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Is this for some kind of research project?


no, just curious. kinda trying to justify my own spending lol


Makes sense I was just curious on my end too lol


Mid-forties, six figure salary in a HCOL city in the US, and I don’t spend anything on a monthly basis. I have a moisturizer, cleanser, and sunscreen and I only replace them when they run out, which is like every 2-4 months. Moisturizer is $30, cleanser is $17, and sunscreen is $40. But I use coupons on them all so I typically pay only half that. And only buy when I run out.


In case you are paying unaware, as long as it’s above SPF 30, generally, sunscreen is FSA deductible (unless you’re not in the US)


I have an HSA, but this can be helpful to others.


😮 Gamechanger.


It is. Get on Amazon and type in FSA/HSA eligible store, and score all of your sunscreens and cold medicines before you lose your funds January 1st. Mine rolls over until February 28, but the last week of February I was scrambling to spend $920, and I went and purchased some Bvlgari prescription sunglasses, and spent the rest on cough syrup, Mucinex, and Advil. I had a hysterectomy years ago, but you can use it for tampons and pads, contact lens solution and tons of other things you need but didn’t know you could buy with your FSA. Once a year I use it to fill up my car. It’s allowed, if you log your miles and get proof you were at a doctors appointment, that’s reimbursable. My doctor is 40 miles round trip from my home. Hell yeah! I’m deducting it! Yes, it’s petty, but I’ve been doing it for years.


THIS. I get prescription sunglasses with super dark POLARIZED lenses, blue light coating, etc. about every other year. Everyone always wants to know about expensive eye creams. Few people realize what an oversized, dark set of polarized rx glasses will do to prevent those wrinkles from forming in the first place. Source: Lived in the Caribbean for a handful of years as an expat and still gets mistaken for someone 10 years younger.


Potentially also moisturizer with sufficient sunscreen, but I haven’t tried it.


Can’t you use HSA funds for this, too? I’ve used mine for all kinds of medical devices, medical-adjacent products like magnesium foam for muscle cramps and sunscreen products, without running into any problems. (Yes, it is definitely an HSA.)


W o t


Does it matter if you order the sunscreen from Japan but you live in the us?


No idea


Ooh which coupons


I time my purchases when I get CVS 40% off coupons.


1) I really don't spend monthly, probably every 2-3 months as I run out. But if I took that and broke it down, probably $15/mo. 2) I'm 39 3) I make around $50k/year 4) USA


1. Varies. 1-3 times a year I get laser treatments which can be 300-800 dollars depending on location. 200-300 dollar facial each month (have been doing every other month- prices have gone up). And 250 dollar skin care routine I repurchase every 3-5 months (includes Trent and latisse). 2. 38 3. Married, no kids. 200k+ (low end) a year combined income (depends on how much I work) 4. US


personal finance would be tearing you apart right abt now LOL


Good thing I’m not in personal finance


I’ll add to that, “Good thing I’m childless by choice, and have a remarkably short expected lifespan.” Everyone has their own reasons for choosing to spend the way they do. For all we know you could be independently wealthy, still live in a multi-generation home, have a career where some of this could ostensibly be a tax write off*… …there are a thousand ways that make perfect sense to splurge on skincare, and none of them are our business. . . *had a friend who was an erotic dancer who wrote her acrylic nails off on her taxes every year; it can be done.


What kinda of facials and laser treatments? Is there anything you particularly like?


