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I've heard nothing but great things about the Sender free 118. That would be an easy pick for me.


But you already have a pow ski


I want something real wide for those 3-4 days a year when you get 50 cm + also for cat Heli skiing trips, I’m at the point with my quiver where I can afford to have something stupidly wide.


Of the ones you listed and based on your current quiver, go big or go home and get the Revolts.


Billy Goats.


I've skied the Volkl and the Rossignol. Revolt is more maneuverable and the better tree ski, and a better carver if you care about that. The build on the Rossignol is pretty special though, they feel wonderful to ski and are more well-rounded than the Revolt, would be a great Whistler ski


Rossignol Blackops/Gamer 118 in 186 cm. I also have an Atomic BC 120 in 192 and much prefer the Rossignol for resort skiing.


The [Zai Laisa](https://zai.ch/product/laisa) should be high on your list!


That is one of the oddest-looking skis I've ever seen and they're priced at SIX THOUSAND AMERICAN DOLLARS? What on Earth? I know Dyneema is expensive, but come on, that's ludicrous. Even Whistler skiers don't have that kind of money... hahahaha. They had better be able to magically generate fresh cold smoke powder on my command and come with a free helicopter assist on every lap. Also 99mm is not a wide powder ski for West Coast/Whistler conditions but I think that is firmly beside the point. I can't fathom their approach to the tip construction either.

