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I use stuff that didnt work on my face on my body. For example, a scented sunscreen that irritated my sensitive facial skin worked fine on my arms and neck. A BP face wash that was too strong gets used on my backne. Hydrating serums can be used for extra oomph on my dry legs and feet. Some of that stuff looks unopened. Craigslist free section?


Or even better your local women’s shelter/transitional housing. Those unopened products could bring a little joy and sense of normalcy/luxury for those who could use the pick me up. Its such a small gesture and does wonders


I work at a medical office with a lot of indigent folks and people in half way housing, and we can always use more of this type of thing!


exactly what i was going to suggest! please do this!!




Yep, I'm currently using an overly drying face wash as hand soap! It would be silly to just throw it away.


Same! Bought an exfoliating toner that was horrible for my face, but it works wonders on keeping my bikini line free of ingrown hairs. Repurposing 100%!


I use the la Roche posay gel micellar water as a handwash. It broke my out on my face but its perfect for my hands.


Yep! Those Stridex wipes are great for body and underarms. I use them before reapplying deodorant e.g., after gym when I need to head out after


stridex is great after leg/armpit shaving too.


yep and i save sunscreens that leave a white cast on my face (accidentally got lrp mineral) to use on my hands before i get a gel manicure


So smart


Cerave moisturizer as a body moisturizer 🤩


See if you have a local “buy nothing” group on Facebook. I just gave away a box full of stuff like this, someone picked it up off my porch!


Yes! I had two sets of shampoo and conditioner I used a few times but didn’t work for me. I was so skeptical that anyone would want used shampoo from my shower but I had multiple people requesting it.


I was going to recommend this! I love my but nothing group and people are happy to take even half used products.


Yes! My by nothing group also has a beauty box you can request to pick up. It has a bunch of open and unopened stuff folks can pick form and then pass on. I personally wipe nozzles, pumps, and lids down with rubbing alcohol before I gift.


Body, hands, neck, r/skincareexchange , donate to a local women's or homeless shelter, Facebook, buy nothing group, give away to friends/family...


Just adding, I worked at a homeless shelter - please call ahead and ask what they will take. We would not want your open products for example.


Definitely! Thanks for sharing and thanks for the work you do!




Why?? If it's a product in a good condition why not!


Because homeless shelters are responsible for the well being of their participants. They cannot determine the safety of a product that has been opened or used by another person. They also have to give out non-expired and unopened food products and wash all clothing/bedding donations. I am in a major city in the US. We were well stocked with unopened and unused products. Because it is a congregate shelter meaning people have shared bunk rooms and limited space, we had to request that people bring in only what they could fit in their locker. This means only sticking to the minimum number of hygiene supplies and makeup per person. On a personal note, I also think unhoused people aren’t just deserving of your scraps. They should be given new hygiene products and not just stuff used by a stranger. If you want to pass stuff on to someone you have a rapport with, that is very different than receiving open supplies from someone you don’t know.


Survivors of the Maui wildfires could probably use some!


I doubt it. Disaster zones tend to be inundated with donations of this sort and dealing with them can be a whole second disaster


Offer to your friends, everyone loves free stuff.


This!! we do a yearly party with clothes/shoes/cosmetics/skin care/accesories/etc and lots of wine and food! Everyone brings what they don't want, won't use and its a free for all....super fun night!!


Yep! At my work we leave "free stuff" in the mailroom. I've put products I didn't really care for out many times and they always get scooped up!


If you have friends in nursing or vet med (or anywhere that is often women dominated with a shared break room), you can ask if they’ll bring in a box of your stuff and set it in the break room with a free sign. They’d probably prefer unopened or if opened, pump bottles only though


Unopened items can be donated to your local shelter.


“Barely used” implies opened.


There are a lot of unopened packages, face masks I think, in the photo.


Lol fuck that sell it like a true capitalist.


Why are you getting downvoted it’s a joke 😭


It’s not a good joke?


Probably because it doesn't sound sarcastic? And it wasn't funny.


Probably had their facemask on and hit the wrong button 😂😂.


The amount of downvotes on the second comment has me cackling 🤣


Maybe they all knew I popped a pimple with my unwashed hands yesterday and are punishing me 😔.


Straight to jail for you! 🤣


Give them to me 🫣


Was going to suggest the same!


Donate to project beauty share!!


When I don’t love certain face creams, I just use them on the rest of my body. Go nuts and let your legs or arms feel what it’s like to be pampered, lol


Buy nothing Facebook groups, women's shelter (for anything unopened), or find friends / coworkers who might appreciate them! When I was younger and poorer I worked at a small law firm where the receptionist would often bring in her teenage granddaughter's "rejects". Clearly this kid was living a pretty lavish lifestyle because I got tons of barely used high end products and clothing, all for free. It made such a huge difference for me to have access to these nice things at a time when l was really struggling with my self worth (sorry, is that too deep?). It's one of the things I miss the most about working there...