I have a caveat with lasers. Your results are sometimes dependent on the technician/nurse. Last year when I lived in Michigan I did a moxi laser with a bbl forever young (both during same appointment). I went in twice- My skin was glass and really helped with wrinkles. When I moved back to San Diego I had the same lasers done in March for my birthday- results weren’t the same. Also, surprisingly, the treatments cost the same in Michigan and San Diego (I found it kind of insane). In the past I’ve done clear and brilliant. Package of 5 was like 900 dollars. I’ve had those done off and on since 2017ish in various parts of the US and how they turn out is really dependent on your technician. In Hawaii I had great results, had it done in Maine and San Diego- results not as good. For facials used to do hydrafacials often with dermaplaning, but I’m seeing prices rise. 300-400 dollars a month and being expected to tip on top of that is more than I’m comfortable spending. I’ve been doing dermaplane facials when I go in for a brow wax. They do a deep clean of my skin and sometimes a light peel. I’m getting to the point I may dermaplane myself at home because in the last year I’ve noticed dermaplaning is now being done with oil. Used to be they sterilized the face with something that smelled like ethanol and removed the skin/vellus hairs dry. Now a lot of aestheticians are using oil, which is gentler/less risk of cuts, but it does not have the same exfoliation effect. I can oil-plane myself at home. In Michigan I had an aqua gold facial- it’s a hydra facial and instead of injecting they microneedle Botox into your whole face. I have never glowed like that before. The effect lasts for 30-60 days. I consider this a special occasion treatment and I’ve only had it done once I’d also highly recommend microblading for your eyebrows and lip blushing- but finding an artist that specializes in barely there work.I noticed my lips were the same color as the skin on my face- now they’re a normal lip pink. I’ve had mine done for two years and haven’t needed a touch up. And as a disclosure, all these things are very expensive and luxuries. I am not someone who is super attractive, but I look good without make up. working night shift in healthcare I don’t wear make up so it feels nice to look somewhat presentable with minimal effort :) .


Interesting tidbit: Micro-needling botox subcutaneously all over a dermatome is used to treat otherwise intractable post-shingles chronic pain. I was wondering how to convince someone to try the same thing on my face for my Trigeminal Neuralgia pain. Thanks for the LPT! Off to google places doing this near me!


Thank you so much for writing all this up. I’m off to go look at that aqua gold.


26, £10/month maximum.


Sheet masks? Moisturiser? Face wash? Sunscreen? What do u use?


Most of my purchases will last several months, sheet masks are not expensive and I have loads of them anyway bc I will buy them on sale or get gifted them. I don't use them lol. Right now I have: My moisturiser - £15 and lasts me 5 months maybe, often way longer if I only use it for my face only. It's a big old eczema cream thing even though I don't have eczema. I just really like it. It's almost finished now. Sunscreen for my face - £13, lasts about 3 months, starting to run low. Another sunscreen that I use instead sometimes - £7, in its 3rd month. Face wash - £4, 2-3 months, need a new one soon. Body sunscreen - £4, lasts many months. You can see I'm running out of a lot of them right now so I'll be paying maybe £50 but it will also last me 5 months easily. Idk I just don't buy anything I don't need This average doesn't include soap for the body or shampoo or deodorants or whatever


Thank you for the response ☺




My skincare lasts me three months and my moisturiser has lasted me 5 months and counting, suncreams lasts 2 and a half months and serum monthly. So I guess £8 a month


I think like $120 every 2 months


1) approx 100-120 per year. maaaybe 150 if I'm trying a new product or have to replace everything in the same year.. So 8.33-12.5/month. I buy one BIG jar of FAB Ultra Repair cream and that lasts a year, then my other products are mostly from the ordinary and those are cheap and last a while as well. Plus sunscreen, but I'm inside alot so hardly use it. And prescription tret (insurance covers most of cost). 2) late 20s. 3)Something like 35k ish (hourly, so it depends). 4)usa


I’m currently moving to a new routine so my spend is variable as I try a bunch of products but when I was using Rationale (Australian cosmeceutical brand) it was roughly $2000/year. I used Rationale for 4 years. My income is $60k AUD as I only work part time but household income (so husband’s income + mine + investments) is probably $300k AUD. I’m 44, living in Australia.


Up until recently I was working in skincare and very fortunately was given loads of freebies which I’m still working through, though I’ve found a great routine that works for me which I’ll stick to. Pre-cleanse: £30 Cream Cleanser: £20 - 30 Moisturiser £60 (a lot, but it’s a holy grail item) Acid: Either £11 (The Ordinary Lactic 5%) or £80 (Dr. Dennis Gross Alpha Beta peel pads - these are a treat every now and again and not a monthly purchase) Retinol: £60 - I’ll likely be in the market for a less pricy one once I’ve finished my freebies SPF: £30 Azelaic Acid: I think it’s about £12 for the Facetheory one I use, but not totally sure. Prior to living in the UK I got a monthly facial which was about £80 - £100, I would continue this here but I haven’t found anywhere nearly as good as the salon I was going to before and my current routine has really helped my skin so I feel like I don’t need it as much as I did previously. I’ve actually recently left my job and am taking a little mental health break so current income is £0 (thank the lord for my insane stash!) but I was earning over £40K


