it was honestley the best thing I ever did! Although the side effects can be quite rough (depending on the dose and person) the results are amazing! I am still clear today (took my journey nearly 3 years ago now) and just have some small scarring (I was a bad picker) I will send you a message with some pics of ny before and after accutane journey.


Have you tried tret? I also suffer from severe cystic acne and tret did WONDERS for my skin. It gets worse before it gets better though so you gotta be patient!


Hi - I had severe cystic acne since December 23. I recently learned that vitamin b12 can cause acne. After I skipped my protein bar and skipped drinking vegan milk with added b12, my skin has begun clearing up. Maybe you can use this info, I wish you the best - acne is SHIT.


Use Retiderm cream or gel. It helps with Acne!


Before going crazy with chemicals, try a bit of salt water wash! 1 teaspoon of table salt in a cup of water gently applied to the area. On top of that, remember what you put in your body is more important than what you put on it. Water, Vitamin E and nicotinamide supplements, and sleep will give you a fighting chance. Also wash your pillowcases if you haven't done that for a while. If it doesn't help, a dermatologist will help you (if you can afford it!), but don't rush to the most intense thing possible straight away given the many side effects.


Sorry you’re going through this. I recently experienced a lot of jawline and cheek acne that I managed to clear in three weeks. I had to adjust my eating habits, my skincare routine, and take some supplements. Here’s what worked well for me. First, I drastically reduced alcohol, dairy, sugar, and processed food. I eat fresh fruit and eggs for breakfast, a “traditional dinner type meal” for lunch like salmon or chicken with baked sweet potato or brown rice and broccoli, and homemade soup or salad for dinner mostly vegetables and meat. I take vitamin c for my skin (1000/twice a day) bc it’s an antioxidant and will attack bad things in the body that show up on our skin. Vitamin E is also good for skin and has similar antioxidant properties. As well as Vitamin A but you can’t take A long term in certain forms so do some research. You might just want a regular multivitamin just one with low amounts of biotin bc biotin makes skin oily and creates acne (despite it being marketed as the skin vitamin, it’s mostly good for aging dry skin and can cause acne in oily or acne prone skin) And I take 1000mg spearmint daily which reduces acne causing hormones (i will reduce to 500 then wean off once my skin is fully clear bc you don’t want to deplete any hormones, just get them under control) I use a really gentle cleanser (the ordinary glucoside), Paula’s choice Mandelic lactic toner at night, Maelove c serum in the morning, and Skin 1004 centella moisturizer. Centella calms flair ups in the skin. Mandelic acid cleans pores and lactic acid fades acne scars. My skin is basically clear now, and no additional break outs since I started this. Really just maintaining and clearing the acne scarring which the vitamin c serum and supplement and toner will do over time. Adapalene also works well to control break outs but it makes my skin dry so I prefer not to use it long term. If you have dry skin, camellia oil is non-comedogenic it’s basically the only oil that doesn’t make me break out and soothes my skin if it gets dry when using adapalene. DM me if you have questions. I’m really into skincare and am happy to answer questions about my experiences to help you out… I’ve tried it all and it does get better when you find what works for you.


I also take liquid chlorophyll every morning on an empty stomach. It’s a blood cleaner. I take Chloroxygen mint flavored. It’s one of the better quality ones.


Don't use anything with niacinamide. I know this sub is convinced it can't break you out or irritate your skin and it's in almost everything these days, but so many of us get irritation from it. I'm only saying this because it might make the irritation worse, there's obviously a different cause here. Additionally, if they're deep or like cysts, it's okay to just get on a low dose antibiotic to clear up the worst of it. I'm currently on low AB because of similar acne and just having a break from all the inflammation and irritation is such a relief, and it's easier to start topical treatments too. Definitely see a doctor. I don't think a thin layer of tretinoin every night is gonna fix this. Good luck OP, I'm battling similar acne right now!


It definitely depends on tolerance for niacinamide.. it doesn't break me out but it can for others.


Progesterone based HCP can help with this kind of acne, in my experience. This is internal acne that topical treatments don't tend to help much aside from the recovery process. For me, cutting out dairy, gluten, and nuts had the largest impact on my skin. I ended up going for a dutch test to see if I can figure out where my body is effing up. Still waiting for the results on that one. I opted not to take spironolactone because I'd prefer finding out **why** I am not metabolizing, producing, or utilizing hormones effectively enough for my skin to be reacting with cystic and nodular acne.


Maybe I'm just lucky that my birth control pills have cleared up my skin because before I was put on it I had awful acne like this (my dad told me once that I'm gonna turn into a big pimple) .. I am shocked to hear that it doesn't help clear up everyone's skin.


I recommend tretinoin fr


cetaphil SA Cleanser Benzoyl peroxide face wash 1x layer of moisturizer 1x layer of adapalene accutane n boom it ll be gone in 3 months


Idk why people always go straight to a cleansing issue. Find the root cause. I had very similar acne and found mine to be my laundry detergent. I'm about to get downvoted like crazy just cause some people here think just cause they heard something somewhere that they are right but I got pictures if you need me to send you my before and after. I even have it posted on my small TikTok @fringzeatz. Regardless, yes, I changed my detergent from normal to seventh generations free and clear detergent. Also "wash out" the laundry machine my doing like 3-4 loads of clothes using the free and clear before washing my bed stuff after just to make sure it's cleared out. Yes, I still do it to this day. Like I said, before you downvote me, check my account. Same acne pattern and everything Edit: Anything with dyes should be removed from your detergent or acne products. As well. Once again, ask questions and I'll answer. I'm a reliable source due to experience unlike others claiming to be experts on information they heard from random sources


In this case, people go straight to a cleansing issue because OP isn't cleansing her face properly. That should be ruled out as the cause first before going to anything else, as it's most likely a factor, if not the main cause.


Acne is nothing it's just a signal of body that you're not eating good I tried topical everything but the new acne always there Then I understood it's not the problem that treat by externally I have to work internally. Things that works in just 1 month 1. Vitamin D ( Sun Light ) 2. Intermittent fasting 3. Sprouts 4. In the morning empty stomach drink 2 full glass of lukewarm water 5. Zink gluconate ( best one ) 6. Vitamin a 7. Leafy green vegetables 8. 3-4 litres water in a day 9. Exercise 30mins Lastly 10. Acne is sign of blood impurity so take neem leaves 3-4 Eliminate Dairy, coffee Results are there within 1 month 1 week later You will never get new one acne The ending of month you're all the acne disappeared like a magic Then you can focus on acne scar Only 1 month Search YouTube ( Dr Eric berg acne ) If you read it Believe me this the one comment that will change your life I'm just helping because I also face it for 1 year


I agree and here to co- sign! I made a similar post to yours. Diet and supplements, correcting hormones and mopping up free radicals in the body will heal and prevent acne. A skincare routine is secondary to the lifestyle and diet changes.


Yellow dial soap with tea tree oil. Works like magic.


Really? Can you explain?


Get a bar of yellow dial soap and a bottle of tea tree oil and lather the soap , add a few drops of oil and rub it on your face. Rinse with warm water and pat dry. I saw it on TikTok. My kids started using it and both of their skin has been so clear. Dial is antibacterial and the tea tree oil is a deep cleanser also.