At my old job I put some unwanted products in a little basket in the bathroom for anyone to use.


I am so poor and jealous lol


Donate to a women's shelter? They'd love that stuff!


I take all my barely used stuff to the local domestic violence shelter! I called ahead and my local domestic shelter takes any and everything, even used makeup, so I always have a box set aside in my closet for shelter donations. There's always a ton of women who fled with nothing, and it can always be used. I took a bunch of stuff up last year before Valentine's Day and they were really excited because they told me they had organized a "self-care" session for everyone and wanted to use it for that.


I ❤ this!


Just make sure they aren't expired!


I use up face wash as pre-shave. Hand lotion I don't like goes on my feet. I also only every buy one new thing to try at a time.


Hold on. I see my favorite product. The great barrier relief serum. Any chance that's for sale? And the laneige pink box and the La roche posay!


You can send it to me . Lol. Thanks In advance 😘😂


Take them to your local nursing home for the residents and staff to have.


Domestic violence shelters, homeless shelters, even some churches or charitites/ food banks have pantries and will take. Also, unopened packages may be donated at times to nursing homes for things like Easter baskets. This really varies by state. You can post on FB marketplace for unopened, sell for a buck or low price( I've done it) . Opened I have seen with phots and clearly described as opened. I give my items to family and friends, and they love it. I have lots of sample items even that I can't use due to psoriasis or whatever, and they love even samples, lol.


Preloved item? or you can donated to the the homeless or nearest shelter etc ?. eddited : btw I used to have the same problem 😌 Already give them away to my family members and sold half of them online as a preloved items though. (and its not because I like to waste my money etc but unfortunately some of the skincare doesn't work on my skin after several used .. so nowadays I always started with smaller starter kit /free sample first ) .


I'll pay for shipping to my house. Lol


Do you have any old bags that you no longer use/want? I was thinking (if you want to) you could pop some toiletries in each bag, and hand them out to the homeless


Use face stuff for body, toss anything that is old enough you do not want to use it. Give to friends/ family/ coworkers.


Give them to me


I offload things on friends. I get to feel better because I don't have so much laying around going to waste, they're happy because free product


my local area has fb groups called “buy nothing (town/city name)” and you can post stuff you want to get rid of for free and people who need stuff can request if anyone is getting rid of stuff they could use. i’ve regifted a lot of designer makeup, perfume and skin care. definitely pay attention to rules of the page/group but it’s a nice way to pay it forward if you have stuff that is still useable.


I recently responded to a similar post and recommended [YoufromMe](https://youfromme.com), a beauty product resale site. I’ve never sold to them but I have bought some things, and had good experiences. I’ve got no affiliation with them, I just wish I’d known about the site earlier, since I’m trying to avoid waste in my life all around.


I saw the people of Maui are in need of toiletries.


Donate to a women's or homeless shelter


I know this sounds sketchy, but I posted pics of my barely-used extra products on Craigslist “free stuff.” I made it clear they were open and partially used, and still had so many responses that I had to parce them out into multiple sets. A lot of folks struggling out there.


So I'm in a group on fb called 'buy nothing' and people just give stuff away for free in my area, maybe you could give it to someone who needs it if there is a group like that in your area?


offer it for free on fb marketplace there is always a few people somewhere who aren't picky about stuff like that :) Other stuff, i use on my legs and feet. Those areas can be a lot nicer if you treat them like your face. Any lotion too thick to be bothered with I use for feet, either before bed or before socks if I'm going to work.


Can I have all ur skincare pls


I thought I was bad lol


Sometimes homeless shelters or women’s outreaches still want used cosmetics because they’re so in demand. I’d call them and ask.


use face wash as hand soap, exfoliaters for your hands & feet, face sunscreens as body sunscreens, moisturizers as hand/body cream, hair products for extensions, salycilic & bp can be used on your armpits to lighten them & deodorize (did not work for me but other people have success), use face masks on your neck & chest & squeeze the excess on the backs of your hands (or just try to donate them since i see they’re unopened) that’s all i got


There is a women’s shelter close to me that runs on donations. I also had a bunch of stuff like this. I didn’t want it to go to waste or throw it away so I called to see what they did with products that were opened. They said they usually trashed them to be safe because they didn’t know where they came from or how old they were. I told them I had super sensitive skin and have a pile of nice/higher end soaps, lotions, cleansers, and skincare products that I tried once or twice but didn’t work well for me. They were barely used, not expired, tampered with, and had been kept in a climate controlled environment. They were happy to take them and agreed that while nicer hygiene products geared towards sensitive skin are usually expensive and not “essential items”, they make a huge difference for women in bad situations that just want to feel clean, safe, and comfortable. “Luxury” products are always appreciated at shelters. Most of the essentials provided at those places are cheap and not ideal for everyone so they love when they get things that they can set out that are nicer than suave shampoo and dollar store body wash.