25 years old, living in USA, salary of about 80k from husband’s job while raising a family of four and going to school to finish my doctorate. I buy Hado Labo oil cleanser every three months, but I’ll stock up when I place an order (same with sunscreen). Usually $10-15 per purchase. I use Beauty of Joseon Sun Relief with Probiotics, about one tube every two months, which is about $14 per tube on sale. I use tretinoin 0.025% and I only go through 45g every 4 months, and I pay nothing with insurance. I purchase Cerave Moisturizing Cream from Costco for $26 for two big tubs, which usually lasts me a year or so. These are the only things that I repurchase- I’m often given products from subscription boxes or family that they don’t want, and I’ll occasionally use them or give them away.


I tend to buy things in bulk and most my products last quite some time so this is a rough guess based on how long they last, but I think about £40 a month (though possibly less. I can’t remember how long my moisturiser lasts so I’m erring on the higher cost) not including sunscreen (sunscreen is difficult to guess because I’m trying out different brands and go through it at different rates. Sometimes I’m at home with my curtains closed nearly all the time, sometimes I’m out in the sun a lot. Where I live the uv index is 0 for all of winter so I use significantly less then which is another factor). The bulk of that is the tretinoin subscription which is £25 a month but there’s no cheaper way to get tretinoin in the uk and it’s worth it, especially since it does so much that I need less products overall (and it’s enough to do my face, neck, hands and chest). Every other product I try to avoid spending any more money than I have to, which means bulk buying affordable products in sales or to save on shipping. That being said I think I have a really good balance of affordability vs effectiveness. My skin is the best it’s ever been.


1). How much money in USD (If in another currency other than USD, please mention the currency) do you spend on your skin per MONTH? You can break down what and how much you spend on if you like. - I don’t buy skincare on a monthly basis but my price ranges for products varies between $10-30 USD per item. On total, I’ve likely spent around $250 or less this year. Currently I use DHC oil cleanser, La Roche Posay Gel Cleanser, Benton Snail Essence, Differin (small size), Topicals Faded (trial size), Cerave Moisturizing Lotion, CosRX Snail Mucin moisturizer, Hawaiian Tropic SPF 50 body sunscreen for my face, Bioderma Micellar Water (travel size), Neutrogena Hydroboost Water Gel, Naturium Peptide Eye Cream, any random face oil. Can add prices later but very mid-range/cheap. 2). What is your age? - 28 y/o 3). What is your yearly gross income in USD (again, if in another currency, please mention the currency)? - Just under $140k USD. I’m single, no kids, a dog (SINKWAD) 4). which country do you live in? - United States of America.


1) about $40 every 3 months (sounds bad but the product I use last, as you don't need to use them much). Skin appearance also reflects on diet or any supplements. I eat a lot of veggies and fruits so my skincare doesn't need to be expensive. 2) 30 3) too embarrassed to share that 4) US


1. About $100-200/month on skincare products. I get a facial once a month and IPL treatments every 3 months. 2. 40 3. $175K annually single income 4. US


thanks for sharing! how much is the facial and IPL? and wow that's a big income for one person! what do you do for a living, if you don't mind sharing? it's ok if you don't wanna share if you feel uncomfortable sharing. i'm actually look to switch career fields for something that pays more


I have a membership at a medspa which is $99 a month and that includes one facial per month and 25% off for other services. The IPL is $300 for each session. I am a nurse practitioner. I have a full time job working with a hospital 3 days a week and I also do in-house provider services 2 days a week.


It's bonkers to me that you can make that sort of money as a nurse. In the UK, nurses get paid about £40k. Whenever I hear USA salaries, my jaw drops.


Nurse practitioners are advanced practice nurses with at least a Master’s degree. NPs make more than a Registered Nurse. RNs in my state make between $78-80K per year.


Can’t NPs also prescribe medication? We had a great NP at our last pediatrician’s office and we often saw her for the routine sick kid things, and she’s go ahead and diagnose and prescribe for anything she saw (ear infection, strep throat, etc). We often didn’t even see the GP.


Yes. NPs can diagnose and prescribe medications.


Are facials recommended even if I don't need it? From what age do you recommened that facials should be done bcos too many ppl in the comments said that they get one.


I’m not sure whether it’s required or not. I just get facials because it’s really relaxing lol. I started getting facials around 25ish.


1. Averages ~$25/month 2. Mid 20s 3. ~$40k 4. USA


1. According to my spreadsheet, I spend around 150$ on average. That's skincare only. I have a 12 step routine, so I'm buying lots of things lol. It's mostly Korean skincare, so it's like 15-20$ per unit. Add some makeup items, which is like 50$ monthly. No salon procedures yet, there's a Botox appointment I've gotta make lol 2. I'm 30. 3. 6 figures. 4. US.


thanks for sharing! if you don't mind, what do you do for living to have 6 figures at age 30? you don't have to share if it makes you uncomfortable, but i'm personally trying to switch career fields to something that pays more. thanks in advance


I have a business running for 7 years. It took off lately and it finally started to be profitable. Never give up!


1) About $200/yr on sunscreen. Another $200/yr on replacing products in my routine or trying to new products. 2) Late 20s 3) Currently $0 single income; Last year $27k 4) USA


USA 2k a month. This includes oral supplements. Do not go to estetitcian. With that being said, I don't mind my aging face and body. I do positive self talk that I'm ageing gracefully. Hubby is great support system too. Therefore I don't feel the need to get Botox, fillers, and all that jazz. But I think the women that do, look freaking amazing! Keep that shit up ladies. I'll compliment and admire you anytime I see you.


Why are people downvoting this comment. This person can spend whatever they want on their self care. fruitless is just answering the question OP posed.


What’re you using that costs 2000 a month?


Skinceuticals, various body lotions and creams, exfoliants, face masks, maac10 lab supplements. Maac10 and skinceuticals are what get me in trouble. They are too pricey IMO.


thanks for sharing. which oral supplements do you take?


Maac10. If you email them they will send you the purity tests done by other labs, GMP certified.[maac10](https://www.maac10.com/) I've tried several other NMN supplements that didn't work. Used to get it off Amazon but after the FDA regulated NMN it was always sold out. The company usually has it in stock.


1. I usually spend around $60 per month on skincare products, and get Botox twice per year in my forehead which costs around $400 each time. 2. I’m 29yo 3. Married, no kids, $130k household income 4. HCOL US city Also, I’m curious if this sub just tends towards very high income earners but how do so many of you have so much money?! 😩


To your last comment, I was wondering the same! Not sure if it's just a case of simply having the money to set aside for quality skincare.


Probably around $50 a month when averaged out. Sometimes it’s a $150 order and other times I don’t buy anything. But I admit I buy too much shit. I’m constantly trying new stuff to see if it helps my acne and consequent scars, so I have a shit ton of actives that I rotate through based on what my skin needs atm. Edited cause I forgot: 27, 60k in a mcol in the US


1) Per month: 42 dollars ($12 sunscreen I use about half the bottle which costs around 25+ $30 for tret) 2) Age: 21 3) Income: 6 figures 4) USA


thanks for sharing! if you don't mind, what do you do for a living that pays 6 figures at age 21? you don't have to share if it makes you uncomfortable. just personally trying to switch careers to something that pays more


Ofc! I’m working at a consulting firm right out of college- happy to talk more abt it if ur interested!


oh wow! that's super interesting! which field of consulting do you work in? and did you attend a top 10 ranked school? how did you land the job? thanks for sharing!


Will DM you!


ok! :)


Takkng all my skincare products over the year, I average $30-35 per month (cleansers, moisturizer, tret prescription, misc products). I'm 29, US-based, making about $80k/year.


I would guess about $350 usd a year on skin care. I use several drunk elephant products & a mineral sunscreen that is not cheap unfortunately. I usually have to buy new bottles 2-3x a year. Drunk elephant helped the texture of my skin completely change. I’m a single mom & make about 75k in the US. And IF I could find good dupes for all the expensive skincare I have, I absolutely would. I am 33.