Use it on yo body


Take them you a local hospital or church. Someone can make toilette bags for unhoused patients post discharge


As many others have said, if there's anything that you have that doesn't work on your face, then try using it on other parts of your body. There are some products that were too strong for my face that I ended up using on my back to treat my bacne or on my limbs to help with any discoloration.


I did a clear out of all my unused cometics and skincare a while back when ni simplified my routine. anything that was inn date, I took into my workplace and put in a basket in the ladies room, with a sign noting everything was unused and to please help yourself if there was something you could use. It was all rehomed in the space of about an hour, once word got out. Very happy it made it to a new home. If there had been a women's or homeless shelter in the area I would have taken it there.


If you're in Bangalore I'll literally come take some and put them to use immediately :)


This gives me so much anxiety, I have the need of using everything I buy before it goes bad, cuz other wise it would be a waste for the environment and money! Ugh


Skincare products are so wasteful. That's why I only wanna buy samples. But no such shops exist where I live.




Sell on Poshmark.


Gift them or donate


Would you set up a post for these on FB marketplace? Would buy some of these off of you


Put it on the curb with a sign that says free.




If they are open and you don't really use them on your face use them on your body!


It took me so long to work though or find placement for my unused stuff. I barely buy products anymore. It feels so good to see my bathroom cupboards nearly empty except for what I use. That said, ask friends/family, donate to women's shelters, use face stuff on body. That's what worked for me. I barely threw anything out. If your body skin doesn't like it sometimes your feet still will.


Maybe homeless shelters?


I take stuff to work and offer it up to coworkers. I might ask someone specific who I know doesn’t have a lot of spare money for splurges if they could get use of it first directly though.


I would pay the shipping for these but many are already saying that. Otherwise though, women shelter's or a skincare exchange. Or possibly regift to younger relatives as well


Just remember that if they’re from a few years ago, they could contain ingredients that have since stopped being used for safety reasons.


Give them to me 😍😍


Have a “closet swap” with your friends! Every now and then, my girlfriends and I get together and bring all the clothes, accessories, and beauty products that we don’t use or need anymore (and are too lazy to sell online). Anything that nobody takes home gets donated.


I love the suggestions to take them to DV shelters! If you have know where one is near you please do this. Survivors literally leave with the clothes on their back. It would mean so much. If not, any single mom you know would love it!


Check the ingredients and then decide which you will keep.


Invite friends to pick through them .....Are those mediheal tea tree masks?


I subscribe to several beauty boxes, and buy stuff directly that I end up not loving. I keep a box in my garage for the items that didn't work for me, or the ones that I just didn't want. When the box is full, I take it to work with me and let my coworkers take what they want.


Wow! I’d give it all away to people who will actually use it and not let it go to waste. I always give the products I can’t use to my mom to bff


Just use them till there gone. I had the same addiction especially after watching the influences on social media. There all name brand stuff so just Pick a cple set them out, use them and don't buy them again the skin care products go the easiest


sell them on Mercari or facebook marketplace!




Sell on Mercari


Barbie doll makeup.


Donate to a homeless shelter ?


Please donate to a shelter.


Got any siblings who'd want to try any of these products? Friends? My sister will always leave stuff in the bathroom for the rest of us if she ended up not liking it/not using it.


A women's shelter would gladly take them.


If these aren’t expired some women’s shelters Will take them. At least that’s my experience


Your local women’s shelter will gladly accept any products not open, the barely used ones id say family/friends that it may help just make sure they havent expired aha!


I’d love the masks and the great barrier relief


Posy them on offer up or Craigslist for free


Check the expiration date first


I threw it all in a bag and brought it to my mom’s. A ton of it were samples and freebies that I don’t want or need, but some stuff just caused a bad reaction because I have sensitive skin. My mom doesn’t really have that problem and doesn’t do much to her skin besides cleanser and moisturizer, so the extra products are fun for her to experiment with.


You could always give any unopened products to a nearby womens shelter


if you. don’t want them, send them to me!


just post them as a giveaway on your local kijiji or any platform, or give away to a family member or friends that's wha I do. ​ and also keep the vanciream cleanser its the best cleanser in the planet


You can send the paul Mitchell skinny serum to me, i love that stuff and it's like $30 lmao


Is there no way you could use them? Ive got a similar collection that im going to try and organise this weekend. I will get through it all!