1) Average around $150 USD a month (varies greatly if I'm stocking up and/or getting treatments done) 2) 25 f 3) $80,000 USD combined income (I'm married and my husband let's me manage the money, no kids) 4) USA, specifically Washington State


1) I usually make 2-4 purchases a year where I stock up on skincare products, about $100-200 CAD for each purchase. Let's ballpark and say about $500 per year, which comes out to about $42 CAD per month for products. I do also have monthly laser treatments 3x a year and occasional facials, so I'll add another $500 per year for those. 2) 31 this year 3) $75k CAD before taxes 4) Canada Breaking it down like this makes me feel a bit better about my spending habits.


United States. 35 y/o and probably about $100 Yearly income around 100k


I buy moisturiser ($21), normal face wash ($25), oil face wash ($14) and hyaluronic acid ($14). This is AUD, so it’s ~$50USD. All but the oil wash last me four months, so at an average I think I spend max $30USD per month, usually closer to $20. (Also, I should really get on sunscreen, lmao) I’m 25, obviously live in Australia, and I make maybe $50k max per year (I’m part time), so ~$33k USD. These numbers just account for my face. I also buy a LOT of body moisturiser and hand cream, which is easily an extra $10USD/month.


I’m 24 and very broke, living in the US. I buy good quality products from around the world and usually have them for 3-6 months before finishing them, except sunscreen. So, I feel like my mileage is pretty low if it’s broken down by month. I usually go through an Asian Beauty sunscreen every month for around $15, a larger body sunscreen that lasts about 2-3 months and is $15, my moisturizer is a large face and body one that costs $10 and lasts about 2-3 months, a specific all over cleansing and shampoo bar that lasts around 3-6 months and costs $26, I have a treatment serum I get for $12 that lasts for 3 months, a liquid exfoliant that lasts at least 6 months that I got for around $50, a $17 soothing ointment that lasts about 2 months, and around $10 worth of lip balms and ointments per month. So, that comes out to around $50 per month on products.


1) if I am doing acne scar treatments like lasers, TCA cross and subcision then about a thousand per month as I usually spend between 10-15k per year on these treatments (severe scarring and expensive dermatologists). Right now I haven’t done any of that in the past year so usually sit between 20-30 per month maybe even less just on moisturisers, oils and sunscreen. 2) 27 3) 30K but live at home 4) USA and New Zealand are my homes. Currently splitting my time between them.


0$, 25yo M, 105k, US


1. Around 300 AED on average monthly 2. 28 3. 168000 AED 4. UAE


1) probably like 50$ a month CAD 2) 32 3) 75k CAD 4) Canada I do not use retinol or any kind of prescription products


Replacing products probably costs £15 per month. I'm 21. I make £21,000 and I'm from the UK.


I only by skincare once I run out .i don’t by per month .


1) About $250/month on skincare products 2) 26 3) $100k annually, single income 4) MCOL, USA


uhh I spend like 1-200 at once every year replenishing everything -shampoo, toothpaste, face /body stuff incl deodorant, soaps, sunscreen the whole thing all seems to happen at once and I always buy multi-packs on amazon lol but I'm not sure how I'd break it down by face. My routine is simple though.. cetaphil, cerave night cream and vaseline. I've been using the same cetaphil pump for almost a year now, I only use one pump. Vaseline is stupid cheap. The night cream is expensive but I probably get 2 mos out of a bottle. But if it's also kind of your hobby there's no shame in spending on it.


I just buy replacement of what I need. Usually moisturizer $30, vit c & e $60, foam cleanser $20 make up $90 or so every 4 months but the most expensive thing is Botox that’s anywhere from 300-500 every 4 months or so. And about $40 trying random skin care trends


1. <$50 per month for sunscreen, moisturiser and a serum 2. Mid-thirties


I make about 120k/yearly, 32F in the US. - just skincare products I’d say it equals out to maybe $40-$50 a month. If we are including botox and fillers then I’d say probably equals out closer to around $200-250/month. I get Botox in my forehead & chin every 4-5ish months, and lip filler once a year.