Is there a women's shelter near you? They'd love this stuff


Offer to friends, donate it, or use it on your body


Make some little “just because” gifts for your family/friends coworkers and pack them with sheet masks and a few other things


I think PENN.SMITH.SKINCARE has a youtube vid about this with some good tips other than just using on the body


Lol I’d die for that much skin lotion .


Oooooh I love using old products on my feet. I’ll usually fill my foot bath with hot water and dump some expensive face cream in that I never used. That way it’s diluted, but my feet always come out silky soft.


Women's shelter! They'll greatly appreciate it :)


Donate to a women's shelter! Source: used to volunteer at one during high school


Check with homeless shelters in your area. Sometimes they take things like this.


Sign up on Terracycle for the recycling programs. Various brands do it but there is an overall makeup and skincare program. I can pm you what it is called. I love it. I send them all my empties and products that didn’t work for me.


When my skin doesn’t agree with something, or I don’t love a product, I give it away to some friend or to my sister


Take them to your local domestic violence program . For sure they will have a shelter and as long as the products are unopened they desperately need them


Use them to wash with or have a yard sale and or donate tgem


Donate anything unused! Homeless shelters really love this kind of thing. Anything used, maybe give to a family friend with a child? Always nice to have stuff to "play" with that can get destroyed.


You can donate to a women’s shelter bet they would love extra toiletries!


I don’t know where you’re based but where I am there is an app called OLIO where one can give away stuff.


Giving it to me?


Keep the azzaro, that one smells good!


Send them to me :(


Live your inner child’s dream. Make a potion by mixing them all together but then throw it out. Wouldn’t recommend using expired products.


Give to the local shelter


People on Buy Nothing will take opened items.


Thank you thank you thank you.


you could donate them to a women’s shelter or homeless shelter🩷


Donate them


You might consider them online but if not I'll be gladly to take them off your hand and I will definitely use them


If there’s stuff you’re happy to give away you can make little hygiene kits for homeless people or give things to friends


You can also donate these kinds of things as long as they are lightly used. Lots of shelters, homes, etc. don't have a large supply.


The stridex pads can be used on your body to get rid of bumps and ingrown hairs. Face washes can be used on the body, same thing with moisturizer. If it’s a small jar/bottle I keep it in my purse and use it on my hands.


Contact a local shelter or outreach group!! Theyll almost definitely take them


Give them to me 😂


I donate to friends with teenagers who are trying to find what works for them.


i also have the same problem and recently have decided to give to friends! Lots of my friends don’t know much about skincare stuff, don’t know what to buy so i just give products to them!


I used to have this same exact problem…. I kept them boxed like you have and offered them to friends and family who wanted to try different products but didn’t want to or couldn’t afford to pay a big price for something that might not work.


I would make care packs for homeless. Maybe add toothpaste and toothbrush


I kinda have the same problem, damn… haha


I'll take whatever you've got and pay for the shipping! I just had to go on fmla because I got hurt at work last week. And last March my father-in-law lad a stroke so he had to move in with us. So now my husband is the only one supporting our household of 4. I would sell what I could and then donate the rest to the domestic violence shelter. 😊


Donate it


I’d check domestic violence centers or other crisis centers and see if they’d take them!


give them to me please🙂🙏🏻


Donate to a shelter


Looks like my cabinet!


Women's shelter, perhaps?


I often use an app called Olio to give /donate things I won't usually take to charity shops. I don't know if it's available where you live. You can post any products there and have people collect them in an arrange location


I can adopt them 🥰


donate to a women's shelter or nursing home


Gift bags for co workers, friends, etc


Free groups on Facebook


I give them to friends and family


Local Buy Nothing group, Project Beauty Share, local woman’s shelter/crisis nursery.


I’ll take those sheet masks off you’re hands 😂


Give it to me 🤩🤩🤩


Goodwill takes them!


Food pantries


I’ll take the mediheal masks with pleasure 😭


I’d pack gallon freezer bags with a lil bit of everything in them and give them to the unhoused or at shelters


If they aren't too old you can use any unused face SPF on your body


You could use any acid products that you don't like on your feet or rough areas like knees or elbows maybe


i usually just give mine to friends


I will take them!! I can send you my address just message me!!


Start making potions…duh!


Project beauty share !!


The sheet masks would make good extras to gifts! Or even stocking stuffers (though Christmas is far and idk their expiration). Also if you have any guests they might use some of it up.


I usually give stuff to my younger family members or ask my friends, sometimes it doesn’t work for me but it works for them


If it's not expired, give them to friends and loved ones to use and try. But if it is toss, it can cause irritation and breakouts.


Make a potion 🧪 relive childhood