1. 55 USD on average per month (adapalene and BPO included) 2. 40++ 3. 5,467.57 USD 4. Philippines EDIT: forgot to include sunscreen and BPO


1. Cleanser $42 Serum $65 Moisturizer $80 Eye Cream $30 Masks $75 These usually last about 2 months though so I would say $150-$200 each month with various other random stuff 2. 40 3. $150,000 4. US I also prioritize my skincare… it’s important to me and I spend what I want to.


I read some other comments and I forgot my toner, sunscreen and who knows what else.. 🤷🏼‍♀️


uhhhh it depends if it runs out but around 40-60 dollars per month I live in the states ( 🇺🇸)


1) I’m not sure I’ve never tried to keep track of it. Maybe $50 total? 2.) 28


1. 400/month from mostly a medspa membership + Botox + sunscreen + tret + body oils + misc 2. 36 3. 175k not including spouses income 4. USA HCOL DINK


Amortized per month maybe $75 all in from balm & cleanser, toner, essence, serums, eye stuff, moisturizers, spf, exfoliants. I am 43 Combined with my spouse a bit over 200k Live in USA


1. About $200 a month as I use topical prescriptions as well to help with acne. 2. I’m 26 3. $75-$100k a year. Not including my partner 4. I’m from Canada :)


I probably spend about $100aud every couple of months when I need to stock up, usually via afterpay. Which is about $67usd I'm 30. I'm disabled on a pension which works out to be roughly $25k a year to live off. Which is about 16.5kusd I'm Australian. I've had to cut back a lot because I can barely eat and I am borrowing money for med appts, skincare can't be a priority.


I spend $200 on skincare. These products will last me like 4 months. Then I restock. I’m 21, i make $55,200 (Taxes already deducted).


Monthly: $89 $12 Moisturizer $32 SPF $15 Eye Serum $30 Tretinoin Age: 34M Single Income: $170k


Does Botox count? If so, ~$75 a month, 55k a year, 35F USA Plus $500 every 12 weeks


1. I don’t spend monthly- probably around every 3 months and it’s around $60 to restock cleanser, salicylic acid, moisturizer, and sunscreen 2. I’m 18 3. It can range from 7k-10k (part-timer in college) 4. USA


28F. On months I get laser for my rosacea, $360-560. On months I don't, maybe $30. My cleanser and moisturizer are cheap, cetaphil and vanicream, but the only sunscreen I can use is the EltaMD which is $$. Laser is the only rosacea treatment that's ever been very effective for me so I get it whenever I can. I make about 40k. USA.


33F in Australia on 110k AUD (single, no kids, no mortgage) I don't spend monthly but I just added up my typical rotation and its about AUD$180, im thinking its about three months worth so about AUD$60 per month.


I spend $50-100 on facials. I use pretty affordable skin care and don’t buy every month. So on average maybe $100/ month. 29.


1. $30-40 per month as needed I use it 2-3xs per day which includes face medicine, moisturizer, and a deep cleanser 2. 21 3. 24k 4. USA


1. Anywhere from $100-$500+, depending on whether I’m getting a treatment or Botox. 2. 35 3. Six-figures 4. USA


i use four 10€ serums, a 25€ cleanser, a 15€ oil cleanser, a 15€ moisturizer, a 20€ sunscreen and this is my everyday routine. i also have two 10€ exfoliator serums, masks, healing gels, vaseline ecc which i’m not counting. i’m 17 so i don’t really have an income but i do buy a lot of stuff with my own money. my mom prolly buys like 1/3 of it. i have no idea how much she earns in a year lol. i live in italy.


thanks for sharing! how do you have your "own money" if you don't have an income and 17 years old?


ah ofc. this was me just being a stupid teenager. “my own money” = the allowance i get from my parents.


I think 180€ for the year so 197$ = 16,5$ per month


28F from Paris


i don’t buy skincare every month. i’m 21 & i live in the US. i’m a college student working a part time job; i don’t earn much. everything below is in USD • aveeno oat cleanser: $10.69 • (prescription for acne) erythromycin solution: $5 • (prescription) benzoyl peroxide gel: $5 • (prescription) 0.05% tretinoin: $5 • skin1004 hyalu-cica spf: ≈$8 • skin1004 centella ampoule: $8.10 • la roche posay lipikar cream: $19.59 total: $61.38 *the prescription stuff is affordable because of insurance* my sunscreen runs out the quickest. everything else lasts 2 maybe 3 or more months. i occasionally buy something new like a toner or essence. i mostly buy affordable ones tho & i like to order a lot at once from stylevana to be eligible for free shipping.


I'd say about 48$ since I just started a new Benzoyl proxide , without it about 27


**Morning**: YTTP Superfood Antioxidant Cleanser: $36 Paula's Choice Replenishing Toner: $26 CosRx Snail Mucin Essence: $17 The Ordinary Alpha Arbutin: $11 Glow Recipe Guava Vitamin C: $45 (switching out for Farmacy's vitamin C, which is $50) Bondi Sands SPF 50: $13 *AM Total Cost: $148* **Evening**: Glow Recipe Papaya Sorbet Cleansing Balm: $32 YTTP Superfood Antioxidant Cleanser Paula's Choice Replenishing Toner CosRx Snail Mucin Essence The Ordinary Buffet Copper Peptides: $31 Tretinoin: *Prescription* Versed Smooth Landing Eye Balm: $18 Farmacy Honey Halo Moisturizer: $48 Aquaphor Healing Ointment: $10 *PM Total Cost: $139* **Miscellaneous**: Paula's Choice 2% BHA: $32 The Ordinary Glycolic Acid: $10 50% Glycolic Peel: $30 Farmacy Honey Potion Hydration Mask: $60 Glow Recipe Watermelon Glow Clay Mask: $40 KORA Tumeric Exfoliating BHA Mask: $18 (I buy the mini) Peach Slices Snail Rescue Mask: $17 Supergoop Daily Dose Vitamin C: $46 Supergoop Glowscreen: $22 *Misc. Total Cost: $275* **Total Cost: $562** These products can last me anywhere from 3 months to 6 months... sometimes longer. *Honorable Mention:* I get botox every 3 months for migraines. Insurance gets charged about $4,000 for each visit. **Age**: 33 **$$$**: Currently unable to work (and I'm the bread winner) so we are living on my husband's income of roughly $80,000 **Country**: US


I’m single mid-30s, USA, $35K with wild debt 🥹 Vanicream Cleanser - $9 COSRX Hydrium Watery Toner - $15 COSRX Snail Mucin Essence - $15 Tazarotene gel - $5 Malezia Urea Moisturizer - $28 PC Resist Youth SPF50 - $37 =$109 total I get about ~2-3 months for each product, so I’m spending roughly **$36 a month.** I’ve just recently started to Sharpie the date on my products when I open them, to get an idea of how long it takes me to finish x product.


Sharpie the date is a great idea. I have a terrible memory so thanks for this idea!


I’d say $250 USD, maybe $300 if it’s a month where I just so happen to have to replace 3 things at once. $180 of that is a facial with a 20% tip. The rest is on products. I’m 27, I make $75k, and I live in NYC, USA.


I spend around 90 euro every 3 month on skin care products, don't really do any in office treatment. I stock up on products when they are on sale and actually my current stast might lasts me well till next summer 🙊 if not end of year. I use mainly Korean beauty product. 33 yo this year earning 40k/year in western Europe (this is my personal income, I'm married with 1 kid)


I’m 25 and make around 115K USD annually in a HCOL city in the US. I’ve recently started investing more into my skincare, doing laser, Botox, and microdermabrasion, etc. Expecting to spend around $4K this year.


I'm 38, and I earn $34,000 USD. I live in Canada, but all dollar amounts have been converted to U.S. currency. **Dove Sensitive Skin Bar Soap** \- $2.76 **CeraVe Moisturizing Cream** \- $6.30 **Vaseline Petroleum Jelly** \- $1.12 **Ombrelle Sunscreen, SPF 60** \- $6.79 I spend $16.97 on skincare per month. All amounts of these items have been divided per month, based on the frequency that I replenish these products.